Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2007: The Way Out!

"This Prince Jidu is so scheming... The portrait in this catalog is almost exactly the same as mine and can be recognized at a glance. From this point of view, he just appeared in Black Rock City and saw me. At first glance, there was already suspicion!

But he hid it so deeply that even I didn't see it.

"Wang Lin took the jade slip and glanced at Jidu, who had a respectful face, but sweat was already dripping from his forehead, and his face was pale.

"So, he deliberately let the big ancient demon take action just to verify whether his suspicion was correct. After finally confirming it, he showed just the right amount of shock, and then in order to let me stay, he treated me respectfully.

However, this person dared to point out my identity here and bowed to me, obviously showing that he had no hostility. However, why did he think that a Yuetianzun from the Immortal Clan would not kill him after he came to the Ancient Clan? This prince...

Unless..." Wang Lin looked calm, his eyes lingered on Prince Jidu for a moment and then he looked away.

"How dare you do this in front of Wang, I guess you already know my identity." Wang Lin said slowly.

Prince Jidu felt relieved when he heard this. He knew that his actions just now were equivalent to turning in front of death, but he was determined, especially when he met Wang Lin, he would never give up this opportunity that could even determine the fate of his life. !

"The only disciple of Daogu Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord is named Wang Lin. Although this matter is kept secret in the ancient clan, as a royal family, he can still know about it. When Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord came back from the Immortal Clan, he immediately chose to retreat. I have always Gu Yimai began to investigate, and finally guessed most of them with the help of Great Heavenly Lord Song Tian.

But even at that time, my father and Song Tian Da Tian Zun were not sure that Wang Lin, the white-haired Yue Tian Zun of the Immortal Clan, would be the same disciple as Xuan Luo Da Tian Zun.

Even the junior "only after seeing the senior in Black Rock City, he suddenly realized that the senior is the disciple of Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord!" Jidu sweated even more and hurriedly opened. "Beside Wang Lin, he felt great pressure. This pressure was even more serious than when he faced his father, and comparable to when he was in front of Song Tian.

The woman behind him turned pale after hearing these words, and her eyes were still in disbelief. "But she was able to follow Jidu, and was kept by Jidu without avoiding him. She was obviously someone whom Jidu trusted.

Wang Lin glanced at the woman's face and saw that the woman's appearance was somewhat similar to Ji's.

"This is the younger generation's imperial sister, and she is the same mother as the younger generation." Ji Du explained quickly.

"Since you know my identity,

They also know that I am a disciple of Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord, and just now they saw me asking for the map and jade slip to go to Daogu. "You should know that I need to go to Daogu, so why are you worshiping me now?" Wang Lin He said calmly.

"Senior, the Daogu lineage is not a good tree... Even if the senior has Xuanluo Great Heavenly Venerable as his master," the ancient emperor of the Daogu lineage has no tolerance for others. If the senior goes there, he will definitely be depressed... " Before Prince Jidu could finish speaking, Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he snorted coldly.

He flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked out of the hall.

"Senior!!" Prince Jidu gritted his teeth and knelt down on one knee with a thud! As a prince, he has only knelt before his father, the emperor and his mother, and has never knelt before anyone else." But at this moment, Nian was kneeling in front of Wang Lin.

If it were in the Immortal Clan, this matter would not be a big deal, but in the Ancient Clan, a land above the imperial power, the behavior of Prince Jidu was enough to shock everyone who knew about it!

The imperial sister was completely stunned. After a moment of hesitation, she also knelt down.

"Senior, I would like to become your adopted son. From now on, you will be my adopted father. If I can become the future emperor of the ancient times, then in the ancient country, I will be the father of the country!!

Please help me, senior! ! My father has seven sons, and I am the fifth. If my senior helps me, I can meet all his requirements! Prince Jidu said loudly, his expression full of sincerity and expectation.

Wang Lin paused and turned to look at Prince Jidu, his eyes gradually showing a faint light.

"As a prince of the ancient lineage with supreme imperial power, he actually knelt down to Wang... answer me, who asked you to accompany the Daogu mission to select a concubine this time!

Who told you that if you meet Wang, you should kneel down and beg him to stay!

Who told you that you would meet Wang in Black Rock City! "Wang Lin never believes that there is no cause and effect in all this. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the prince to kneel down like this. There must be a key figure here who gave this person guidance in advance!

And this character, in the prince's mind, obviously followed his words, and he believed every word he said without thinking!

Prince Jidu immediately turned pale. Although he had a high level of intelligence, he seemed to be transparent in front of Wang Lin and could be seen through at a glance.

"Yes... he is the Imperial Preceptor... The Imperial Preceptor is my uncle, my mother's younger brother... He came out of seclusion ten years ago, and at the cost of his life, he divined a divination for me, allowing me to be in Taoism. When the ancient mission comes again, be sure to accompany it and tell me that during this accompanying trip, I will encounter an opportunity that changes my destiny...

If I can grasp this opportunity, my destiny will change, and the future will be limitless... But if I can't grasp it, I won't live for another hundred years... As for the specifics, he can't see clearly, it's just a vague feeling, and after talking about it, he... ...and died of anger. "Facing Wang Lin's majestic gaze, Prince Jidu's heart trembled and he did not dare to hide anything.

Wang Lin frowned. He was deeply wary of the title of National Master. This type of person was good at deduction and calculation. In the Immortal Clan, Wang Lin had experienced how terrifying it was.

However, the national master of this ancient clan obviously cannot compare with the immortal clan, and he cannot see clearly in the derivation and calculation. With Wang Lin's cultivation level, under careful observation, no matter how deep the prince's scheming is, he can see clearly and know that the other party is not lying.

"If my foster father helps me, great things can happen! Now that my father is old and it's time to abdicate, the new emperor will be chosen from among the seven of us..." My foster father doesn't have to make a decision immediately. One day , if the adoptive father wants to leave the Daogu lineage, and if there is no direction to go, please come to the child and let the child fulfill his filial piety." Prince Jidu said quickly.

"The child has prepared a gift for his adoptive father. As a token of filial piety, the child would like to ask his adoptive father to accept it." Prince Jidu raised his right hand and patted his chest. Suddenly, the light in his right hand flashed and something appeared.

This object was a jade box, which he handed to Wang Lin with respectful hands.

Wang Lin pondered for a moment, then took the jade box and glanced with his consciousness. There was a jade slip and a finger-thick cylinder inside.

"That jade slip is the most important treasure of my ancient lineage. It was given by my father when the child was born. Only the prince can get it from the ancient lineage of all dynasties, and there is only one in his life.

This object is an ancestral slip, which contains the power of a finger left by the ancient ancestor. This thing is extremely powerful, but its greatest function is to comprehend. If you can use it to understand the changes within the power of the ancient ancestor's finger, it will have infinite magical uses.

It's just that no one has ever been able to understand the prince of the ancient lineage and the ancient emperor. However, this thing has become the prince's highest token. The child gave it to his adoptive father!

There is liquid in this cylinder. The origin of this liquid cannot be investigated. It was left by the ancient ancestors. It contains extremely pure wood source power. The child knows that his adoptive father must be famous in the fairy clan because he must be cultivating the source. , so this thing was prepared.

The child is just a prince, not an ancient emperor. But if he can become an ancient emperor in the future, then the adoptive father can choose whatever he wants from the eternal treasures of my ancient lineage. The child will devote all the efforts of the family to repay the adoptive father for helping him to the throne! ! "Prince Jidu spoke in a low voice, his words were firm and decisive, revealing a firmness and decisiveness.

Wang Lin held the jade box with his eyes in deep thought, but did not put it away.

As Wang Lin pondered, the hall fell silent. Prince Jidu looked nervous without concealing it. His heart was even more nervous. He had shown enough sincerity and even knelt down to acknowledge Wang Lin as his father. He even gave heavy gifts just to gain Wang Lin's recognition and help.

He believed in the words of his uncle who closed his eyes and died ten years ago and grabbed his arm before he died. Those words were imprinted on his heart every word in these ten years.

"I can't figure out who this person is, but if he is willing to help you, you can become the Ancient Emperor in the future, and there is even a slight possibility that you can become the leader of the three clans and become the true Ancient Emperor!!

I will never make a mistake in my calculation. This is the price I paid with my life, and I calculated a glimmer of the future!

If he doesn't help you, won't live for a hundred years..." In Jidu's mind, his uncle appeared, with his sad eyes and gradually closing eyes, and finally let go of his hand.

"Father!!" Ji Du knelt there and kowtowed to Wang Lin.

The banging sound echoed in the hall, breaking the silence and making the imperial sister look pale. She felt the importance of this matter to her imperial brother!

For a long time, Wang Lin's words came out in the banging sound.

"Give me a jade slip so I can find you!"

Ji Du's body was shaken, with a look of ecstasy on his face. He immediately took out a jade slip from his arms and handed it to Wang Lin excitedly.

"If Wang really leaves Daogu one day, it won't be too late for you to call me your foster father!" Wang Lin made a decision in his heart. He could not put his future in the Daogu lineage. Now he takes this opportunity. , he wants to leave a way out!

After finishing speaking, Wang Lin put away the jade box and the jade slip handed out by Ji Du. After looking at Ji Du, he turned and walked towards the outside of the hall. His figure disappeared into the mist between heaven and earth without a trace. .

By the time Wang Lin left, Ji Du's whole body was already wet with sweat, but his expression was excited and he clenched his fist vigorously.

"Imperial sister, based on my understanding of the Daogu Emperor, my adoptive father must be uncomfortable there. A strong man like him cannot be restrained by a mere Daogu Emperor. My adoptive father will come to help me... for sure! "

"Is it worth it..." The woman stood up and spoke softly.

Prince Jidu laughed.

"It's worth it! My adoptive father values ​​​​love, otherwise with his status, there is no need to look for Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord at all. I sincerely respect him as my biological father, and he will definitely not harm me!"! ~!

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