Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1984 Come on!

In the early morning in the ancestral city, it was snowy and windy. It was difficult to see the horizon that was too far away. The snowflakes that blurred the vision revealed a coldness that could be transmitted to the heart.

Wang Lin turned around and walked against the wind and snow towards the ancestral city.

There is a jade slip in his hand. This jade slip is one of the supports for him to enter the ancestral city on this trip. It is the agreement he made with the Twin Great Heavenly Lords and the Guya Heavenly Lord.

When Wang Lin is in need, the Twin Great Heavenly Lords will come in person. This is the promise made by Guya Tianzun and the Twin Great Heavenly Lords to Wang Lin!

Precisely because of the existence of this jade slip, Wang Lin knew that the Immortal Emperor was his enemy during this trip, but he still came!

Under the east city gate, the wind and snow were blocked by the city wall and became a little thinner. Standing in the shadow under the city gate, Wang Lin looked down at the jade slip in his hand and crushed it!

At the moment when the jade slip was crushed, a pair of purple-red lights flashed suddenly, turning into a strange array in front of Wang Lin. This array revealed the vicissitudes of life, and it was extremely complicated inside. At a faint look, it seemed that there was For teleportation!

During the flash of light, the figures of two little girls emerged from it. The two little girls had their eyes wide open, as if they had been summoned while sleeping. One of the little girls was holding a doll in her arms. .

"I'm so sleepy. Hey, where is this place?"

"Xiao Wang Lin!! It's you\

,"After the two little girls looked around, their eyes fell on Wang Lin, and they immediately showed expressions of surprise.

"Wang Lin pays homage to the Twins!" Wang Lin cupped his fists and bowed.

"No need to say goodbye, no need to say goodbye, we missed you after you left. We didn't expect to see each other so soon, right?" Where is Xiao Biaozi? Call him out quickly. "

"Yes, I miss Xiao Biaozi." The two little girls looked excited.

"This is the ancestral city of the Immortal Clan. Do the Twin Great Heavenly Lords remember our agreement back then?" Wang Lin said calmly.

"Promise? Ah, I remembered it. You said you wanted us to help you once when needed. Now?"

"Who messed with you?" "Humph, if you dare to mess with our little Wang Lin, we will definitely make the decision for you!" "The two little girls immediately brightened up and seemed to be extremely enthusiastic about fighting and other things.

"Please also ask the Twin Great Heavenly Lords to help Wang trap the Immortal Emperor for some time.

I’m going to take a trip to the underground palace next time! "Wang Lin looked at the two little girls in front of him and spoke softly.

"Immortal Emperor? No problem!" The two little girls looked at each other, and there was a hint of solemnity in their innocent eyes. However, they did not ask any more questions, but looked back at each other, and their bodies shook and immediately turned into two Changhong went straight to the palace in the distance.

For a moment, the earth shook faintly, and there seemed to be a distant roar from the imperial palace in the center of the ancestral city.

Under the city gate, feeling the vibration of the earth, Wang Lin closed his eyes.

"Killing comes to the world, replacing light and becoming a silent man... I, Wang Lin, wish to sink into destruction..." Wang Lin murmured, and his long white hair immediately turned black from the roots at a speed visible to the naked eye. As it spreads, the snow falling in the sky also changes!

The snow turned black, and the black snowflakes fell, forming a storm. This storm roared above the nine heavens. The moment Wang Lin's hair turned completely black, all the snow on the sky also completely turned into black snow! !

Black snow fell from the sky, and because of its presence, it seemed to cover the morning sky, making the land in the east city of the ancestral city suddenly black!

In the sky, a large number of black snowflakes were raging, covering most of the sky. Wang Lin opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with ruthless coldness. The black-haired Wang Lin should have appeared in the dark sky, but at this moment, he used his magical power to turn the snow. The darkness covered the sky with black snow, turning the light into darkness!

Looking from a distance, today's ancestral city is extremely strange. It is night in the east, and it is still day in the rest of the direction. At this moment, the monks in the east city rushed out of the room one by one, and looked up to the sky. Everyone's expressions, All were horrified and shocked.

But soon, they instantly felt a ruthless aura of destruction coming from the direction of the East City Gate. This aura was not overbearing, let alone active, but everyone who felt it immediately thought of death. , thinking of the end of the world!

Wang Lin walked forward slowly. The white gown on his body was replaced by a trace of black energy as he walked out, permeating his whole body, making outsiders unable to see his inner figure. All they saw was a mass of black energy. The black energy is getting stronger and stronger!

As Wang Lin moved forward, the black snow in the East City on the sky was like an intrusion of light, a dense mass of darkness swallowing it into the distance. Every time Wang Lin took a step forward, the darkness in the sky spread with it!

"I had put away the killing and destruction, and was ready to leave this place... But Immortal Emperor, since you don't want me to come, then today, I have to bear the beginning of destruction!" Wang Lin walked step by step, his body The black air outside is swirling, as if black flames are burning, trying to burn the world!

Wherever he passed, whenever the monks saw it, their hearts trembled, and there was a kind of fear deep in their souls, just like the black energy they saw in their eyes, which was their natural enemy and the destroyer of all living spirits!

Wherever he walked, the black snow on the ground melted, taking away the bluestone that had not broken for thousands of years, turning the ground into black ruins. It was unclear whether this was the erosion of the killing, or the decay after the black snow melted.

As well as the surrounding buildings, as Wang Lin moved forward, it seemed that countless years had passed in a short moment. After decaying, they turned into fly ash and became dust.

From the east city, he walked step by step towards the palace in the center of the ancestral city. Because the ancestral city was so big, the journey was extremely long. But at this moment, Wang Lin, who was surrounded by black energy, felt black ripples echoing every step he took. These ripples During the diffusion, Wang Lin seemed to be completely integrated with the darkness. The speed was so fast that it seemed slow, but in fact, only dust was flying.

The darkness in the sky quickly swallowed up the light, and the dark shadow moved from the land of Dongcheng and filled the palace.

Very few monks dared to block Wang Lin's footsteps at this moment. They were horrified and watched the darkness fall from a distance until it swallowed up the light.

There were ruins all the way from the East City to the Imperial Palace. When Wang Lin arrived at the location of the Imperial Palace after an unknown amount of time, there was no city behind him, only the dust of history.

Outside the palace, tens of thousands of black-armored soldiers lined up in formation, each staring at Wang Lin. Behind them, countless figures flew out from all corners of the palace.

In the sky, the wind and clouds changed color at this moment, but there were two suns, one purple and one golden! In the purple sun, there are the Twin Great Heavenly Lords, and in the golden sun, there is the Immortal Emperor in royal robes!

The battle between the two Heavenly Lords caused the heaven and earth to roar and become blurred, with waves of ripples echoing and spreading in all directions.

"Twin Great Heavenly Lords, this Wang Lin broke into the palace without permission and disrespected the Immortal Ancestor. Such behavior is treason to the Immortal!! Are you two still obsessed with it?!" The Immortal Emperor's voice echoed in the sky, accompanied by There was a loud roar and amazing magical powers were unleashed.

Wang Lin stood outside the palace and raised his head sharply. All the black energy outside his body suddenly condensed and shrank, turning into a black robe on his body. His black hair spread and grew longer. Looking at the golden sun in the sky, his eyes showed indifference without any emotion.

As the black energy all over Wang Lin's body condensed into his robe, he saw the darkness in the sky immediately spread like crazy. This scene seemed like the world was divided into three halves in front of him and the palace, half black and half gold. In the middle is Ziyang!

"I didn't want to pursue the murders on the long street anymore. I just wanted to leave... I didn't want to let the killings and destruction come to the world, but you... forced me to come here because of your madness... Now, I'm here!" Wang Linshuang! His eyes were even colder, and with those emotionless eyes, he suddenly looked ahead outside the palace, at the tens of thousands of black-armored forbidden soldiers, as well as the figures flying out of the palace at this moment.

Wang Lin raised his foot and stepped forward. As soon as he took this step, his whole body suddenly spread and turned into a majestic black cloud, sweeping straight ahead.

The tens of thousands of forbidden soldiers all looked solemn. When the black cloud transformed by Wang Lin came, they all roared, and everyone's armor emitted black light, forming a wave of evil aura that reached the sky. This evil aura affected tens of thousands of people. Gathered together, they suddenly merged into one!

This monstrous evil spirit roared fiercely and suddenly transformed into a huge dragon turtle beast! This beast has a dragon head and a dragon tail, but no dragon body. Its body is like a turtle, with no horns on it. Instead, it is branded with countless ferocious ghost totems.

This beast is not Xuanwu. It has a unique name in the fairy clan, called Dragon Ghost! !

Turtle, ghost, and Yi Zhuo have the same pronunciation!

Dragon Ghost, the soul of the black-armored forbidden soldier, this beast was formed from countless years of evil energy. After appearing at this moment, it roared and went straight towards the black cloud transformed by Wang Lin.

In an instant, it came into contact with the black cloud, but its body immediately trembled and let out a shrill roar the moment it came into contact!

No matter how strong the evil spirit is, no matter how fierce the murderous intention is, they will all disappear in the face of killing and destruction!

The black cloud transformed by Wang Lin swept past without any pause. The dragon ghost trembled and collapsed. The tens of thousands of black-armored soldiers below it spurted out blood one by one, and their bodies seemed to be violently impacted and suddenly rolled back!

The palace gate, as the black clouds transformed by Wang Lin roared past, seemed to have gone through countless thousands of years, and became rotten, suddenly collapsed. With the collapse, darkness descended from the sky, and Wang Lin passed by. At this point, the ground of the palace turned black, and all the buildings at the city gate turned to dust!

The tens of thousands of rolled-up black-armored soldiers were all horrified at this moment. However, as the black cloud transformed by Wang Lin filled the air, the screams shook the earth and the earth. When the black cloud passed over the bodies of these tens of thousands of people, in the square in the palace, When the black-haired Wang Lin regrouped, tens of thousands of black-armored soldiers all died together again, turning into wreckage.

When blown by the wind, the dust will also scatter!

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