Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2009: A cup of hot tea is as warm as home

In the Daogu Imperial City, the man in the imperial robe in the attic held his hands tightly on his back. His expression was gloomy, and he stared at the green smoke dispersing on the horizon in the distance, and he was silent for a long time.

The old man behind him didn't dare to breathe. Although he was equally horrified in his heart, he was suppressing it and didn't dare to show it at all.

"I feel the breath of soul blood..." There was murderous intent in the eyes of the man in royal robes. He had a guess in his heart. This guess was a thorn in his heart that had been stuck in his heart for hundreds of years!

"Those chosen concubines must melt their souls as soon as possible!" After a long time, the man in royal robes slowly spoke.

"According to the order!", the old man quickly knelt on the ground, his clothes on the back were already wet with sweat. Facing this moody Taogu Emperor, he had seen too many people executed for no apparent reason.

The man in the royal robe flicked his sleeves, and his figure disappeared.

In the south of the Sky City, in front of the ancient palace, Wang Lin took a step towards the ancient palace under the horrified gazes of the Daogu people around him. However, his figure did not step into the palace, but disappeared in front of the palace.

When he appeared, he was already behind the mountain, in a place like a paradise. Next to him, there was a clear stream. The stream was flowing along the rocks here and there, and there were some fish in it. Happy wandering.

Next to the creek, there is a thatched hut. There is a stone table and several stone chairs in front of the house. On one of the chairs, there is a young man in Tsing Yi sitting. He looks young, but his body is full of vicissitudes of life. After countless years.

He looked at Wang Lin with a smile on his face.

There was a tea stove on the stone table with hot water boiling on it. The moment Wang Lin appeared, the water boiled and steam bubbled out.

"Come", my teacher will boil this pot of hot water for you and enjoy this ancient tea together. "

Wang Lin also smiled, walked forward, and filled half a glass for the other person and himself. He picked up one glass first and handed it to the man in green with both hands.

The man took it with a smile and looked at Wang Lin kindly.

Wang Lin sat aside, picked up his own tea cup, put it to his mouth and took a sip. He closed his eyes and felt the aroma filling his mouth. After blending into his body, it turned into a stream of heat and spread out, making his whole body warm. of.

"How?" the man in green said with a smile.

"The warmth of home." Wang Lin opened his eyes and smiled.

When the man in green heard this, he immediately laughed and looked very happy. He waited here for his disciple to return and made a pot of hot tea himself. He wanted to tell Wang Lin that this place was his home from now on!

Because the tea can warm the body." People feel a kind of warmth.

The two of them had not seen each other for hundreds of years, but at this moment, there was no estrangement at all, and they were very harmonious. The man in green clothes always looked at Wang Lin, and the more he looked at him, the more satisfied he became.

"When I left the Immortal Clan back then, I was very helpless, but when I noticed that you appeared in the Immortal Clan," I knew that sooner or later, master and disciple would be able to meet again!

I started preparing this pot of tea when I was a teacher. "This man in green is none other than Xuan Luo!

"My master is always paying attention to everything you do in the Immortal Clan, but I can't go there to pick you up. Once I get there, the great Heavenly Lords of the Immortal Clan will be aware of it..." Xuan Yao looked at Wang Lin, Speak slowly.

"But I believe" the only disciple I accept must be extraordinary. He will leave the immortal clan and come to my ancient lineage! " Wang Lin put down the tea cup and looked at Xuan Luo.

"Disciple promised Master that he would come here and protect the Daogu lineage..." "White-haired Yue Tianzun, the first person under Great Tianzun, okay!" Xuan Luo stood up with laughter.

"Wang Lin, you rest for a few days. In three days, my teacher will take you to some places. These places will be of great benefit to your cultivation. This is my first gift of apprenticeship!" Xuan Luo looked at Wang Lin, smiled and swayed, disappearing without a trace.

"Wang Lin, I'll send you here!" Wang Lin stood up and bowed to the sky. After a long time, he raised his head and looked around. There was complexity in his eyes. As he stood there, the complexity in his eyes gradually dissipated.

"That's it, just stay in this ancient lineage..." Wang Lin sighed softly, sitting on the stone chair and drinking tea silently.

He plans to live here for a long time. If nothing unexpected happens... he will protect the Daogu lineage until he completes his promise to Xuanluo, although he still feels strange here.

Three days passed by in a flash. Wang Lin breathed the fresh air and watched the sunrise and sunset in this peach garden-like place. Three days later, he received Xuan Luo's summons and walked out of the hut. As he took one step forward, ripples rippled on the plate, and Wang Lin's figure disappeared into the peach garden.

When he appeared, he was already in front of Daogu Palace. It was the early morning of the fourth day, and the entire mountain peak was shrouded in clear mist. In front of Daogu Palace, Xuan Luo stood there, with nine people behind him.

Among these nine people, seven men and two women had extraordinary cultivation. All of them had attained the title of Daogu after completing the Twenty-Seven Stars. The moment Wang Lin's figure was revealed, the eyes of these nine people gathered together.

Wang Lin looked calm and glanced at the nine people. Among the nine people, the one with the highest cultivation level was an old man. This man actually gave Wang Lin the feeling of being a Yuantianzun monk from the immortal clan.

As for the other eight people, they are comparable to Tianzun.

Wang Lin was looking at them, and they were also looking at Wang Lin. However, compared with Wang Lin's calmness, the nine people were shocked when they saw Wang Lin.

In their eyes, Wang Lin seemed to have turned into a huge whirlpool, swallowing up their gazes, and even the power of the ancient clan in his body was faintly involved.

"I'll wait, see you, Young Master!" The nine people were silent for a moment and bowed to Wang Lin.

"Wang Lin, these nine people are my master's subordinates and have followed my master for many years. From now on, these nine people will obey your orders." Xuan Luo smiled as he watched the nine people bow to Wang Lin.

"Thank you, Master." Wang Lin said calmly.

Xuan Luo smiled and was about to continue talking, but suddenly he frowned and looked at the sky. Wang Lin also noticed it and looked at the sky.

As for the nine people, they felt the changes in the sky at this moment and raised their heads one by one.

After a while, a large number of ripples appeared in the sky. As the ripples spread layer by layer, a piece of purple light flickered out and turned into a thick purple gas, which filled the sky. As the purple gas spread, I saw A low roar came out, and a huge arm suddenly stretched out from the purple air. Remember, a man hundreds of feet tall took one step forward.

After him, there was another ancient demon hundreds of feet tall, and in a moment, nearly a hundred people walked out of the purple energy!

Each of these nearly a hundred people has a strong cultivation level. Although not many have reached the level of Heavenly Lord, almost all of them are comparable to Gold Lord, including ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons!

After they appeared, they stood neatly in the sky and knelt down on one knee toward Zi Qi Nei.

"Welcome to the Ancient Emperor!", like a roaring voice, turned into sound waves and echoed throughout the world.

As the voice appeared, I saw a person walking out of the violent rolling of the purple energy. This person was wearing an imperial robe and an imperial crown. He looked calm and confident, and walked step by step with his hands behind his back.

Behind him, there were two old men, bending over and following him.

Wang Lin glanced at the two old men, and his eyes flashed invisibly. These two people had an aura that was not weaker than that of the Immortal Yuetian Zun!

"Welcome to the ancient emperor!" The nine people under Xuanluo who stood in front of the Daogu Palace immediately showed respect when they saw the purple energy. When the man in the royal robe appeared, the respect turned into fanaticism. At this moment Kneel down on one knee immediately.

Only Xuan Luo and Wang Lin stood there and looked calmly.

"Ye said, pay homage to Xuan Zun." The man in royal robes smiled slightly. In his smile, the majesty of his expression immediately melted and changed like a spring breeze. Anyone who saw it would not help but feel a sense of intimacy.

Wang Lin stood there, looking at the man in royal robes. From the people around him kneeling and worshiping, Wang Lin knew who this man was, and he was none other than the Daogu Emperor!

Looking at this person, Wang Lin couldn't help but compare him with the Immortal Emperor Lian Daozhen. This person could not be compared with the Immortal Emperor in terms of cultivation or temperament, but this person had respect from others, but it was from that mysterious person. You can see it clearly on the nine people under Luo's command.

"His cultivation level is just that of a Heavenly Lord." Wang Lin looked as usual. The imperial power of this ancient emperor could affect all Daogu people, but it could not affect Wang Lin.

"What are you doing here!" Xuan Luo looked as usual and spoke slowly.

"Three days ago, Ye Dao noticed that the smoke from the incense burners here was billowing into the sky. He guessed that there was another strong person in our Daogu lineage, so he came to take a look. Xuanzun, is this person the strong person?" Daogu Emperor smiled. , and nodded slightly towards Wang Lin.

"He is my disciple. You must have heard of the white-haired Yue Tianzun of the Immortal Clan, Wang Lin! He will replace me and protect my Taoist lineage when I reincarnate." Xuan Luo spoke calmly, with profound meaning. He glanced at the ancient emperor.

"Wang Lin, he is the emperor of my Daogu lineage! He is also the person you need to protect in the future. If he abdicates, you will choose one of the many princes to become the new emperor. As the Great Heavenly Lord, Right!" Wang Lin looked as usual, but his mind was moved. This was the first time he heard that the choice of the emperors in the past was actually decided by the Great Heavenly Lord!

"The imperial power of the ancient clan and the Great Heavenly Lord can coexist for eternity... Perhaps it is because of this! No wonder the prince Jidu of the ancient lineage wants to seek my help, because my combat power, since it is the Great Heavenly Lord, The first person under Tianzun, there must be some connection that I don’t know about for him to be valued by the Great Ancient Tianzun.”

While Wang Lin was deep in thought, a low shout suddenly came from the mouth of the old man Yimo next to the emperor.

"Although he is a disciple of the Great Heavenly Lord, he is still a member of our Daogu clan. According to the clan rules, all clan members, except the Great Heavenly Lord, must kneel down and worship the Daogu Emperor when they see him!

You still don’t kneel down! "The old man's eyes showed a cold light and his words were sinister!!~!

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