Renegade Immortal

Chapter 287 Reincarnation

Immortal Rebellion Chapter 287 Reincarnation

Unexpectedly, once a monk gives birth to a baby, he is qualified to fight with the sky. This kind of resource is precious. But just having the qualifications is not enough. To fight against the sky. To get out of reincarnation. One must understand the way of heaven. Learn about reincarnation.

Only by understanding the laws of heaven. Only then can we find the method that defies heaven. This kind of thing. It can be described as extremely mysterious. Just understand. don't know. Hajime just doesn't understand.

If you can't understand the way of heaven. No matter how much spiritual energy is absorbed. It’s just a matter of entering into the inferior vehicle. It's like being a baby. Even if you have a magical weapon in your hand. But no matter how sharp this weapon is. But if you can't swing it. Then it's all in vain.

Even if you wave it forcefully. Also hurt the enemy. but. finally. He will definitely be hurt by this sharp weapon.

And realize the way of heaven. Get artistic conception. It is a force that allows babies to pick up sharp weapons. This force. It's the only choice for wielding a sharp weapon.

Only by understanding the sky. Only then can you achieve the state of wielding this sharp weapon freely.

in this way. Then he got the title of God.

Has the power to wield a weapon. Nature is far beyond ordinary people. Far more than other monks. Get rid of the existence of people and scholars. Only gods.

only. This god. It is a deity not recorded in the classics. But a thought. An inner change. A mysterious realm.

It’s just this realm. It is similar to the spirit of the classics. so. Gradually. Only then did the term "transformation of gods" exist.

but. It is not enough for a baby to have strength. Just gaining strength can indeed wield weapons. but. But it can't last long. After all, a baby's body cannot store much of this power. then. Then the word Yuanshen appeared.

The baby grows up. His body can naturally store more power. This is the soul.

If you want to condense your soul, there is nothing more than artistic conception. It also requires spiritual awareness. The combination of artistic conception and spiritual consciousness becomes a part of Yuan. then. This god. Naturally. Then it appeared.

This is the soul.

As for the weapon that can be wielded. It is the power of heaven. The god-transforming monks can wield the heavens that the Yuanying warriors cannot control. This is one of the reasons why they are called gods.

And the so-called power of heaven. The root of it is the artistic conception of the way of heaven. It differs according to each person's perception. The laws of heaven are different. displayed. It is also the power of different heavens.

These things.

In this one. Wang Lin's soul was completely revealed. He quietly looked at the large area under his feet. After a long time. The soul slowly fell. Sinking into the cliff.

Returned to the cave. Along the top of Wang Lin's body. Integrate slowly. finally. Perfectly integrated with the body.

at this moment. Wang Lin’s body. All spiritual power. All disappeared. Fusion with Yuanshen.

After a long time. Wang Lin slowly opened his eyes. his eyes. Just like a newborn baby. Black and white. With a hint of aura that seems to be nothing.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. Raise your right hand. He casually grabbed it in the void. Suddenly. A crack in space. Appear in front of him. A cold wind blew out of it. It seems like it can blow out life.

The hand tore open the cracks with ease. In. Unless it's in the ancient god's body. Otherwise, even if Wang Lin could do it. It also needs to use the whole body’s spiritual power. Only then can you force it.

And that cold wind. This is inside the space rift. The wind that blows out to destroy life. Nascent Soul monks may be able to resist. But also try your best. As for the alchemy monks. It is simply impossible to resist. If you see it, stay away from it. Unless there is a magic weapon for restraint.

And Wang Lin. In the absence of gods. Although I am not afraid of this wind. But you may feel uncomfortable to some extent. But once it enters the crack. Still can't bear it.

This is why. Several people who fought with him back then. Once the crack is torn open, escape. The reason why Wang Lin didn't dare to pursue.

but now. This cold wind is too cold for Wang Lin. No impact at all. Even if his whole body enters it. There will no longer be any hurt.

He smiled. His right hand reached into the crack. When withdrawn. Some tiny highlights. appeared in his hands.

Look at these tiny lights. Wang Lin muttered silently. Crush them one by one.

He stood up. Go forward. The stone wall that sealed the mansion. In the roar. Opened.

Walk out of the cave. The king saw it at a glance. in the distance. All the monks in the entire Xuan Dao Sect. All kneeling one by one. Looking here intently. And in a further direction. There are also some monks from nearby sects. Also kneeling on it.

Wang Lin’s gaze. Just a sweep. Just skip it one by one on everyone. He saw many familiar people from back then. suddenly. Wang Lin paused. A man in a white shirt fell in the distance. On a rather handsome-looking middle-aged man.

The moment you see this person. A happy smile appeared on Wang Lin's lips. He looked at the man carefully. The smile grows bigger.

"Forty years. Late stage of Darki. Pretty good." Wang Lin murmured to himself.

The middle-aged man looked at Wang Lin intently. There was a hint of confusion in his eyes. He thinks of this person. Very familiar with myself. But what to think. I can't figure out who this person is.

This person looked at himself. He was immediately shocked. As if something woke him up. A picture flashed before my eyes. I seem to have been from the same family as this person.

But immediately. He shook his head. This idea is too ridiculous. He took a deep breath. He quickly lowered his head.

At this time. An old Yuanying stage monk. He gritted his teeth and flew up. Kneel down a hundred feet away from Wang Lin. He said in a trembling voice: "Senior is from my country, Zhao."

As soon as these words came out. Suddenly there were monks everywhere. They all held their breath. The surroundings immediately became quiet. their gaze. With a hint of fanaticism. Everyone looked at Wang Lin. Even the middle-aged man. He also looked up again.

Wang Lin's current appearance. And the evil star of the year. Although there are differences in appearance. But the breath is even more different. No wonder these people couldn't recognize it. Even if someone is suspicious. It's just buried in my heart. Can't say it out loud.

The third-level cultivation country is imagined to be the fourth level. A spiritual transformation monk is needed. This person must be born in this country. The fourth-level cultivation country naturally has a magical power. The root cause can be discovered. This magical technique. From the Suzaku Kingdom. Unless you are a monk who can pass through the Bird Country. otherwise. It's hard to fake.

And most importantly. This god-transformation monk. You need to live in this country all the time. Until a hundred years later. Only then can they be reported to the fourth-level cultivation country. Re-rating.

Obviously. This: pieces. This was unacceptable to Wang Lin. The old man's words at this time. Wang Lin was silent for a while. He said calmly: "I am from this country. But I cannot settle down for a hundred years. Sorry."

The old man trembled. Showing disappointment. It's not just him. All the monks around. This is the case one after another.

Expectations are too high. sometimes. There will be great disappointment.

Wang Lin sighed softly. Right grabs the void. Suddenly ten light groups appeared in his hands. He pondered for a moment. A throw with the right hand. These ten light groups. Set on ten monks around the sun respectively. Get into it.

The bodies of these ten monks suddenly shook. There was a bitter look on his face. But the pain didn't last long. After a few breaths. On this person's face. Surprises immediately appeared.

The middle-aged man in white. One of the. "Although I can't settle here, I can give you ten spiritual energy seeds. It won't make your cultivation any less difficult. But it can give you a chance. If one of the ten of you can reach the late Nascent Soul stage, I will do it. I know. Come and enlighten me once." Wang Lin said calmly. Finished. He took a closer look at the middle-aged man in white again. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The aura seeds he left on this person. Different from others. This person's life can be saved three times.

This is a god-transforming monk after all. Ten spiritual seeds condensed from the sky. Its preciousness. unimaginable.

That middle-aged man. He stared at Wang Lin blankly. The familiarity of this person in his mind. stronger. But just when I want to remember it immediately. But there was a sudden stabbing pain in his mind. The sting grew stronger and stronger. It had already passed the limit of what he could bear. at this time. A warm breath. From his spiritual power seeds. After this breath passes. The pain disappears.

His body trembled slightly. Sweat body.

"Don't think about it anymore. When one day you can reach the Nascent Soul stage, you will naturally think of the past life. If you know too much at this time, it will be a kind of pain for you." A gentle voice. resounded in his heart.

The man was startled. When looking up. Now Wang Lin. Smiling at him.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. Liu glanced at the big one. if nothing unexpected happened. This will be before someone in Zhao reaches the late Nascent Soul stage. He comes back for the last time.

His body slowly rose into the air. Gradually disappear into the horizon. on the face. All monks. They all looked up. Among them was the middle-aged man. Showing a hint of determination.

"I will definitely reach the Nascent Soul stage. Definitely."

at this time. Suddenly something fell from the sky. When everyone looked sideways. It's actually a wood carving. This wooden sculpture landed on the top of Hengshan Mountain. Become together with the entire mountain. Suddenly. This mountain peak seemed to be filled with infinite aura for an instant.

"This thing can protect Zhao State from being invaded three times by cultivators of the same level. You can take care of yourself." From a distance. came a voice.

But it was Wang Lin who remembered the misery of the four alliances. This is the State of Zhao. Did one last thing.

over the next few hundred years. This wood sculpture. For the entire Zhao State. An invasion was avoided. All foreign monks. On this piece of soil. The monk Zhao had already been pushed to a dead end but he was bald at the end. All the monks of Zhao Kingdom. They came to the foot of this holy mountain one after another. Kneel down and worship.

immediately. This holy mountain. In the ridicule of those foreign monks. Emit a soft light. This light immediately enveloped Zhao State. All the foreign monks in it. Their ridicule. One after another solidified.

When the light fades,. These third-class exotic taxis. All died——

What a fuss. It will be fine in the future. Think about it carefully. It does seem a bit shaky...sweat. Feel sorry

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