Renegade Immortal

Volume 13 Dim Lights Chapter 2067 Can’t find...

While Emperor Jiu and others used their secret skills to see the battle, Wang Lin came to the land of the Immortal Clan. In Beizhou, he looked at this slightly familiar land and felt some emotion in his heart.

"Hundreds of years ago, I left here and went to the ancient tribe..." Today, I am back here again. "Wang Lin sighed softly. As his eyes swept away, his consciousness spread out towards the seventy-two continents of the Immortal Clan. After a moment, the twelve continents were unified, and all of them were within Wang Lin's consciousness.

As his consciousness spread, a smile slowly appeared on Wang Lin's face. His cultivation back then could not allow him to find those old friends in this way.

But now, as the number one person in Xiangang Continent, he can do it.

"Zhou Yi and Qingshuang, their cultivation has improved." He doesn't know if he still has that pill..." Wang Lin's consciousness swept over it without stopping.

"This is..." Situ..." Wang Lin smiled more, as if he had seen something.

"He should be in red shirt..." After reincarnation, he still looks like that. "

", Zhou Ru..." This child has not embarked on the path of cultivating immortality. He has been reincarnated countless times in the past hundreds of years..." Wang Lin looked into the distance with a soft expression.

"Thirteen..." He was originally a very good person, but now he has a good level of cultivation. Judging from his appearance, he seems to be very fast..."

", Datou, this pitiful person in the cave world, uses a fierce appearance to cover up his inner fragility. He is still like this here..."

"This is..." Shen Gonghu? He actually became the leader of a sect! "Wang Lin showed a hint of surprise.

"Is she Hongdie..." That mark doesn't matter..."

"Qingshuang..." He actually did not choose to become an immortal, but reincarnated several times like a mortal..."

", Shimizu Master's heart" Huh? "Wang Lin's expression suddenly condensed, and he looked carefully to the west. That was where he felt Qing Shui's location. However, the marks on Qing Shui's body were no longer detectable. If it weren't for the fact that Wang Lin's cultivation level today is far from what it was back then. He couldn't even notice it.

"If all the marks of Senior Brother Qingshui dissipate, then even if I scan with my spiritual consciousness, I won't be able to find the shackles among the countless people. "Fortunately, there is still a trace of his mark. "

Wang Lin murmured, his spiritual consciousness constantly searching within the seventy-two continents of the Xiansu Land. He did the same thing before leaving the Ancient Clan Land, but there was no trace of his old friend.

There is a complex figure in his heart,

That beautiful shadow belongs to a woman named Li Qianmei.

"No..." "Wang Lin's consciousness swept through the seventy-two continents of the Immortal Clan again and again, and he found almost everyone except one..." she.

", Still nothing..." Wang Lin couldn't remember how many times he searched, but the result was the same. He couldn't find Li Qianmei's mark, nor could he find Li Qianmei.

Just like when he was searching for the ancient tribe before, there was nothing..."

"How could it be possible?" Wang Lin couldn't calm down, his body! Shaking, the whole person stood between the heaven and the earth, and his spiritual consciousness suddenly spread with all his strength. This time, he not only covered the immortal clan, but even the vast basin and the land of the ancient clan. With his current cultivation level, he also covered them all.

Searching again and again, spiritual consciousness filled the air, but in the end, he still couldn't find the seal belonging to Li Qianmei. "Wang Jing's face turned pale, he couldn't find it.

"During reincarnation..." Something unexpected happened..." Wang Lin's heart suddenly stung. He could not forget the pale face and soft eyes of this woman named Li Qianmei.

It was for him that she came to the Xiangang Continent. For him, she left her father, a lonely person, reincarnated, and waited silently for the man she loved most to come to look for her one day. Open up her memory.

", Impossible!" Wang Lin's consciousness spread again. For a whole day, his consciousness swept almost every inch of the Xiangang Continent, but in the end, he still found nothing.

Wang Jing pressed his chest and felt the pain. He looked at the sky and the earth blankly, and suddenly laughed, but that laughter revealed an anger, an anger against the sky!

"You let me find Li Muwan's soul, but you made me lose Li Qianmei's figure. This is the name of creation!! Is this God's will to trick people!!

I don’t believe that I can find it after all! ! "Wang Lin looked up to the sky and roared, his roar roaring and swirling, lingering for a long time.

"With Master's help, the possibility of an accident during reincarnation is very small. I can't find her now. The most likely possibility is..." It was her who restored the memory of her previous life earlier than Senior Brother Qingshui, causing the mark to dissipate. ..." Wang Lin closed his eyes. After analyzing this guess, he was almost certain that this was what happened.

With his eyes closed, he seemed to be able to vaguely see a woman in white clothes in a strange place, looking up at the sky with tears in her eyes.

She had long thought of her past life, but she avoided it..." Or maybe she didn't want to see Wang Jiao. "The sky gradually darkened, and Wang Lin stood in the air and opened his eyes, with a trace of sadness and confusion in his eyes. , he walked forward in silence and slowly disappeared into the darkness without a trace.

Fairyland Continent, Yuntaozhou, Xizhou.

In the north of this continent, there is a sect. This sect is not big and can only be regarded as a small sect in Yuntaozhou. In this early morning, among the many disciples, in the back mountain of this sect, In a secret room, a middle-aged man sat cross-legged.

This man's face was resolute, but also contained ruthlessness. He was dressed in black, cross-legged with his eyes closed, and breathed out slowly. Waves of ripples emanated from his body and enveloped the surroundings, revealing that this man's cultivation had reached the peak of the second step, and there seemed to be only a thin line between him and the third step.

As the disciple with the fastest cultivation speed in the Lujin Sect for thousands of years, he has a very high reputation in this sect. In just three thousand years, he has practiced to this level, and was even taught by the great elder of the Lujin Sect himself.

If it's just a matter of advanced cultivation, this person is even more decisive in killing, and has a good reputation in Yuntaozhou. He even killed a powerful man who had just entered the third step, making his name famous. , known by many sects.

In particular, his killings are even more decisive than those of some third-step powers. Nine out of ten people who fight with him will definitely die in his hands.

Such killings not only made him the number one among the juniors in the Jinlu Sect, but even some ordinary elders were frightened by his evil aura when they saw him.

His name is Wang Shi, the stone of stones.

He is an orphan who does not know who his parents are. He was picked up by an old Taoist from the Lujin Sect and has grown up here since he was a child. He only knew that he often vaguely saw a back figure while meditating. The back was tall and made him feel familiar and warm, but no matter what, he could never see clearly the appearance of the back.

Even in the earliest days, even the back was blurry. As his cultivation level improved, the back gradually became clearer. He had a feeling that if he could reach the third step, maybe he could see clearly the figure. look.

This is the reason for his crazy cultivation!

", Wang Shi!" At this moment, while he was meditating, a voice came from outside the secret room, and then, a ball of light flew over, spread out in front of him, and turned into an illusory figure, that was an old man.

The man opened his eyes, looked at the old man with a respectful expression, stood up and bowed.

", Great Elder Shenju."

"You still refuse to call me master..." The illusory figure frowned. This disciple made him very strange. He wanted to accept this person as his disciple, but the other party was silent and did not agree. This incident made him unhappy, but as time went by, this person's practice speed became faster and faster, which attracted his attention again. He did not consider asking him to become a disciple, but he still personally taught him the magical skills. .

Now, after many years, they have become a master and a disciple, but the Wang Shi in front of him has never said that "Master".

Wang Shi himself didn't know the reason. He always felt that his master was not the person in front of him, but he was confused about who he was.

", that's all, you pack up, go down the mountain in three days, and go to Daoyun Sect on my behalf to send gifts." The illusory figure shook his head and gradually disappeared.

Wang Shi respectfully said yes. After the shadow dissipated, he showed a hint of confusion. After a long time, he sighed softly, and his expression was replaced by determination again. Just as he was about to continue sitting cross-legged, suddenly there was a sound coming from behind him. A sigh.

The sound of the sigh came so suddenly that Wang Shi shuddered, but he did not turn around recklessly. He knew that the other party could come without him noticing, and even the master could not detect it. Obviously, his cultivation level was extremely high. profound.

"Who is your Excellency!" Wang Shi said in a deep voice.

"Tell me, why are you called Wang Shi? Who named you?" A soft voice came from behind Wang Shi. The voice fell into Wang Shi's ears, but it made him tremble for some reason, as if he was very familiar. , as if some memories were about to wake up, his eyes couldn't help but become confused, and he spoke subconsciously.

"I..." I am an orphan, and I chose my name myself... "I think my surname should be Wang..."

There was silence behind him. Wang Shi's eyes flashed. He took this opportunity to turn around and saw a young man in white standing behind him. The young man had white hair and was looking at him softly. His eyes were like those of an elder. He looks like a nephew.

After seeing the appearance of the person in front of him clearly, Wang Shi's body trembled and his mind roared. The back figure of the pregnant woman in the dream appeared in his mind, gradually overlapping with this person.

"You..." You..." "The confusion in his eyes became more intense.

Wang Lin sighed softly, raised his right hand, and placed the void between the opponent's eyebrows. At this point, Wang Shi's mind was shaken like a monstrous sky. Under the constant roar, his memory suddenly recovered!

"Teacher..." Master! ! ! Thirteen pays homage to the Master! "The man shed tears in his eyes and knelt down before Wang Lin without hesitation, his expression showing excitement.

The third update, it broke out today, there is another update! @.

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