Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang No. 10 Yang Chapter 2000 Begging from eternity ago!

The destruction of the ancestral city palace and the fall of the Immortal Emperor, under the suppression of Emperor Jiu, was not announced. The ruined palace quickly returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

Immortal Emperor, retreat again.

The Immortal Emperor of this generation, Lian Daozhen, often retreats for an uncertain amount of time, so the entire Immortal Clan’s cultivators don’t think much of the Immortal Emperor’s retreat.

When Wu Feng returned to Beizhou, that land of glaciers immediately froze his entire body, immersing him in the eternal cold, silently dispelling the curse in his body.

He has never taken action after being cursed in his body. It is easier than Dao Yi and Jiudi to dispel this technique. In addition, he has obtained the ears of the immortal ancestor. Once all the black energy of the curse is dispelled, he and the immortal Zu Shuang'er, his cultivation will be much better.

Daoyi dragged his damaged body, and when the severe pain filled his mind, he endured the roar and suppressed the humiliation in his heart. After returning to Daoyizong, he immediately chose to retreat.

It's just that the curse in his [body] broke out in full force, and ordinary means couldn't get rid of it at all. However, Dao Yi is a great deity, and his behavior is not what he seems on the surface. The twins once said that he is a masked man!

In order to dispel the curse in his body without affecting his recovery, he summoned his Tianzun and several Yue Tianzun in his Taoist sect, and also summoned many powerful Jinzuns to forcibly remove the curse. The curse in the body is dispersed again, allowing everyone to share it!

This curse is so powerful that a gold monk will die if he touches it. Even a heavenly monk will rot all over his body immediately after touching it, letting out a shrill roar. Although it can last a little longer, the final result is still death!

Only Yue Tianzun can rely on his powerful cultivation to "survive" the shared power of the curse, but the price is still very high.

Until all the Tianzun Yue Tianzun under Dao Yi's command had dispersed their curses, Dao Yi even started to look for the third step monks frantically. Even if he could share a little bit, it would be of great benefit to him.

Under this cruel sharing, "Daoyizong" almost became a dead sect. Emperor Jiu took Haizi back to Emperor Mountain and immediately chose to retreat. His cultivation was extremely strong. Although the black energy was lingering, It can be slowly dispelled by itself, and with the help of Haizi's clan mourning technique, the power of the curse in Jiudi's "body" will gradually dissipate as time goes by.

Only the Twin Great Heavenly Lords were not affected by this technique because they were not greedy. After returning to Ziyang Sect, the two little girls chose to retreat and fuse the eyes of the immortal ancestor. When they came out of seclusion, they would be completely Fixed an accidental weakness caused by previous reincarnations.

The Immortal Clan is still the five Great Heavenly Lords,

It's just that the fifth Great Heavenly Lord was sleeping under the underground palace in the space that overlapped with the imperial palace. The "forbidden palace" turned into a golden mountain peak and stood there, suppressing the spirits of the seventy-two continents.

"Under the mountain peak" the madman never woke up, as if he was waiting for Wang Lin's next arrival.

half year later.

Dongzhou, Tianniuzhou of the Immortal Clan.

Tianniu Continent is a land of mountains. During the battle with the Green Demon Continent many years ago, a large number of peaks collapsed, causing the entire landscape of Tianniu Continent to change.

However, the structure of the sects in this continent has not changed much. The Great Soul Sect and the Guiyi Sect are still the strongest, and many small sects are dependent on these two large sects.

The disciples of the two sects who were sent to the ancestral city back then "have long since returned to the sect. Each has a different destiny" and will become the mainstay of each other's sect in the future.

Great Soul Gate.

Master Qingniu has been in seclusion since Wang Lin left that year. He does not care about worldly affairs. The elders are responsible for the trivial matters within the sect. He just proposed one thing: to retain the mountain peak that was given to Wang Lin and transform it into a secluded place. It is a forbidden area and no outsiders are allowed to enter.

Many people were puzzled by this matter, but when Wang Lin's reputation in Tianzun Nirvana increased and there were many rumors about Wang Lin, the people from the Great Soul Sect who were hesitant about the identity of the white-haired Yue Tianzun slowly began to learn from various signs. They realized that the white-haired Yue Tianzun was actually Wang Linshi." They vaguely understood the reason why Master Qingniu left the mountain peak behind.

Yan Luan, the elder back then, now holds a high position in the Great Soul Sect and can even make decisions on some important matters. She could have moved away from the mountain and went to the depths of the Great Soul Sect to choose a better cave.

But she never left. Looking from the top of the mountain where she was, she could see Wang Lin's cave in the distance. Whenever she recalled the scenes of the past, she would stand alone on the top of the mountain. , looking at the peak of Wang Lin." A person was silent in silence.

Fan Shanlu and Fan Shanmeng are still her disciples. The personal grudges they had with Wang Lin back then have been resolved before. Now many years have passed and they have become so indifferent that they can be forgotten.

In the Great Soul Sect, among the many elders, there has been one more person over the years. This person's name is Du Qing. His body is not flesh and blood, but a piece of wood. After being condensed by his soul, it became his body.

He was appointed by the ancestor of the Great Soul Sect and became an elder with a cultivation that was not that of an elder. Over the years, his life has been very comfortable, much better than before.

As the years go by, the Great Soul Gate seems to have not changed much in the Tianniu Continent during the sunrises and sunsets. The mountain is still the same mountain, and the building is still the same as before.

Wang Lin stood outside the Great Soul Sect and looked at the familiar sect in front of him. When he first came here, he only had a vague understanding of the Great Soul Sect. When he slowly thought that he understood it, after leaving, After experiencing those things again and again, when he finally learned about the deep connection between this remote Great Soul Sect and the Imperial Palace in the palace, he realized that he still had some unknown things about this Great Soul Sect until now. .

"The ancestor of the great soul sect, the ancestor of the great soul sect, may be dead or not yet dead, but his plan has been running through countless thousands of years since ancient times." Yan has calculated today's changes, and his plan has calculated everyone. "Everyone" is a pawn in his eyes...

In the end, step by step, this plan successfully unlocked the imprisonment seal of his clan, severing the lineage of the Immortal Ancestor, and allowing the only remaining clan member to regain freedom from then on."

Wang Lin looked at the Great Soul Sect with a complicated expression. It had been many years since he came to Xiangang Continent, but it was only now that he understood that in the remote Tianniu Continent, this Great Soul Sect was inconspicuous in the eyes of many powerful people. The secrets hidden within it "can be traced back countless thousands of years."

With a sigh, Wang Lin raised his feet and walked towards the Great Soul Gate.

His cultivation level now far exceeds that of Qingniu Zhenren and all the monks in this great soul gate. No one can detect his arrival.

In the Great Soul Gate, Wang Lin saw Du Qing, Yan Luan standing on the mountain peak, wearing a long red dress, who was like fire. He also saw Fan Shanmeng and Fan Shanlu.

Wang Lin didn't pause and walked towards the depths of the great soul gate. "The Hidden Soul Pavilion was where he had been before!"

Wang Lin could only find this Soul Hiding Pavilion after Master Qing Niu opened it. But now, Wang Lin took one step forward and was already standing outside the Soul Hiding Pavilion when he appeared.

This is a one-story attic, shrouded in thin mist. Outside the attic, there are two huge statues of ferocious beasts, standing there on tiptoe, lifelike.

There was silence when the attic door was closed. Above the door, there were three large characters.

Hidden Soul Pavilion!

This pavilion looks like it has seven floors, but in fact, it has an eighth floor, a ninth floor, and a tenth floor! This tenth floor, Master Qing Niu once said that even he could not enter. It was the place where the ancestor of the Great Soul Sect was seated.

Wang Lin looked calm and looked up at the top of the Soul Hiding Pavilion. "He is here, looking for the answer." He was looking for what the genius of the mourning clan had left for him.

Wang Lin pushed open the closed door and walked in. He was familiar with everything here. Step by step, Wang Lin walked up the steps calmly.

The sound of creaking echoed in the silent attic, and Wang Lin walked up to the second floor, the third floor... until the eighth floor.

The restrictions that exist here do not need to be broken by Wang Lin now, they will be gone once he has passed them.

Looking at the stairs leading to the ninth floor, Wang Lin walked slowly. Step by step, he reached the ninth floor. Above this floor, there were some jade slips floating, which recorded the most powerful magical power of the Great Soul Sect. .

The complete multiple illusions that Wang Lin wanted to obtain back then are here.

With a quick glance, Wang Lin saw everything recorded on the jade slips, and walked towards the stairs not far away where the old man and his wife lived.

Here, leading to the tenth floor!

Wang Lin walked up the thirteen steps one by one and reached the tenth floor, the top of the Soul Hiding Pavilion.

The moment he entered the tenth floor, Wang Lin saw a scene that made him silent for a long time. He looked there with a complex look on his face. For a long time, Wang Lin let out a long sigh.

"It turns out that this is what you left for me, and it is also the scene that you must let me come here to see, mourning the generation of geniuses of the Mourning Clan... What you used me to do, and what I said to Haizi, Write it off from now on!" Wang Lin didn't look at the tenth floor again, turned around, walked away, and his figure gradually disappeared.

As Wang Lin left, a complete scene on the tenth floor was revealed.

The tenth floor is not big, just about ten feet of space. There is a statue and a skeleton there.

The statue was of a man. He was standing there, looking down. His eyes seemed to contain a force that could destroy the sky. He was not angry and was staring coldly at the skeleton in front of him.

The skeleton was kneeling in front of the statue, with an expression of pain and pleading. "There was a gap in his head, and there was no brain in it... There was a dug hole in his chest, and there was no heart in it... …

His hands were raised. On his left hand was his withered brain, and on his right hand was his unmoving heart. He looked at the statue, as if hoping to be forgiven. He knelt here. This was not an ordinary thing for countless thousands of years. Instead of his bones, he was trapped in this person’s soul. This soul is the thought of praying for forgiveness.

That statue is carved by Wang Lin.

This skeleton is the pride of the Mourning Clan, the ancestor of the Great Soul Sect!!~!

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