Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1998 Leave Daofei behind!

The sun of the Great Deity is mixed in black and white. A strange light emitted, covering the sky and the earth, behind Wang Lin, shrouded in nothingness!

This is Wang Lin's strongest performance now. At the moment when the Sun of the Great Heavenly Lord appeared, Wang Lin took a step forward. With such speed, he suddenly went straight towards Dao Yi who was also shocked!

Emperor Jiu's eyes were solemn, his pupils shrank sharply, his body swayed, and he immediately wanted to stop him. He couldn't just watch Dao Yi's curse aggravate Mo Luo. The immortal clan he didn't want to obtain was one that balanced the power of the ancient clan. The broken endgame!

Now that the Immortal Emperor is no longer a stranger, there must be no accidents in this Dao Yi!

As Emperor Jiu was walking forward, his whole body was immediately dazzled by white light. Behind him, the white sun emerged, shining brightly, forming a huge white wolf, roaring to stop Wang Lin.

The two were getting closer and closer, and they were approaching each other in mid-air in an instant!

"Wang Lin!! Dao Yi can't be killed!!" Emperor Jiu roared, and the white wolf transformed outside his body opened its mouth and went straight to Wang Lin to devour him in one bite.

Wang Lin looked calm. At the moment when the white wolf came to devour him, the black and white sun behind him immediately erupted with a dazzling light, suddenly shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, and poured into Wang Lin's body.

At this moment, Wang Lin's body, after condensing all the power of the Yang outline of the Great Heavenly Lord, twisted and kicked towards the white wolf!

After the art of the Great Dao reaches a certain level, every punch and kick contains the trajectory of heaven and earth, which can trigger changes in magical powers. This kick will make the sky empty and empty!

Looking from a distance, it was nowhere to be seen that the kick of the white wolf and Wang Lin was there. It was the collision of a white sun and a black and white sun!

The roar shook the sky, reverberating in all directions, and as it passed by, I saw the great white Sun of Emperor Jiu shook violently, and the roaring white wolf inside seemed to be hit by a powerful force, and collapsed. After most of the time, only one wolf head was left and retreated. Jiudi's face was pale and his eyes were shocked. Although he was entangled by the power of the curse and needed to be distracted to suppress it. He also fought against the twins and was at his weakest at this moment. After all, he is the Great Heavenly Lord, and he is also an extremely powerful existence among the Great Heavenly Lords!

As for the other party, although the Yang of the Great Heavenly Lord has been condensed, this Yang is only an outline that has not yet completely transformed. Like a seed, it has not yet blossomed and grown.

But it is such an outline of the Sun of the Great Heavenly Lord that actually enables the opponent to force him back with the full blow he can exert now! !

This kind of thing doesn't make sense. The only explanation is that the Yang of the Great Heavenly Lord that Wang Lin condensed is anything but ordinary! !

"This is by no means an ordinary Great Heavenly Lord's Yang!!" Emperor Jiu retreated,

He hurried forward again, but saw that when the two Great Heavenly Suns collided and collapsed, Wang Lin's body also retreated, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but his body suddenly swayed and galloped towards the sky!

Emperor Jiu's hasty stop was unable to stop Wang Lin. Wang Lin rushed into the sky in an instant, and Linji's black energy became thicker, and his body began to shed a lot of rotten flesh.

One step came, and Dao couldn't escape at first sight. His eyes showed madness, and he raised his right hand while roaring to the sky. As soon as he grabbed the void, a black scimitar appeared. As soon as the scimitar appeared, it immediately exuded a monstrous evil spirit, surrounding Dao. After circling his body, he suddenly slashed towards Wang Lin!

"Wang Lin, if you want to kill me, then you should die together with me!" In his madness, Dao Yi slashed his sword and immediately approached Wang Lin. However, the moment the sword light swept across, Wang Lin's body violently In a flash, it immediately turned into ninety-nine shadows.

These ninety-nine phantoms surrounded all directions, and were cut down by the scimitar. They roared and whirled, and more than ninety of them collapsed. However, the remaining phantoms penetrated the scimitar and stood in front of Dao Yi. It condensed and turned into Wang Lin's figure.

Wang Lin looked pale. After he appeared, he raised his right hand and pointed at the eyebrows and center of Dao Yi's skull.

With a bang, Dao Yi's body fell from the sky, and screams echoed. The power of the curse exploded in Dao Yi's body. In the process of falling, a large amount of flesh and blood were separated, his clothes were damaged, and most of his body was damaged. , suddenly turned into a skeleton! Under the roar, it landed on the collapsed and damaged ground.

"I'm not willing to give in!!!" Dao Yi was full of resentment. If he hadn't been entangled by the curse, he would never be like this when facing Wang Lin! But now, in this state, it is so miserable!

"Wang Lin, that's enough!! You can take away the head of the Immortal Ancestor! Haizi, you don't have to take action against Wang Lin, but you must save Dao Yi!" Emperor Jiu chased after him again, gritting his teeth, and shouted loudly.

Haizi was silent. He raised his right hand and waved towards the Tao that fell on the ground.

"Using the power of mourning the dead, transforming the thoughts of the living, and the thoughts of the dead... let the things that exist continue to exist, and the things that disperse... will stop."

With a wave of Haizi's hand, a layer of blue waves appeared on Dao Yi's body. This wave of waves reverberated, causing Wang Lin to chase him, as if he was falling into the mud.

As soon as his eyes flashed, a large amount of black threads suddenly came out of Wang Lin's body and went straight to Dao Yi. This large amount of black threads penetrated the layers of blue ripples, condensed on Dao Yi's body, and suddenly turned into Wang Lin. figure.

In his madness, Dao Yi was about to resist at all costs, but the power of the curse in his body exploded. As soon as his magical power was used, his body seemed to collapse, and his flesh and blood spread even more. He screamed and was beaten by others. Wang Lin, who was transformed outside his body, stepped on his chest and froze to the ground, unable to struggle.

"If you want to fight, then fight. If you don't want to fight, then don't fight. How can everything be as you want! This Taoist group has attacked me beforehand. If you let me give up now, I will have to pay a price." Wang Lin stepped on Dao Yi with one foot, raised his head with a calm expression, looked at Emperor Jiu who was approaching quickly, and spoke slowly.

Emperor Jiu had a gloomy face and paused a hundred feet away from Wang Lin. He stared at Wang Lin. At this moment, the power of the curse in his body became increasingly violent as time went by.

"What do you want?" Jiudi took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Wang Lin put a little force on Dao Yi with his right foot, and the black energy outside Dao Yi's body suddenly filled up again. In this stimulation, Dao Yi's eyes went crazy and became distracted, which turned into his voice. The severe pain that he had never experienced before, and the humiliation that came from his mind now that he was being stepped on by Wang Lin.

"I want that baby skull!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed imperceptibly and he spoke calmly.

Jiudi frowned.

"Dao Yi, give me that skull, and you can go." Wang Lin looked calm. He now took the initiative, but he never thought of killing Dao Yi. After all, he was cursed in the bodies of these great gods. The current situation he obtained after the operation is not that his cultivation level can truly ignore everything.

Dao Yi stared at Wang Lin, as if he wanted to remember Wang Lin firmly.

"Daoyi, give it to him!". Emperor Jiu snorted coldly.

Dao Yi knew that he didn't have much time. With his current injury, it would be difficult to dispel the power of the curse in his [body]. If he delayed any longer, he was afraid that even if it was dispelled, his cultivation would be damaged. Too many, roaring, and as Wang Lin loosened his right foot slightly, Dao Yi raised his right hand, grabbed it in the air, and immediately a skull the size of a fist appeared in his hand.

Letting go of the skull in his hand, Dao Yi swayed his body and flew straight into the sky, breaking through the void in an instant and disappearing without a trace.

The skull looked like a baby's head, filled with deathly aura. The moment it appeared, the deathly aura suddenly spread to the surroundings, as if blending into nothingness, sweeping in all directions.

That familiar feeling immediately appeared clearly in Wang Lin's mind. He raised his right hand and waved, and the skull came straight towards Wang Lin and was taken away by Wang Lin.

After receiving the skull, Wang Lin stepped back and returned to the side of the Immortal Ancestor's head. The madman fell on the head and remained unconscious.

"Wang Lin, the Mourning Clan and me have arranged a plan. The biggest gain now is you. I will remember this. After you leave here, you must become a Great Heavenly Lord as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the power of my curse is removed, you will You must also give me an explanation!" Emperor Jiu looked at Wang Lin. Given his identity, he did not hide his thoughts, but spoke directly.

"And you, Gemini, if Dao Yi is not restored in the end, and the power of our Immortal Clan and the Ancient Clan is broken, then you will see with your own eyes the blood of the people of my Immortal Clan under the slaughter of the Ancient Clan. By then, your Ziyang Sect will , and will not be alone!

My plan is a good one. It is to let all the Great Celestials of my Immortal Clan divide the relics of the Immortal Ancestor, so that our cultivation will be stronger, and the Immortal Clan will change its generation. From now on, there will be no Immortal Emperor lineage!

But because of you, everything has changed. You have to bear the consequences for this matter! "Jiudi sneered.

The twins were silent and did not speak, but there was a flash of complexity and confusion in their eyes.

Wang Lin felt guilty in his heart. He looked at the Twins and made a decision in his heart!

"I owe the Twins a lot... I can only do my best to prevent the possible battle between the Ancient Clan and the Immortal Clan, so as to prevent her from regretting her actions today."

"Now that I have decided what I have decided, you don't need to say anything more." Shuangzi was silent for a while and said coldly.

"well!". Emperor Jiu laughed, looking at Wang Lin with cold eyes.

"I can let you take away the head of the Immortal Ancestor, but you cannot take away Lian Daofei!! This matter cannot be discussed at all. Take the head and leave here!"

"I have given in! If you still want to take Lian Daofei away forcibly as before, then I will risk my life no longer suppressing the power of the curse. Even if it is extremely difficult to recover in the future, I will keep you here!

Gemini, you can help him obtain the head of the Immortal Ancestor, but now that the Immortal Emperor is disabled and the Immortal Ancestor's head is damaged, you should know that the connecting path is not for the well here." Emperor Jiu slowly spoke.

Wang Lin looked calm, but the pupils of his eyes shrank.

"Wang Lin... left Lian Daofei behind... The twins were silent for a moment and looked at Wang Lin.!~!

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