Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 Secrets of the Alliance Chapter 987: Can Ye Creates His Own Magical Power

Liu Wenwen was an unknown ancient Qi practitioner. Although he was talented, he was still not outstanding in ancient times. However, in his case, he created the first divine beginning since the world of cultivation began to record!

No one knows how he understood the beginning of God, and how long he stayed in this beginning of God, whether it was short-lived or eternal...

I just know that this person who was originally unknown has suddenly become an extremely rare and powerful person in the world of cultivation after several years of seclusion. What is especially frightening is that this person's magical powers are simply unheard of by anyone. Never seen before!

If it were just that, that would be it, but the magical power in Liu Wen's hands was so powerful that it was almost unimaginable. It also contained the way of heaven and earth. It could be said to have set off a storm in the ancient body period at that time.

Too many people wanted to know the secrets inside, and the bloody storm began. However, no matter how many people among the Qi Refiners took action, even some old monsters with advanced cultivation and no regard for worldly affairs could not touch Liu Wen at all. Clues, as if Liu Wen could predict all crises, calculate all dangers, and avoid them!

Then this person Xu Shimingyi was unable to resist with his own strength, and mysteriously disappeared, becoming a bizarre legend in the ancient world of cultivation. It was not until a long time later that someone realized by chance that this Liu Wen must be It means stepping into one of the three realms, not the ultimate realm, but one of the Dao realm and the Beginning realm. As for the specifics, combined with the reasons before and after, it was finally placed on the beginning!

Then I thought of the unheard-of magical powers that this person had performed, and then the idea that he could create his own magic in the world slowly spread... What has been passed down to this day is that it is impossible to know the truth of that scene. False rumors. The ultimate state is death, the beginning state is life!

Wang Lin didn't know all this. At this moment, he was immersed in that strange state, but he still couldn't figure out the context, couldn't completely integrate into it, and could only surround it from the outside.

There is always a thread in front of his eyes, but whenever Wang Lin tries to grab it, he finds that there is nothing. This feeling has almost never happened to Wang Lin.

Looking at the sunset on the horizon, it was finally swallowed up by darkness. The earth was pitch black, and only the sound of the undulating waves on the sea could be heard faintly.

Wang Lin is not anxious. His character is full of perseverance. When he was a teenager, he could climb the steps of Hengyue Mountain with his thin body. Without this kind of perseverance, there would be no Wang Lin at this moment.

He looked at the sky calmly. Since he couldn't grasp the thread, he simply waited, waiting for the sunrise and sunset again and again, waiting for the thread to become clearer and clearer, waiting for the moment when he could be caught!

Ling'er woke up late at night. With the trembling of her eyelashes, she slowly opened her eyes and looked into her eyes.

It was the starry night sky. She sat up silently and glanced at Wang Lin who was sitting cross-legged not far away. Looking in this direction, through the moonlight, she could see Wang Lin's side like a knife.

After waking up, a seal seemed to be opened in her mind, which reminded her of many vague memories. However, these memories were too long, so that Ling'er looked at Wang Lin for a moment, and her whole body was filled with confusion. Stay up.

Her eyes were unfocused, and they were not actually looking at Wang Lin. Even if Wang Lin was not there, she would still be like this at this moment.

In Ling'er's mind, the long-lasting memories flowed, and finally at dawn, the scene before coma was fixed in his mind. Touching the center of her brows, Ling'er's eyes revealed a sparkle, which had puzzled her for many years. Now that she had the answer, she pondered for a long time, stood up gently, and said respectfully to Wang Lin: "Shennu Wood Spirit, see Ancient God.”

Wang Lin nodded slightly and said calmly: "Go back and don't bother me again."

Wang Lin's words were the highest will for Ling'er. At this moment, he lowered his head and softly claimed yes. As soon as the bell swung in his hand, a crane flew from a distance. Ling'er got up and jumped, landing on the crane's back.

She turned around and looked at Wang Lin carefully. There was a hint of trance in the depths of her eyes. She sighed quietly and left with him.

Wang Lin ignored Ling'er and kept looking at the sea in the distance. After a while, a ray of light slowly appeared from the horizon and gradually filled the world.

That strange feeling became stronger again, but until the sun rose again, Wang Lin still didn't realize it.

Time passed slowly, and the years passed by day by day. Wang Lin had forgotten how long he had been sitting here, and how many days he had been sitting here. Even during this period, Chen Dao Sanzi and Big Head Fu Fengzi and others came, but he did not aware.

At this moment, his eyes were looking into the distance, and his eyes were already filled with bloodshot eyes. But he didn't care about these, as if everything in the world disappeared in his eyes, and the only thing left was that day. A scene of 袼. Ten miles away from the mountain where Wang Lin was, the three sons of Chen Dao were floating in the air. Looking from a distance, they could see the motionless figures sitting cross-legged on the mountain. "It's been a month, eleven eleven eleven"... Longzi frowned in confusion and said, "What is he feeling?"

Yixingzi next to him shook his head and said slowly: "What takes such a long time for monk Jingni to realize must be an extremely powerful magical power!"

The dust settled for a long time, and he shook his head and said: "I can't see it, and I wonder if you have noticed it. There is no fluctuation of Yuanli at all around here, not even spiritual thoughts exist, but we can't enter. ? There are mysteries here that we don’t understand, and I always have a feeling that this person seems to be enlightening!"

"Enlightenment!" Yilongzi's eyes lit up, he looked at it carefully for a long time, and nodded: "It's very possible!" Although there are no fluctuations in Yuanli here, as long as you step into the ten-mile range, you will be attacked within three steps. The majestic combination forces retreat! "Yixingzi said in a deep voice.

"Speaking of the majestic power that prevents entry, I have some experience. This kind of power seems to be generated by itself between heaven and earth. I tried to walk into it a few days ago, and I actually felt like I was facing the roar of the sea. "Yilongzi frowned.

"Just wait and see what happens. If he is really enlightening, it will be a rare experience for the three of us. After watching it, it may also be helpful to the three of us." Yichenzi said calmly and simply sat cross-legged. In the void, he looked at Wang Lin on the mountain peak ahead.

Far away from the three of them, Fu Fengzi's eyes flashed undetectably, staring at the mountain in front, and said secretly: "It doesn't seem like he is enlightening... But no matter what he is doing, for me right now, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." The opportunity... It’s just that after I break this mark, what will happen - 11, 111?" Fu Fengzi was struggling in his heart.

Datou, Tashan and Leiji have also arrived here. After all, Wang Lin has been meditating here for nearly a month, and the three of them can't help but feel a little worried.

As the sun rises and sets again and again, time passes again, and another month has passed!

Wang Lin's eyes were all bloodshot. At this moment, he completely forgot about everything and stared straight at the sea in front of him. In the early sunsets, he could clearly feel the traces of blood. , it becomes increasingly clear. This day is the ninth day after two months.

The sky was covered with clouds, and bursts of thunder roared muffledly. Not long after, huge raindrops fell from the sky and fell on the earth at the break of dawn.

On the sea in the distance, as the rain falls, waves suddenly rise, and waves roar, trying to compete with the sky.

In the rain, the early sun seemed to be covered with a veil, and I couldn't see it clearly clearly. I just saw that the rays of rays just appeared from the sky and the earth, and were immediately swallowed up by the clouds and disappeared.

The early sun in the rain curtain seemed to be slowly emerging from the sky and the earth with great difficulty. At this moment, Wang Lin's eyes suddenly condensed. He had an extremely strong feeling that the most critical moment had come after more than two months of waiting. moment!

At this moment, his whole mind was focused crazily, staring at Chu Yang in front of him, as if his whole body wanted to merge with that Chu Yang.

The thunder roared and the rain poured down, but it could not stop Wang Lin's gaze, nor could it stop him from being immersed in it, nor could it stop the rising sun from finally rising into the sky!

At that moment when most of the early sun seemed to rise from the sky and the earth with difficulty, and a small half remained on the sea, Wang Lin's whole mind was shocked. He clearly felt that the traces of veins outside his body were... Unprecedented speed gathered around him, wrapping around his whole body, and finally integrated into his body in one fell swoop. At this moment, Wang Lin's body trembled violently, as if his soul had left his body!

He saw the rising sun rising slowly on the sea, as if the sea was a mother and the rising sun was a baby. At the break of dawn, the mother gave birth to the rising sun!

At the moment when the first sun was born, an unimaginable force rushed out. This force was the tens of thousands of feet of sunshine, and the darkness between the sky and the earth was torn apart as it swept across. This force is strong enough to reverse the universe, enough to shake the way of heaven, enough to make the night collapse in front of it. After becoming a piece of debris, it turns into fragments and rolls back, causing the world to be replaced by brightness! The sea is full of sunshine and the rest of the night! "This is the power!" Wang Lin's eyes burst out with light, and his body and mind completely merged into a mysterious state. What he saw in front of him was all frozen in the moment at the beginning of that day, the power of tearing the night apart!

"Now!" Fu Fengzi's eyes flashed with a cold light. He waited for more than two months, and was still not sure about the unimaginable next move after breaking the seal, but he thought of a way to solve it once and for all. That means killing Wang Lin! "Kill him and all the seals will be broken!" Fu Fengzi's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and his body suddenly swayed. The moment Wang Lin felt the power, he rushed forward!

However, the moment his body stepped into the ten-mile range, Fu Fengzi's expression changed drastically, as if he had seen an unbelievable scene in his life, and the pupils in his eyes showed fear and shock that he had never seen before! This... what is this...

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