Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2044: Visions of Heaven and Earth!

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2044: Visions of Heaven and Earth!

The moment it disappeared and the sky turned dark, Wang Lin grabbed the mist that silenced the source. With a wave, the mist rushed towards the dark sky, merged into it, and disappeared.

Staring at the transformed sky on the roof of the shed, Wang Lin's eyes flashed, he raised his hands, made a hand gesture, and spoke softly.

"Flowing Moon..." His self-created magical power, the Flowing Moon Technique, can reverse the changes of thousands of years and pass by in a blink of an eye. This magical power can not only be used in fighting, but now Wang Lin has used this technique in This is within the source of growth.

The movement of heaven and earth is a power that is difficult for monks to control. It is even more difficult for someone like Wang Lin, who seems to have created a piece of heaven and earth by himself, and sealed himself as night and light.

If any outsiders saw this scene at this moment, they would definitely be shocked.

"The Mourning Tribe's technique of opening up caves, and the Great Heavenly Lord's magical ability to create something out of nothing, can create a world of their own... coupled with my power of the flowing moon, I can create the trajectory of the heaven and earth...

And I only practice one side of this secret room, so I can still master it. "Wang Lin looked at the shed roof and saw that in this short period of time, the alternation between night and day on the shed roof had already occurred dozens of times.

"I hope that we can use this method to understand the origins of Taichu and Silence more deeply." Wang Lin slapped his forehead, and immediately a ray of his soul split off and went straight to the ceiling, blending in to feel the alternating black and white. Variety.

This ray of soul was integrated into the ceiling by Wang Lin, and he no longer thought about it. The matter of understanding cannot be achieved in a short time. When he takes back this soul again after a few years, he will gain this time. Feel everything you have within yourself.

"The origin of the restriction..." Wang Lin looked at the mist where mysterious runes were constantly emerging. This mist was the origin of the restriction. It started from the land of the ancient gods and has been with him to this day.

After a moment of silence, Wang Lin remembered that his master Xuan Luo had taken him to several places. In those places, he had obtained a large number of prohibition formations, which had helped him tremendously in strengthening his prohibition origin.

With a sigh, Wang Lin pointed at the Five Elements True Body. The Five Elements True Body immediately opened its eyes and looked at Wang Lin. In a flash, the Five Elements True Body stood up and turned into five rays of light and merged into the forbidden source, replacing Wang Lin. , integrate the large number of forbidden formations obtained to strengthen the origin.

Finally, what Wang Lin looked at was the origin of killing that was most important to him and the most elusive to him in the true body of Killing Thunder! !

"Lumo... he appeared for the first time and called himself Lumo. The ancient master,

I actually know this person..." Wang Lin's eyes were complicated, and he had a vague guess in his heart, but that guess was buried deep in his heart.

"Killing is the immortal body, which inherently represents destruction, so it cannot be erased. This origin of killing is only a great achievement now, and its true body cannot be condensed yet. I don't know if what I do is right...or wrong." Wang Lin hesitated.

"I have always been suppressing the origin of killing. It was born from Lei Rong. I used restraint to balance it, and because I realized the origin of silence, while the killing was enhanced, I used Taichu to cooperate with restraint to balance it.

From this point of view, if they all achieve the true form, they should be able to suppress and achieve balance. Besides, I have another way! "Wang Lin murmured, with a decisive look on his face. He could not tolerate not doing this at this moment. If he wanted to improve his cultivation, he had to do this.

Staring at the source of killing and the avatar of thunder beside him, the moment Wang Lin made up his mind, he saw the avatar of thunder suddenly opened his eyes, with lightning in his eyes, and opened his mouth to suck in the source of killing, and immediately Swallowing this source into his mouth, the thunder all over his body suddenly changed and turned black.

The killing thunder comes again!

Looking at this strange true body, Wang Lin's eyes were shining brightly. He made a hand seal with his hands and pointed at this body. However, he saw this body of killing thunder rushing straight towards Wang Lin in a flash, and instantly overlapped with Wang Lin's body.

Wang Lin had clearly used his countless years of killing to strengthen the growth of the origin of killing. During the fusion process, there were always overlapping shadows on Wang Lin's body, as if it was difficult to fully integrate in a short time.

But there was no surprise in Wang Lin's expression, as if he had known for a long time that this would happen. He kept making seals with his hands, one by one on his body. Every time his fingertips fell, the overlapping of the killing thunder body on his body would dissipate. Some, as Wang Lin kept clicking, sweat gradually broke out on his forehead, and his expression was extremely solemn.

I don’t know how much time had passed, but when his last finger fell, the true form of the Killing Thunder was completely integrated with his body, without any overlap. Wang Lin bit the tip of his tongue, spit out a mouthful of blood, and waved his right hand. The blood was turned into runes, and they were unexpectedly rolled back, making all the runes stick to Wang Lin's body.

"Blood Refining!!" Wang Lin roared, his eyes suddenly closed and he remained motionless.

While strengthening this source of killing, in order to prevent future accidents, he must refine Lumo again!

This was the second time he went to refine the Killing Thunder. As for the first time, it was when the Killing Thunder was born accidentally.

Time passes, and the years pass without a trace. Without feeling it, one year, one year, and another year pass slowly.

On the Immortal Gang Continent, with the emergence of the ancient divine realm, the undercurrent became increasingly silent, but the more so, the more heavy a sense of depression enveloped the entire Immortal Gang Continent.

The various sects of the Immortal Clan fell into silence one after another. It was rare that there was no more fighting. They were obviously gathering strength to prepare for the ancient opening hundreds of years later.

Almost all the slightly powerful sects felt this oppression and had a premonition that hundreds of years later, there might be a long-awaited ancient war! !

In this war, Great Heavenly Lord may fall. As for Yue Tianzun, Heavenly Lord, and various sects, some will be eliminated, and some may become famous.

The same was true on the land of the ancient tribes. The three-line royal family carried out the orders from the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Path and started preparing for war intensively. Under the feeling of oppression, the Great Heavenly Lords of all races also went into seclusion.

In the Daogu royal family, Luo Chen has become the new emperor. However, he is the new emperor and is still unfamiliar with the entire Daogu lineage. It will take some time to adapt before he can truly have everything.

During this process, Saint Emperor Zu Yewei temporarily replaced Huang Zun to handle the entire Daogu lineage. As for Xuan Luo, after Luo Chen became Huang Zun, he could not go out in seclusion.

His reincarnation time is approaching, and he is facing the ancient divine realm. For Xuan Luo, now is not the best time to reincarnate. He cannot reincarnate, but must suppress it and wait for everything to calm down before he can reincarnate with peace of mind.

The Shigu lineage is also facing similar problems. The ten-thousand-year period of the old emperor is approaching. According to the ancient agreement, unless the Great Heavenly Lord of the ancient path allows him, otherwise, he must abdicate and pass on the emperor's position to his Descendants.

Now there are more than a hundred years before the last time for his abdication. The Ancient Emperor has always remained silent. He has no right to choose. The princes of the Ancient lineage have turned their attention to the Great Heavenly Lord Song Tian.

Ji Du visited many times, but none of them were successful. They were all blocked outside the original mountain. Seeing that the time was getting closer and closer, once the Great Heavenly Lord Song Tian made a decision, everything would be too late.

At this moment, in the palace of Prince Jidu, there were three people sitting, one of them was Jidu. He frowned, looking anxious and hesitant.

There was a young woman beside him. The young woman looked young. She looked at Jidu from time to time, and she also had anxiety in her eyes.

"Brother Emperor, Senior Wang Lin has been in seclusion for a full hundred years... The date for his father's abdication is getting closer and closer. According to convention, the new emperor should be determined a hundred years before his abdication.

From a time perspective, it is expected that there will be definite news within the next few years. If you don't seek help from Senior Wang Lin, I'm afraid everything will be too late..." The young woman sighed softly. She was the girl who was beside Yu Jidu back then. She married decades ago and was of the same lineage as Shigu. He became the father of a talented man, who could be called the strongest person in the new generation of the ancient lineage. Now he has become a confidant of Jidu. He is sitting next to the young woman and watching all this with cold eyes.

"According to rumors, this senior is the Tenth Yang of the Immortal Gang. However, after he left the Daogu lineage, he immediately retreated here. It seems that he was injured... Can he make Song Zun change his mind?" The speaker was a young man dressed in purple, who was the husband of the young woman.

"Brother Imperial!" The young woman became even more anxious.

"Needless to say! Before his adoptive father went into seclusion, he said that nothing should disturb him..." Prince Jidu struggled for a long time, sighed, and spoke decisively.

"This..." The young woman bit her lower lip and swallowed her words when she saw Ji Du's decisive look.

Only the young man in purple robe had a sneer on his lips. Apparently he did not think that Wang Lin, whom he had never seen before, was as scary as the rumors said.

"Even if my adoptive father is not released, I can still take advantage of my hundred years of preparation! Chi Man... and my imperial brother, I wonder if Song Zun will still choose if they die. A dead person is the emperor!" A cold light appeared in Jidu's eyes.

As soon as these words came out, there was a cold feeling in the hall immediately. The young woman's heart trembled and she wanted to say something, but it turned into bitterness. The imperial brother in front of her had changed so much in the past hundred years that she was already unfamiliar with him.

There was silence in the main hall. The young man in purple robe also fell silent after hearing Ji Du's words. After a long time, he suddenly raised his head, and when he was about to speak, a huge pressure suddenly descended on the main hall silently. Inside.

As soon as this coercion came out, the color of the world changed, the wind and clouds rolled back, and the entire world suddenly experienced amazing changes.

There seemed to be an indescribable aura rising into the sky from the secret room where Wang Lin was retreating and heading straight towards the sky.

The originally sunny sky seemed to collapse at this moment, with a large number of fragments appearing, and the roaring sound rolled away in all directions.

"Visions of heaven and earth!!"

"It's coming from the place where my adoptive father is in seclusion. His adoptive father has been released from seclusion!!" Ji Du stood up suddenly, his expression showing excitement.

Friendly recommendation, small knife sharp number 2104762

This is a huge, gorgeous, and mysterious world of fighting spirit, with countless powerful people hiding in it!

Along the way of martial arts, you fight against the sky, the earth, and people. Never give in or retreat. If the road in front of you is blocked, then use your fists to make a way and fill the sky!

As long as you have a strong heart, no matter what is in front of you, just blow it to pieces with one punch.

God of War changes, blood boils. ! ~!

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