Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2066: Promise

"Red Hunzi, one by one, one by one." Wang Lin snorted coldly. At this moment, everything inside and outside the New Immortal World was clearly detected by his consciousness. He saw the arrogant face of Chi Hunzi, and saw other things. The young man next to him, who was vaguely related by blood, saw that the formation outside the fairy world was being corroded by blood.

Judging from the extent of the corrosion of the formation, it should be dissipated in about two days.

Back then, Chi Hunzi was released from the seal by Wang Lin. Although the opponent was weak at that time, he was still astonishingly powerful to Wang Lin. But now, when the opponent's cultivation has fully recovered and reached its peak, Wang Lin In Lin's eyes, he was as fragile as an ant.

He could crush this ant countless times with just one finger.

With a cold snort, Wang Lin took a step forward and disappeared into the Luotian Star Territory. As he disappeared, the light gate here also dispersed and disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

When Wang Lin appeared, he was not around Chi Hunzi outside the fairy world. Instead, he stepped into the new fairy world that he had not returned to for many years. His appearance was not noticed by all the monks in the fairy world.

Not to mention Chihunzi and others outside.

The sky in the fairy world is no longer the blue water of the past, but has become a red one. It looks heavy and very depressing. However, in addition to the color of the sky, the palaces on the earth and the undulating mountains , the rushing of the river outlines the beauty of this fairyland bit by bit.

When Wang Lin left that year, he could see some places that were familiar to him, and some places that were completely unfamiliar to him.

Looking around, Wang Lin silently raised his right hand and waved forward. Three rays of light immediately appeared, and three people appeared in front of Wang Lin.

It was Xu Liguo, Liu Jinbiao, and the only disciple who followed Wang Lin back to the cave world, Thirteen.

After the appearance of Extraordinary Man Thirteen, he glanced at the surrounding world and was in a daze for a moment before returning to normal. He cupped his fists and bowed respectfully to Wang Lin, then stood aside without saying a word.

For him, whether it is the Immortal Gang or the cave world, as long as he can follow his master, everything will be good and has no special meaning.

Compared with him, Liu Jinbiao and Xu Liguo looked a little weird. After looking around, the two men looked at each other with stern looks. Wang Lin faintly noticed that there seemed to be some arrogance in their expressions. High-spirited.

It was as if I was extremely proud after returning to my hometown in a small place from a big place.

That face clearly said: "You know,

I have been to Xiangang Continent! That place is the boss. "

"You can feel free to do whatever you want when you get home. I'm going to meet an old friend." Wang Lin looked at the horizon in the distance, slowly opened his mouth, took a step forward, and turned into a rainbow and flew away.

Wang Jing had already scanned all the people in this immortal world with his spiritual consciousness the moment he stepped in. He saw many of them, including Mu Bingmei.

On the mountain peak where Mu Bingmei was, her figure seemed to be going away with the wind, and she looked weak. She bit her lower lip, sighed softly for a long time, and touched the crystal sword in her hand, with a look of absolute despair in her eyes. , as if he had made some determination.

The sword in her hand was tightly held by her. After taking a look at the blood in the sky, she turned around sharply, as if she was about to leave. But the moment she turned around, Mu Bingmei suddenly felt a shock all over her body, and in her eyes Expressing disbelief, he looked behind him blankly, at the figure standing not far away, looking at him.

It was a young man wearing white clothes and with white hair, who seemed familiar yet unfamiliar.

The two looked at each other, their eyes united under the bloody sky, with the mountains as the background, the mountain wind as the music, and the entire sky as the backing. Wang Lin looked at the woman in front of him who was equally familiar and unfamiliar. There was complexity in his eyes. This complexity had been with him for a long time.

In front of his eyes, the beautiful girl from the Hengyue Sect appeared, and the beautiful and breathtaking figure appeared in the Suzaku Tomb.

This figure changed again and again. In the Luotian Star Territory back then, it paused amidst Wang Ping's shrill screams and passed away in bitterness, until it once again settled on the scene before Wang Lin left the cave. The scene he saw was as picturesque as ever. memory.

That day, there was drizzle in the heaven and earth of the fairy world. In the rain, a woman dressed in white floated in like catkins flying in the rain.

In the rain, there is a beautiful woman holding an umbrella. She has long black hair, a painting-like rendering, and is as beautiful and ethereal as a fairy. It seems that her arrival has made the world quiet, and only The rushing sound of the rain had a strange power that made people forget everything, and even made that beautiful figure seem to be covered by a layer of crisp rain and mist.

"If I were still alive, I would come back." Wang Lin looked at the woman in front of him. Her figure overlapped with the memory and slowly melted into his eyes.

Mu Bingmei couldn't believe what she saw. She was completely stunned. In a trance, Wang Lin's figure in white clothes and white hair became deeper and deeper in her heart. It merged with her memory, and finally, the same Melted in her heart.

She vaguely seemed to see the Hengyue Sect on Suzaku Star thousands of years ago, the only young man among many people who was not obsessed with his own beauty.

She saw the figure who was stopped by her in the Suzaku Tomb and looked at her indifferently.

There was also the man in Naluotian Star Territory who let out a shrill scream after knowing what his clone had done, and his sad eyes.

In the end, the scene in front of her was fixed on the day when the other party left the cave world. On that day, the rain poured down, adding a hint of farewell.

In the rain, the figure of the other party was very strange, and the strangeness made her heart tingle. When it hurt, the other party's indifference seemed to soften. She knew that it was because of separation, because after leaving, maybe there would be no more. When coming back.

"If I were still in the world, I would welcome you..." Mu Bingmei bit her lower lip, her eyes sparkling, tears streaming down the corners of her eyes. After Wang Lin left the cave world, she had never been as fragile as she is now.

Wang Jing looked at this beautiful woman with a soft smile on his face. He sighed and walked forward, standing next to Mu Bingmei, looking at the bloody sky together.

"After leaving the cave world, I always had something to say to you on the Xiangang Continent. Now that I'm back, there are people who will listen to my words." Wang Lin looked at the sky and spoke softly.

Mu Bingmei stood next to Wang Lin and hummed in a low voice. Her heart was beating uncomfortably at this moment. She still couldn't believe all this and didn't know what to say.

Even after hearing Wang Lin's words, she felt a strong sense of nervousness. This feeling was extremely rare for her, who was a saint of Kunxu and a saint of the fairy world. She had always been strong. This feeling was extremely rare. Apart from Wang Lin, there seemed to be no other man in the world who could make her feel as flustered as she was now.

Perhaps if there is one, it would be Wang Ping.

Her right hand held the sword, while her left hand unconsciously grasped the corner of the shroud with pale fingers.

"Liu Mei..." Wang Lin retracted his gaze towards the bloody sky, looked at Mu Bingmei beside him, and said softly.

"Don't say it, I don't want to listen!!" Mu Bingmei was shocked, her face turned pale instantly, the sword in her right hand fell to the ground, and she staggered back. At this moment, she seemed so helpless. It's so fragile that it can be blown away by a gust of wind.

The look on her face was poignant, and when paired with the tears, she revealed a pity that made people unable to remain indifferent.

"I don't want to listen, Wang Lin, I..." I don't want to listen..." There were more tears in Mu Bingmei's eyes, and the teardrops flowed down her cheeks and fell on her clothes.

Wang Lin looked at Mu Bingmei, his fragile appearance and the helpless look in his confused eyes, and he sighed softly.

"When I come back this time, in addition to seeing my old friend, I also want to end my relationship with you. I have found a way to resurrect Wan'er. When I leave here again, it will be time to resurrect her."

Mu Bingmei was crying. With her intelligence, how could she not understand what Wang Lin was going to say? Her face was pale and bitter.

"Liu Mei, let the past go. He said, "I am also responsible for the mistakes made back then..." Let us keep all this in our memory. Fengchen said, "You once told me that you wanted to meet someone. Meet Wang Ping..."

When I come back this time, I will understand your thoughts. Wang Ping also needs a mother. I will use the dream method. There, you, me, and Ping'er will spend a reincarnation and end..." Let Ping'er saw his mother, so that you have no regrets, and so that I..." No regrets either. "Wang Lin looked at Mu Bingmei and spoke softly.

Mu Bingmei was silent for a long time. She wiped away her tears, looked at Wang Lin complicatedly, and nodded gently.

"Would you accompany me to the mortal world in a dream, and end everything after a hundred years of reincarnation..." So now, you are my husband, right? "Mu Bingmei murmured.

Wang Lin closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he nodded.

A smile appeared on Mu Bingmei's face, a smile with tears in her eyes. She walked forward gently, walked in front of Wang Lin, hugged Zi Wanglin, and held the first child in his arms.

Wang Lin hugged Mu Bingmei gently, and the fragrance on his body seemed intoxicating.

This was their first embrace in the true sense, the first time they let go of all the complicated emotions, and used a hundred-year reincarnation to end the strange relationship that was either a mistake or a bad fate.

For the two of them, on this mountain peak, under the bloody sky, time gradually passed. When one day later, the blood on the sky became thicker, and there were even small cracks, as if they could collapse at any time, Wang Lin took Mu Bingmei and left the mountain peak and walked towards the distance.

I took a day off and went to work today..." Yesterday was so relaxing. There was no book review section, no typing on the keyboard, and no plot in my mind.

Work has started~ @.

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