Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2081: Linhai

Wang Lin left.

When his figure was lost in the cave world, in the Naluotian star field, there was a woman on an ordinary cultivation star. She was wearing a purple dress and standing on the top of a high mountain with her hair reaching her waist. Her black hair Her dress was blown up by the wind, and her expression was calm and elegant.

She looked at the sky. In the sunshine, if you look closely, you can see the beautiful light down on her face. At this moment, there was confusion in her eyes. At that moment, she felt a spiritual consciousness coming to her. After a pause, the person disappeared without a trace.

She thought it was an illusion, but when the consciousness disappeared, a jade slip appeared out of thin air in front of her. The jade slip floated there quietly, emitting a soft light and motionless.

She is Xi Zifeng.

She stared blankly at the jade slip in front of her, the soft light radiating from it revealed a familiar aura that she could never forget.

"Wang He" Xi Zifeng was silent for a long time. She raised her tongue and held the jade slip gently with her hands. She closed her eyes and immersed her consciousness in the jade slip. There was Wang Lin's voice.

For a long time, when Xi Zifeng opened her eyes again, a soft smile appeared on her face, and that smile was beautiful.

Also in this cave world, in the desolate star sea outside that world, there are a lot of rubble floating there. There seems to be some strange rules between them, and they are drawing a huge arc on their own, slowly rotating. .

In the huge rubble in the center, there is an old man sitting cross-legged. The old man has a ruddy complexion and is breathing calmly. Every once in a while, a gray light will flash from his body, as if a gray gas is emitting from his body. It blends into the gravel, spreads outward, and is absorbed by the rest of the gravel here.

In a very early time, there were no such gravels here. I don’t know which year when this old man came, more and more gravels gradually appeared here out of thin air, as if transformed by his magical power.

This old man is exactly the stone statue under the crack deep in the Immortal World in the Wind Immortal World.

If it hadn't been for him in the battle between Wang Lin and Shui Daozi, it would have been even more dangerous.

At this moment, the old man closed his eyes and breathed quietly, forcing the petrification power out of his body. This is how the large amounts of gravel existing here were born.

"It will take another three hundred years for this old man to fully recover, and then he will leave here and return to his hometown." The old man opened his eyes and seemed to be able to see through the rubble and see the calm and vast starry sky.

He is not a cultivator from the cave world. He comes from the Immortal Gang Continent and from the Qidao Sect. In fact, he is just the Seven Color Immortal Lord.

Just a disciple in person.

While muttering, he was also reluctant to leave this cave world. He had been here for a long time. After a short moment of silence, he sighed to himself and closed his eyes again. Just as he was about to continue meditating, a sudden force of divine consciousness suddenly came to the area where he was. Sweeping through the gravel.

The power of this spiritual consciousness shocked the old man. He knew clearly that if the owner of this spiritual consciousness did not want him to notice it, he would never be able to detect the coming of this spiritual consciousness.

In his opinion, the power of this spiritual consciousness is comparable to the power of God.

The spiritual consciousness swept past without pause, but after it dissipated, a pill appeared out of thin air in front of the old man who was confused.

The elixir was red all over, exuding bursts of astonishing power of heaven and earth. Even after he took a sip of the scent of the elixir, the petrified power in his body was immediately suppressed.

Looking at the elixir and recalling the consciousness just now, the old man gradually found a trace of familiarity. He looked dazed for a while and then murmured.

"It's a yoke"

Similarly, at this moment when Wang Lin walked out of the cave world and left, he was in an ordinary cultivation star in the sea of ​​stars outside the world. In the core of this star, his eyes were closed like a sleeping baby, and his eyelids trembled as if they were about to open.

But after a long time, he never opened his eyes but gradually calmed down again and fell into a deep sleep. The infinite spiritual power inside and outside this star is slowly coming from all directions and being absorbed by this baby, becoming the nutrients for his growth.

In front of him, there was a jade slip transformed by his spiritual consciousness. The jade slip did not actually exist, but was floating quietly between illusion and reality, waiting for the day when the baby woke up.

The cultivation star where this baby is located is extremely ordinary and there is nothing strange about it. But if there is anything, it is that this star looks like an eyeball from a distance in the starry sky.

The mountains on the Cultivation Star are like the bloodshot eyes of the eyeballs and the vast sea, like the white outside the pupils, and the continents in the sea look like pupils.

Wang Jing has been here before. He not only saw Tosun who turned into a baby, but also saw the cultivation star that Tosun found and decided to sleep here.

The cave world, after Wang Lin left, was immersed in peace, like cultivating health and recuperating.

Gradually, a power that no one could detect permeated the entire world when Wang Lin stepped out of the cave world.

This security can protect this place for generations to come, so that nothing like Chi Hunzi will ever happen again in the cave world.

Dongzhou is located in the area belonging to the Immortal Clan on Xiangang Continent. On a mountain covered by fog in Tianniu Continent, on this day, a mighty force rose into the sky and turned into countless crystal lights that spread in all directions.

After the crystal light dissipated, Wang Lin, wearing white clothes and with white hair, walked out slowly from the mountain gate of the Seven Dao Sect, beside the entrance to the cave world.

Three hundred years passed by in the blink of an eye. Wang Lin stood there looking at the sky of Xiangang Continent. After a moment of silence, he walked forward quietly.

"Seven Dao Sect" Wang Lin murmured before leaving. He raised his sleeve with his right hand and flicked it. Immediately a strong wind swept and enveloped the entire Seven Dao Sect. The ruins here dissipated and were replaced by an extremely majestic and solemn sect. Door.

"This place will become the home of all those who left the cave world." Wang Lin murmured, and when he reached for the sky with his right hand, nearly twenty light groups flashed out like rainbows, heading straight to the sky in all directions. Speeding away and disappearing in an instant.

These nearly twenty light groups appeared in many places on the fairy land.

Qing Shui, who was walking in a desert, seemed to notice something. When he raised his head, a ball of light came instantly and merged into his body. After a moment of shock, he opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his face.

The man in red shirt was speeding through the sky. There was a sword light in front of him. There was a ferocious old man in it. But in that ferociousness, there was fear and he was running away at full speed.

The man in the red shirt had a gloomy look on his face, and he continued to pursue. But at this moment, a ball of light appeared out of thin air, blending into the center of the red man's brows, causing his eyes to freeze. He glanced in the direction of Tianniuzhou, and his gloomy face became soft but at a speed of pursuit. But it's faster.

Qingshuang, Zhou Ru, Hongdie, Zhou Yi and so on, almost all the reincarnated people in the cave world have received the coming light group and felt the location of the Seven Dao Sect. Even if they are still mortals in this life, the memory of the Seven Dao Sect will be with them. Wake up slowly in the future.

He took one last look at the Seven Dao Sect Wang Lin and walked out of the mountain gate. Outside the Seven Dao Sect, he arranged a majestic formation. This formation was comparable to the fairy world formation in the cave world. In this case, no matter whether he could walk out of the ancient god's territory, They can ensure the safety of the cave world and protect the existence of these seven sects.

After finishing this, Wang Lin did not look back and took a step towards the sky. His figure gradually became transparent until he disappeared.

"Three hundred years are comparable to a mortal's life, but for a monk, it is not long. A madman became an Immortal Emperor. Jidu became the Ancient Emperor. I wonder what happened to them," Wang Lin murmured.

Where is Qianmei... Wang Lin sighed. He could guess that Li Qianmei was like clear water and must have recovered her memory on her own. He could also feel the reason why Li Qianmei didn't see him.

"Bless me silently?" Wang Lin raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance. In silence, he always remembered Li Qianmei's murmur and the story of birds and fish.

For a long time, Wang Lin closed his eyes and walked step by step in the direction of the ancient clan.

"I promised that when the ancient path entered the ancient divine realm, we should enter from the direction of the ancient clan." Wang Lin remembered the promise back then. A few days later, his figure walked through the entire immortal clan and arrived at the edge of the basin transformed by the vast sea. Walking towards the storm-like sea wall in the center of the basin.

Before he got too close, Wang Lin could hear the roaring sound, which seemed to stir up the wind and clouds, making the sky dark and the seemingly endless sea wall. Now that he saw it again after three hundred years, it was Even more violent than before.

In the rumbling sound that reached the sky, the sea wall rotated rapidly, setting off a large number of ripples, like waves hanging in mid-air, constantly beating each other, as if they were about to soar into the sky, and the nine huge sky-reaching pillars deep within it emanated. The nine-color rays of light filled the entire sea wall and were even more refracted, making the surrounding area seem to be enveloped in a nine-color dream.

This dream is mysterious and can absorb the mind, making people addicted and unable to extricate themselves. It is because of the rumors about the ancient divine realm in Xiangang Continent that this place is full of desire and the desire to become stronger.

Wang Lin stood on the side of the Huahai Wall, without any hesitation, he penetrated the sea wall and appeared on the side belonging to the ancient tribe. There he calmly sat cross-legged and waited for the opening of this place in a few months.

As the time slowly approaches, the ancient clan of immortals on the Xiangang Continent, who have been preparing for hundreds of years, seem to have two ferocious beasts awakening from their slumber, bursting out with peak power.

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