Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 Alliance Secrets Chapter 986 The Beginning

In the center of Wang Lin's eyebrows, five star points suddenly appeared at this moment. This was one of the few times when the ancient god star points appeared automatically and started to spin rapidly. (Just read the novel)

Wang Lin's expression changed slightly, and there was a roar in his mind, as if a strange power was awakening in his body. Under the impact, the memory of the ancient god Tu Si that he had obtained in the past flashed through his mind.

Ling'er didn't blink, looking at Wang Lin. The moment the ancient god star appeared between Wang Lin's eyebrows, her eyes suddenly showed confusion. This confusion was like clouds and smoke, passing through her eyes quickly. , Ling'er felt her body tremble, as if a memory hidden in her soul suddenly opened.

Her eyes were in a trance. The scene that only appeared in dreams appeared again. She was still half-kneeling on the altar. Below, there were still strange spells coming from the mouths of countless men and women.

She on the altar also maintained the same movements as Baoping Wei, looking at the sky, and a strange soft voice came from her mouth! "Kun!" The sky was filled with clouds and smoke, roaring like the roaring waves of the sea, and it pushed away crazily towards the surroundings, revealing the blue sky and a huge figure behind it! There are only five star points between the eyebrows of this figure, but there is a powerful aura that is different from other ancient gods. There is also a strange power that belongs to the royal family permeating the world.

There was an expression of extreme indifference, as if all the changes in the world could not change his face in the slightest, and his cold gaze fell on Ling'er's eyes.

This ancient god looks exactly like Wang Lin!

"The ancient people of the Moon Clan, the God Slave Wood Spirit, pray to the ancient gods to come and grant our tribe divine power to fight against the Ta Clan!" In that dream, Ling'er had a look of fanatical reverence. The moment Wang Lin appeared, he immediately showed respect. murmured softly.

At the same time, under the altar, countless men and women showed the same fanaticism in their eyes, and the sound of the incantation became stronger, forming a sound storm that swept across the world.

Above the eyebrows of these people, the mark of the bright moon slowly emerged, getting brighter and brighter.

"The ancient people of the Yue Clan have prepared enough power of heaven and earth for the Ancient God. Please accept it." Ling'er in the illusion slowly raised the vase with both hands. At this moment, all the people under the altar The people of the Moon Clan reached their peak in the sound of incantations, but they saw that the bright moon marks on their eyebrows suddenly condensed unimaginable power of heaven and earth. The moment these powers of heaven and earth were condensed, they immediately rushed out. , and went straight to the altar.

The power of heaven and earth roared like dragons, and came to the altar in an instant, condensing towards the vase in Ling'er's hands.

As more and more of the power of heaven and earth merged into Ling'er's hands, the vase gradually seemed to turn into substance. The moment Ling knelt down on one knee and raised it to his head, the vase turned into reality. It created a cyclone the size of a fist, slowly rising up and heading towards the ancient god who looked like Wang Lin.

The cyclone was not very fast at first, but after rising for a few breaths, it immediately increased in speed, as if there was a huge suction force sucking it away. It went straight to the ancient god's eyebrows, merged into the eyebrows with a bang, and disappeared.

The ancient god who looked like Wang Lin in the sky raised his right hand and pointed down. Immediately, a majestic power of the ancient god spread crazily, blended into Ling'er's body on the altar, and then passed through her. The strange transformation of the body spread out from the body into thousands of parts, fell along the altar, and penetrated into the bodies of everyone on the ground. At this moment, Ling'er felt like the earth was spinning, her body tilted, and she fell to the ground and passed out. The illusion disappears, the sky is still a sky of water stars, the mountain peaks are still the top of the peaks shrouded in clouds and mist, and the sound of crashing waves can be heard from time to time.

Nothing has changed. The only thing that has changed is that Ling'er fell to the ground and passed out just like in the illusion.

Wang Lin stood not far away, with confusion in his eyes.

"Slave God..." Wang Lin looked at the sky in the distance and paused. In fact, when Ling'er made the action of the treasure bottle before, Wang Lin could clearly feel that there was a memory that did not exist in Tu Si's memory that suddenly seemed to be untied from the eternal dust, revealing in Wang Lin’s mind.

In the ancient times, the ancient gods needed the power of heaven and earth. In addition to destroying stars and absorbing it, there was another way to obtain it from the ancient people at that time. Therefore, the existence of divine slaves came into being.

"There is reincarnation in this world. Every god slave is branded by the ancient god himself. As the strength of the ancient god is different, the power the god slave gains will also vary!

However, the brand on Ling'er's body is a bit too strong. After countless reincarnations over and over again, now, the brand still exists in her soul... If not, she would never remember it. The scenes that unfolded countless reincarnations ago..."

Wang Lin touched his eyebrows. Not only Ling'er had seen the illusion just now, Wang Lin also felt it, especially when the cyclone condensed by everyone in the Moon Clan sacrificing the power of heaven and earth sank into the ancient god's eyebrows. , Wang Lin immediately felt a heat between his brows, as if a force of power was integrated into his body. It's just that this power is very weak, only one, but it is extremely tough. After being integrated into the body, it spreads out, permeates the whole body, and becomes part of the ancient god's power. Ling'er, who was in a coma, suddenly had a mark on his eyebrows. This mark flickered continuously, flickering on and off, and had a strange connection with Wang Lin's heartbeat. It can even be said that every time Wang Lin's heart beats, this mark flashes. If one day, Wang Lin's heart stops beating, this mark will also collapse, taking Ling'er's life and everything with it.

"If the soul collapses, all traces will be erased, and there will be no reincarnation. If the ancient gods are stingy with death, then the slaves of the gods will die! There is only one explanation for the countless reincarnations of this Ling'er!" Wang Linchen's eyes flashed. Bare. "The ancient god who cast the spell back then is not dead!"

"And now I merged into it by coincidence, causing the master of the God Slave to replace the previous mark with my mark. There is only one explanation for this! Even though the ancient god is not dead at the moment, But the oil is already exhausted, so why not call me -o?" Wang Lin sighed secretly.

At this moment, he also knew why he had a rare favorable impression of this Ling'er when he saw her for the first time. Originally, he thought it was because the water spirit roots on this woman's body brought back a trace of memories and emotions in him.

But now, Wang Lin understood that it was not like that, but in this woman's soul, there was a trace of the mark of the divine slave before countless reincarnations.

"I originally thought I had understood all the memories of the ancient god Tu Si in my mind, but now it seems that there are still many that seem to be sealed and cannot be opened... This may be the same as the Tu Si I obtained during my trip to the land of ancient god Suzaku Star. The memory is not complete, and there is still a memory crystal that has not been related... If I can get that memory crystal, my inheritance of memory will be truly perfect.

Wang Linchen glanced at the unconscious Ling'er, withdrew his gaze, sat cross-legged on the rock, looked at the sky in front of him, and was immersed in meditation.

Time passed by in a hurry, and unknowingly, when the setting sun was setting, looking at the setting sun gradually disappearing between the sky and the earth, the entire film was once again shrouded in darkness, Wang Lin slowly felt the strange state of that time again, Slowly immerse yourself in it.

In this state, his body and mind were at peace, as if all worries and trivial matters had been thrown away, and only the sunrise and sunset lingered in his mind for a long time.

There is always a thread lingering in front of him, but Wang Lin can't find it. He doesn't even know what his current state is, and he doesn't know what he is trying to find. But more than a thousand years of practicing Taoism have made his spiritual sense extremely powerful. He has a vague feeling that his current state should be a very rare opportunity. If you can grasp it and explore it, it will be of great benefit to you.

At this moment, Wang Lin didn't know that his state was actually the edge of the Beginning Realm among the three realms of Ji, Tao, and Beginning that had been circulated in the world of cultivation since ancient times!

The Beginning Realm is not as domineering as the Extreme Realm, and not as mysterious as the Tao Realm, but the mystery of the Beginning Realm ranks first in the world of cultivation since ancient times!

No one knows where this Beginning Realm came from, and how it was enlightened. Throughout the history of the world of cultivation, even from ancient times, the number of people who entered the Beginning Realm was extremely limited. Although it is not as exaggerated as the Extreme Realm, it is definitely not. many.

But the strange thing is that anyone who enters the Beginning Realm cannot even explain how he entered it, and the time in that Beginning Realm is extremely short and disappears in a moment.

It is rumored in the world that the three realms of Ji, Dao and Shi are a change of spiritual power. Once entered, they will stay there forever. There are many supports for this statement, but in fact, except for the Ji realm that has records, there is no such thing as Tao and Tao. Most of those who know about the two realms are unclear about it, and even they themselves are in confusion. I just know that the three realms seem to be divided into two types: spirit and god. For example, in the extreme realm, Wang Lin's initial manifestation was spiritual power, and then something unexpected happened, which transformed it into spiritual consciousness. Similarly, most of the monks who have studied the three realms for countless years believe that the two realms of Tao and Shi are also divided into spirit and god! The ultimate spirit, the ultimate god! The way of spirit, the way of God! The beginning of spirit, the beginning of God-!

In comparison, it seems that the spiritual realm is easier to integrate into. As for the divine realm, it is too ethereal and elusive. As for those who have entered the Beginning Realm since ancient times, almost all of them have reached the Beginning of Spirits briefly. The spiritual power in their bodies has undergone earth-shaking changes in that short moment, but this time is too short. The benefits obtained cannot be too many

This phenomenon was recorded in ancient times by a Qi practitioner named Liu Wen.

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