Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1965 Did you see it?

Wang Lin left, but the land of Tianzun Nirvana caused an even greater buzz. The scenes about Wang Lin's journey to Tianzun Nirvana made everyone feel excited and have different emotions.

But the same thing is that he deeply remembers the name Wang Lin, the name that replaced Ming Dao Zun and became the first person under Da Tian Zun!

White-haired Yue Tianzun!

All matters related to the soul armor were kept silently in their hearts. No one would mention it at this time, and they also understood that even if they also had soul armor, they would never be able to get past the seventeenth floor!

With Wang Lin's departure, this land of Tianzun's Nirvana suddenly started a wave of enthusiasm for breaking through. After witnessing this incident, many monks rushed to break in one after another.

Dao Da Tianzun silently looked at Wang Lin who was leaving. His eyes were shining brightly. He swayed and left here in an instant. He wanted to set off immediately to find Wang Lin's whereabouts. No matter how much he paid, he would still get there. This person is recruiting followers!

Wu Feng secretly sighed. After Wang Lin passed through the seventeenth floor, he understood that recruiting this person would be more difficult than the Ming Dao Master back then!

"Fortunately, I had a good relationship with him before. Even if the recruitment is not successful, the relationship in the future will be much better than that of other Tianzun." Wu Feng Tianzun pondered, and the figure disappeared from the place.

In the Imperial City of Zhongzhou, a roar came from the palace, but the dragon chair in the palace was smashed to pieces by the Immortal Emperor's palm.

Next to him, Ming Dao Zun opened his eyes from his lotus position. His eyes were dull and he lowered his head and said nothing.

"Ming Dao, I will give you the opportunity to go into seclusion at the place of enlightenment of the Immortal Ancestor. It depends on you whether you can wash away your humiliation! Then Wang Lin should come to this imperial city. If you can kill him, you He is still the number one among Yue Tianzun!"

This time, Ming Dao did not hesitate as before, but nodded silently.

In Zhongzhou, on top of the Emperor Mountain, the Great Heavenly Lord Jiu Di was standing, his eyes retracted from the autumn leaves, and after a long time he opened his eyes, revealing a glimmer of light.

"I didn't recruit Ming Dao Zun, and the Immortal Emperor had a problem with him, so let's see who can fight with me this time!" The Great Heavenly Lord Jiudi turned his head and glanced at Haizi who slowly opened his eyes beside him. Tianzun, laughed three times.

"Haizi, as soon as I go with my master, I can accept Wang Lin as my disciple and let him become your senior brother, okay?"

Haizi Tianzun was startled and immediately became pleasantly surprised.


In the Ziyang Sect, the middle-aged monk's eyes were shining and he kept mumbling.

"On the seventeenth floor, this person actually broke through to the seventeenth floor. This kind of person will definitely be competed by the other great gods! Little Ancestor, let's go quickly. You must quickly figure out the location of this person. Let's go find him!"

The two little girls beside him blinked and stood up immediately. The three of them turned into a gust of wind and suddenly disappeared into the stone room. But almost as soon as they disappeared, behind the surprised Greedy Wolf, deep inside a little hand.

"Ah, I forgot to bring little wolf with me. Little wolf is a good boy and won't forget you. You performed well just now, so just come with us."

Tears flowed down Tanlang's face, and the little hand grabbed his neck and disappeared into the stone room.

In the Great Holy State, Wang Lin went to the cave where Tianzun chose to retreat before his nirvana. His physical body sat cross-legged. Not far away, Hailong shrank a lot and lay lazily. Liu Jinbiao was jumping around on his body, constantly He patted the sea dragon's body, sometimes caressing it gently, and sometimes scratching it like an itch.

Hai Long half-closed his eyes, looking very comfortable. He even hummed a few times and twisted his body.

"Hey, how about it, feel comfortable. Your uncle Jin Biao learned this technique in the cave world. This is a set of massage hands that a sect that specializes in raising ferocious beasts spent a long time developing. Massage every day will speed up your blood flow, and it will also give you an ecstasy of pleasure! Hold on, hold on, don't move, it's not over yet!

If you can't help it, I won't do it for you! "Liu Jinbiao was sweating, but he didn't feel tired. After continuing for more than half an hour, he lay on the side panting heavily.

"Grandma, I'm exhausted. Okay, everyone is Hai Long. I've finished it for you. It's your turn!" Liu Jinbiao glanced at Hai Long.

"I am really a sea dragon. Didn't I tell you last time that I was possessed by a magical power in an ancient place and became a human being?"

Hai Long glanced at Liu Jinbiao hesitantly, then twisted his body, seemingly reluctant. Seeing Hai Long's expression, Liu Jinbiao immediately opened his eyes wide, showing anger.

"Hey, you are being unreasonable, let me tell you, if you don't come to serve your uncle Jin Biao, I won't give you massages anymore! This is mutual, do you understand? I can tell you, there is a guy beside the master , his name is Xu Liguo. This person is very sinister and bad. If you don't cooperate, you should be careful if he comes in the future." Liu Jinbiao looked at Hai Long with fear in his eyes and spoke in a low voice.

Hailong hesitated for a while, with an angry look on his face. It seemed that during these days, Liu Jinbiao had instilled in him the idea that Xu Liguo was an extremely terrifying guy who liked to bully Hailong. It seemed that he had been subconsciously influenced by Liu Jinbiao. Xu Liguo, who had never seen him before, was very unhappy.

After a long time, it opened its big mouth and sprayed out a breath of its soul energy towards Liu Jinbiao. This energy was so strong that after it sprayed onto Liu Jinbiao, it was immediately absorbed by him. Liu Jinbiao's eyes were filled with pride as he absorbed it. , and vomited it out quickly.

"Humph, I, Jin Biaozi, am still very powerful. I am just a Hailong. He is too stupid to be fooled. With its help, my cultivation level will increase very quickly. Moreover, I am in the same spirit with it and will slowly let it glare at that little Xu. Zi, when he appears, you don’t need me to take care of him, this Hai Long will definitely make him look good, haha, little Xuzi, just wait!”

When Liu Jinbiao was proud of this, Wang Lin opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed with light. However, when he saw Liu Jinbiao and Hai Long, he was stunned for a moment.

Wrinkling his brows, Wang Lin saw that Hai Long seemed to be willing to do this, so he ignored it.

After a long time, the sea dragon finished spraying in one breath and lay there lazily.

After Liu Jinbiao finished breathing and completely absorbed Hai Long's spiritual aura, Wang Lin stood up and glanced at Liu Jinbiao.

"Stop making trouble, it's time to go."

When Wang Lin glanced at Liu Jinbiao, it seemed as if Wang Lin could clearly see all his thoughts. He blinked with embarrassment on his face and stood up quickly.

"Master, have you finished practicing? Well, well, we will go wherever you say we will go. Well...when will we go find Xu Lixun?"

Hai Long next to him was getting up, but when he heard the three words Xu Liguo, his eyes suddenly showed anger. He remembered the name Xu Liguo deeply in his heart and hated this guy who liked to bully Hai Long deeply.

"We have a guest coming. We will go to Zhongzhou soon. Whether we can find Xu Liguo depends on our luck." Wang Lin flicked his sleeves and immediately took Liu Jinbiao and Hailong away. He swayed and walked out. This cave appeared on the top of a mountain outside. He stood there, facing the mountain wind, his white clothes fluttering, and he looked up at the sky.

"Who comes first..." Wang Lin murmured. He became a blockbuster just for this scene!

Let's not talk about Wang Lin here for the moment. When Liu Jinbiao was instigating Hailong to angrily think about Xu Liguo, far away in the imperial city of Zhongzhou, there was a man wearing a green cloth coat and walking with a look of triumph on the villain's face. Suddenly he was hit. Sneeze out.

This imperial city is the imperial capital of the entire Immortal Clan. It occupies a huge area. From a distance, it looks like a continent. Such a city cannot be built by ordinary people. Unless countless people go through tens of thousands of years of construction, perhaps Only then can it be completed.

This city is so big and boundless that it can be compared to a continent!

In the eastern part of the city, on a quite prosperous street, there was a young man wearing a floral shirt. This young man walked swaggeringly, with a proud look on his face followed by more than a dozen guards, each of whom was clearly a third-step expert. What's even more shocking is that one of the purple-robed guards is actually Jin Zunfeng!

These guards were all men, and they followed behind silently, saying nothing all the way.

Next to the young man were two people, one of whom was a young man. The young man looked arrogant and was wearing a green shirt, but he seemed to be walking a little differently from ordinary people, as if he was holding his legs between his legs.

The other person was a young man wearing red clothes with a triumphant look on his face. He sneezed seven or eight times in a row at this moment.

"Hey, Master Xu, what's going on? Maybe I caught a cold due to the wind last night. I heard your sneezing all the way." The arrogant young man's voice was sharp and extremely harsh.

"Bah, you little boy who is both male and female, your grandpa Xu went there happily last night. What, you want to go with me? Okay, let's go together today." The young man's eyes widened and he looked fierce. look.

"Humph, you shameless person!" The young man rolled his eyes.

"I'm shameless? Your Grandpa Xu is shameless. Why, you have to be careful tonight. I'll go to your room to be shameless. Hehe, you have to be careful." The young man named Xu looked up and down with good intentions. The young man was exposed.

"Stop quarreling. You two are quarreling today and there will be no end. Xiao Hong, go and kick the door for me and let the old Li family know how powerful I am. Grandma, you dare to bully me!

And you, Xiaoqing, remember that what you saw was not good, so you immediately crushed the jade slip and told my brother to teach them a lesson! "The young man in the floral shirt at the front snorted and pointed at a mansion not far away that looked like a lion lying down.

The mansion was extremely huge. From a distance, it was filled with a terrifying pressure. The door was closed without any guards. On the door, there was a plaque with a red background and a green frame, with two golden words written vertically on it. The big characters!

"Li Mansion"

These two words seemed to reveal a breathtaking arrow energy, filling the heaven and earth.

"Okay!" The young man surnamed Xu perked up and seemed to like doing this kind of pretentious thing. He walked out quickly, pinched his waist with one hand, and kicked the door hard.

But after hearing a bang, the door did not move at all. However, the young man named Xu didn't care, as if he had known this would happen.

"Hey! People in the Li Mansion, listen up, your Grandpa Xu is here, why don't you open the door to welcome the guests!"

When the young man in colorful clothes heard this, he immediately burst out laughing, looking very excited, and said casually to the young man in green clothes next to him.

"Did you see it? Did you see it? Learn from it. Do you know why this king values ​​Xu Liguo? Welcome, these two words are used well!"

What day is today? I don’t know, I don’t know, but it is said that if someone casts two monthly votes today, they will have an affair tomorrow.

It is said to be very accurate. I also have two in my account. I will vote soon.

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