Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1993 The real national master!

There was a roar in the ears. It was obviously the four Great Heavenly Lords from the outside world who were using all their strength to blast away the golden light. Time was running out, and the Immortal Emperor knew that he did not have much time left for him!

If he cannot forcibly absorb the power of the Immortal Ancestor's head as soon as possible, once the golden light dissipates and the four Great Heavenly Lords arrive, his previous efforts will be in vain.

He will never allow this kind of thing, and now that it has reached the last stage, he is about to succeed and is not willing to fail!

"My plan is so small that even the Imperial Master can't see through it. Emperor Jiu only came because he was in the ancestral city, but Dao Yi and Wu Feng came so quickly!"

The Immortal Emperor gritted his teeth, raised his right hand without hesitation, and pointed forward. The moment the finger fell, he saw that the finger immediately collapsed and turned into flesh and blood.

"Use the flesh and blood of the descendants of my Immortal Ancestor to introduce the Immortal Gang Law to release the mourning clan and seal the eternal seal!!" As the Immortal Emperor roared, the remaining fingers of his right hand collapsed again. This time, not only the fingers, but also other The same goes for the palms of your hands.

And the collapse was still spreading. The moment the Immortal Emperor spoke all his complete words, half of his right arm was already lost!

A large amount of golden blood spread and condensed into a golden blood rune in front of him. The rune burned on its own and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye!

At the moment when the golden runes were consumed, the Imperial Master occupying Wang Lin's body in the Immortal Ancestor's right eye trembled, and the seal that had bound him to mourn the family for generations disappeared at this moment!

At the moment when the confinement disappeared, the Imperial Master's eyes were filled with tears. These were his tears of excitement and his pursuit in this life. He gave everything for it, just to break the seal and let his people, from now on. After that, you can get rid of the fate that was doomed right after you were born!

At the moment when the confinement seal was opened, a force from the Immortal Emperor Great Heavenly Lord came quickly from outside the Immortal Ancestor's head, rushed into his right eye, and blasted into Wang Lin's [body]." This force swept across the room, and it was easy to Erased the traces of the existence of the national master and destroyed him alive!

This is the last move of the Immortal Emperor. He will not let the Imperial Master exist after the seal is released. The release of the seal will be the death of the Imperial Master.

At the moment of the death of the Imperial Master who had taken over Wang Lin's body, a layer of memories that had been sealed away for some time seemed to have awakened in his mind.

He vaguely remembered that the Mourning Clan, which has been passed down to this day, has been almost completely extinct. Long after its birth, only three people, including him, existed.

He didn't know who his parents were, and no one told him. He just knew,

He was a member of the Mourning Clan... In addition to him, he also saw a woman and a baby girl.

"This mother and daughter" are equivalent to his relatives!

He remembered that the woman was the Imperial Preceptor of the previous generation, but he himself was not the Imperial Preceptor. The real national inferior was the baby girl.

He didn't know who the father of this baby girl was. He just remembered that "the baby girl disappeared shortly after she was born." And he was regarded by the woman as a national teacher to teach his clan's magical powers.

Slowly, he grew up, and his memory was dusted. He always thought that he was the national master. Gradually, when the woman also died, he was already an adult. In his memory, he had many clansmen. , these tribesmen are all sleeping and not dead, and his mission is to do everything possible to let his sleeping tribesmen unlock the seal of fate.

He always thought that there were many people in his clan... But at this moment, when his memory came back to life, he remembered that except for the missing baby girl, he was the only one in his clan...

"No wonder the Immortal Emperor dares to unlock the seal... Because the Immortal Emperor knows that I am the only one mourning the death of my clan... As long as I die, it doesn't matter even if the seal is unlocked.

", "It turns out that I am not a national master... so... am I a member of the Mourning Clan... am I... it should be... Now that the seal is opened, the missing baby girl, the real Imperial Preceptor, who is she now..." This poor person who always believed that she was the Imperial Preceptor, who would sacrifice everything for her people, and started plotting with the Immortal Emperor until she failed, fell into despair, her last thoughts before her death. , slowly dissipated with its demise.

Until his death, he did not know who the real national master was...

But even at the moment of his death, he did not complain at all. He understood that perhaps this was his mission. In order to protect the real national master and to unlock the seal of his clan, he was destined to die from birth. mission.

At the moment when this poor man's body and spirit were both destroyed, the power from the Immortal Emperor swept across Wang Lin's body. After confirming that there was no more fluctuation of soul in Wang Lin's [body], this power swept around again, and then he retreated. go out.

But even the Immortal Emperor was not aware of the existence of the Inverse Pearl in Wang Lin's body, let alone the soul of Wang Lin shrouded in the Inverse Bead!

After unlocking the seal of the Mourning Clan, the Immortal Emperor showed excitement. He believed that everything was under his control, so his strong self-confidence never dissipated, and he began to quickly absorb the power of the Immortal Ancestor's head!

But they saw streaks of golden smoke emanating from the seven orifices of the Immortal Ancestor's head, and penetrated into the Immortal Emperor's seven orifices, causing the Immortal Emperor's cultivation to suddenly increase.

〖Excitement〗Excitement and excited thoughts filled the Immortal Emperor's body at this moment. Being filled with golden light, he did not see Haizi Tianzun standing in the distant sky outside the golden light. The moment the Immortal Emperor released the seal of the mourning clan, her body trembled violently.

Haizi's eyes showed confusion and struggle, as if a memory was quickly awakening in her mind. And as the seal of the mourning clan was dissipated, a power awakened in Haizi's body! !

This power comes from the Mourning Clan, and it belongs to the real national master of the Immortal Clan! !

Her eyes gradually revealed a bright light, and her right hand subconsciously raised her hand, pointing towards the spot where the head of the Immortal Ancestor was emitting golden light!

"Everything that exists can be lost because of its inherent existence. This is death...", "All the dead have thoughts from nothing because the living miss them. This is mourning...", "Mourning for the deceased family, taking The thoughts of the living take the existence of the dead, take the sustenance of the pursuit of the spirit, take the power of this life and the next life, condense it into incense, and use this... to turn mourning into death, let the existing continue to exist, and let the lost... return to nothingness!" , Haizi murmured, the moment his fingertips fell, the golden light in the sky shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, disappeared in an instant, and all re-condensed back into the head of the Immortal Ancestor.

As the golden light dissipated, the Immortal Emperor who had been hidden in the golden light was revealed!

There was also the Immortal Ancestor's head under the Immortal Emperor. The golden light on it disappeared completely, causing the eyes of the head to slowly close. After being filled with death energy again, it lost the power to float in mid-air and fell towards the earth. .

It also interrupted the Immortal Emperor's current seven orifices, which were absorbing the Immortal Ancestor's golden aura that had entered his body, making the golden aura that had penetrated into the Immortal Emperor's body seem to have lost its support. The body spread out and returned to the head of the Immortal Ancestor that fell to the earth.

This sudden scene made the Immortal Emperor freeze there. His eyes widened with disbelief. He raised his head while muttering, and saw the Haizi Tianzun at a glance!

"This... this is impossible!!! The Imperial Master is dead, completely dead. You are not the Imperial Master, you are not from the Mourning Clan, how could you have the power of the Imperial Master!!" The Immortal Emperor was almost crazy, he He didn't dare to believe what he saw in his eyes. He didn't dare to believe this scene, and he didn't want to believe it!

"You are definitely not the Mourning Clan!! Under the seal of the Immortal Ancestor, the Mourning Clan cannot leave the palace or the ancestral city... You Immortal Imperial Master, who are you!!" The Immortal Emperor looked pale. He thought he had everything under control. , thought that no one knew about his plan, and he had strong self-confidence.

Everything was indeed going according to his plan. Except for the quick appearance of Dao Yi and Wu Feng, which slightly deviated from the Immortal Emperor's plan, everything else was as usual!

But just when he was about to succeed, and was about to absorb the power from the Immortal Ancestor's head, allowing his body to inherit the Immortal Ancestor's cultivation, and become the key to the second generation of the Immortal Ancestor, he suddenly discovered that all of this , it was not what I thought, everything I did was actually within the calculations of others!

"I... am the national master..." Tianzun Haizi said softly with a complicated look on his face. Her memory awakened, and it also wrapped up the memory of her mother, as well as the inheritance of the national master of the Lijing tribe.

"The one who died was my clan. Apart from me, the last clan member in this Xiangang Continent..." Haizi sighed softly.

"What on earth is going on? This is impossible. If you are the national master, why can you leave the ancestral city!! Emperor Jiu, tell me!!" The Immortal Emperor took a deep breath. As a Great Heavenly Lord, even though he was almost crazy at this moment, But he forced himself to calm down.

"This small plan was thought up by the genius of our clan back then. For this reason, he did not hesitate to make signs that seemed like division, tried to find a way, and finally successfully left here and created the Great Soul Gate...

Although he died, he perfected the plan and passed it on. He even found the key person in the plan. This person was Wang Lin! A monk from the cave world... Only his body can let our clan seize the body, so that this plan can be carried out perfectly...", "As for why I can leave the ancestral city..., that's because My soul belongs to the Mourning Clan, but my body belongs to the Xiangang Continent..." Haizi spoke softly.

"Immortal Emperor, she is my daughter!" Emperor Jiu was silent for a moment and then said slowly.

"The reason why I can live to this day, have endless longevity, and even become a Great Heavenly Lord back then, is all because of the help of the Mourning Clan!

This plan was small, and the Mourning Clan had been preparing it for a long time. It was only when Wang Lin was about to appear in Xiangang Continent that they started executing it! "Jiudi looked calm and looked at the Immortal Emperor who was silent by the truth.

Wang Lin also heard all this in the head of the Immortal Ancestor. When everyone's attention was focused on the words of Haizi Tianzun and Jiudi, his soul came out from Tianni and regained control of his body!

"It turns out that this is the truth!!" His eyes flashed, revealing his light!

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