Renegade Immortal

Volume 13 Dim Lights Chapter 2008 Incense 1 Worship the Emperor Zunsen

The three ancient clans and the Daogu lineage are located in the southwest of the Immortal Clan continent. The twelve Daogu counties are comparable to the Immortal Clan state, or even slightly larger.

It would take many years to cross such a huge area without the ability to shrink to an inch and rely solely on flying. However, in the ancient tribe, there are three special types of half-life: the Great Ancient God, the Great Ancient Demon, and the Great Ancient Demon. The existence of them, relying on the speed at which they tear apart the sky and walk, can greatly reduce this time.

For example, the Daogu mission that returned from the Shigu lineage can return to Daogu Imperial City in just a few months.

Daogu Imperial City is a huge city floating in the air. From a distance, this city in the sky is extremely amazing. It floats between heaven and earth, exuding a deep pressure.

There are also countless small stones floating around the sky city. The stones are of different sizes, and they are slowly rotating in circles with the sky city as the center.

A month after the Daogu mission returned to the ancient imperial city, Wang Lin, with the jade map and slips, traveled across the vast land from the ancient place to arrive here.

He looked at the city in the sky for a long, long time.

Although this city is not as majestic as the ancestral city of the Immortal Clan, it is still extremely spectacular. Especially in the middle of the city in the sky, there is a huge statue standing. This statue is of a man, looking up to the sky with a contemptuous look. , even Wang Lin who was far away could clearly feel it.

"Ancestor..." Wang Lin murmured softly.

Outside the city in the sky, the rotating rubble forms a tight barrier of protection. Anyone who enters must have a jade slip of identity, otherwise they will not be able to step into the city.

This is the pinnacle of Daogu imperial power, and this is where the Daogu emperor is!

Directly east of the Sky City, the entire area is a palace composed of gorgeous halls! The palace is heavily guarded and restricted, and it is shrouded in a faint purple aura. One glance at it will make you feel depressed.

Especially in Wang Lin's eyes, the purple air outside the palace in the east of the Sky City was faintly condensed, and there was a vague figure. This figure was extremely huge, as if it was supporting the sky. It could only be seen clearly. He wears an imperial crown.

From this person, a pure aura of the ancient clan exudes!

The city of the Daogu lineage is not as large as the ancestral city of the Immortal Clan, and its palace cannot be compared with the Palace of the Immortal Emperor. However, the degree of guarding and the oppression it gives people far exceeds that of the Palace of the Immortal Emperor!

There are countless palace guards inside and outside,

Even the servants walking in the palace all have strong cultivation levels.

Wang Lin stood there and stared for a long time. He gradually withdrew his gaze, raised his feet, and took a step forward. His steps were not fast, but his figure disappeared and turned into a wisp of smoke, floating into the city in the sky.

The layers of protection outside the Sky City make it difficult for others to move forward. Even the strong ones will frown here and have to stop. They follow the established rules of the Sky City to use their identity as jade slips and step on it like everyone else. Enter this city.

According to the Daogu people, there are only nine people in the world who can ignore the forbidden protectors of this ancient imperial city!

These nine people are the Immortal Gang Wuyang!

Only these nine people can step forward and enter one of the three imperial cities of the ancient clan as if they were walking on flat ground!

But now, there was one more person, and the layers of forbidden protection could not stop Wang Lin's tobacco-like figure, causing Wang Lin to appear calmly on the streets of the ancient imperial city.

There are a huge number of Daogu people living in the Imperial City, making this place quite prosperous and lively.

Wang Lin stood there, looking at this place. He saw countless men and women from the ancient tribe, but for some reason, he no longer had the faint sense of belonging that he had when he first came to the ancient tribe.

"Master should know about my arrival..." Wang Lin could feel that there was a mountain in the city at the southernmost point of the sky, which was shrouded in clouds and mist. The aura of the Great God.

He could feel the softness coming from this breath. With a slight smile, Wang Lin turned around and walked towards the south.

To the south of the city, this mountain stands tall. Amidst the clouds and mist, there is a line of steps winding down. There are handrails beside the steps, making this place look like a place for recreation.

Waves of Qingling's breath are spreading. Take a deep breath here to refresh yourself.

There were many ancient tribesmen on the steps. They all looked pious and walked up step by step. Their goal was the main hall on the top of the mountain. This hall was well known to everyone in the Daogu lineage!

This is the Daogu Palace! For the Daogu lineage, the only Great Heavenly Lord Xuanluo lives here!

The Daogu Palace is open to every clan member of the Daogu lineage. Any clan member can come here to seek a breakthrough in cultivation. However, few of them can meet Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord, who guides them in their cultivation. The nine ancient Taoist warriors who followed Xuan Luo.

Of these nine people, one of them will exist in that ancient palace at any time, opening spirits and choosing bodies for the clan!

Outside the main hall, there is a huge incense burner, which is big enough for ten people to surround it. Inside is a piece of nose-colored gray sand, with nine huge burning incense sticks stuck in it, and wisps of green smoke rising up to the sky.

Every Daogu tribesman who comes to this incense burner and is ready to ask the people in the Daogu Temple to resolve their confusion will kneel down in front of this incense burner. This incense burner is quite strange. The more people kneel down, the thicker the smoke will be. , and the nine burning incense sticks in it seem to never burn out, even for eternity.

Wang Lin walked on the stone steps, looking at the mountain and the billowing green smoke. He walked up step by step. When he stood on the top of the mountain and saw the incense burner, there were several Daogu tribesmen. He knelt down beside the incense burner and stood up, looking respectful, and walked towards the ancient palace.

After they finished praying, the nine burning incense burners in the incense burner seemed to have more green smoke, but it was more subtle and difficult to detect unless you pay attention.

Wang Lin looked at the incense burner, remained silent for a moment, and then slowly walked over. Next to the incense burner, he cupped his fists and bowed deeply!

This time, what he worshiped was not this furnace or the incense inside it, but his master Xuan Luo!

Since he has chosen to come to the ancient Dao lineage, since he has chosen to follow his master, and since he has chosen to fulfill the oath he made back then, Wang Lin already wants to take root in this ancient lineage from the bottom of his heart. He has wandered for thousands of years. Years have been too long, and now, I want to live peacefully in this place.

Protect Daogu and the reincarnation of his master.

It was precisely because of this that Wang Lin followed the local customs and bowed to the incense burner. This time he bowed, he revealed his decision in his heart, but at the moment when Wang Lin cupped his fists and bowed, the incense burner made a loud roar, and he saw the nine sticks of incense burning crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye, billowing green. The smoke suddenly became ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times or even ten thousand times thicker!

This drastic change immediately caused the few people who had walked towards the Daogu Temple after paying their respects to pause in their steps and suddenly turned around, showing expressions of shock.

There were also several Daogu tribesmen who were walking on the stone steps behind Wang Lin. They all stopped in their steps and looked in disbelief.

The incense burner roared, and green smoke billowed out of it, filling the sky with more and more thick smoke. The richness of the green smoke was far greater than before, and it was simply incomparable, just like the bright moon and the fireflies.

The blue smoke rising into the sky was so majestic that everyone in the mountain, as well as the foot of the mountain and the entire southern part of the empty city, and even other directions, could all be clearly seen!

The billowing green smoke, like the mountain peak burning, soars straight into the sky. At the end of the sky, it turns into the shape of a mushroom and spreads in all directions.

This scene can be clearly seen even in the Eastern Palace!

Outside the Daogu Palace, all the Daogu tribesmen who came here were completely stunned, with shock in their eyes. It could even be said that it was not just them, but the entire city in the sky. Every tribesman who saw this scene , all of them are like this!

But at this moment, Wang Lin was only halfway through this prayer, and he still finished it completely!

At the same time, in the ancient palace, a man wearing royal robes and an imperial crown stood in the highest attic, with his hands behind his back, frowning and staring at the billowing smoke on the horizon.

"Your Majesty, in this selection of concubines, a total of thirty-one girls have been found. Now all arrangements have been made to fuse the souls one by one..." Behind the man in imperial robes, there was an old man. The old man looked respectful and spoke in a low voice.

But before he could finish speaking, he was also shocked by the sudden appearance of billowing smoke in the distance, and froze there.

"Can the incense burner in front of the Daogu Temple emit such green smoke... Check it out, this person is..." The man in the royal robe frowned and spoke slowly, but before he could finish his words, he suddenly His whole body was shaken, and his eyes were shining brightly!

The old man behind him took a breath and subconsciously took a few steps back. The scene he saw was even more horrifying than what he had seen before, and he even felt panic in his heart!

But I saw the billowing green smoke on the other side, bending down, drawing a huge arc, as if it could not bear the power of the bow, and actually started to relax. It looked like it could collapse!

This scene is earth-shattering! Everyone in the ancient imperial city of Rangdao who saw it exclaimed in surprise!

This exceeded their imagination. They had never even thought that someone could make the smoke from the incense burner in front of the ancient temple bend over and collapse. This was not about worshiping incense. This was clearly the green smoke worshiping the other party. !

In front of the ancient palace, Wang Lin did not continue his bow because he saw that the green smoke, which was ten thousand times thicker, could not bear his bow. If he continued, it would definitely collapse!

"Wang Lin..., don't worship. "..., come to the back mountain..." Wang Lin's ears, at this moment, echoed a familiar voice. The voice was very soft, and seemed to be full of kindness. meaning.

Wang Lin raised his body, and the green smoke gradually stopped bending. As Wang Lin walked past the incense burner, the billowing smoke returned to normal. ! ~!

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