Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1985 National Master!

The moment it touched the mist, the mist immediately seemed to be boiling, squirming outwards rapidly, and bursts of roars like ferocious beasts came from it.

The roar was earth-shattering, swirling in all directions, but Wang Lin's six-pole path totem was seen to have penetrated deep into the mist, and it seemed as if it was swallowed by the mist.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he did not act rashly. If the Daogu Imperial Master in the mist was really the person he guessed, then the mist was by no means simple, and with that person's mind, it was unlikely that he would be able to step on it easily. into it.

"This person has been here for a long time and has set up a large formation. He is even connected to the imperial palace. He can still arrange this weird formation despite the formation restrictions imposed by the Immortal Ancestor. This person must have great intentions!

Since he has not left at this moment, but is shrouded in these ten-colored mist, he must be at the key of some secret technique! "Wang Lin stared at the mist, looking thoughtful for a moment. Suddenly, there was a loud roar in the mist, like thunder from the sky.

As the mist rolled rapidly, a giant beast with the body of a human and a lion suddenly rushed out of the mist. This giant beast was completely black, and even more black energy was emanating from its body. A great pressure came from it. It suddenly spread within his body, overwhelming the heaven and earth.

After the giant beast appeared, Wang Lin's six-pole path totem flew out of the mist, spinning in mid-air, and suppressed the giant beast. The giant beast roared continuously, and in a flash, its huge body hit the totem. , that rumbling sound was exactly like this.

"For example, there are some methods, but if the immortal ancestor's Baji Dao magical power, maybe it can really break through my ten-color mist formation, but now there are only six poles. If you want to get in, you have to work hard." That mist is inside Amidst the roar, a chuckle came out, and this sound and laughter were still extremely clear within the roar.

Wang Lin's expression was as usual, and when he flicked his big sleeves, his body immediately overlapped, but the five elements' true body appeared. The five elements' true body was exactly the same as Wang Lin's appearance. After appearing, his eyes flashed coldly, and he Rushing towards the ten-color mist, he approached the giant beast that hit the totem in an instant. He pressed it with his palm and was surrounded by five lights. The five original magical powers of gold, wood, water, fire and earth suddenly transformed.

Countless small golden swords appeared out of thin air and rolled into a storm of Dao swords, revealing the strong power of the golden origin. They blasted towards the giant beast, roaring together. The giant beast was about to resist, but was suppressed by the totem above it. , while his body paused, he was swept up by the storm of swords and let out a shrill scream.

At the moment when the scream came out, the ten-colored mist rolled violently again, and four huge figures appeared in Hesha. The first figure that appeared was a human-animal python. When its body appeared, it was extremely huge. , squealed like a baby, his whole body was filled with red light, and he spit out a large red aura that enveloped the surroundings of the Five Elements True Body.

The second giant beast that appeared was a huge lizard. This lizard was extremely strange. It was actually all white.

Like white jade, after it transformed, as soon as it stuck out its tongue, a piece of frost spread, and together with the human python, it rushed towards Wang Lin's Five Elements True Body.

There was also the strange beast with six wings on its back that looked like a mantis, roaring out. Its target was not Wang Lin's Five Elements True Body, but the six-pole Tao totem in the sky.

The last beast is an ugly maggot-like beast. This beast's body is constantly dripping with viscous liquid. Its whole body is emerald green. It has two tentacles on its head. On those two tentacles, it has a human-like head. , those are the heads of two stunning women!

After the beast appeared, the two women on the tentacles screamed and looked at Wang Lin. With a fierce look in their eyes, most of the beast rushed out of the mist and headed straight towards Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression was as usual. At the moment when the strange maggot beast came, he suddenly raised his right hand, and immediately a huge ancient Taoist shadow appeared behind him. In the center of Wang Lin's eyebrows and the twenty-seven stars in his eyes, Wang Lin's right hand suddenly transformed. Punch out.

The ancient shadow behind him also punched.

The roar echoed, and the ferocious beast with the beautiful woman as its tentacles shook, and was directly blasted back into the mist by Wang Lin's punch, but in the blink of an eye, it emerged again without any injuries.

Wang Lin frowned. At this moment, the two ferocious beasts attacking Wang Lin's Five Elements True Body on the mist screamed at the same time. However, he saw the ferocious beast with a human head and a python body, and two trees made of trees appeared out of thin air outside its body. His big hands struck the beast's body in a combined blow, leaving its body bloody and bloody.

As for the white jade-like lizard, a sea of ​​fire surrounded its body. The sea of ​​fire contained a strong source of fire. Under the burning, the lizard kept screaming and quickly retreated into the mist.

There was also the six-winged mantis-like beast. The moment it flew towards the totem transformed by Wang Lin's Liuji Dao, the totem suddenly exploded and formed a big hand. He grabbed the beast and squeezed it hard. , the whole body of this beast collapsed. But the strange thing is that out of the mist, an identical six-winged mantis-like beast flew out!

However, as soon as the beast flew out, a large amount of water vapor appeared out of thin air outside its body, forming countless raindrops, which, like sharp swords, penetrated the beast's entire body in an instant.

At the same time, the maggot beast with the beautiful woman's head as its tentacles was repulsed by Wang Lin's punch and was about to charge again. A yellow halo appeared outside its body. The halo was composed of grains of sand. It was the earth-origin power of Wang Lin's Five Elements True Body that went straight to the maggot. It spread instantly and spread rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the ferocious beast turned into an earth statue!

With a bang, the earth statue collapsed and fell into pieces.

With the power of Wu Cun's true body and the Six Extremes of Dao, it was enough to suppress these five ferocious beasts. Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and he raised his right hand to point to the sky. Suddenly, the huge Taoist shadow behind him completely solidified. He stood up like a real person, took long strides, and headed straight for the mist. He clenched his fists and roared, punching into the depths of the mist. Looking at its direction, it was the center of the mist!

But the moment the punch hit the mist, there was a sudden shock. At the same time as it seemed to be blocked, a huge sea beast with eight claws suddenly emerged from the mist, and its eight tentacles were tightly entangled. The arm of Daogu Shadow issued a sharp sound from its mouth.

Immediately afterwards, three more ferocious beasts transformed from the mist one by one. They were each a huge roc bird, which flapped its wings and flew straight into the sky. There is also a huge purple phoenix. When this phoenix emerges, its purple light shines in all directions. After its neighing sound appears, it spins around.

The last beast was a human-shaped thing. It was a giant with two heads. It clenched its fists with both hands and hammered its chest. It opened its bloody mouth, stepped forward and jumped up, heading straight for Wang Lin.

A total of nine beasts roared ferociously in the mist, preventing Wang Lin from entering!

"There should be a tenth beast!" Wang Lin sneered and raised his left hand, pointing towards the roc in the sky. Immediately, the world around the roc seemed to be divided and squeezed together. With this finger, silver light shone. It was Gu Zu’s finger!

While pointing this finger, an overlapping shadow appeared on Wang Lin's body again, but it was his true body of Killing Thunder. He suddenly took a step forward and his hair turned black in an instant, exuding a monstrous killing force. A cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, His eyes were cold and ruthless. As he took a step forward, his whole body drew away countless black threads and went straight towards the black phoenix. In an instant, a large number of black threads penetrated the black phoenix. As he screamed, the black phoenix Wisps of black energy burst out from his whole body, forming the form of the true body of Killing Thunder. He licked the corners of his mouth, raised his head to the sky and let out a low roar before heading straight towards another beast.

As for the ninth beast, the two-headed giant, it was already less than a few dozen feet closer to Wang Lin. The fishy wind was blowing in his face, bringing with it a sense of ferocity, and it was getting closer.

", seeking death!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Even though the Five Elements True Body was out at this moment, the Killing Thunder True Body was also going out with it. Only its body contained the original existence of the void, but it was by no means a mere ferocious beast that could shake it.

And Wang Lin also has the strongest magical power of his ancient clan that has never been used in this Xiangang Continent. This magical power is the strongest and amazing natal magical power of the entire three-line tribe of the ancient clan!

At the moment when the two-headed giant came, Wang Lin Yangfu let out a low roar, and a loud banging sound came from his body, but he saw that his body instantly swelled, from the size of an ordinary person to a height of a hundred feet!

Daogu’s true form!

This is the first time that Wang Lin has revealed his true Daogu body on the Immortal Gang Continent. His huge body, thick arms, and strong body are suddenly revealed at this moment, and there is a sense of vicissitudes. From his body, his ancient body was filled with fine dark lines, which looked full of mystery.

"Get out of my way!" Daogu's true body will never be revealed easily to the entire ancient clan. Therefore, once this body is damaged, it will have a great impact on the cultivation level. Moreover, such a body is often inconvenient. Unless it's on the battlefield.

In the palace, the Daogu clan members and the Daogu Emperor were destroyed by Wang Lin's powerful destructive power without any chance to reveal themselves.

A body of one hundred feet was not Wang Lin's limit. He took a step forward and punched out. The two-headed giant showed fear in his eyes and roared before punching him as well. However, the moment it touched Wang Lin's fist, his body was shattered. Burst open.

Without the slightest resistance, Wang Lin lowered his head and stepped directly into the mist. His body expanded again and suddenly became seven or eight feet in size. Even so, it was still not the limit of his body!

He punched the mist with a huge fist. Just when his fist was about to fall, he saw a shocking buzz coming from the mist. As the buzzing sound revolved harshly, the mist rolled violently, and the The nine-headed ferocious beasts fighting Wang Lin's Five Elements and Slaughter's True Body exploded and turned into mist one by one under the buzzing sound, and they rushed straight into the mist.

The mist squirmed, condensing and shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. When Wang Lin landed his punch, a huge beast of seven or eight hundred feet rushed out of the mist! !

This ferocious beast has fluttering wings and compound eyes on its head. It looks like a huge fly! ! He bumped into Wang Lin's right fist.

With a bang, Wang Lin's body was shaken. When he looked down, his eyes showed a strange light. He saw an old man sitting cross-legged in the center of the spreading mist under the fly's body!

He is familiar with that old man! !

", Tianyunzi!! It is indeed you!!"

The Immortal Rebellion is coming to an end, and the support of fellow Taoists is becoming more and more precious, and I feel it is cherished! ! ~!

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