Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2064: One Step to the Sky!

Almost all the Great Heavenly Lords from the Xiangang Continent came in alarm. At this moment, they turned into seven long rainbows and went straight to the Cangwu Basin from their different places. Where the ancient tribe was, three long rainbows roared at extremely fast speeds.

As for the Immortal Clan, the four of them kept silent and galloped away. But at their speed, it might take half a month to reach the place where they are fighting, even if they use all their strength.

After all, Xiangang Continent is really too big, and they don’t have the cultivation level of Wang Lin and Ancient Dao.

In the center of the vast basin, the sea wall storm was rolling, and the side close to the ancient tribe roared around the world. Wang Lin's body was filled with nearly ten thousand fog balls and exploded. In the roar, when all the fog balls dissipated Finally, there was blood at the corner of Wang Lin's mouth, and his body suddenly retreated, retreating hundreds of feet in a row, and spurted out a mouthful of blood again. The dark halo outside his body collapsed.

On the ancient path, the fog beast outside his body was completely torn apart, and dissipated during the shrill roar. Its dispersion caused the fog around the Great Heavenly Lord on the ancient path to decrease rapidly, and it was gradually disappearing completely. When all the fog disappeared, his The mysterious face will also be clearly revealed.

"In order to see my appearance clearly, you did not hesitate to get hurt..." "Wang Lin is hundreds of feet away between heaven and earth," Gudao said slowly. The mist outside his body has thinned, leaving only a few lingering, barely Block the exposure of his face.

"Since you want to get it, then let's see..." You are the first person in countless years to see my face..."..." Gu Dao is thin and wearing a green robe, but his right arm is "Sleeveless" with gray hair, he looked at Wang Lin, the fog on his face gradually completely dissipated.

Wang Lin was looking at the other person hundreds of feet away. When all the fog on the other person's face dissipated, he finally saw the appearance of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao. After seeing it clearly, he didn't show the slightest surprise. Instead, he let out a long sigh. .

"It's really you..."

The ancient road is silent.

"Should I call you Ancient Ancestor, or Ancient Dao!" Wang Lin looked at the familiar face in front of him and spoke slowly.

The appearance of the ancient road is exactly the same as the statues of the ancient ancestors in the three cities of the ancient ancestors that Wang Lin saw! !

"In other words, your appearance belongs to you, and the statue in Yancheng is carved according to your appearance!" Wang Lin looked at the ancient road, and the other person's appearance showed vicissitudes of life.

"I am from ancient times..." I am also an ancient ancestor. "Gu Dao said slowly with a look of confusion on his face.

"I obtained part of the memory and will of the ancient ancestor to protect the ancient clan and the descendants of the direct royal family..." My appearance also absorbed this part of the memory and will,

Slowly the situation changed... "" Gudao's voice was low.

"The maximum distance you can leave should be right here! According to rumors, it is said that you once killed the Great Heavenly Lord of the Immortal Clan on the land of the Immortal Clan. I'm afraid this is wrong." It should be that when the Immortal Clan invaded, they surpassed the boundless sea. Center line, so you can kill. "Wang Lin's mind suddenly became clear, and answers to many of the things he had been puzzled over were slowly coming to light.

It is still difficult for him to understand that "with the cultivation of the ancient way, the immortal clan can be easily destroyed", leaving the entire Xiangang Continent without immortals. However, for countless years now, the immortal clan has always existed.

"Having obtained the memory and will of the ancient ancestor, you should have some limitations while gaining good fortune..." Wang Lin looked at the other party and sighed softly.

"On the day of complete change, I felt the existence of a restriction..."I can't go too far out of the land of the ancient tribe. "Once I go out, all my cultivation will be lost..." "The expression of the ancient road is calm, there is no helplessness, no Bitter.

"Why are you stopping me from leaving?" Wang Lin asked this question again.

"After I obtained the memory of my ancient ancestor, for countless years, I slowly felt some things..." some... "I can't understand, I can't believe" but it's very real. "Gudao sighed, he looked around, looked at the earth" and looked in the direction of the ancient tribe.

"Maybe it's true, or maybe it's my illusion..." Gu Dao shook his head. He did not answer Wang Lin's question. Instead, he murmured, his eyes showing a decisive look.

"Fight, if you defeat me, I don't have the power to stop your steps, so you can leave! I can feel that you haven't given your full strength yet, and I won't hold back either!"

There are two kinds of my strongest skills. One is to transform the world into ancient times. In the memory of the ancient ancestor, he was born from nothingness. He always believed that his eyes could be transformed into the sun and the moon, and his blood could be transformed into the sun and the moon. Forming rivers and seas, his bones can become mountains everywhere, his hands covering together become the sky, and his body falling down can become the earth.

Because of his belief and his thoughts, he spent his whole life creating this technique and transforming the world into ancient times!

I have never used this technique since I inherited it... "Today is the first time..." Gu Dao looked at Wang Lin and said slowly.

Wang Lin was silent for a moment and met Gu Dao's eyes.

"I once saw a figure in the ancestral temple of the Ancient Imperial City. The figure took a step towards the sky. This step gave me a great shock. On the fifth bridge of Tatian, I was immersed in the cycle of reincarnation. In the ordinary world, I don’t know how much time has passed. In addition to the enlightenment of the Baji Dao, what I have gained the most is also this step - one by one, one by one.

I couldn't cross the fifth bridge, but with this step, I did.

This step, I call it, a step into the sky! "As Wang Lin spoke, his eyes also showed determination. This battle is unavoidable, so Wang Lin will fight to the end.

"If you can take over this technique, you are qualified to witness the Taoist style that I have studied for countless thousands of years!" After hearing Wang Lin say that he had walked through the fifth bridge, the ancient path fell silent. After a moment, he raised his right hand and waved towards the sky.

With a wave of his hand, countless bright rays of light immediately appeared behind the ancient road. Those rays of light came out of thin air and condensed with each other. In just an instant, a huge brilliance condensed behind the ancient road.

The whole body of that brilliance was shrouded in light and could not be seen clearly, but after it appeared, the brilliance opened up. "With a sudden breath, the heaven and earth roared, and the power of heaven and earth roared in from all directions, and its scope expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it covered an area of ​​one hundred thousand, one million, or even more. , even the entire vast basin is covered by it.

The majestic and endless power of heaven and earth roared in, and was absorbed by this brilliance. The range continued to spread, beyond the vast basin, and roared towards the positions of the ancient clan and the immortal clan.

In the area where the immortals were close to the vast sea, Emperor Jiu and the other Great Heavenly Lords, the four long rainbows they formed suddenly stopped, and they all looked into the distance in shock, feeling as if their souls were gone.

The same thing happened immediately on the land of the ancient tribe and Song Tian. They felt a terrifying suction force from the vast sea. They felt that the world around them seemed to be rolling, and they went straight to that distant location. go.

In the center of the vast sea, the brilliance followed the power of swallowing up the world, and its body expanded crazily at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a height of tens of thousands of feet, and it continued. After a while, "Wang Lin raised his head At first, he could no longer see the glorious upper body. All he could see were the glorious legs!

Wang Lin took a breath. He didn't know how high this brilliance would be in the end, but he could imagine that if he looked outside the Immortal Gang Continent at this moment, he would definitely be able to see a giant standing on the Immortal Gang Continent. superior!


"Ancient Ancestor..." Wang Lin looked at the figure that was still expanding. He didn't know how big this brilliance would eventually become. Perhaps given enough power from heaven and earth to this brilliance, he could be comparable to a star field..."

It wasn't until all the power of heaven and earth from the entire Xiangang Continent was drawn in that this glorious body slowly stopped swelling, but even its current size was enough to give Wang Lin an indescribable pressure.

"The ancient world..." "Wang Lin looked at the sky." In the silence, his consciousness suddenly spread, and as it spread, he felt a strange scene.

"This huge brilliance" its eyes fell off, one became the bright sun in the sky, and the other turned into the moon, and the blood gradually flowing out of its body formed a large river on the ground and formed an ocean.

"His hands were raised" and under the cover, it suddenly turned into a blue sky. His body collapsed and became the earth, and his bones turned into mountains.

As Wang Lin saw and sensed this scene, his eyes suddenly stung, and there was a faint trace of blood left behind. It seemed that there was great power to take out his eyes and use one of them as a yang. Use the other eye as the moon!

His hands were shaking even more, as if they were being pulled by this force to lift them up and turn them into a sky. His body also seemed to become the earth under this strange force.

This is a kind of faith!

A strange art that can change the world, change time and space when it reaches its limit, and anyone who is enveloped by its belief will become one of its beliefs!

With this belief, Wang Lin took a deep breath, and his eyes gradually calmed down. Instead of thinking about how to break this technique, he closed his eyes. In his mind, he couldn't help but picture the figure holding the corpse, standing on the mountain with colorful snowflakes falling, looking up to the sky in sorrow. The roaring figure" and the figure taking a step towards the sky!

"This step" kept reappearing in his mind. After countless times, Wang Lin slowly raised his right foot and took a step towards the sky of the world created by the ancient ancestors' faith.

After taking this step, Wang Lin seemed to have an illusion that he was that figure, that he was holding the corpse and looking up to the sky and roaring. An indescribable sadness grew in his heart. That kind of hurt was like his heart being dug away. The pain..."

He seemed to have forgotten that he was fighting against the ancient ways, and had forgotten the direction to return to the cave world. The only thing that existed in his mind was endless sadness, despair and anger!

This anger made Wang Lin suddenly fall behind!

Take a step forward! !

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