Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 The 10th Yang of Immortal Gang Chapter 1992 The Five Great Celestials!

The sudden appearance of Jiudi Great Heavenly Lord did not surprise the Immortal Emperor in the slightest. His eyes flashed, and his expression remained confident. He stood on the head of the Immortal Ancestor and looked up at Jiudi's approach.

"Emperor Jiu! You are indeed here!", the Immortal Emperor smiled slightly.

Jiudi Tianzun looked solemnly and stared at the Immortal Emperor. His eyes focused on the head of the Immortal Ancestor under him, with a hint of complexity in his eyes.

"The head of the Immortal Ancestor... Back then, I followed the Immortal Ancestor. Countless thousands of years have passed... Lian Daozhen, I have experienced several generations of Immortal Emperors. Your generation deserves to be a great talent!

Taking advantage of the desire of the Imperial Master, you have obtained the control of the Immortal Ancestor's head. If you are given enough time, you can completely absorb the Immortal Ancestor's head, integrate it into your body, and turn it into your own. Head, then you can indeed become the number one Heavenly Lord of our Immortal Clan!

But right now, you don't have this chance." Emperor Jiu's voice revealed the vicissitudes of life. As he spoke, he took a step towards the Immortal Emperor. The moment this step fell, the woman formed by the fusion of the Twin Great Heavenly Lords also flashed her eyes, His whole body was filled with purple energy, and he stepped towards the Immortal Emperor!

The three Great Heavenly Lords started a battle in this forbidden palace!

Facing Shuangzi and Jiudi, the Immortal Emperor still looked confident. He raised his right hand, and at the moment when the two opponents approached, he slapped the Immortal Ancestor's head in the air below him.

"The Eight Extremes Path, the Extreme Fire Path".

During this shot, the Immortal Emperor's whole body shone with golden light, and the Immortal Ancestor's head beneath him also emitted dazzling golden light. While the purple color in the sky was dispersed in a large area, the Immortal Ancestor's head actually opened its mouth and let out an immortal sound. The emperor's voice!

"Little... Ji... Tao... Immortal... Fire... Tao".

Although these words were intermittent, they were spoken completely. The moment the words were spoken, nine lines of green smoke with a thickness of one foot immediately rose out of the air, surrounding the head of the Immortal Ancestor and the Immortal Emperor above him, spinning nine times. Circle, heading straight towards the twins and Jiudi.

The roaring sound echoed in the forbidden palace. Wang Lin hid in his body, and through his physical eyes and the right eye of the Immortal Ancestor, while the Imperial Master was in shock and unaware of it, he could clearly see everything outside. .

Regarding this sudden change, Wang Lin did not act rashly, he was still waiting! He always felt that things were not as simple as they seemed at first sight. Emperor Jiu's appearance might cause a new change!

Before Wang Lin fully understands all this, he will never walk out!

The boom is spreading,

However, they saw that the Twin Great Heavenly Lords were pale in appearance, with their bodies surrounded by purple, and they retreated a few steps, as well as the Jiudi Great Heavenly Lords, who also stepped back with a solemn look on their face.

It seems that what the two of them faced just now was not the Immortal Emperor, but the Immortal Ancestor! It is the magical power developed by the Immortal Ancestor. Therefore, the two of them joined forces to attack and were immediately forced back!

"It's not the complete power of the Immortal Ancestor, only about 10%." Emperor Jiu's eyes flashed and he immediately spoke. As he opened his mouth, a banging sound came from his body, but he saw his old face and a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Suddenly, he changed, and in the blink of an eye, he changed from the vicissitudes of life. The old man turned into a middle-aged man!

His appearance is extremely heroic, and he exudes a domineering look like an emperor! Jiudi Great Heavenly Lord has always looked old all year round. Only after his cultivation has greatly expanded, will his appearance change like this.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I have seen you like this, Emperor Jiu, but even so, you are no match for me." The Immortal Emperor smiled slightly and simply sat cross-legged on the Immortal Ancestor's head. The hands spread out and pressed on the head Tianling on the left and right sides.

"Use my blood to attract the ancestral spirits!!" The Immortal Emperor bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

At the moment when the blood spurted out, the Immortal Ancestor's head beneath him suddenly shook violently. A large amount of golden light rose into the sky and condensed outside the Immortal Emperor's body. Visible to the naked eye, a huge golden shadow transformed into the forbidden palace. Inside, this golden figure, wearing an imperial robe, is none other than the Immortal Ancestor! !

His head was real, but his body was virtual. At this moment, his eyes flashed with golden light, and he raised his right hand to grasp the void. Suddenly, a huge golden sword appeared, and was grasped by the phantom of the Immortal Ancestor.

Immortal sword! !

The moment the sword appeared, Wang Lin immediately felt a deep call in his right eye.

"Back then, under the sword of the Immortal Ancestor, many spirits and spirits outside the world were destroyed. Only those with qualifications could seal the continent. Now you two have offended the Immortal's power, and you will not retreat even after this sword strike!" The Immortal Emperor's voice echoed around the world, and the golden sword was raised, and suddenly slashed hard at the Nine Emperors and the Twins below!

There was no sound, but at this moment, the color of the world changed, as if the space where the Forbidden Palace was located was about to collapse and be cut in half. When the sword fell, the expression of Jiudi Great Heavenly Lord suddenly changed, and his hands made seals, and immediately he There was only a white sun outside the body. The sun and the purple sun were hanging high, reflecting each other, but a roaring white wolf appeared from the white sun, roaring towards the sky towards the golden sword!

At the same time, the two Great Heavenly Masters made a secret with both hands, and behind them the purple spirit surged into the sky, suddenly forming a piece of purple bamboo. The purple bamboo grew instantly, and in a blink of an eye, it enveloped the world, forming a bamboo forest. They all moved together, like thousands of swords firing at the same time. The bamboo half rose from the ground and headed towards the golden sword in the sky.

"Dao Yi, Wu Feng, if you two don't move now, when will you wait!!" Emperor Jiu roared, and at the moment when the white wolf rushed out, he saw drastic changes on the left and right sides of the Immortal Emperor. !

On the left side, the heaven and earth are motionless, and everything is still. Dao Dao Tianzun steps out with a very solemn expression. He raises his right hand and points to the Immortal Emperor with one finger. This finger seems ordinary, but it represents the Dao of Dao Dao Tianzun. !

His Tao is the unity of all things, and once pointed out, it contains the peak power of his whole body!

On the right side of the Immortal Emperor, the situation changed, roaring and swirling, as if the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering. The bald Wu Feng Tianzun stepped out. The moment he walked out, he did not hesitate at all. He made a fist with his right hand and punched the Immortal Emperor!

Wu Feng Great Heavenly Lord was buried as a person who had passed through the 19th level of Heavenly Lord Nirvana. He sought martial arts most and entered it through martial arts. At this moment, this punch exerted all his strength, and it also contained his understanding of heaven and earth. , which contains the pinnacle of belief!

The four great gods took action at the same time! !

Wang Lin saw all this clearly in the right eye of the Immortal Ancestor, and his soul was shocked. He did not expect that this trip to the underground palace would have such a change, and Dao Yi and Wu Feng would actually appear!

The moment the two of them appeared, Wang Lin understood that the changes in the underground palace were like a chess game. He was just one of the chess pieces. Even these Great Heavenly Lords were also chess pieces. One of the players in this chess game was an immortal. Emperor, but I don’t know who the other party is!

The golden sword fell, and the four of them, Shuangzi, Jiudi, Dao Yi, and Wu Feng, swept across and confronted each other, and an earth-shattering roar broke out. In the roar, Dao Yi trembled, rolled back, and Wu Feng's face was pale and a thumping sound came from his body, and his body retreated at the same time.

The twins, Emperor Jiu, were higher in cultivation than Dao Yi and Wu Feng, but they still retreated under the golden sword.

It's just that even though the four of them retreated, the combined power of the four of them was by no means easy. Except for the most powerful Heavenly Lord from the ancient clan, no Great Heavenly Lord in this world could resist the combined force of the four of them!

Not to mention, this golden sword is just an illusion, and the power it contains is only 10% of that of the Immortal Ancestor. Under the roar, the golden sword collapsed, turned into fragments, rolled back, and whizzed past the phantom of the Immortal Ancestor. fell on the ground.

At the same time, the illusory figure of the Immortal Ancestor also dissipated. Only the real head was floating in the air. The Immortal Emperor on it was shocked, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He raised his head sharply, Staring at Dao Yi and Wu Feng!

"If I appear, it's not enough, then add Dao Yi and Wu Feng, I wonder if the Immortal Emperor is enough!" Emperor Jiu looked at the Immortal Emperor and spoke coldly.

"What do you four want me to do?" The Immortal Emperor looked gloomy and said slowly.

"Let Wang Lin go! I leave." The Twin Great Heavenly Lords had a very clear purpose. They stared at the Immortal Emperor and spoke frankly.

"I hope that the Immortal Emperor will re-seal the head of the Immortal Ancestor. This head [suppresses] the spirits of the seventy-two continents of the Immortal Clan. It is of great importance and is not something that the Immortal Emperor can possess." Emperor Jiu glanced at the head of the Immortal Ancestor and spoke slowly.

"My thoughts are the same as those of Emperor Jiu! Immortal Emperor, keep the previous pattern of strength of the five Great Heavenly Lords including me, that's good, there is no need to re-divide!" Dao Yi looked gloomy and looked at the Immortal Ancestor under the Immortal Emperor. Head, feeling quite fearful.

"Wu also means the same thing." Wu Feng was silent for a moment, then spoke.

The Immortal Emperor laughed, and his laughter was extremely cold. He raised his hands, and as the expressions of Dao Yi and Wu Feng changed, he pressed his hands fiercely on his chest, and under the big mouthful of golden blood, he saw the head of the Immortal Ancestor, His eyes were filled with golden light, and when he opened his mouth, even more golden light spread. Even his ears, nose, and seven orifices emitted endless golden light.

The golden light suddenly spread outwards, forming a large golden wave, causing Jiudi and others' expressions to change, and they all retreated involuntarily.

As they retreated, the Immortal Emperor looked ferocious. At this point, he would never compromise easily. He would rather burst out the power of the Immortal Ancestor's head, making it impossible for others to get close to him for a short time, and forcefully absorb the power of the Immortal Ancestor's head. , once he succeeds, he will not be afraid at all when facing the four Great Heavenly Lords!

Under the explosion of golden light, the Immortal Emperor bent his body, pressed his hands on the head of the Immortal Ancestor, and inhaled fiercely. However, there was no golden light inhaled during the absorption. It was as if there was a layer of confining force surrounding the Immortal's head, making the Immortal's The emperor cannot fuse.

"It's the seal of the Mourning Clan. This damn national master, he made the Immortal Ancestor speak before, but he used divine fusion to make the Immortal Ancestor's head contain a trace of the imprisonment seal of the Mourning Clan for all generations!

But this seal cannot stop me! I am the Immortal Emperor, and I cannot break this seal normally, but now that I can control the Immortal Ancestor’s head, I can!

Even if I now untie the seals of the Mourning Clan, the national master will not be able to stir up trouble even if he dies! . . An idea flashed in the Immortal Emperor's mind. The situation was urgent at this moment, and he had no time to think too much! ! ~!

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