Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 The 10th Yang of Immortal Gang Chapter 1999 The song ends and everyone is sad!

If only Emperor Jiu spoke, Wang Lin could ignore it. He came to this palace just to save the madman. How could he give up just because of Emperor Jiu's threat?

Moreover, Wang Lin never believed that Emperor Jiu would stop suppressing the power of the curse in his body and make it extremely difficult for him to recover as he said!

However, Wang Lin had to listen to the words of the twins!

In his mind, he already owed Gemini, and since she spoke like this, Wang Lin could only remain silent.

"Give me a reason!" After a long time, Wang Lin spoke with difficulty. He did not look at Emperor Jiu, but looked at the Twins.

"The Immortal Emperor is disabled. Lian Daofei is very important to the Immortal Clan..." The Twin Great Heavenly Lords sighed softly and looked at Wang Lin.

"Wang Lin... Lian Daofei must stay..." The person who spoke was Haizi, who had always been silent. She looked at Wang Lin and spoke softly.

"This place is the Forbidden Palace. Although it has collapsed now, the existence here can recover on its own... In the Immortal Clan, the Forbidden Palace is an extremely important place, because there is the head of the Immortal Ancestor here...

The function of the Immortal Ancestor's head is to suppress the spirits of the Seventy-two Continents of the Immortal Clan. Because of its existence, the spirits of the Seventy-two Continents are always sealed. Once the Immortal Ancestor's head is damaged, there will be no The power to suppress the living spirits of the seventy-two continents, and even some dead spirits will return to nothingness from the state of the transformed continent after losing the power of suppression...

At that time, the entire Immortal Clan will be in complete chaos, and even pieces of the continent will collapse and dissipate. The entire Immortal Clan will face a catastrophe... According to our family's previous plan, it was not to destroy the Immortal Clan, so it was divided up. After obtaining the head of the Immortal Ancestor, a person will be chosen to sleep here to replace the head of the Immortal Ancestor and become the being who re-suppresses the spirits of the seventy-two states...

This person we chose is Lian Daofei!

He has the bloodline of the Immortal Ancestor and has inherited part of the Immortal Ancestor’s cultivation. Over the years, our clan has slowly planted an introduction in him. As long as this introduction is opened, Lian Daofei can inherit the inheritance. After attaining the level of Immortal Ancestor, he became the Great Heavenly Lord!

With his Great Heavenly Master's cultivation, combined with our clan's secret techniques, it can have a suppressive effect. So, you can't take him away... If you force it, then... I will take action. "Haizi said softly.

"Wang Lin, please keep Lian Daofei. His life will not be in danger. He is just left here to suppress the spirits of the seventy-two continents." The twins sighed secretly, looked at Wang Lin, and said this for the second time. .

Emperor Jiu was standing aside, looking at this scene coldly,

No words were spoken.

Wang Lin remained silent, looking at the unconscious lunatic on the head of the Immortal Ancestor. Without any hesitation, he spoke.

"I gave up the head of the Immortal Ancestor and only took Lian Daofei with me!"

"Give up? Even if the Immortal Ancestor's head is put back in place, it can no longer play a suppressive role, because the head has been chopped open by the Immortal Emperor, and the Immortal Ancestor's cultivation within it has been scattered. This thing , Suppression is useless!" Emperor Jiu snorted coldly.

Wang Lin's face immediately turned pale, and his eyes showed struggle and complexity. The other party's words were simple, and he didn't even need to think too much. Wang Lin also understood that this matter was true.

"Wang Chi..., General Lian Daofei, please stay." This is the third time the twins have said this.

Time passed slowly, and Wang Lin's struggle caused a big wave in his mind. After a long time, he let out a long sigh. He couldn't take away the madman by force. The Twin Great Heavenly Lords would stop him, Emperor Jiu would also take action, and the Haizi Heavenly Lord. If these three people took action, Wang Lin wouldn't be able to take away the madman.

What's more, once the madman is taken away, the immortal clan will be in chaos. He, Wang Lin, doesn't care, but the twins who always help him will be very passive at that time... and even the Ziyang Sect will be destroyed because of this. .

In the silence, Wang Lin's face showed bitterness. He looked at the unconscious madman and slowly closed his eyes.

"Crazy guy, when I, Wang Lin, come to this Immortal Palace again, this is the moment I will completely rescue you! I swear!!" Wang Lin raised his right hand and slapped the Immortal Ancestor's head, and the head immediately turned into a The golden light was put into the storage space by Wang Lin, and he looked up sharply.

"Emperor Jiu, there is no need for you to look for me. Wang will come again in the future!" As he spoke, Wang Lin swayed and flew straight into the sky. He did not look back, leaving behind the unconscious madman with a stab in his heart. Pain, this palace group, he got the greatest benefit, obtained part of the inheritance of the Immortal Ancestor, obtained his head, and condensed the outline of the Yang of the Great Heavenly Lord.

But in the end, he still couldn't take away the madman...

If given the choice, Wang Lin would not hesitate to dissipate all these fortunes in exchange for taking away the madman. However, all of this had already been doomed from the very beginning.

"Based on the plan of the ancestor of the great soul sect of the Mourning Clan and Zhui Yan, I am afraid that the soul of the Immortal Emperor wants to seize the body of the madman, and he has calculated it... maybe the so-called seizing of the body is also part of his plan. , but it was destroyed by me invisibly...

Even if the Immortal Emperor chose to self-destruct, and the power of the curse was shared by the four Great Heavenly Lords, it was very possible that the Great Soul Sect ancestor had deduced it, but did not inform or stop it...

He may have done this for the sake of Haizi, a member of his generation, or maybe... to dispel my anger towards his clan... But what on earth did he see and be so polite to me? Could it be that he was In his mind, he is more afraid of my existence than the Great Heavenly Lord..."

Wang Lin thought of the word "you" that was filled with respect in the words left behind by this man who was mourning the genius of the clan in the Great Soul Sect.

The Twin Great Heavenly Lords lowered their heads and glanced at the unconscious Lian Daofei, sighed softly, and with a sway, followed Wang Lin and flew into the air, far away.

The broken sky of the Forbidden Palace, the moment Wang Lin walked out, he couldn't help but lowered his head and looked down.

He saw that while Haizi was using his clan skills, the body of the unconscious lunatic erupted with dazzling golden light. Under that golden light, the lunatic's figure was replaced by a golden sun, shrouding it. Outside his body, the golden sun shines brightly. As it spreads out, a wave of Great Heavenly Lord's cultivation suddenly spreads out from the sun.

This power of the Great Heavenly Lord was not the Yang outline of Wang Lin's Great Heavenly Lord, but was completely condensed. Under that light, Lian Daofei became the fifth Great Heavenly Lord of the Immortal Clan after the Immortal Emperor's death!

It's just that this fifth Great Heavenly Lord will sleep forever and will never wake up. His existence is only used to replace the head of the Immortal Ancestor and suppress the spirits of the seventy-two continents!

Wang Lin looked at the lunatic who had become the Great Heavenly Lord. He watched the other person's body slowly turn into a mountain peak under the flickering golden light, shrouded in the golden sun. The mountain was surrounded by golden light and soared into the sky!

With the appearance of the mountain peak, the broken earth returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, compared with the previous nine mountains, only this golden mountain peak exists on the earth today!

The sky also recovered, and finally the entire earth was completely restored.

His last glance lingered on the golden mountain peak for a long time. Wang Lin turned around, kept his vow deep in his heart, and left suddenly!

After walking out of the Forbidden Palace, Wang Lin took a step forward in the collapsed underground palace and disappeared without a trace. When he appeared, he was already on the Immortal Gang Continent, in the Imperial Palace, the ancestral city of the Immortal Clan in Zhongzhou.

The palace was in ruins. At first glance, there was only one statue standing there alone. The statue engraved on it was the Immortal Ancestor. He looked up at the sky and stretched out his hands as if he was using his magical powers.

Wang Lin looked at the statue and remained silent.

There were ripples and twists around him, and the Twin Great Gods walked out.

"The era of the Immortal Ancestor has passed, and his protection will also dissipate... In the future, there will be no other Immortal Emperor bloodline in the Immortal Clan." The Twin Great Heavenly Lords looked at the statue and sighed softly.

"Thank you..." Wang Lin said calmly.

"This is the promise I made to you before. Although the price I paid is very human... But I also want to thank you. When I split up, you will choose me as just two little girls."

"Lian Daofei, I really can't let you take me away. I hope you can understand... After all, I belong to the Immortal Clan, and you... can belong to the Ancient Clan." The Twin Great Heavenly Lords said slowly.

Wang Lin's expression remained normal, and he turned to look at the Twin Great Heavenly Lords. Regarding the matter that could reveal his identity, Wang Lin did not ask or cover up.

"Thank you... Wang Lin clasped his fists and bowed to the Twins.

"I got the eyes of the Immortal Ancestor, and after returning to Ziyang Sect, I am going to retreat. What about you, are you going to leave here, or are you going to return to Ziyang Sect with me?"

"I want to go back to the Great Soul Sect...and then leave the Immortal Clan..." Wang Lin looked in the direction of Dongzhou and spoke slowly.

The Twin Great Heavenly Lords were silent for a moment and sighed softly.

"I don't know if it's right or wrong for me to help you..." She shook her head, her body paused, and under the purple light, she transformed into the two little girls again. The two little girls looked exhausted and turned back together. After looking at Wang Lin, showing an innocent smile, he waved goodbye to Wang Lin and turned into two rainbows, heading towards the sky.

"Baby, I need to take a nap when I get back. I'm so tired."

"Hanhan, why don't we go back and see if Little Wolf is obedient these days, and then go to rest."

"Okay, that's it."

The clear and childish voice of a child echoed in the wind like the sound of a bell. Wang Lin looked at the retreating figures of the two little girls and murmured.

"Thank you guys...

Wang Lin closed his eyes and opened them for a long time. His body swayed and turned into a rainbow, heading towards the sky and the earth. He did not see that in the palace behind him, among the ruins, Haizi looked at his back silently. In the gradually dusk of the sky, he looked melancholy.

"Haizi, let's go..."

Behind Haizi, Emperor Jiu walked out with a tired look on his face. His body had begun to be filled with black energy, which could not be suppressed.

"I don't blame you for not taking action to stop him... This boy is not a ghost... I am old. Your clan's relationship with him will be helpful to you in the future." Emperor Jiu, who was surrounded by black energy, When looking at Haizi in his eyes, he showed kindness and doting.

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