Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2045: True Body Fusion!

Fog appeared in the sky, and the poisonous fog rolled like a mushroom, rumbling and spreading around. As it spread, it covered the sky, making the earth gradually become dark.

A huge coercion fell from the sky, and when it enveloped the people below, the ground couldn't help but tremble, as if the earth, if it had a spirit, would be afraid of this pressure.

In the palace, in addition to Prince Jidu and others, there are also many guards. Each of these guards has considerable power from the ancient clan, and some of them have even become saints and possess twenty-seven stars.

But at this moment, as the pressure came, each of these nearly a thousand guards turned pale, their bodies trembled, and there was a banging sound in their bodies, as if they were unable to bear the pressure.

"What magical powers he has cultivated for a hundred years can actually produce such pressure!" In the main hall, the face of the purple-robed young man changed drastically. It seemed that he could not bear it even with his cultivation level.

As for the young woman, she couldn't stand up and sat on the seat with sweat on her forehead.

Prince Jidu looked excited. During the hundred years of Wang Lin's seclusion, he never dared to disturb him. Even when he encountered a life-and-death crisis, he gritted his teeth and got through it on his own. But now, all this is about to pass, and he feels this Within the coercion came the aura from his adoptive father, Wang Lin.

As the mist in the sky continued to roll, a strange shadow suddenly appeared in it. However, the shadow was a fiery red sun. The sun transformed into the mist, bursting out with bright light. At the moment when the light spread, the mist from all directions rolled back again, and as the roaring sound echoed, the mist suddenly spread to endless places.

Looking from a distance, the county where the prince's palace in Shigu Jidu is located is almost entirely shrouded in fog. In this county, countless Shigu people are trembling and unable to resist the pressure. Their bodies seem to be frozen, unable to move at all. .

Especially the nearly a thousand guards in the palace, who were closest to this pressure, were all trembling at the moment, and their hearts were filled with fear.

The purple-robed young man in the main hall was sweating all over his body, and even his robe was mostly wet. His face was ashen, and his eyes were filled with horror. He had paid homage to Lord Song Tian before, and even in front of Lord Song, he was not as scared as he is now.

It seems that his life and death depend on this oppressive thought.

The rumors about this man in seclusion more than a hundred years ago could not help but appear in the mind of this purple-robed young man, making his previous disrespectful thoughts disappear. In his view, he could exude such coercion. This person is enough to compare with the Great Heavenly Lord Song Tian!

As this coercion spread and the fog enveloped the Shigu County, far away from the imperial city of the Shigu Line, on a mountain peak rising into the sky,

There is a main hall.

This mountain is called the Original Mountain. The top of the mountain has the shape of a bull's horn, as if it is about to shatter the sky.

The main hall was built on one end of the horn. This hall is the Shigu Hall. It is the holy place second only to the ancestral temple in the Shigu lineage. It is also the place where magical powers are taught to the Shigu people.

On weekdays, many tribesmen come to visit here, but today, this primitive mountain exudes a majestic pressure, preventing everyone from stepping into it.

At the other end of the horn, there was a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged. This man was wearing a green robe. His hair was down to his waist. He was looking into the distance with a slightly solemn expression.

There was another person behind him. This person was a young man with a rough appearance and a hint of ferociousness. But now the ferocity had dissipated. He was shocked and stared into the distance.

With his cultivation, he would not have noticed the pressure from a distance, but at this moment, standing behind the middle-aged man, he felt it in a strange way.

"Master... this... this...", the young man took a deep breath. He saw the gloomy look on his master's face, and subconsciously spoke and swallowed it immediately.

"Apart from Wang Lin, who made a big fuss in the Daogu Imperial Palace more than a hundred years ago, killed the Daogu Emperor, came to my Shigu lineage, was enshrined by your imperial brother, and couldn't go out in seclusion, who else could it be!" There was a cold glint in the middle-aged man's eyes.

When he heard the name Wang Lin, the rough-looking young man took a breath. After a moment of silence, he suddenly opened his mouth.

"Master has never identified his disciple as Emperor Zun. Is this also the reason?"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly.

"Master Wang Lin saw this once before, and it was his master Xuan Luo who brought him here. His cultivation level is not weak, and his combat power is extraordinary, but he has not yet been placed in my eyes!

The reason why he was able to break into Daogu Imperial Palace and escape intact was because Xuan Luo didn't take action! However, after this person killed the Ancient Dao Emperor, the Ancient Dao Great Heavenly Lord never said anything. This matter is puzzling, and it is precisely because of this that the teacher did not choose the future Emperor in a hurry!

What I am worried about as a teacher is not this person, but the thoughts of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao! As for this person, there is nothing to worry about! ", the middle-aged man said slowly, looking at the faint coercion emanating from the sky and the earth in the distance. He was Song Tian, ​​the Great Heavenly Lord of the ancient lineage, and the young man behind him was the prince Chiman.

The young man on the side breathed a sigh of relief, hesitated, and asked hesitantly.

"Master, now that Wang Lin is out of seclusion, his cultivation should be more advanced than a hundred years ago, otherwise he would not be able to exert such pressure."

The middle-aged man did not speak, but the pupils of his eyes shrank slightly, and he looked for a while before he slowly spoke.

"He is merging the real body! And this real body is somewhat extraordinary. It is very difficult for him to fully integrate it! However, since he chose to fuse the real body in my ancient lineage and did not inform the deity, it would be too disrespectful. I take it seriously, and since he has participated in the fight for the Ancient Emperor, I wonder if my teacher will give him some teaching jade." Although the middle-aged man was worried about the thoughts of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao, he was still a great master after all. Tianzun is also the guardian of the Shigu lineage. Within the scope of Shigu, he has the right to deal with everything he considers a threat.

A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes. The middle-aged man suddenly raised his right hand, pinched a mark, and pointed in the direction of Wang Lin's pressure.

"Unblock!", he murmured, and there was a flash of light on his right hand.

At the same time, on the land of the ancient tribe, at the center of the connection between the three veins, on the ancient road mountain with nearly a thousand steps, on the top floor of the towering tower, the shadows covered by the fog opened their eyes from the cross-legged position. , looking in the direction of Shigu.

"True body fusion?" After a long time, the phantom spoke hoarsely to itself. His words were calm, showing no emotion, and no joy or anger could be heard. In the county where the palace of Shigu Jidu was located, as the mist shrouded the sky and the earth rolled, I saw that above the palace, when the first sun transformed, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the fog slowly turned into the night like boiling!

In a short period of time, the darkness and the early sun alternated in the mist. Nine times later, a soft chant came from the palace. As the sound swirled, all the mist suddenly turned into a There are flashing runes, and each rune contains the power of the forbidden source.

Time passed slowly, and a few hours passed in the blink of an eye. During these few hours, there were more and more forbidden runes, and the sky was alternating between black and white more and more frequently, but it never seemed to merge.

There are signs of instability in Gengzao. The alternation of black and white, while weakening, it seems to be faintly about to collapse. There are also a large number of restrictions, and there are signs of disintegration in Gengzao.

At this moment, a sudden and shocking roar echoed, and five rainbows rushed out from the palace. The appearance of the five rainbows could not be seen clearly, but after they condensed in the sky and the earth, the five rainbows became one. , but it condensed into a shadow.

The phantom looked like Wang Lin!

But it was not Wang Lin's true body, but his five-element true body. This true body stood between heaven and earth. His body was weak and only the size of an ordinary person. But with a fierce inhale, he saw the roar of heaven and earth, and the endless sky and earth. The force rolled back crazily, and after being swallowed into the mouth by the Five Elements True Body in an instant, its body suddenly expanded and became a hundred feet in size in the blink of an eye!

This power of heaven and earth is actually the power of the five elements of heaven and earth!

The Baizhang real body did not pause, but took another sharp breath. The earth shook, the sky fire loomed, the rain was hazy, the grass withered, and the golden origin power from the sky and the earth also moved with it, turning into the world of heaven and earth. The force is involved in the mouth of this true body.

As the roaring sound spread, the one-hundred-foot shadow expanded again and turned into a thousand-foot giant!

Standing between heaven and earth, this thousand-foot-long Five Elements True Body stretches out its hands. While the Five Elements origins surround it, it stabilizes the alternation of black and white, so that the flickering of the rune ban no longer shows signs of stagnation.

But just at the moment when the three major sources of restraint, Taichu, and silence were stabilized, a brutal roar was heard, faintly coming from the depths of the county.

This roar was filled with madness and earth-shattering power. When it came out, it immediately caused the hearts of the ancient tribesmen in this county to shake, showing panic and fear.

At the moment when the roar reverberated, Prince Jidu in the hall trembled, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes showed shock.

"It's Luo Zhu!!"

The young man in purple robe turned even pale. The moment he heard the word "Luo Hu", he thought of a rumor about the prince of Jidu in front of him. It was rumored that when the prince was born, there was also a vision of heaven and earth, but it represented a great evil. The shadow of his intention was concealed by the royal family and dispersed by the teachers and students of the country at that time.

Not many people know about it, but over the past hundred years, for some unknown reason, it has gradually spread again within the Shigu lineage.

It is said that the reason why the prince of Jidu built his palace in this Luohu County is precisely because this county sealed the fierce beast Luohu that was defeated at the hands of the ancient ancestors!

And having Jidu here seems to be able to suppress Luo Yan and nourish one's own luck. This was something that the deceased Imperial Master arranged before his death.

The roar became more and more violent, and not long after, a huge shadow appeared in the sky in the distance. It was a round flesh ball with only one huge eye on it, revealing ferocity and madness. They are all illusions. After appearing at this moment, Wang Lin stared at the Five Elements True Body above the palace and the original illusion. There was a flash of greed in his huge single eye.

This round meat ball is none other than Luo Zhu! ! ~!

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