Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2010: Master is like father!

Zhou immediately fell silent as soon as these words came out, and all eyes were focused on Wang Lin. In the Daogu lineage, what the old man said was indeed true. His Majesty Daogu Emperor, except for the Great Heavenly Lord, the rest of the clan will kneel down when they see him. !

This is the embodiment of imperial power. If you do not respect it, you will not respect the imperial power!

And among the ancient tribes, there were few serious crimes more serious than disrespecting the imperial power!

Even Xuan Luo couldn't help but hesitate under such words. Although he was called the Great Heavenly Lord, he belonged to Daogu after all. Before he became the Great Heavenly Lord, he still had to stand before the Daogu Emperor of his generation. Kneel down and worship.

Daogu Emperor looked at Wang Lin with a smile on his face, but he sneered in his heart. He came here today to confirm whether the person who caused the violent change in the smoke of the incense burner was the person he had suspected.

If not, that's all, he will be his subordinate.

But once he is, he will have to see with his own eyes how extraordinary this person is!

"Why can you become Xuan Luo's disciple, but I was rejected by him?! Why can I only have six drops of blood approved by the ancient ancestor, and you..., you actually have ten drops!!! Especially that The last drop turned out to be soul blood!!

"This matter" was forbidden by Xuan Luo, and no one other than my Daogu lineage knew about it. Even for this reason, Xuan Luo did not hesitate to say such words that no matter who he is, those who violate him will die!!

The Great Heavenly Lord has no right to decide my life or death. When he said this back then, he obviously felt that as a disciple, he could be recognized by the Great Heavenly Lord of the ancient path!

But he must not be a direct descendant of the ancient ancestor. I don’t believe that the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao would agree with this person!!” The Ancient Emperor Dao always has a gentle smile on his face, but in his heart, he hides hundreds of Years of jealousy!

This jealousy has existed since Wang Lin obtained soul blood until now." After seeing Wang Lin with his own eyes and discovering that the other party was actually the famous white-haired Yue Tianzun of the Immortal Clan, the first person under the Great Tianzun, it suddenly ignited. , but was always suppressed by him.

Wang Lin looked calm. After scanning the ancient emperor, his eyes fell on the old man in front of him. At that moment, the old man who was scolding him suddenly burst out with light.

"What did you say? Repeat it again." Wang Lin spoke slowly.

This old man has a cultivation level comparable to that of the Immortal Yue Tianzun, but even so, his expression immediately changed when Wang Lin glanced at him.

His face immediately turned pale, and the power of the ancient clan in his body was dim. He felt that Wang Lin's eyes seemed to contain a pressure,

This pressure was beyond the strength of his ancient clan.

More importantly, in Wang Lin's eyes, he actually felt like the blood in his body was trembling, as if there was a noble and unimaginable blood in his body. The power of this blood "made this person... The old man's body shook.

"That's enough. Are you here just to make my disciples kneel down to you? He is recognized by me as the future guardian of the Daogu lineage." Xuan Luo looked unhappy.

The ancient emperor smiled slightly, turned around and glanced at the old man behind him, with a chill in his eyes.

"Step down, Xuan Zun's disciple" is my equal, how can I allow you to interrupt! "

The old man immediately lowered his head and said yes, his whole body covered with sweat. "I don't know whether it was because of the emperor's scolding" or because of the fear caused by Wang Lin's gaze before.

"Wang Lin, right? Your name is like thunder in my ears, especially the name of the white-haired Yue Tianzun of the Immortal Clan, it is even more shocking to the Immortal Gang! When I first heard about it, I regretted why there was no such person among my Daogu tribe. The proud ones!

But now "I am very happy!"

This kind of powerful person, the first person under the Great Heavenly Lord, is a member of our Daogu tribe. This is a great good thing! ! ", the ancient emperor smiled, looking very happy.

"Attendant!", the ancient emperor said with a smile, and another old man behind him immediately bowed.

"The humble position is here!"

"The decree is hereby announced to the Daogu clan. Wang Lin will be the guardian of the Daogu clan in the future. He has the same status as me. There is no need to kneel down except for the whole clan ceremony! Anyone who is disrespectful or offensive will be killed at the Meridian Gate!"

"According to the order!" The old man said respectfully.

"Wang Lin, I will reward you with this thing. With this thing, you can enter and leave the palace at will, and you can come to see me at any time." And I also need you to come and see my sons in person and choose a future emperor for me. Your Majesty!" The ancient emperor smiled and raised his right hand. In a flash of purple light, a purple jade pendant transformed into a purple jade pendant and was handed to Wang Lin, waiting for Wang Lin to take it with both hands.

Wang Lin was silent." The ancient emperor showed no impatience at all. He looked at Wang Lin with a smile and waited.

Xuan Luo stood aside, equally silent. He knew that if Wang Lin wanted to stay here, he had to integrate into the Daogu lineage. Likewise, he had to accept the imperial power.

In fact, Xuan Luo was not worried about this at the earliest, because at that time Wang Lin's "cultivation level" was very weak, and he had just stepped out of the cave world and came to Xiangang Continent. He would be more likely to accept the ancient clan's teachings. imperial power.

However, Wang Lin's growth also exceeded Xuan Luo's expectations. Although he had always observed and was very pleased with Wang Lin's changes, he felt a little regretful in his heart, because Wang Lin with this level of cultivation was in the ancient clan. It will take more time to slowly assimilate into Daogu's clansmen who accept the imperial power.

"This is my promise back then... This matter can be tolerated," Wang Lin sighed. He naturally saw the meaning in the ancient emperor's words. "I just don't want to say more." While sighing, Wang Lin stepped forward. "A few steps", he took the jade pendant handed to him by the Ancient Emperor with both hands, and bowed to the other party with cupped fists.

"Thank you... Your Majesty." Wang Lin took the jade slip, his expression did not change at all, he took a few steps back and stood beside Xuan Luo.

The ancient emperor nodded with a smile, looked at Xuan Luo, and also cupped his fists and bowed.

"Ye Dao will retire first. I am very happy to see Wang Lin today. Xuan Zun's choice is for the future generations of our Daogu lineage. Please respect him!" After seeing Xuan Luo nodding, the ancient emperor Zun said With a flick of his sleeve, without even looking at Wang Lin, he turned around and merged into the purple energy." Behind him, all the guards bowed to Xuan Luo and hurriedly followed.

Soon, the purple air in the sky dissipated and returned to normal.

In the palace of the Sky City, the ancient emperor appeared." Standing in his favorite attic, a smile appeared on his lips and he laughed slowly.

"So what if I am a disciple of Xuan Luo, so what if I have ten drops of the ancient ancestor's blood, what if I have one drop of soul blood"! Wang Lin, you still have to kneel down in front of me!

And not just once, but all the time! You don't dare to hurt me, I am protected by the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Way. "After that Xuan Luo reincarnates, I will let you know my rights. It will be easy to kill you!"

In front of Daogu Palace, Xuan Luo looked at Wang Lin complicatedly and fell silent.

On the contrary, Wang Lin smiled slightly and spoke softly to Xuan Luo after the ancient emperor left.

"Master, you promised to give this disciple the first Master Yan gift." The disciple has been waiting for three days. "Wang Lin's smile fell in Xuan Luo's eyes, making Xuan Luo even more complicated.

"When you come to this cave world, you are the supreme being in the cave world. Among the immortals, you are even the white-haired Yue Tianzun." The first person under the Great Tianzun! But in this ancient clan, because the imperial power here is supreme, they have to lower their heads...

"My master has expected this before, but now I feel that I have wronged you..." Xuan Luo looked at his only disciple in front of him.

"Master, you don't need to think too much. It doesn't matter. Since I have chosen to come here, I can ignore the superficial appearance.

Since the imperial power of the ancient clan is supreme, if the ancient emperor wants to coerce his disciples and make them kneel down, then if he can bear it in any grand ceremony, then the disciples will kneel down and bow down.

In the cave world, the disciple promised his master that he would protect the Daogu lineage, and he will continue to do so. "Wang Lin smiled and spoke calmly.

Xuan Luo was silent. After a long time, he seemed to have made a decision.

"You are my only disciple. If you feel that this place is not suitable for you, then you can leave at any time without considering the promise you made back then!

No matter what you choose, no matter where you are, I, Xuan Luo, am your master! ! "

Xuan Luo's sincere words fell on Wang Lin's mind and turned into a warmth. The warmth was like the hot tea three days ago, making Wang Lin feel warm again.

He nodded.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Now I will take you to a few places, which will be of great help to your original cultivation!" No shadow.

Daogu lineage, Pingtian County!

This county is a plain with no mountains! The plain is filled with green grass. When the wind blows, it will make a continuous rustling sound, which sounds very pleasant to the ears.

"There is a deep pool in the north of this grassland, which exudes a rotten smell and is very inconsistent with the surrounding grassland, as if it should not exist here."

"This place was discovered by the Great Heavenly Lord of the ancient Taoist lineage of the previous generation" and placed a forbidden seal to keep it intact and passed it on to the master. The master originally planned to use it to refine a treasure of faith in the future, but I accept it from you. After becoming a disciple, I found that this place is of great help to you, so I will give it to you! "

"This pool has existed for a very long time. I have conducted an in-depth investigation. This place should be an ancient battlefield. The water in the pool contains an amazing evil spirit." This evil spirit is full of killing, making your killing origin grow! "

"There are several places like this that contain different origins. I will take you to them one by one. Many of them are in the places of the other two tribes, but I have been with that place hundreds of years ago. The two Great Heavenly Lords have an agreement, allowing you to go and refine and absorb it." Beside the pool of water, Xuan Luo looked at Wang Lin and said with a smile.

He did not tell Wang Lin what price he had to pay for the Great Heavenly Lords of the two tribes to agree with this matter, but thinking about it, it must be quite a lot!

"Finally, I want to take you to meet the ancestor of my ancient clan, the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao! It is precisely because of his existence that the immortal clan does not dare to invade!

The Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao has been in seclusion all year round. My master once reported matters concerning you to him, so he took you there. "He should meet you."

Perhaps, this will be a great blessing for you! "Xuan Luo looked at Wang Lin kindly. Over the past few hundred years, he has paved a big road for Wang Lin!!~!

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