Renegade Immortal

Volume 13 Dim Lights Chapter 2080 What is the Truth

Mu Bingmei left.

She left this cave and Suzaku Star, but she was not alone. Beside her, there was a man in white clothes. This man had white hair and an ordinary appearance, but he exuded an indescribable temperament. , making people feel very comfortable. He took Mu Bingmei's hand, just like in the reincarnation in the dream, he kept holding it and never let go.

He vaguely heard Mu Bingmei's words in the sky.

"You..." Are you a clone or a real person..."

"I am Wang Lin, and I am by your side.

"Wang Lin looked at Mu Bingmei and spoke softly.

Mu Bingmei looked at Wang Lin, and gradually a smile appeared on her face. The smile was beautiful and happy.

As they went away, until they left the Suzaku Star, their whereabouts were unknown..."

When they turned into a rainbow and disappeared into the sky, Wang Lin stood there on the ground in a place where they couldn't see, watching them go away with a smile on his face.

The clone or the main body, only Wang Lin knows the answer.

Maybe the one who left with Mu Bingmei was Wang Lin's clone, and the one who stayed here watching them was his true body, but maybe..." On the contrary!

There is no answer.

Thirteen also left. His whole life, he has been following in Wang Lin's footsteps. Now, Wang Lin lets him fly alone. When the bird grows up, he has to face the wind and rain alone and see the rainbow in the wind and rain. This is the only way. , Only then can you truly grow into a person who is upright and upright.

They're all gone..." Only Wang Lin remained on the Suzaku Star. Before he fell asleep with Liu Mei, he went to worship his parents. Now after worshiping again, he came to the home where he and Li Muwan lived.

That valley had been restored to its original state by the passage of time.

In that valley, Wang Lin settled down and stayed with Li Muwan, feeling ordinary in the years. He held Li Muwan and counted the reincarnations together, as if he had been like this a long, long time ago.

In solitude, immerse yourself in the inner peace and experience the warmth.

Time passes year by year. In spring, as all things revive, Wang Lin plants many flowers and plants in the valley. He watches the flowers bloom, the summer rain falls, and the autumn wind plays the song of time. , looking at the snowflakes floating in the sky in winter.

Wang Lin has been accompanying Li Muwan, and the music of the piano seems to be lingering in his ears, as if he has traveled thousands of years ago.

Ten years, ten years, ten years..." Wang Lin has lived in this peaceful valley for seventy years.

He accompanied Li Muwan, and here he forgot everything. He did not consider his own cultivation, his original understanding, or all the intrigues and twists and turns of life. In his eyes, there was only Li Muwan, and in his mind , there is only this figure, and in his ears, there are only those wisps of piano music, whirling in the years.

Returning to the valley where Wang Lin lived in the second hundred years of the cave world, he welcomed a guest. This guest was a bald man. His appearance was the same as before, without any change.

He came from the world and stood there for a long time outside the valley, looking at the flowers blooming in the valley, looking at the wooden house in the sea of ​​flowers, and looking at the lonely figure sitting cross-legged in front of the wooden house.

The man sighed softly, with a look of confusion on his face.

He was holding a wine flask in his hand, and while sighing, he walked into the valley, crossed the sea of ​​flowers, and came to Wang Lin. He looked at Wang Lin for a long, long time, and sat cross-legged opposite Wang Lin.

Wang Lin opened his eyes and looked up at the bald man in front of him, with a smile slowly appearing on his face.

",You came."

The bald man nodded silently.

"Can't you forget..." After a while, the bald man handed the wine bottle to Wang Lin, took out another one, put it to his mouth and took a big sip. The wine flowed from the corner of his mouth. Some of it flowed down and landed on my clothes.

"I never want to forget, why can't I forget." Wang Lin took the wine bottle and took a sip.

"You are torturing yourself." The bald man looked at Wang Lin with a complex expression.

"Torture..." Wang Lin murmured, drinking and did not continue speaking.

", gave up and said, "You won't succeed. If this continues, you will be tired, and so will Wan'er..." The bald man shook his head and spoke softly.

"Should I call you Mo Zhi, or another name." Wang Lin looked at the sky, and after a moment of silence, he said slowly.

This bald man was the same Mo Zhi who told Wang Lin that if the car dies, it will be forgotten! "Mo Zhi..." I have always had this name. "The bald man sighed.

"Wang Lin, you should have guessed the answers to all of this yourself. I can tell you everything..." You..." Mo Zhi was about to speak.

"Don't say it, let me think about some things by myself." Wang Lin shook his head, took the wine bottle, and took a big sip.

"Drink with me and say, "You and I haven't seen each other for a long time. "Wang Lin smiled and looked at Mo Zhi.

The bald man was silent, holding the wine bottle, and he and Wang Lin drank one mouthful at a time. Until night and until dawn, the two of them did not speak a word again.

When there was light again in the distant horizon, Mo Zhi stood up, looked at Wang Lin, and sighed secretly.

"I'm leaving..." I hope you can succeed..." He did not persuade him anymore, turned around and walked towards the distance. Just when he was about to walk out of the valley, he stopped and did not look back, but turned his back to Wang Lin .

"Master asked me to ask you, this compass that measures the world against the dust, when will you return to the wind?" Mo Zhi's words echoed in the valley. After he finished speaking, he stepped out of the valley and gradually disappeared.

Wang Lin was still sitting there cross-legged, drinking wine, and ignored Mo Zhi's words and departure.

He had understood something a long time ago, but he knew that he was himself, his name was Wang Lin, he was born in the Zhao country of Suzaku Star, in a family of carpenters, and grew up in a small mountain village.

Step by step, he embarked on the path of cultivating immortality, and step by step, he reached where he is now.

Resurrecting Li Muwan was his own decision. It was not a decision made after interference from a certain consciousness or reincarnation, but what he experienced and chose.

"I, it's me..." Wang Lin's eyes were not confused, but clear.

"Whether it's Mo Zhi or Hong Die, even Mo Zhi's master, and Tian Yunzi..." They all thought that everything in the world, the cave world, and the Xiangang Continent were all illusory and unreal. "It's all from my reincarnation dream*" Wang Lin murmured, he has already figured out these things!

"But, is it really like this..." Wang Lin smiled slightly, stood up, and looked at the sky, his eyes shining brightly.

"Tianyunzi, do you really think that I don't know your origin?" Wang Lin's eyes flashed. He looked at the sky. Faintly, he seemed to see something outside the sky and outside the Xiangang Continent. , in the boundless darkness, there is a figure wearing black clothes, with extremely long black hair, carrying a sense of destruction and killing, as if walking from afar.

The target of that figure's progress is Xiangang Continent.

"Tian Yunzi, the answer to all this is not for you to tell me in the ancient divine realm, but for me to tell you there! Let you know what is the real truth!" Shilin Daxiu With a flick, a skull appeared in his hand.

This skull belongs to Ji Qiong.

The skull flashed! Flash, as if a line of small words appeared on it, and soon disappeared.

"You are all wrong..." Wang Lin looked away, smiled slightly, turned and walked towards the wooden house, looking at Li Muwan lying there. Wang Lin sat next to him, looking at her as if she was sleeping, with soft eyes.

", Wan'er, you will wake up..." Because I already know the real method... "And I have already started in the ancestral temple of Shigu."

There was a hint of madness in Wang Lin's eyes. This method was indeed extremely crazy!

The years are gradually passing by in the constant alternation of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Wang Lin has spent many years in this valley with Li Muwan. This kind of peaceful life is Wang Lin's life, in addition to transforming into mortals and dreaming. , a rare scene.

He accompanied Li Muran, talking, counting memories, and immersed in his own world.

Over the years, Thirteen has come back several times, each time staying with Wang Lin in the valley for a few months, and then leaving again to pursue his own life and cultivation.

Xu Liguo and Liu Jinbiao, through some unknown method, actually found Zhong Dahong. With the cooperation of the three of them, they became the dominant force in the cave world and were extremely happy.

Especially since their bodies were reincarnated and grew up in the Immortal Gang Continent, they can pass through the cave gate and borrow Wang Lin's power to enter and exit at will. As for cultivating the great flood, they can do the same with Wang Lin's help. In this way, after sweeping the entire Dongfu world, these three people and the sea dragon who also fell in love with this activity left the Dongfu world and began their legendary experience on the Xiangang Continent.

However, before leaving, Xu Liguo and the other three came to Wang Lin and treated him attentively and even more with flattery. In the end, Wang Lin was amused and left his own aura and imprint on them, allowing these people to After it was safe, Xu Liguo and the others left excitedly.

With Wang Lin's tiger skin and the fighting power of the Golden Sea Dragon, they are confident that they can deceive the Immortal Gang as if they are defenseless!

In the sixtieth year after Xu Liguo and the others left, Wang Lin took Li Muwan out of the valley, out of the Suzaku Star, out of the Beyond Cave Realm, and went to the Xiangang Continent.

Before leaving, his consciousness saw the fairy world, saw the monks there, digesting the Taoism he left behind, saw Thirteen, and saw many old friends.

He withdrew his consciousness and took one last look at the cave world!

There are still three months until the ancient divine realm opens on the Xiangang Continent, where Wang Lin will be his last stop!

"When I come out of the ancient divine realm, Wan'er, you will accompany me..." Wang Lin murmured, took a step forward, stepped into the gate of the cave world, and disappeared without a trace.

I see that everyone is anxious about monthly tickets. It’s okay. Don’t bother with the monthly ticket list. This month, it’s meaningless. @.

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