Renegade Immortal

Chapter 288 The 1st Scabbard

In the country, outside the Cassia Valley, the wind was warm and the sun was shining brightly, and the clouds in the sky gradually seemed to have never been the same as before.

In a few more decades, the Cassia Valley will be opened again to find the treasure of the battlefield outside the territory.

Wang Lin's figure appeared outside the valley. He stood on a cliff and looked into the entire valley. After a long time, he sighed softly and grabbed his right hand from the air. Suddenly, a space crack more than three feet long suddenly appeared in the valley. Mid-air.

If you look carefully, you can see that the location of the crack is exactly the same as the location where Wang Lin's body self-destructed.

After transforming into a god, the first thing Wang Lin did was to re-condensate the storage bag that had dissipated in the cracks in space when his body exploded.

The other items in the storage bag are okay, but the scabbard in it is extremely important to Wang Lin. He now has two scabbards in his hand. Wang Lin has always had a feeling that between these scabbards, There must be a huge secret hidden in it.

With a movement of his body, his whole body appeared outside the crack. From the crack, a strong life-destroying cold wind blew out. However, this wind did not cause any discomfort to Wang Lin.

He stretched his right hand into the crack, and his soul gradually sensed it. As the thought came about, he saw light points condensed from the crack in space. These light points merged with each other. Soon, a storage bag appeared in In front of Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's consciousness swept over and his eyes focused. The contents of the storage bag were not complete, only half of the original ones, and the scabbard was not in it.

He pondered for a while and guessed in his heart that it must have been too long. As a result, even if the storage bag was condensed again, part of the contents dissipated in the cracks in the space.

But the scabbard. He used cold elixirs to make sacrifices. Now after achieving Yuanshen. In a flash of thought. Then you can have a sense of connection with the scabbard. There was a moment of silence. Wang Lin took a step forward. Step into the crack in this space.

After his body entered it. The crack in this space suddenly narrowed. Finally disappeared without a trace. Outside Cassia Valley. Tranquility was restored again.

Within the space rift. Not nothing. This place is full of violent aura and life-destroying cold wind. besides. There are countless crystal lights flashing in various colors.

There are even some dark boulders. Floating here.

As soon as I entered this place. Wang Lin suddenly felt like the starry sky in the memory of the ancient god Tu Si. only. There are just no stars here.

Wang Lin waved his right hand.

Leave a mark in its place. Then he stepped forward. He is extremely fast. In this strange space crack. Like a shooting star. It flashed by. Towards the location where there is a feeling in the soul. Speed ​​away.

As he walked along, cracks like crescent moons flashed around him from time to time. In each crack, there was a suction force, but this suction force did not seem to have any effect on the inherent objects in the cracks in this space.

Gradually, Wang Lindu moved faster and faster, often passing by in a flash. I don’t know how long it took, but in front of Wang Lin, on a huge black stone, there was a scabbard!

This scabbard belongs to Wang Lin back then.

However, around the scabbard, there were four black shadows. The black shadows were shaped like they were crossing their legs, breathing into the scabbard. A stream of bright threads spread out from the scabbard and were covered by the four A black shadow absorbs.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Wang Lin suddenly paused, his eyes calm, and he raised his right hand.

Suddenly, the scabbard trembled suddenly, and the part sunk into the black stone began to loosen, and it was slowly drawn upward. But at this moment, four black figures suddenly turned their heads and looked at Wang Lin. These four black figures There was a flash of blue light in Ying's eyes, staring at him faintly.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm and he said nothing.

Seeing that the scabbard was rising higher and higher, it even made a sound like the sound of a sword. At this time, cracks immediately appeared in the mouths of the four black figures, and then more filaments emerged from the scabbard. out and absorbed by them.

At the same time, one of the black figures suddenly stood up. The moment it stood up, its body suddenly grew larger and turned into a black cloud, shrouding Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he sneered: "You're just a ghost, you don't know what you can do!" As he said that, he opened his left hand slightly and shot out a stream of pointing energy from his fingers.

Although this pointing aura is not strong, it contains Wang Lin's artistic conception. As soon as the pointing aura appears, it immediately emits a sense of death and destruction. Almost instantly, it falls into the approaching black shadow. The object inside The vitality suddenly lost its vitality due to the change in artistic conception.

The black shadow suddenly screamed, and its body immediately emitted bursts of black energy. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a strange light shrouding its body. Under the action of this light, its body , getting smaller and smaller, and within a few breaths, completely dissipated.

But at the moment when it dissipated, Wang Lin's right hand clicked again, and another stream of pointing energy shot out, sinking into the place where the black shadow dissipated. Suddenly, the black energy that spread out in all directions condensed, forming a huge demon god. picture!

This demonic appearance was created by Wang Lin based on an enemy named You in the memory of the ancient god Tu Si.

With the change in the artistic conception of life and death, a slight change from the realm of life, it roared, opened its hands, and rushed towards the other three black figures.

Wang Lin's body never moved, his soul was immersed in the artistic conception of life and death, shakingly controlling the objects transformed by the strange power extracted from the artistic conception of life and death between death and life.

This is the first time that Wang Lin has used his true divine power to control the power of heaven and earth. For a spiritual monk, there are very few fixed spells except for some quite powerful magical powers.

All attack methods are created based on one's own understanding of the artistic conception of heaven.

The three black figures next to the scabbard screamed suddenly. One of them jumped on the scabbard, and his whole body immediately blended into it. Then he rolled up the scabbard and rushed out of the black rock in an instant, galloping away into the distance. .

As for the other two, they turned their heads, their eyes flashing with blue light, and rushed towards the flying demon statue. However, when one of them rushed towards the statue of the devil, his whole body exploded and turned into thousands of black threads, which burrowed into the statue of the devil from all directions.

Another dark figure took this opportunity to flash past and pounce on Wang Lin. The blue light in its eyes gave a hint of something strange at this moment.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm, and he placed his right hand gently on the center of his eyebrows. Immediately, his spirit suddenly escaped from the top of his head, he looked at the black figure indifferently, and grabbed it with his right hand.

The moment the black shadow saw the Yuan Shen coming out of his body, he screamed in surprise, turned around and ran away without saying a word. However, its speed was far different from that of the Yuan Shen. When the Yuan Shen caught him, the black shadow immediately Unable to escape, he was caught by Wang Lin's soul amidst bursts of screams and swallowed in one gulp!

As for the escaping scabbard, it did not move in a straight line, but flashed left and right, obviously to guard against Wang Lin's teleportation.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Wang Lin's mouth, and his soul suddenly disappeared on the spot, turning into a part of the crack in the space, as if he could see the scabbard of the sword running away.

While the scabbard was flying, it transformed out of the void, put one hand on the scabbard, and then holding the scabbard, the soul returned to the body.

This is the art of moving the spirit into the heaven and earth. Not all spirit-forming monks can master it, but based on the understanding of the artistic conception, it is several times stronger than teleportation.

The moment he swallowed the black shadow, Wang Lin had already separated from the memory of the black shadow. The black shadow was the obsession of a monk with great supernatural powers, separated from his body, and sent this obsession into space. The cracks are blown by the wind of death and undergo experience, so that they can form the body of death and death in order to turn into the soul of the magic weapon.

This obsession does not have a high level of sanity. After wandering in the cracks of this space for a long time, I accidentally found the scabbard and felt the force of the Holy King of Heaven and Earth, the creation of the Holy King, the Night Kill God, the Divine Seal Throne, and the Demon Arrogant Ninth Layer. The strongest abandoned young man The royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty will kill the god and seal the throne at night, asking for the demon and the most powerful abandoned young man in the ninth heaven. The royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty will kill the god and seal the throne at night. The Divine Seal Throne begged the Demon Arrogant Ninth Layer, the strongest abandoned young master of the Zhou royal family, and there was a strange fluctuation on it, which made him vomit to the bottom of his heart.

Grasping the scabbard, Wang Lin pointed his right hand at the statue of the Demon God. Suddenly, the Demon God that had just eliminated the black shadow in his body slowly collapsed, turned into a stream of spiritual power, and dissipated.

As for the black shadow hiding in the scabbard, Wang Lin shook his right hand and the black shadow was shaken out. As soon as it appeared, Wang Lin pinched it with one hand and spat out his spiritual power, causing the black shadow to collapse and disappear. .

Kill these four obsessions, lest the person with great supernatural powers know about this obsession after it is withdrawn.

Wang Lin moved and disappeared from the spot. When he appeared, he was already at the place where the mark was left. He opened the crack and got in.

Appearing outside Cassia Valley, Wang Lin did not stay, but flew away quickly.

A month later, Wang Lin walked out of an ancient teleportation formation far away from Zhao State.

"With the appearance of the Rain Cauldron, the day when the Heavenly Dao will be opened should not be far away. We have reached the early stage of transformation into gods. Although it is still far away from the infant transformation, it is not without hope. Once the infant transformation stage is reached, Situ Nan can wake up. This guy Back then, he said that he was the number one master in the Suzaku Kingdom. If he wakes up, he will definitely know about the Star Cultivation Crystal, which should play a big role in obtaining this treasure." Wang Lin murmured to himself.

"I just don't know if my parents can be resurrected if they reach the stage of infant transformation... But what I understand is the heavenly way of reincarnation, life and death. The more I understand about reincarnation, the more I can perceive the irreversible change of heavenly way. This matter is difficult to do after all. The idea of ​​​​escape and resurrection is probably very difficult to realize..." Wang Lin sighed.

"Forget it, let's talk about this later. If it is really impossible to resurrect, then find a mortal place and let your parents enter reincarnation and be freed. The love in this life will end... Sigh...

For now, we still need to refining a forbidden flag, and there is only the last piece of Mojian Stone left. This time, we must use it carefully, but we must not damage it again. As for the damaged one, I have tried to repair it these days but it has failed. It is too difficult and can only be used to induce disaster.

In addition, although I have become a god, I have too few magic weapons. Now I don’t know when the day of the opening of heaven will come, so I need to prepare in advance. I am determined to get this immortal spirit! "

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