Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1966 Recruitment of the Great Heavenly Lord

Dongzhou, the Great Holy Continent.

On an ordinary mountain peak in this continent, Wang Lin stood there silently. He put his hands behind his back and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds. The wind blew past him, lifting the corners of his clothes, but it could not let his white hair fly away.

His eyes were like the stars in the sky, revealing a depth, and his figure was tall and straight, like the evergreen pine in the wind, with its own elegance.

The mountain is not high and is covered with green trees. The leaves rustle in the wind, and the whining wind forms a beautiful swan song.

Wang Lin stood on the top of the mountain with a calm expression. He was not at all arrogant because he had broken through the seventeenth level of the Heavenly Lord's Nirvana, nor was he arrogant at all because the Great Heavenly Lord would definitely come to recruit him next. He was just like when he was in the cave world. , looking at the sky quietly.

I don’t know how much time passed, but after that dusk, when the sun set over the western mountains, Wang Lin stood there. The sky where his eyes were focused suddenly changed. All the white clouds covered by darkness were revealed again, and he saw the black clouds. In the sky, a scorching sun suddenly appeared!

The scorching sun appeared out of thin air, emitting a dazzling light, which suddenly illuminated the dark night, turning the earth into daylight. The scorching sun even spread endless heat waves, as if it was extremely close to Wang Lin, and inside the scorching sun, slowly, A figure walked out.

Wearing a Taoist robe and having black hair, he looked like a young man with a rather handsome appearance. Taoist Heavenly Lord was the first to appear in front of Wang Lin!

As Dao Yi's figure transformed, everything in the world suddenly stopped. The wind didn't move, the trees didn't move, everything didn't move, even Wang Lin's clothes seemed to freeze for an instant.

Just like this world, it is invisible and frozen at this moment!

The only one who could move was the great Heavenly Lord. He walked out of the scorching sun step by step and arrived ten feet away in front of Wang Lin. He floated in mid-air and looked down at Wang Lin.

The moment his eyes were focused on Wang Lin, suddenly there were bursts of clicking sounds swirling in the void around Wang Lin. This sound appeared so suddenly that the eyes of the great Heavenly Lord flashed.

In the void around Wang Lin, countless fine cracks seemed to appear out of thin air, as if the ice layer was showing signs of collapse after his whole body was frozen.

A moment later, Wang Lin's frozen clothes suddenly began to blow slowly in the calm air. He even raised his head and looked at the great Heavenly Lord!

This scene made the great Heavenly Lord's eyes flash with a flash of light. He did not expect that Wang Lin could recover so quickly under his pressure that could make everything in the world immobile.

You know at this moment,

His Daoyi came from his true body. This was by no means the body of divine thoughts, nor was it a clone, but his true self!

"You are worthy of being the first Yue Tianzun who can pass through seventeen levels of Tianzun Nirvana! You can recover under my pressure, which is enough to be called the strongest among the Great Tianzun!

Wang Lin, follow me. I promised you back then that if you follow me, I will be immortal and you will be immortal! "Daoda Tianzun smiled slightly, as if he had forgotten that he had given up on Wang Lin when Tianzun entered nirvana.

Wang Lin remained silent, cupping his fists and bowing to Dao Da Tianzun.

The great Heavenly Lord frowned slightly, but soon relaxed, stared at Wang Lin, pondered for a moment, and spoke slowly. His voice was not loud, and it did not echo around, but every word seemed to turn into The law was revealed, making the world seem to tremble with his words.

"This is the treasure that I personally condensed!" Dao Da Tianzun opened his mouth, raised his right hand, and saw a ring on the index finger of his right hand. The ring emitted golden light, slowly flew out from his finger, and expanded impressively in the air. , turned into a halo about three feet in size.

"This ring, I used materials from the ancient divine realm, and spent a hundred thousand years to condense it. Its appearance is that I used faith techniques to imitate the transformation of the immortal ancestor's treasure. Its power, even if it is It will take a lot of trouble for me to break it open!"

Wang Lin looked at the three-foot halo and his eyes flashed. This ring was extremely extraordinary. When Wang Lin looked at it, he couldn't see through it. It seemed that its existence did not belong to this world, but was illusory. The waves of coercion coming from it actually gave Wang Lin the illusion that he was facing the Great Heavenly Lord.

Sensing the glint in Wang Lin's eyes, Dao Da Tianzun waved his left hand, and a piece of green bamboo immediately appeared on his palm. The green bamboo was bright in color, and filled with fragrance after it appeared.

"This bamboo is the most precious treasure of heaven and earth. When you integrate it into your body, you can allow the origin to evolve and at the same time, it contains the Tao of the deity! If you can understand the Tao of the deity clearly, even if you don't have the opportunity to become a great deity, it will be enough to bring you infinitely close. !”

The moment the green bamboo appeared, Wang Lin's eyes suddenly became solemn. He just smelled the fragrance, and the essence in his body immediately filled the air, as if it had grown. It can be seen that this thing helped the origin more than anything else.

If they could be integrated, it would be of great benefit to Wang Lin!

Daoyida Tianzun always paid attention to Wang Lin's expression, with a smile on his face. Based on his understanding of Wang Lin, he felt that what this man was interested in was these foreign objects, magic weapons, etc., which had a strong attraction to him. , so when he came here this time, he made up his mind to use magic weapons to move people!

Moreover, these two treasures are dispensable to him. If he can exchange them for Wang Lin's ownership, it will be extremely cost-effective. But he also knows that this Wang Lin is not an ordinary cultivator, and he cannot come here alone. Recruiting, in this way, if you don't bring out some real treasures, you may be compared to other great gods when they come next.

"Besides these two treasures, there is one more thing!" After Dao Da Tianzun said this, he felt heartache in his heart. This thing can be said to be a real treasure. Even he has not thought too thoroughly about it now.

With a flick of his sleeve, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared in front of him. Within the whirlpool, a fist-sized skull slowly flew out. The skull was filled with dim light. As soon as it appeared, there was a shocking death. The energy suddenly spread.

This death energy swept across the world, and suddenly the surrounding areas that were frozen by Dao Yi collapsed directly, causing everything in the world to resume movement, but at the same time, it was contaminated by this death energy.

This head does not look like an adult, but instead looks like the bones of a baby!

"This object was not obtained from the ancient divine realm, but I found it on the floating land in a ruins long ago when I left the Immortal Gang Continent and went to the outer world.

When this object was taken away by me, the floating earth disappeared into thin air... This object contained a power that I couldn't understand, but I had a vague feeling that if I could absorb this power, perhaps I could break through the big world. The limitations of Tianzun have become the same existence as the Immortal Ancestor...

I may only have a relationship with it, but I have no understanding of it. It has been in my hands for a long time... If you follow me, I will give this to you! "Daoda Tianzun's eyes showed determination. In order to recruit Wang Lin, he indeed paid a certain price.

Wang Lin looked at the skull that looked like a baby. He couldn't see clearly, but he had an indescribable feeling. It seemed that this thing was very familiar to him. That familiarity seemed to have been forgotten in his soul, but he couldn't help it. I can't remember when I saw him.

Wang Lin looked struggling, and after a long time, he slowly spoke.

"Thank you Daodaida Tianzun, but let me consider this matter!"

Dao Da Tianzun frowned slightly, looked at Wang Lin, and nodded slowly.

"It doesn't matter, with your cultivation level, apart from me, the recruiter must be other great gods, so it's normal to think more about it."

Just as the Great Heavenly Lord was speaking, a low roar suddenly came from outside the world shrouded by the death aura. The roar was like thunder, and the roar shook the sky, but the death aura all around suddenly started to roll.

In the sky, among the ripples echoing, a person walked out!

This man was tall, hairless, and dressed in coarse cloth. He walked step by step. As his footsteps fell, a roar echoed, as if all the power in the world in front of him could not stop him.

After walking seven steps, the world seemed to collapse, everything retreated, and the death energy rolled back, not daring to stop him at all. This bald man, like an extremely domineering war immortal, came with a roar.

Seven steps later, he suddenly stood next to Wang Lin. Unlike the one floating in the air, this big man, like Wang Lin, was stepping on the rocks on the top of the mountain.

"I have seen the Great Heavenly Lord Wu Feng, the place where Heavenly Lord Nirvana, and the Great Heavenly Lord Wu Feng helped me. Wang will remember it in my heart." Wang Lin clasped his hands in fists and bowed to the bald man.

Great Heavenly Lord Wu Feng laughed, his voice was also like thunder, making the sky tremble.

"It doesn't matter, I don't like the Immortal Emperor, so I just said it bluntly!" This is the difference between this person and Dao Yi. When Dao Yi opens and closes, he is the deity, but this Wu Feng Great Heavenly Lord, his words are more... A generous feeling.

"You must have guessed the purpose of my coming here. Let's not talk about the conditions. I have a pot of good wine here. I don't give it to others on weekdays. Do you want to drink it?" The Great Heavenly Lord Wu Feng raised his right hand and turned it over. A green gourd immediately appeared in his hand, and he looked at Wang Lin with a smile.

Wang Lin smiled slightly, raised his right hand to grab the gourd, and the gourd immediately flew up. He grabbed it in his hand, put it to his mouth, and drank a big gulp.

"Okay, no matter whether you follow me in the end or not, Beizhou Glacier, you can come at any time!" Wu Feng Tianzun looked at Wang Lin and said with a smile. At this time, he raised his head and glanced at Dao Yi in mid-air.

"Dao Yi, if more than one Great Heavenly Lord values ​​Yue Tianzun's solicitation, then there will be mutual agreement. There is only one chance to state the conditions. Can you finish the benefits you gave me?" He said, looking at each other. Scanning the three treasures, he ignored the ring and the green bamboo, except for the skull, his expression condensed.

"That's all? If you only show these, then I will speak."

As Wu Feng spoke, he looked at Dao Yi.

When Wang Lin heard this, his heart moved. It was rare for multiple Great Heavenly Lords to be recruited at the same time. Wu Feng pointed it out deliberately and tried to persuade Dao Yi with his words. There might be some intention in this.

"Is he going to help me..." Wang Lin glanced at Wu Feng.

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