Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 The 10th Yang of Immortal Gang Chapter 1970 The 1st City of the Immortal Clan!

In the cold winter of this year, amidst the dancing snowflakes, two people walked down from the Ziyang Sect. One behind the other, these two people were Wang Lin and Liu Jinbiao.

After a year of silence, Wang Lin silently meditated and breathed out in the aura of longing for his hometown, which made the wood source in his body become complete, and he was very close to the level where his true body could be condensed.

The special origin that his Thunder True Body integrated into was perfected in the Donglin Sect. From now on, there is no need to comprehend the special origin. It is enough. As for the Five Elements true body, now the wood source is close to the true body, and only the gold source is left, which is still in the process of small completion and has not yet reached the full completion. Wang Lin also understands what is needed if there is another fragment of the Immortal Ultimate Sword. , then the golden origin will be completed.

Once the gold source is also fully realized, even if it is not the true body, the five elements can be unified, which is enough for Wang Lin to cultivate from the middle stage of the empty tribulation to reach the level of gold master in the late stage of the empty tribulation in one fell swoop.

Finally, after the origin of emptiness, life and death, cause and effect, truth and falsehood, Wang Lin clearly understood the fourth origin of emptiness, reincarnation, in the Donglin Sect.

He only had a glimpse of the origin of reincarnation, as if he had opened a new door and obtained a seed of origin. In his [body], he still needs to realize it again and again before he can achieve it.

"It is not difficult to cultivate Jin Zun... The difficulty lies in the origin of the void... The Imperial City and his entourage are the places left behind by the Immortal Ancestor. Perhaps, one can feel the breath of the Immortal Extreme Sword there..." Wang Lin greeted him. Wind and snow, step by step away.

The distance from Dongzhou Ziyang Sect to the Zhongzhou Imperial City is extremely long. Even if ordinary monks fly at full speed, it is difficult to reach it unless they use a teleportation array.

As Wang Lin stepped forward, his figure was blocked by the wind and snow on his way back. He was gradually covered by the snowflakes and blended into the heaven and earth. He took Liu Jinbiao and Hailong with him and left Dongzhou with the ability to shrink into an inch.

Behind the two of them, outside the mountain gate of Ziyang Sect, Guya Tianzun stood there silently. Next to him were the two little girls, with reluctance in their eyes, looking at the disappearing figures in the distance.

"Will he come back..." The doll was a little depressed.

"Can we still see him..." Hanhan on the side looked into the distance and asked in a low voice.

"It should... yes... I have given him the jade slips. Once he encounters an unsolvable crisis in Zhongzhou, you will know immediately.

This is our agreement with him and we will need the Twin Great Gods to come and help. "Gu Ya sighed softly and spoke slowly.

"Well, that's for sure. Since Xiao Wanglin has chosen us, he can't let anyone bully him!"

The doll looked at Hanhan beside him, and the two little girls nodded solemnly together.

Zhongzhou is the center of the entire Immortal Clan. This state is extremely vast, and it is also the place with the strongest Immortal Qi. It can be said that there are outstanding people, and the core imperial city of Zhongzhou is located.

This city is as big as a continent. It is boundless and is the number one city in the entire Xiangang Continent!

Even the imperial city of the thirty-six counties of the ancient clan cannot be compared with the city of the fairy clan. This city is also called the ancestral city in the entire fairy clan continent!

In the ancestral city, there is only one sect, and that is the sect of the royal master Shang Daoxuan. The origins of this sect are passed down to this day, and they are intertwined with the descendants of the immortal ancestors from generation to generation.

The entire sect has different Immortal Emperor eras and different names. Each generation of Immortal Emperor can obtain the allegiance of this sect after succeeding to the throne, and after the immortal ancestor bloodline in the [body] awakens, he inherits the Eight Great Heavenly Lords. When the faction is banned, you can re-define a name for this faction.

This generation of Immortal Emperor Lian Daozhen named this mysterious sect Dao Sect! The sect master of this generation of Dao sect is now the important minister and national master beside the Immortal Emperor, Shang Daoxuan!

This Daoxuan cultivation level is unpredictable, especially the power of deduction, which is earth-shattering. He alone can fight against the three great national masters of the ancient clan!

The Taoist sect is in the ancestral city, but no one knows its specific location. Throughout the ages, few people have actually found it. However, most of the secrets in this world cannot withstand the passage of time. Over the past countless years, there have been many secrets about the location of this mysterious sect. , and gradually everyone began to make multiple guesses.

It is said that this sect is located in a void that overlaps with the ancestral city.

It is said that this sect is located in a certain space crack in the ancestral city, and its entrance is inside the imperial palace.

Others say that this sect is deep underground in the ancestral city.

There are various theories, but perhaps one of them is true.

The ancestral city is divided into four sub-cities, southeast, northwest and northwest. The middle area is the forbidden area of ​​​​the immortal clan. Here is the imperial palace. Only those with permission can enter this forbidden area.

There are many mansions in the four major cities of southeast, northwest and northwest. Each mansion represents a force. They are not sects, but they have more power than most sects.

Among them, the four major royal palaces are the strongest, and they are located in the four major cities of the southeast, northwest, and north. The Li Mansion in the north city, the Luo Mansion in the south city, the Shan Mansion in the west city, and the Meng Mansion in the east city are like four behemoths, frightening the five states.

In addition, in this ancestral city, there is a transcendent power that seems to be able to compete with the imperial power. That is a city-rich mountain that exists between the east and west cities. For this reason, it is named emperor!

Emperor Mountain!

One mountain, one person, one Jiudi Great Heavenly Lord, made the entire ancestral city and the imperial palace seem to be overwhelmed by thousands of mountains, making it seem a little breathless.

Many people speculate that the purpose of the existence of that mysterious Taoist gate is to fight against the Emperor Mountain, which is gradually overpowering the imperial power!

This is the layout of the entire Immortal Clan’s ancestral city. Few outsiders know these things in such detail. Only the Great Heavenly Lord can see it so thoroughly and clearly. During the year Wang Lin was in the Ziyang Sect, because he wanted to go to the ancestral city, Therefore, the Twin Great Heavenly Masters used the soul-melting technique to take out this memory of the ancestral city and let Wang Lin know about it.

There are seventy-two small continents in the five major states of the Immortal Clan. As the seasons change, there are slight differences. For example, when the cold wind and snow blows from Dongzhou, Zhongzhou is also filled with wind and snow. Several months have passed.

This is the first snowfall in the Ancestral City this year. This snowfall is so heavy that it almost covers half of the Ancestral City. At the east gate of the Ancestral City, snowflakes are falling, and even the vision seems to be blurred.

There are no mortals in this city. This is a rare place in the entire land of immortals where only monks exist. Therefore, the immortal energy in the city is too strong and has become like an immortal. Mortals cannot survive here at all.

On this day, outside the east gate of the ancestral city, on an endless plain covered with layers of snow, a figure gradually came from a distance. This figure was wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat, walking step by step against the wind and snow.

The bamboo hat shrouded his appearance, and he could not see his appearance, but from the figure, he did not look like an old man, but looked like a young man. However, on his body, even the violent wind and snow could not blow away the aura of vicissitudes of life on his body.

As he slowly approached, about tens of thousands of miles away from the ancestral city, the man in the raincoat stopped. He slowly raised his head, his eyes seemed to penetrate the layers of snow, looking at the distance. The heroic city.

"The Immortal Emperor... Wang is here..." Wang Lin looked into the distance and let the snowflakes fall on his coir raincoat and behind him, gradually covering the footprints he made.

"This should be my last stop on this land of immortals... I'm going to find the madman to see if he still remembers me... I will have no regrets from now on." Wang Lin was silent and lowered his head. , the bamboo hat covered the wind and snow, but also covered his face, silently walking forward step by step.

He might not have come to this ancestral city. He knew it was very dangerous for him, but he still came.

In a person's life, there are some things that can be done, should be done, and must be done for the sake of having no regrets! Some people pursue it without regrets for the sake of no regrets in emotions, while some people pursue it without regrets for the sake of friendship without regrets, as if they are drunk and insist on going on.

More people do it for their loved ones. Even if they are faced with a cliff, they will rely on their hands to climb over little by little.

Wang Lin cherishes affection, family affection, love, and friendship, which he cherishes, because for him, any kind of affection, in his lonely life, is very rare, not much anymore...

The absence of one means that it is really pinched.

The lunatic was kind to him. He and the lunatic had dreamed of each other on the Suzaku Star for a period of years, and he could not leave without looking at her. He wanted to go and see how this former friend was doing now.

With such thoughts, he came.

The wind blew against him and the snow blocked his way back. At sunset on this day, Wang Lin came to the east gate of the ancestral city. Standing there, he looked as small as an ant compared with the majestic city.

The city gate is not like the mortal world. There are guards. This ancestral city has never needed guards. There are two Great Heavenly Lords here. There is a mysterious Taoist gate here. Even the people of the ancient clan, except for the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao. Xuan Luo is also willing to come here easily.

At dusk, the sky was gray, the wind and snow were getting heavier, and amid the sound of crunching snow, Wang Lin stepped into the east gate, and his footsteps landed in the ancestral city.

A strong celestial power immediately hit Wang Lin's face as he stepped into the city gate. This celestial power was enough to make a mortal's body collapse, but for a monk, it could be endured. Even if he breathed it out here, The effect is better than that of famous mountains and rivers, and even better than that of some major sects.

However, for Wang Lin, this immortal power had no effect at all. He no longer needed to forcibly breathe out the immortal energy. Walking on the bluestone in the city, Wang Lin looked around.

In the wind and snow, there were many pedestrians in the city, and they were all coming and going in a hurry. Even if they were capable of cultivation, they were not seen flying. Instead, they were walking here like ordinary people.

"Even a dragon must be coiled up in this ancestral city, even a tiger must lie down in this ancestral city, even a supremely cultivated Heavenly Lord must abide by the agreement here, is that right... "A cold light flashed through Wang Lin's eyes under his bamboo hat.

"not including me!",! ~!

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