Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1986 Believe me once!

"Is it me and Ming Dao Zun... Or should I say, the recipients of the illusory Immortal Ancestor cultivation should be the Immortal Emperor and the Imperial Master." Wang Lin looked calm and said silently in his heart, the black-haired man , there seemed to be no emotional fluctuations caused by the words of the National Master.

He looked at the National Master on the altar. The truth and falsehood of his words were unpredictable, but one thing was certain. Wang Lin was sure that this so-called inheritance was by no means such a simple thing!

"I don't know how I can cooperate with you so that I can obtain the cultivation of the Immortal Ancestor as you said! Moreover, the Immortal Ancestor is rumored to be missing and his life and death are unknown. How will this inheritance be carried out?" Wang Lin spoke slowly and looked at the Imperial Master.

"This matter was originally complicated, but now the Immortal Emperor has made extremely comprehensive preparations. He has found the first genius of our Immortal Clan, Ming Taoist Master. Without the blood of the Immortal Ancestor, this person can become your future leaper with his own strength. The number one Tianzun, if he possesses the bloodline of the Immortal Ancestor, his cultivation level can increase tremendously!

Using his hatred for you as his obsession to kill you and surpass you can allow this person to gather a powerful obsession, which is enough to make his vitality infinite, and he is 40% sure that he will survive the return. The pain of the ancestor successfully forced all the power in the bloodline to transform into the same cultivation as the immortal ancestor!

By then, he will be the second-generation Immortal Ancestor, and the Immortal Emperor has been plotting against the Ming Dao Lord for many years. I still don’t know what methods the Immortal Emperor used. He is very confident that he can control the powerful Ming Dao Lord after his return to his ancestors. Respect!

I have also made inferences and calculations, but they are all fuzzy, but I can vaguely calculate some, nothing more than body snatching and puppets! The focus of this matter is this blood pool! "The national master pointed to the pool of water in front of him where Ming Dao Zun was sitting cross-legged.

"This thing is extremely difficult to obtain. After preparations by the Immortal Emperors of the past dynasties, it has now barely reached the requirements, which can make the success of the ancestral method higher. If you agree and agree to my request, I will personally preside over this inheritance and give what should have been given to me. The cultivation of Ming Dao Zun has been transferred to you!

And once you achieve such a level of cultivation, you will immediately become the first person in the immortal clan, and become a being that surpasses the Great Heavenly Lord. At that time, you can save Lian Daofei with just one word! ", the national master spoke faster and spoke immediately.

"What do you want?" Wang Lin said slowly, still unhurriedly.

"I only have one condition. After you gain the cultivation of the Immortal Ancestor and become the second generation Immortal Ancestor, you can replace the Immortal Ancestor back then and unlock the seal on our clan so that our people can be free from now on!" The Imperial Master stared at Wang Lin, his eyes showing a strange light.

"At that time, our clan will choose to leave this Immortal Gang Continent, go to the outer world, and return to our clan's hometown. As for you, you can become the first person in the Immortal clan, enjoy endless power and at the same time reproduce the glory of the Immortal Ancestor!

If you don’t believe it, I can swear an oath. If you violate this matter, my body will be reduced to ashes! \

,"As the Imperial Master spoke, he raised his right hand and pinched out a strange seal. When the seal appeared, the last words spoken by the Imperial Master were not invisible. Instead, they appeared out of thin air and became a series of ghostly lights. The runes condensed together to form a complex totem, which floated in mid-air and disappeared without a trace.

"This is the oath talisman in this Immortal Gang Continent. The Immortal Gang Law has witnessed it. With your cultivation level, you can feel the existence and authenticity of this oath talisman!" The national master said quickly.

Wang Lin was silent.

As time passed, the national master's face showed anxiety for the first time.

"Wang Lin, I have no ill intentions. Everything I said is true. There is no enmity between you and me. I will not harm you. I just want to fight for a free future for my people!!!

How about you help me once in this matter? !

No one wants to be a slave for the rest of his life, or even to have no descendants, but to be the slave of others from generation to generation. You can imagine such a life! ! Have you ever seen the children of our clan, their fate is already sealed as soon as they take action! This kind of thing has been like this for countless thousands of years. We have to struggle, we want to struggle, we have to break this shackles!

But our clan has no strength and cannot resist! ! Wang Lin, you are our clan’s only hope, help our clan once, help once! ! "The Imperial Master's words revealed sincerity, and his expression was filled with a deep sadness that had accumulated over the years. He clasped his hands into fists and bowed deeply to Wang Lin on the altar.

However, Wang Lin's expression remained indifferent and did not change at all. His eyes were ruthless. His black hair represented killing and destruction. Even if this matter was several times sadder, it would not make him feel the slightest bit. , What's more, Wang Lin will not believe it easily at all.

Wang Lin glanced at the struggling Ming Dao Master in the pool under the altar, and felt the madness emanating from his body.

"He lost his mind?"

"His mind has been wiped away by the Immortal Emperor, and all that is left is hatred and murderous intent for you!" The Imperial Master nodded.

This hatred did not seem to be that deep in Wang Lin's eyes, but when he thought about the way that the Ming Taoist had cultivated, he began to understand it a little bit.

Time passed slowly, and the Imperial Master waited bitterly for a while. Seeing Wang Lin's indifferent expression in his eyes, he couldn't help but sigh, gritted his teeth, and spoke again.

"If Fellow Daoist Wang agrees, I can send the power of incense provided by all the cave worlds on the Immortal Gang Continent. If Fellow Daoist Wang absorbs the power of incense, it will have many benefits!

Whether it is cultivation, magical power or longevity, it can undergo transformation. Over a long period of time, there is a chance to reach a level of emptiness and destruction! This level is enough to stand at the top of Yunei! "After the imperial master finished speaking, he raised his right hand and grasped it between his eyebrows. As his body trembled violently, a black crystal the size of a fist gradually appeared from between his eyebrows. This crystal did not emit any light, but there was There is a strong and extremely strong power of incense spreading.

"This thing is the incense center provided by all the cave worlds in Xiangang Continent. If you have this thing with you, the entire continent here will provide you with the power of incense all the time!

The Immortal Ancestor was born in nothingness. Unlike our clan, he cannot absorb it himself, so he needs the body transformation of our clan. There are many people in this world who also absorb incense, but what they absorb is not pure. Once absorbed, the actual It has also become one of the seeds that provides incense for our clan!

But you are different. You were born in the cave world of incense. For you, this thing does not need to be transformed by our clan like the immortal ancestors. Your soul and body can be directly absorbed! ! "The Imperial Master's eyes showed determination. He raised his right hand and swung it forward. Immediately, the black crystal went straight towards Wang Lin!

The approaching crystal seemed to be hindered in front of Wang Lin. It no longer moved forward, but floated in mid-air, motionless. After the Imperial Master on the altar took out the spar from his body, his whole body suddenly became older and looked like decay.

"This thing is the life crystal of my tribe. After losing it, I don't have much time to survive. I give this thing to you. I hope you can trust me and help the children of my tribe once and let them "free" and leave. Here... Back to my hometown..." The Imperial Master's voice revealed the vicissitudes of life, and he spoke softly.

Wang Lin was silent for a moment, then raised his right hand and waved it on the crystal in front of him. He immediately put the object away without absorbing it immediately. He looked up at the national master and nodded.

"I don't know the Immortal Gang Oath Talisman, I only know the Blood Oath!" Wang Lin said, raising his right hand, scratching the gap, and a drop of blood flew out. The blood contained Wang Lin's aura, which was extremely It is so rich that if it explodes and turns into a blood mist, people who rely on breath sensing will be unable to tell the difference between real and fake in a short period of time!

"If what you said is true, then I can help you once!" Wang Lin's words melted into the blood, causing the blood to sparkle. Wang Lin flicked it and went straight to the national master, floating in front of him. Do not move.

The national master's expression suddenly became excited. After taking a look at the drop of blood in front of him, he pointed at the pool of water where the Ming Dao Master, who had his eyes closed, spoke quickly.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist! Time is running out at this moment. Please enter this pool of water, and I will cast a spell. While the Immortal Emperor is currently restricted and the Ming Dao Master has not yet awakened, I will transfer his inheritance to yours. On your body!

This matter will be painful. You need to change your bloodline so that the blood of the immortal ancestors can flow in your body. Fellow Taoists, please do not resist. Once you resist, all your previous efforts will be in vain...

Fellow Daoist Wang..." The Imperial Master looked extremely solemn. He looked at Wang Lin with deep gratitude. He clasped his fists for the second time and bowed to Wang Lin!

"My clan will remember the kindness of my fellow Taoist! On behalf of all the people of my clan on the Xiangang Continent, I would like to express my gratitude to my fellow daoist!"

Wang Lin looked indifferent and walked slowly towards the pool. But the moment he approached the pool, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the face of the Imperial Master. The Imperial Master still looked grateful, and his eyes looking at Wang Lin showed vicissitudes of life and death. As he said, without the crystal, he doesn't have much time left.

"Lian Daofei, I want to save him first!" Wang Lin said slowly.

The Imperial Master smiled bitterly, glanced at Lian Daofei who was locked by nine chains above him, shook his head and sighed.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I don't want to lie to you. The iron chain on Lian Daofei's body was arranged by the Immortal Emperor. I can't open it. Once I touch it, he will notice it immediately even if he fights with the twins... and I really can't open it.

But as long as you gain the power of the Immortal Ancestor, everything will be solved! Believe me once, fellow Taoist, believe me once, I promise you the lives and future of all my people!

Believe me! "The Imperial Master looked extremely sincere. He paid the price of his life just to make Wang Lin believe in him this time.

Wang Lin glanced at the Imperial Master, was silent for a moment, nodded, raised his steps, and stepped into the pool of water. But the moment his right foot fell and invaded the blood-like water, Wang Lin was there. The right foot in the pool swayed slightly.

This movement was very light, and because the ripples in the water surface were covered by his step, outsiders could not detect it. A trace of murderous aura emanated from Wang Lin's right foot.

As soon as this aura appeared, it went straight through the water towards the Ming Dao Zun with his eyes closed and a ferocious expression in front of him, and instantly penetrated into the body of Ming Dao Zun.

The national master on the altar was extremely excited. He looked at Wang Lin stepping into the pool of water. He immediately raised his hands and kneaded the hand. He could only find a trace of life in his body and was about to turn it into a secret technique. , but at this moment, the entire underground palace suddenly went cold!

But he saw Ming Taoist Master in the pool of water suddenly opening his closed eyes at this moment. After a moment of confusion in his eyes, he revealed a monstrous madness. The coldness of the underground palace spread from his body, and even more so. The moment he opened his eyes, the water in the pool quickly froze at a speed visible to the naked eye! ! ~!

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