Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1969 The Immortal Emperor’s Conspiracy!

Like light, the four seasons of spring and autumn passed in a blink of an eye. When the autumn leaves of Emperor Mountain passed away this year and the snowflakes fell, the prosperous age spread by the entire immortal clan a year ago not only did not dissipate, but became more widespread.

A year ago, a white-haired monk appeared on the land of the Immortal Clan. This man entered the Nirvana of Tianzun. Starting from the fifth level, he actually broke through seventeen levels in a row, and became the first person among Yuotianzun!

He completely replaced the former Ming Dao Lord and truly stood at the top of the Great Heavenly Lord!

This man has white hair and is called the White-haired Heavenly Master. As for his name, it has been spread among many Heavenly Masters. This man is called Wang Lin!

The name Wang Lin swept across like a strong wind this year, and no Heavenly Lord knew it, no Yue Heavenly Lord didn't know it, and even under such a transmission, almost all the Jin Zun ancestors of the sect had heard of it!

In addition to the ancestors, even the sect masters, elders and other monks at this level also know about it!

Among the immortals, the forty-ninth Yue Tianzun appeared, and even the strongest Yue Tianzun who broke through the seventeenth level of Tianzun Nirvana appeared!

Rumors about this person have spread throughout the fairy land during this year. According to legend, this person has a soul armor and has been highly recognized by the spirits outside the world!

According to rumors, this person has supreme cultivation, but he is a low-key person. After breaking through more than a dozen levels, he was unwilling to continue. However, after being provoked, humiliated and furious by Ming Dao Lord, he broke through to the seventeenth level in a row. Layer, completely trample that Taoist Master under his feet!

According to rumors, Tianzun Haizi admired him, but this person refused indifferently.

There are even rumors that this person comes from a small sect in Dongzhou, a sect that even most of the monks have never heard of.

Rumors spread one after another on the land of the Immortal Clan.

Such a person will definitely be valued by all the Great Heavenly Lords and will be recruited. However, this person actually rejected the Great Heavenly Lord Dao, the Great Heavenly Lord Wufeng, and even the Great Heavenly Lord Jiudi, choosing the weak Great Heavenly Lord Gemini. Heavenly Lord!

As soon as this matter came out, almost all the immortals who had heard about Wang Lin's matter were puzzled. Various rumors about this matter once again set off a storm.

For a year, it was said that Wang Lin existed in Ziyang Sect and never went out. Many Yuetianzun monks rushed to Ziyang Sect regardless of the distance to meet Wang Lin to discuss Taoism.

Everyone who left after paying homage had expressions of admiration and left respectfully, but there were also some who stayed in Ziyang Sect, as if discussing ideas with Wang Lin.

Let them gain greatly.

Ziyang Sect, because of the name Wang Lin, once again attracted attention!

Rumors about Wang Lin slowly spread to the thirty-six counties of the Ancient Clan in various ways during this year. After all, the 49th Yuetianzun appeared in the Immortal Clan, which was already a big problem for the Ancient Clan. He attaches great importance to it, not to mention that this new Yue Tianzun has suddenly replaced Ming Dao Zun and become the strongest!

The ancient tribes had thirty-six counties, and the three tribes each occupied twelve counties. When the news about Wang Lin reached the Daogu clan, Xuanluo opened his eyes in his retreat.

There was admiration in his eyes and even more pride.

What he admired was that Wang Lin could reach such a high level in the Immortal Clan. What he was proud of was that this person was discovered by Xuan Luo from the cave world and had been accepted as a disciple.

"He should be back soon..." Xuan Luo didn't tell anyone about Wang Lin, Baote Daogu Emperor.

When the news reached the palace and was known to the Ancient Emperor, his post-election process was still going on. Women were brought in from various places to try to integrate into the remaining souls.

But until now, there are still failures and no winners. It's just that he didn't give up, but went on a wider scale to find a woman who could fuse this soul.

When the ancient emperor learned about the news about Wang Lin, he didn't think that Wang Lin was the person he hated so much, so although he paid attention to it, he didn't think much about it.

This kind of attention is to mobilize all the power to gather information about this person. After all, this person will most likely be the sixth Great Heavenly Lord of the Immortal Clan!

Compared with the Immortal Clan, the Ancient Ancestor simply lacks a Great Heavenly Lord. If not for the existence of the Great Celestial Being of the Ancient Dao who does not participate in the affiliation of the three clans and is extremely aloof, I am afraid that he would have been destroyed by the Immortal Clan's attack long ago.

This Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao lives on the Gufeng Mountain in the land of the Ancient Clan all year round. His cultivation is earth-shattering, and he is the well-deserved number one among the Nine Suns of the Immortal Gang Continent!

Even the Great Heavenly Lord Donglin of the Immortal Clan back then was no match for this person. In particular, the Great Heavenly Lord of the ancient path is the only one among the Nine Yangs known to the world who has killed the Great Heavenly Lord. The years of his existence can be traced back to the time of the ancient ancestor. When he became the Great Heavenly Lord, Emperor Jiu also returned. Just a golden monk.

After the disappearance of the Ancient Ancestor and the Immortal Ancestor, a full-scale war broke out between the Immortal Clan and the Ancient Clan. During that war, the Immortal Clan had eight Great Celestials, while the Ancient Clan only had four!

But when the war reached its peak and the entire Immortal Clan almost entered half of the Ancient Clan's territory, the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao walked out of seclusion and went to the Immortal Clan alone. In front of countless Immortals, he Between heaven and earth, I fought with two Great Heavenly Lords from the Immortal Clan, and finally killed them both. When I came back, I was attacked by another Great Heavenly Lord from the Immortal Clan, but was also killed by him!

After this battle, the name of the Ancient Dao Great Heavenly Lord shocked Xian Gang! Therefore, in that war, the immortal clan had to retreat, making the war end.

For countless years since then, because the ancient path has never returned to ruins and is still there to this day, his intimidating power has always shrouded the Immortal Clan, making them still not dare to attack even if there is an extra Great Heavenly Lord.

There are even rumors that Donglin Great Heavenly Lord of the Immortal Clan was killed by him when he challenged the ancient path!

News about Wang Lin slowly spread among the ancient clan protected by the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Path. This was the first time that the name Wang Lin was remembered by many people in the ancient clan.

During this year, Ming Dao Zun seemed to be forgotten, and everything about him was replaced by Wang Lin.

In the land of immortals, at the bottom of the Zhongzhou Imperial City, in an extremely majestic underground palace, Ming Dao Zun, dressed in black, sat cross-legged in a black pool of water. The pool of water was constantly bubbling and emitting a black aura. , covering all around.

The Ming Dao Master in the pool looked ferocious, as if he was in great pain, and his body was trembling. However, he never walked out of the pool, but gritted his teeth and persisted for a year.

"Wang Chi...Wang Chi..." Whenever his pain reached its peak and seemed unbearable, he would roar out this name. Now, in this underground palace, his roar echoed again.

"You took away everything from me, I must take it back with my own hands!!"

At this moment, as he continued to roar, the black water in the pool boiled even more. Black energy poured into his body along his seven orifices, condensed in his blood, and slowly changed.

"The Ancestral Technique, this technique has never been successfully practiced by anyone even in my direct lineage from the Immortal Ancestor. When I recruited you, I promised that I could help you possess the blood of the Immortal Ancestor..." A cold voice said, The roaring in this underground palace continued, and it rose slowly.

But next to the pool of water, among the ripples and twists, the figure of the Immortal Emperor stepped out.

"Since I have promised you, I will definitely complete it. This place is the key for someone from the Immortal Emperor's lineage to become the Great Heavenly Lord from generation to generation. Whether you practice here, whether you have bloodline, and whether you can complete the method of returning to your ancestors depends on your heart. The hatred and resentment in my heart are enough.

If you can hold on, you can return to your ancestors! "

"Return to ancestors... to return to ancestors... Wang Lin, I'm going to kill you!" The Ming Dao Master in the pool of water had a distorted expression and roared crazily, but his eyes were dim, as if his mind was slowly losing its strength. Disperse.

"Kill you... kill you..." Amidst Ming Dao's low roar, the Immortal Emperor in front of him showed that weird smile again, his eyes flashed, and he turned and left.

"This emperor's generation must reproduce the glory of the Immortal Ancestor! Emperor Jiu's old guy Qi Lao is a liar. Once he succeeds, he will be the first to be attacked. If he joins, no one else will dare to disobey him!

As for Dao Yi, this man is cunning and decisive. His qualification as Great Heavenly Lord was supposed to be his senior brother, but he took away this qualification in order to kill his brother!

This kind of person, I really admire, can be of great use!

That Wu Feng, this person disrespects the lineage of the Immortal Emperor. This kind of person should be killed. Take his qualifications as a Great Heavenly Lord and let Dao Fei become a Great Heavenly Lord! Although Dao Fei is the emperor's younger brother, I have spent a lot of effort on him, and it's time to reap the fruits.

Finally, there are the twins. As long as their souls are not united, there is no need to worry! "

Xianxian disappeared into the underground palace with a smile, and the roars and roars in the underground palace continued to echo.

In the Ziyang Sect of Dongzhou, the place where Wang Lin, who stirred up the rumors in the Xiangang Continent, is located, is already in the cold winter, and goose feather-like snowflakes are falling, wrapping the earth in silver, covering the Ziyang Sect.

In this year, Wang Lin only walked out of the discussion when people like Yue Tianzun came to visit. The rest of the time, he was only in one place, which was a forbidden area in Ziyang Sect.

That place is called the Zun Realm.

He had vaguely seen this beast world back then, but after coming to Ziyang Sect, this place had changed a lot. Sitting cross-legged on the edge of this beast world, Wang Lin spent most of this year just sitting there. here.

He could feel that there was an invisible membrane in front of him. Within that membrane was the hometown he was familiar with and missed... There were people he was familiar with, the land, the starry sky, and the cultivation stars he was familiar with. .

Raising his right hand, it seemed as if it was placed on the diaphragm. Wang Lin's eyes were filled with wistfulness and reminiscence.

"The breath of hometown..." Wang Lin sighed and closed his eyes silently. He had been here for a year and he knew that he should leave...

In the distance from him, bursts of laughter like silver bells could be heard. The childish laughter of the little girl was filled with joy, which made Wang Lin feel very calm.

"Xiao Biaozi! Don't bully Xiaolang. You have defrauded Xiaolang of all he has.

"Little Biaozi, let's go down the mountain and lie to people. It's so fun."

"Please, you two little ancestors, don't call me Xiao Biaozi. It's really... it really doesn't sound good..." Liu Jinbiao begged with a sad face. ! ~!

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