Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1041: Chase

An Zheng stretched out his hand from the square where he was, and the hand appeared in a square at least two meters away from him. An Zheng, who had been dismembered, was still laughing. He looked at the Reclining Buddha and said with a smile: "No wonder you all find it fun. It's really fun."

Reclining Buddha's face has changed.

"You ... why not die?"

He asked An Zheng seriously.

An Zheng shook his head: "It's strange, why don't I die?"

The Reclining Buddha's face was entangled, and he seriously discussed with An: "Will you die?"

An Zheng said: "You are not right in saying this. Death is not a one-off. If you can die, I don't mind showing you the death. Otherwise, you can show me the death."

Seeing the expression of the reclining Buddha almost cried out: "You are unreasonable, you are obviously damn."

An Zheng encourages: "You try again?"

Reclining Buddha nodded: "I'll try again."

The speed of moving the square with his hands is faster, and the tearing force brought by the space and the superposition of the space is also increasing. It is already a very abnormal thing to be able to move and superimpose space friction itself, and An Zheng seems to be even more abnormal without any problems in such a huge tearing force.

The reclining Buddha seems to be forced out of anger, and as the hand moves faster and faster, the square is getting smaller and smaller. Originally, a square of about ten meters was suddenly more differentiated, and became two meters, then one meter, and then half a meter.

The world is composed of many squares of one and a half meters, which is even more terrifying. If the contention that An Zheng had suffered before was the tearing force of the superposition of space, then the contention that An Zheng has endured now is even more violent. A square of half a meter can already separate Anzheng's body.

An Zheng finally stopped standing there: "This is not good, so I may see my crotch as soon as I look up."

The reclining Buddha actually laughed: "Can you **** serious, in this case there are still thoughts to joke."

An Zhengdao said: "For this world, and most of the entire practitioners, your practice is a loophole. No one can resist this power of tearing space, you have stood On the side that must win. However, for you, I am the loophole of your practice ... If your strength is stronger, you can cut me open, but it is not right now. "

An Zheng suddenly stepped back to the ground, and while he was moving, the place he had just turned into a lot of smaller styles. If he didn't move, he was now torn apart. Perhaps really as An Zheng said, he looked up and saw his crotch.

"How did you come out?"

The reclining Buddha subconsciously stopped his hand and no longer moved the squares.

"Because I'm a few seconds faster than you."

At this time, the reclining Buddha noticed that An Zheng's right eye did not know when it was closed, and there were three dark purple stars in his left eye that were spinning rapidly. Because the rotation speed is too fast, a purple aperture has been formed.


The reclining Buddha was stunned for a moment, then turned around and left: "Come and help me, let's go quickly."

The men he brought did not know what was happening, only to see that the reclining Buddha gave up and continued to fight. From the perspective of others, the reclining Buddha is completely in the upper hand. At this time, it suddenly runs without turning and making it difficult for them to understand.

"He is a pervert, I can't beat him."

When the reclining Buddha ran up, the pile of meat trembles layer by layer, very layered.

An Zheng: "You are really too lazy, this is not good."

The next second, when the reclining Buddha was about to board the sedan chair and ran away, he suddenly stood still. Because he saw Anzheng sitting on the chair, and was watching him laugh.

"I can't beat you, I have conceded."

"Are you and me fighting for the purpose of winning or losing?"

"Why can't it be?"

The Reclining Buddha said roguely: "Is it that I haven't been able to beat you."

An Zheng said solemnly: "If you have the upper hand now, you will not say that this is a fight for the purpose of victory and defeat, but for the purpose of life and death. You are here to kill me, so can you come up with some Master should have the demeanor? "

Reclining Buddha: "It's important to be a fart, to be able to run."

"How do you run?"

"do you know?"

Reclining Buddha looked at Anzheng's eyes and said, "I am actually always afraid of death, so the purpose of my initial study of space practice is to protect myself and to escape."

He pointed his hand to the left, and a boxy black hole appeared in the space on the left. When An Zheng looked over there, the reclining Buddha suddenly rushed to the right. The space beside his right side seemed to open a door, and the reclining Buddha entered the door as soon as he flashed. A few hundred meters away, a boxy hole appeared in the space. The reclining Buddha came out of it, and actually made a face towards Anzheng: "You can't kill me, wait for me to go back and think about what to use Way to kill you. "

An Zheng actually found this man's bones a bit cheap.

The Reclining Buddha stretched out his hand again, and a hole appeared behind him. He stepped back into it and was already on the far wall when he appeared again in the next second. He can freely open a space to walk through, and then appear in any place he wants to appear.

An Zheng couldn't help but sigh: "Has such a skill, actually escaped like this?"

The reclining Buddha did escape, and did not regret it at all.

When he returned to the palace of Jinling City, his face was still pale. He was really afraid of death. He felt that Anzheng had certain certainty that he could kill himself. When he was determined, there was no desire to fight again.

He was walking forward with serious thoughts, and suddenly someone stopped him in front of him. He was stunned for a moment, and then found that the person who stopped him was the most important person called Qishu before the Saint.

After the grandson Sun Sheng stood not far away, his face was a little unsightly.

"how about it?"

Seven Uncle asked.

Reclining Buddha shook his head: "I ran away."

"You can't kill him?"

"Can't kill."

"You may not be the first class in this world, but there are not many ways to kill you. The reason why your majesty used you so much, even if you fight, you can give up without giving up, it is because of your majesty. It ’s more useful to know you. But now, you run away without a fight. "

The reclining Buddha said incredulously: "Run away without fighting? You are not talking about this time, that should be the next time. My space power is indeed very strong, I know it myself. But Anzheng can predict a few seconds in advance How can I fight until my next move? He can predict the space I want to move. If it is not that I step back fast enough, I may have died under the wall. "

Chang Sun Sheng's face changed: "Time?"


The reclining Buddha said with certainty: "It is the power of time."

After being silent for a while, Uncle Qi said: "With only a few seconds of prediction, it's okay."

"You know what a fart."

The reclining Buddha didn't even give Qi Shu a face at all: "In a few seconds, it was already an inescapable gap."

The elder Sun Sheng waved his hand: "Come back. Seven Uncles said it was okay for a few seconds, that's okay. Going to guard the retreat of His Majesty, the people he used, it seems that no one can count on it."

"Seven Uncle, you go, can you be sure?"

Qishu nodded after pondering for a while: "If there are really only a few seconds, I should have 70% certainty to kill him."

The elder Sun Sheng asked, "Where do you get it?"

Seven Uncle said: "Speed ​​is the only thing that affects time. When the speed reaches a certain point, time will be changed. He can predict what will happen in a few seconds, but if my speed is fast enough, it will be a few seconds. I can make up for it. "


The oldest grandson turned around and walked back: "Even though Chen Wunuo has made all kinds of wrongs, he is still the Holy Emperor. Even though I am extremely disappointed with him, I am still his wife. I am still the Queen of this great Xi , I can't let him fall, and Daxi cannot fall. "

Seven Uncle gave a sound and turned to leave.

After the reclining Buddha left the palace, he walked all the way to the holy hall, and no one was around to help him, so he went back to the road and became extremely hard. He scolded the street while walking, scolding for contention, and it was very unpleasant. All the vicious words he had mastered in his life were scolded. At this moment he found that a carriage was parked on the side of the street, and he immediately became delighted.

"It seems not so bad."

He sat down on the carriage and waved his hand: "Go to the temple."

"Adult, you ... you have to pay the fare."

"Do you know who I am?"

The reclining Buddha was stunned for a moment and was amused: "Are you asking me for the fare?"

He wanted to kill the driver who didn't open his eyes, and thought he wouldn't catch the car so he gave up. After a moment of silence, he pulled a silver ticket from the cuff and threw it on the carriage: "Enough for you to live a lifetime, hurry and go."

The driver turned back and took off the straw hat: "The fare I want is not money."

Suddenly the Reclining Buddha turned backwards: "I **** your mother ... there is no end."

He was really fat and really weak, but just turned it back a bit and it was almost to the extreme. He was no longer bulky, as light as a pile of cotton wool, and fell to the ground and then turned and ran.

The coachman threw the straw hat out, his figure flashed in front of the reclining Buddha, and punched him in the chest of the reclining Buddha.

The reclining Buddha did not evade this time. His belly is too big, and the fat moves like waves of water. When he lifted his stomach forward, he dumped all the fat on his stomach and blocked the punch just right. The fist hit the fat, and then the fist was swallowed.

"Do you really think this fat is a burden?"

The Reclining Buddha laughed, because his fat had consumed the power of that fist, and the fist was still stuck in the fat. Now the fist could not be drawn.

"Everything I do is purposeful, and every piece of my meat is useful."

The reclining Buddha shot like a knife, chopping the driver's throat sideways.

"You're so deceiving, I have to kill you all together."

The palm knife swept across, and the driver's fist was sucked and could not be withdrawn, so this knife would never be cut. Then, it really did not hit. Because the purple sun exploded on the fist trapped in the meat pile, which directly scorched the layer of meat.

Suddenly, An Zheng moved to the left, and the door of the space opened by the Reclining Buddha was blocked by him. Then the reclining Buddha changed direction, struggling again, blocking again. Regardless of where the Reclining Buddha opened the door, Anzheng would block him one second in advance.

The reclining Buddha is desperate.


he asks.

An Zheng answered seriously: "Because I don't think I will kill you, you may have a chance to kill me in the future."

He laughed the same as the bad guys: "This reason comes before you were supposed to die."

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