Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2065: 9 Songs and 3 Phases Complete!

With one step, the anger in Wang Lin's heart seemed to be vented, and with his right foot, the sky and the earth suddenly roared. His figure, at this moment, seemed to have reached an unimaginable state, and with that step, he stepped onto the sky.

The whole world seems to be under its feet, and all living beings are under its feet. Be it rules or laws, everything will be wiped out in this step.

The entire sky, with a large number of cracks appearing in this half, collapsed suddenly, and countless fragments rolled back, making that day never again!

The sky collapses!

When Wang Lin's right foot came down and he raised his head, the ground cracked!

The sun and the moon dissipated, the rivers and the sea dispersed, the earth and the sky, the world formed by the ancient heaven and earth, were shattered into pieces.

Gudao trembled and spurted out! His mouth was bleeding, his body was staggering, and he was continuously pushed out a hundred feet away, and then he stopped, and his face turned pale for the first time.

"Treading the Heaven Realm!! This is the complete Heaven Stepping Realm!!" His expression showed shock. Looking at Wang Lin who had taken this step, he felt a terrible power in him, as if he was awakening.

Wang Lin stood between heaven and earth. Everything just now seemed like an illusion. He closed his eyes and slowly opened them after a long time. There was sadness in his eyes. He raised his head and looked at the sky which had returned to normal. For a long, long time.

"You walked across the Didan Bridge!" Gu Dao looked at Wang Lin complicatedly and spoke slowly after burning an incense stick.

"The seventh bridge failed at the eighth bridge." Wang Lin closed his eyes, as if to keep the sadness in his eyes from dissipating.

"The seventh pepper..." Gudao smiled bitterly. He took a deep look at Wang Lin. In that step just now, he could clearly feel the desire to reach the sky. This kind of thought is the ultimate expression of faith.

With his current level of cultivation, he couldn't take that step.

"Maybe I really can't keep you..." Gu Dao took a deep breath, his eyes turned from complicated to firm, and continued word by word: "But, I can't just give up, I have spent my whole life time, I figured out a way to the sky!

I call this technique Daotian, because this technique is transformed by my lifelong belief in the ancient way. I may not be as powerful as my ancient ancestor, but my belief is different from his!

His belief is to transform into heaven and earth. It is precisely because of the existence of this thought that I cannot stay too far away from the land of the ancient clan. Perhaps in the thoughts of the ancient ancestor, the scope of the immortal clan is not transformed by him, but a place he hates. .

And my belief,

Let this sky no longer block my eyes, let this earth no longer block my body, let this sun, moon, sky, and this Immortal Gang Continent no longer fascinate my heart!

One way to guide heaven, take my heart as the way, use the way to step on the sky, use the sky as the step, step on the sky and look at it! ! "As Gu Dao spoke, he raised his hands and waved towards the sky.

The curtain roared, and a huge vortex appeared. This vortex enveloped the entire vast basin, as if the end of the world was about to come. The ancient road waved his right hand and suddenly pointed at Wang Lin.

"You are the sky!" The voice of the ancient road roared, like the roar of thunder, which revealed a great faith. Under his finger, a large number of ripples appeared around Wang Lin. He seemed to feel something, and raised his head sharply, but In the vortex of the curtain, a big foot suddenly transformed and stepped towards him!

In the past two hundred years, Wang Lin once again felt a strong sense of life and death crisis. Every person in the Heaven-Stepping Realm has supreme power. He, Wang Lin, could understand the Heaven-Stepping Realm in one step from the familiar figure. In one step, the ancient Taoist can also rely on his astonishing wisdom and countless millions of years of faith to realize this ancient way of stepping on the sky! "All living beings want to go to the sky, but those who can't get it have no faith and no coward..." This is a sentence engraved on the eighth bridge to the sky. Wang Lin saw it when he went there for the second time.

At this moment, he was looking at the ancient road, and this sentence could not help but appear in his mind. He suddenly had some understanding. In this world, whether it is humans or animals, even the existence of spirits, they all have the intention of stepping into the sky.

Just like when he answered Li Qianmei's three questions in the cave world, the world is a circle, and outside that circle, there is another circle...

"Few people have no intention from birth... All living beings in this world have the idea of ​​wanting to be different, the desire for a kind of freedom, an unfettered thought. The laws of this world, There are circles of poverty, wealth and moderation, there are circles of the weak and the strong in this world of cultivation, and the whole world is also a circle like a cage...

The sky in the sky and the bright stars are also like circles!

Walk out of this circle, walk out of more circles, until you rise from the sky, rise from the sky and stars, take that last step out of all living things, from now on, you can no longer cover your eyes, and you can no longer deceive your mind, this... , is the original intention of cultivating the truth in the Taoist scriptures! ! "

Wang Lin murmured, looking at the huge feet stepping on the sky, he vaguely seemed to understand, vaguely seemed to have an epiphany!

"Life and death, cause and effect, truth...\

,""Life and death are ropes. Countless lives and deaths are connected together to form countless circles and form a net. This net is called cause and effect. This big net of cause and effect is an item that fishes out the true self from the river of reincarnation. There is illusion and reality in the river of reincarnation. You need to have a pair of eyes that can see through the true and false before you can throw out the net and fish out yourself.

After my virtual origin became true and false, I realized that reincarnation is the fourth virtual origin in the Donglin Sect. Only a few hundred years have passed, and I still can't understand what reincarnation is...

What is reincarnation? I once thought it was a force of law that governs this life and the next. Until the appearance of Daogu Guoshi, no matter what the reason was, the point in his words revealed that Wan'er's true resurrection requires the power of reincarnation to be exerted in the realm of the Ancient God...

At that time, I was very confused about what the power of reincarnation was. I still thought that it was a kind of rule and law between heaven and earth...

Until now, I finally understand... reincarnation is this day! Throwing the causal net in my hand towards the sky, I try to fish out my true self, my true self! !

Like..., does this mean..." Wang Lin's mind roared, all these thoughts appeared in an instant, flowing to all positions in his thoughts, occupying the peak of his mind.

At this moment, he understood!

In his body, there was an extra strand of the original three void sources at this moment. That strand of origin was exactly the reincarnation he had clearly understood!

"So that's how it is..." Wang Lin was silent. The big feet above his head came roaring. It was no longer a hundred feet high, but at this moment, there seemed to be a strange voice squeezing into the roar. Come in and wander around the world.

That's the sound of the wind!

That's the Ancient Vein Cang Qiong Song! That was the first tone of the nine-melody sound. After this tone, the second tone, the third tone, and up to the ninth tone suddenly came out. It was the wind, thunder, clouds, rain, zangshen, and the final song of blood!

From this heaven and earth, from Wang Lin's body, from this sky, the sky is shaking.

The falling big foot seems to be slowing down under the nine melodies. The beauty of this music is indescribable. It surrounds the sky and the earth and spreads in all directions.

At the moment when all nine songs were played, a scene suddenly appeared in the sky!

Golden sky, black earth!

The golden sky and black earth seemed illusory and unreal, but they were clearly revealed in Wang Lin's eyes, and Gu Dao was shocked to see them.

After the first phase appeared, Wang Lin's eyes revealed a silver light. That endless light was the second phase!

The Nine Songs and Three Phases appeared for the first time on Wang Lin's ancient road, but they were incomplete. One tune and one phase were missing!

In that ancient palace, it appeared for the second time, with all nine songs, but one of the three phases was still missing!

Now, in the center of this vast basin, on the stormy side of the sea wall, with the advent of the ancient Dao Tian Zun Dao Tian Yi style, the nine curves and three phases appear for the third time!

However, this third time, although the nine songs were still complete, the third phase could never appear, as if it was still missing a little bit, still missing that crucial point!

Wang Lin raised his head, his eyes were not looking at the big feet that seemed to be stopped a hundred feet away, but looking through this technique and looking at the nothingness outside the curtain.

His mind is clear now, and he has a clear understanding at this moment. He knows that he still lacks something.

"Nothingness, clone, come completely and merge with me!!" What he lacks is the same way and recognition of being born from nothingness as the ancient ancestors and immortals.

The moment his words came out, in the void filled with laws in the Xiangang Continent, there was a huge round stone, with a figure sitting cross-legged inside. He had been sitting here for hundreds of years and nearly a thousand years.

At this moment, he seemed to hear the call and opened his eyes suddenly. A bright light appeared in his eyes. His appearance was exactly the same as Wang Lin's. He was Wang Lin's ethereal clone!

The moment he opened his eyes, the stone he was sitting on exploded with a bang. A large number of arc-shaped gravels were scattered like eggshells and rolled in all directions. The figure stood up and took a step forward. Disappeared without a trace.

In the Xiangang Continent, in the Vast Basin, on the stormy side of the sea wall, following Wang Lin's voice, a person walked out of the whirlpool with big feet in the sky.

This person took the third step. Under the shocking eyes of the ancient road, he saw this person walking in front of Wang Lin, overlapping with Wang Lin's body and merging together.

At that moment of fusion, Wang Lin looked up to the sky and let out a roar. The roar was shocking. Under the reverberation, the lingering sound changed strangely, and turned into bursts of sounds like a baby crying!

The sound of the baby's cry echoed in the world, spread throughout the vast basin, and when it reached the land of the ancient tribes, a crack appeared in the three ancient ancestor statues in the ancient three-line imperial city at the same time.

When it spread to the land of the Immortal Clan, cracks also appeared on the statue of the Immortal Ancestor in the Ancestral City.

On the land of the ancient clan, countless earth energy erupted and condensed into a huge figure. That was the ancient ancestor! On the land of the Immortal Clan, the earth energy is permeating the air at this moment, condensing the second figure on the Immortal Gang Continent, that is the Immortal Ancestor.

These two figures cannot be seen by ordinary people, only the Great Heavenly Lord can feel them.

In the vast basin, at this moment, a third figure suddenly appeared. That figure surpassed Immortal Ancient and rose into the sky!

"Nine tunes, three phases...the third phase is the baby's cry..." Gudao murmured.

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