Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1040: Reclining Buddha

An Zheng turned to look at the fat man sitting on the huge chair, and suddenly realized that he had known for a long time that this person had never faced each other so directly. In fact, when Anzheng was the first seat of the Mingfa Division, some people put the reclining Buddha and Anzheng together to discuss it. Many people say that Anzheng is the ruling on the bright side, and the Reclining Buddha is the secret king.

In a sense, their fear and fear of the reclining Buddha is still in contention.

"He doesn't deserve, do I deserve it?"

Reclining Buddha sat on the sedan chair breathlessly and said a sentence, it seems that this sentence is not a small physical exertion for him. And the law enforcement of the temple standing not far away from the controversy made his legs so frightened that he didn't dare to run, but he didn't dare to stay here. He didn't know what to do for a while.

"Not yet?"

The reclining Buddha said three words, and the law-enforcement envoy was immediately forgiven and immediately turned around and ran. But after running, he was fixed there in just two steps, and still maintained his stride posture.

"He said nothing."

An Zheng said lightly: "I just said, you must die in front of me."

He snapped his fingers and the man's head burst open.

The reclining Buddha's face sank: "This is the first time you have met directly, you don't seem very friendly."

"Your men are **** you are reluctant to kill, I will kill you."

"That's my men, even if it's **** it's not your turn to kill."

"I have already killed."

As soon as this sentence came out, the air became tense.

The Reclining Buddha stayed silent for a while, then looked at Anzheng: "I don't have much skill, but the people are willing to follow me because I know to protect them. You killed me in front of me , Let me say what I want to say next. "

"Don't say that."

An Zheng said flatly: "In order to maintain the loyalty of your subordinates in such a way, you are nothing more than a bastard. I have never said anything to me, and I don't want to listen to what Wang Batang said."

The Reclining Buddha took a deep breath, then smiled: "It really is well-deserved. You did this when you were fighting, and it still is. This is how everyone in the world changes as the world changes, and you **** Has remained unchanged for ten thousand years. "

An Zheng shrugged his shoulders, an expression you said right.

"Why are you back?"

The reclining Buddha asked.

An Zheng did not answer.

The reclining Buddha didn't feel embarrassed either. He waved his hands and put the chair down. The four people held him up before lifting him off the chair. It seemed that he was still very tired.

"There is no contradiction between me and you. Although I do n’t see you, I even think you are an idiot. However, I do admire people like you. I need you to give me an answer. If you come back, it ’s for your majesty. , Then between me and you can only endlessly. If you are not directed at your majesty, I would rather pretend not to see you. "

An Zheng made a please gesture: "Come on."

Reclining Buddha shook his head: "It's a **** stinky stone, stinky and hard."

Several masters of the temple around him were already eager to try out their shots, but they did n’t dare to move until the reclining Buddha spoke. This shows that the reclining Buddha brought them not only indulgence, but also deep fear.

"You, don't follow the waves, so you are too tired to live."

The Reclining Buddha pointed to anxiety: "Anyway, he had to fight, otherwise he would really look down on the sanctuary."

"Go on."

A young man in his twenties seemed to have taken a step forward. This temperament was cold and cold. The whole person was like a long sword with a sheath, cold and cold. Between his eyebrows, there is a murderous spirit. This kind of murderousness is not a murder that countless people cannot have.

"You can't."

The Reclining Buddha smiled and said, "None of you can do it, and you can't add them together. It's not that I look down on you, and you also make me used to be too proud. Who is that? That is famous. The former Ming Division of the Ming Dynasty fought for the first time. The people who died in his hands were ten times more than the people you killed.

The Reclining Buddha shook his body and waved his hands to stop supporting him. He walked step by step towards peace. It seemed that walking was really a torment for him.

"You also know that I'm too fat because I like to eat. People always have to face many choices, and you can't avoid it if you escape. For example, if you want a good body, don't be greedy, greedy is definitely fat. , I chose the latter. For example, loyal to your majesty or loyal to myself, I chose the former. What about you? Have you ever chosen? "

An Zheng: "You should be more thorough. Whether you choose to betray your conscience or maintain your conscience, you chose the former."

The reclining Buddha said indifferently: "You and I are people who will not regret making choices."

An Zheng: "This sentence makes sense."

The Reclining Buddha gasped while walking, and finally reached a place about 20 meters away from Anzheng. It took him about three minutes to walk but only five meters away. He gasped and looked at Anzheng: "Look, I'm fatter than you, older than you, weaker than you, why would you let me do it?"

An Zheng: "Shameless."

The reclining Buddha said with a smile: "Where is there something to shameless, it is still important to die."

An Zheng: "No."

Reclining Buddha: "Otherwise, I will let you do it?"

"No need to."

"It's really not splashing ... how about you let me start?"


Reclining Buddha sighed: "Then you have to fight for strength."

He lifted the chubby, white-faced bun-like finger and pointed to the sky. He did not point to Anzheng, but to the sky. But suddenly the place where the contention was settled changed, and the contention suddenly flew into the sky. Taking the place where Anzheng is located as the center, the entire space within a range of about ten meters has been moved, a square space.

At the same time, the space within a five-mile radius has changed into a space composed of countless square grids measuring ten meters square. An Zheng was moved to the sky, and the piece in the sky was moved to the ground. So it seems that this picture is so dissonant. The world seems to be composed of these squares, and the reclining Buddha can move these squares at will.


The Reclining Buddha smiled: "Every time I find it fun."

The foot of An Zheng in the sky is still stepping on the ground, so it seems very strange. This is not a matter of common sense, and even An Zheng feels terrified.

"There are specializations in the art industry, and some people have practiced all kinds of exercises. I have been stupid since I was a child, so I can only hold one door to practice in the dead."

Reclining Buddha smiled more and more happy: "And I am lazy, I am greedy, I don't like to move, so there is no way to attack me like you, the movement is beautiful and effective. I still like to beat from a distance, I just need to stand It ’s good to go. Fortunately, God is fair to everyone. If you miss it, there will be a response. I ’m lazy to a realm. "

As he spoke, both hands began to move continuously.

The square is constantly moving, and the entire space is disrupted. There was a group of flying birds not far away from Anzheng. They had just moved from one square to another, but they were moved by the reclining Buddha in a blink of an eye. This square entered the square that originally belonged to a forest. According to the principle, it is reasonable for the bird to fly into the jungle, but the unreasonable point is that when the bird enters the other square, the position is gone.

The strangling force from space immediately shattered the flying birds, leaving no hair left. Therefore, one can imagine what kind of pressure An Zheng is under.

"I specialize in the art of space, because I am stupid and can only practice the same."

The reclining Buddha's hand is still moving, and the square where Anzheng is located has been moved to his original position, which is where Anzheng first stood. But the neighborhood is no longer the original thing at this time. The square on the left is the sky, the square on the right is the big tree, and the square on the top is ... the sun.

This is unreasonable and unreasonable. This is simply a paradox, but it really happened. The sun is moved, then it must become very big. But the sun is still so big, it still looks so far, but Anzheng is already on fire. His clothes were burnt out in an instant, and the anti-scale **** armor covered in his body also started to redden. How high the temperature was.

"Does it feel okay?"

The Reclining Buddha asked, and continued to answer him without waiting for an argument: "Actually, you can praise me ... People are used to praising what you can see, such as you. At that time, you were like hanging on the sky during the day. Everyone can see you. And every day is sunny. The sun is high, and your shining thorns can't open your eyes. And me, I'm not even the moon in the night , It ’s not a star, because I do n’t shine, I ’m just dark. I am in the dark, I am the dark. I am in the day, I am still in the dark. "

The Reclining Buddha said with a smile: "Actually I have always been jealous of you, why can you be famous in the world, and I can only have a viper in the dark? But your majesty needs you to be the sun, and I will be a viper."

The anti-scale **** armor on Anzheng has completely turned red, and a stream of green smoke rises from him.

"It really should boast about you, it's amazing, very amazing."

An Zheng raised his hand, because it was too hot, the red armor made the surrounding space twisted and unreal.

"Your practice is a bit perverted. It is a black hole for practitioners. No one can adapt to your rhythm. It is really terrible to practice the technique of space to the extreme."

The Reclining Buddha smiled and replied: "Where and where is it far from the ultimate. I have been thinking, if I practice to the extreme, will I replace the whole world and the world outside the whole world?"

An Zheng: "How big your heart is, how stupid you are."

An Zheng suddenly took a step, and then he actually walked from this square to another square. This is simply impossible, just as the reclining Buddha cuts the space and then moves arbitrarily. However, it all happened again.

"Cooler next door."

An Zheng stood in the square where the half of the tree was, and reached out, his hand appeared in a square on the sky, as if he had been dismembered ...

"Fun, really fun."

An Zheng also smiled brilliantly: "No wonder you all find it fun."

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