Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 964: Come together

Cao Hu looked at Du Skinny with contempt: "A man running around the street chased by the people of Tingwei Man actually dared to brave himself in front of me. When I rushed to and fro on the battlefield, you didn't know Still breastfeeding with your wild dad in the arms of your wild mother. "

Du Shoushou took a deep breath and glanced at An Zheng: "Can't kill?"

An Zheng uttered: "Can't kill, anything but kill."

Du Shou's mouth twitched upwards: "Good."

The emperor took the people out of the Forget Worry Pavilion, and a few people stood in the square outside. Cao Hu pointed his finger at Du's skinny nose and said, "Say, how much does Grandpa let you? Is one hand enough?"

Du Shou said: "I let you have two hands."

"Hahahaha ..."

Dawei's group of generals all laughed, watching Du thin and thin like an idiot.

"General Cao Hu is a master of Jiu Ping in Master, and it is a master that I can count on in the Wei Dynasty. On the battlefield, killing people as if entering a no-man's land, the generals of the army are taking the first level as a sack. The dead fat man's tone is really great. Very dare to say let two hands. "

Cao Baoxiao smiled back and forth: "I have never seen a person with such a big tone, saying that he is an idiot. I am an idiot. My brother can crush him with one hand, and he still has two hands?"

"That is, even if General Cao Hu is not the first of the Wei Dynasty, the top ten is at least no problem. This wild kid really doesn't know that the sky is high and thick, and let him know what it means to be a real strongman."

Cao Hu narrowed his eyes and looked at Du Skinny: "Man's big husband, can it be said?"

Du Skinny shook his head: "I regret it."

A group of people immediately laughed, and even General Ge, who had never spoken, shook his head.

"Everyone has self-knowledge."

Emperor Cao Cheng said: "You were so arrogant before, but now the correction is a bit ugly, but it will not hurt your life after all. I promise you regret, who made you a guest from afar."

Du Shoushou said seriously: "No, no, I said I regret it because I don't want him to have two hands anymore. I even let him have two legs together. I was chased and run by your people on the street, It ’s just that I do n’t want to hurt the innocent. "

He glanced at Cao Hu: "Although you come to attack, if I use my hands and feet to count my losses, you are at your disposal."

Cao Hu scolded wildly, slammed the weapon in his hand and strode forward. The cultivation system in this mysterious environment is different from the outside, and they are not sure what level the master Jiupin is. However, Du Shoushen had just inherited the legendary demon emperor, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Du Shoushou watched Cao Hu rush over, bowed his head to avoid a punch, and took a step back to avoid a punch. Cao Hu failed to hit with two punches, and his heart was furious. Du Shoushou just keeps dodge, Cao Hu's offensive looks like a wide open river, but he just can't hit.

"It turned out to be a hideout!"

"Yeah, how powerful I am, it just runs fast."

"Hahaha, dare to speak up in front of General Cao Hu with such strength."

The laughter of everyone grew louder, but Cao Hu's face was getting ugly. He knew he had done his best, and the other party seemed to be awkwardly dodge, but he didn't spend much energy at all. If he continues to attack like this, he will be exhausted in less than ten minutes, but the opponent's loss is not even one third.

"No wonder, the original strength is really good."

Admiral Zhang Ge of the Great Wei Kingdom nodded and lowered his voice next to Emperor Cao Cheng, saying: "General Cao Hu is not an opponent of this person. If he fights down, Cao Hu will be exhausted within ten minutes. , But will not hurt this person. "

Cao Cheng smiled and said, "That wouldn't be his win. Cao Hu tried his best. He couldn't move his hands. How can he win?"

His voice fell, Du Shoushou sneered: "Just these skills? Come here, I will give you three more minutes, if you can't beat the fat man, the fat man will put you down."

Cao Hu was already timid, and was irritated at this time, rushing up with his teeth clenched.

An Zheng gave Chen Shaobai a glance, and Chen Shaobai smiled and said, "This Master Nine Grades is equivalent to the strength of our external Xiaomanjing in the early days. Our state of decline is still lower than them."

Du Shou's mouth kept counting, counting from the beginning to 180: "Three minutes have passed, the fat man will give you five more times, one two three four five ... up the mountain to fight tigers."

As soon as the word stopped, Du Shoushen suddenly lowered his head and rushed over. Cao Hu thought that Du Shoushou had to bump into himself and quickly dodge. But when Du Shouxi bowed his head and rushed forward, he suddenly turned around and dumped himself directly. That big **** slammed into Cao Hu's face, and even if it was not strong, Cao Hu could be suffocated.

When this **** went down, Cao Hu's face was flat. His body retreated backwards, his steps were extremely heavy, and he had lost his balance. Du Shoushen flicked out his left foot and flew out, and the shoe came straight, snapped on Cao Hu's face, and flattened Cao Hu's nose. The shoes that followed Du Skinny's right foot also flew out, stuffed into Cao Hu's mouth with a puff, and blocked a serious, Cao Hu's body turned backwards, his head hit the ground heavily.

There was a thumping sound, and the sound of the brain hitting the ground seemed to hit someone's heart with a hammer. Everyone suffocated for a while, even Cao Cheng's face became pale.

Du Shoushou glanced at Cao Hu with a shoe in his mouth, snorted, took out a pair of new shoes from the portable space implement and put them on, then twisted his big **** back and walked while walking Gesture with two hands outstretched.

Chen Shaobai clapped loudly, and the sound seemed to fan mock the face of Du's skinny group before. After a while, he went away one after another. I don't know how many people felt feverish on his face.

Emperor Cao Cheng smiled awkwardly: "It really is a warrior."

Cao Rouge, the chief inspector of Tingwei Man, snorted coldly: "It's just a victory, that villain's cheek."

Before Du Shuangshuang was not polite to speak to her and offended her, at this time Du Shuangshou won her uncle Cao Hu, she was naturally uncomfortable.

"Do you want to compare?"

Du Shoushou pointed to Yakuo: "If any of you think you can win me, you can challenge this one. His strength is above me. If you win him, I will also admit defeat."

Yakuo scratched his hair embarrassedly: "I can't beat you."

Cao Bao turned his eyes and took a look at Chen Shaobai: "This girly girl knows to add oil and vinegar, and speaks yin and yang, and it is not a good thing at first glance. This general will meet you and teach you what is called etiquette."

An Zheng smiled and said to Chen Shaobai: "He feels that you are bullying and chose you for a long time."

Chen Shaobai shrugged his shoulders: "Who told me to look milder."

An Zheng: "No, no, he is talking about mother, not gentle. I don't know what you think, if I can't bear it anyway."

Chen Shaobai: "After playing with him, let's fight together."

Cao Bao lifted Cao Hu up, Cao Hu sipped off his stinky shoes, feeling that he didn't want to eat for a year. There is a smell of sauerkraut stewed in the mouth, which will not dissipate for a long time.

"Be careful, that little white face is not necessarily irritating."

"Brother, don't worry, I watched it carefully. This person only dares to encourage behind but not dare to stand up. It must be a counsel. I won him, and I can save some face for you. The rest, we Cao. The family members can't fight anymore, leave it to others to fight. Zhang Ge's eyes have always been higher than his eyes, and he didn't pay attention to the people of our Cao clan. Let him fight for a while. As for Xu, it is His Majesty's The command of the Imperial Guard is even more arrogant. Relying on the qualifications of the old army, it does not make you or me look in the eye, let him go up later. "

Cao Hu nodded: "You don't have to be careless."

Cao Bao strode down the steps and shook his arms with a proud look: "Little white face, have you ever fought? Have you ever killed someone? Have you seen the scene of blood corpses running across the field on the battlefield? Presumably if you saw it , Will scare your pants. By the way, are you squatting and urinating? "

Chen Shaobai pouted, but said nothing.

He glanced back at An Zheng: "Some can't help it."

An Zheng: "Overcome."

Chen Shaobai said, "Try your best."

Cao Bao came over: "How to compare, let you choose first, look at you like this, or better than breastfeeding. Your little white face must be very popular among the women, the most probable is breastfeeding? If you compare breastfeeding, I want to admit defeat. "

Chen Shaobai took a few steps forward, summoned the Sickle of Death, and rushed past. Cao Bao's face changed when he saw the huge sickle. The death on the sickle was like a knife, cutting his skin almost instantly. His attention was all on the sickle, but he found Chen Shaobai suddenly poked the sickle on the ground, and the man was near.

Cao Bao drew his own sword and cut it off. Obviously he shot first, but his knife was raised, and Chen Shaobai's hand arrived. With a snap, Chen Shaobai slaps on Cao Bao's face, half of his face immediately swelled up, and the five finger marks are clearly visible.

"Come again."

Chen Shaobai took a step back: "You go first."

Cao Bao scolded, slashing. In the same way, Chen Shaobai didn't wait until he shot, and the knife had reached his arm beside Chen Shaobai's neck. When the knife was a centimeter away from his neck, his hand had reached Cao Bao's face.


The other half of the face was also swollen, and it looked bigger than before. Cao Bao was originally a face with a thin skin, so it looked sullen and deep. These two slapped faces, the face was swollen like a pig's head.

"Come again!"

Chen Shaobai took a step forward this time, and Cao Bao subconsciously stepped back: "Not coming ..."

"You don't come to me."

Chen Shaobai raised his hand to open the bow, he couldn't avoid Cao Bao. After dozens of slaps were finished, there were no more teeth in Cao Bao's mouth. Chen Shaobai grabbed Cao Baodu's collar and lifted him to the ground, then kicked him in the crotch: "I'm not the gentle fat man just now. I annoyed me, and I won't allow me to kill you I had no choice but to kill you. "

Even if this foot goes down, even if you don't cut off your grandchildren, I'm afraid that you won't want to recover in three or five months.

Chen Shaobai stepped on Cao Bao's neck, picked up Du's thin and thin shoes, and snapped on Cao Bao's mouth: "You stinky mouth, no one has torn you up until now. It ’s really a blessing for you. Give you a lesson. I ’ll have a brain when I talk. "

That mouth was shot by Chen Shaobai, his flesh and blood blurred.


Emperor Cao Cheng waved his hand: "Okay, don't go too far."

Chen Shaobai shrugged his shoulders: "Is it too much?"

Pappa, three more times.

He glanced at Cao Cheng: "This is generally excessive."

After a few steps back, he ran back suddenly, squatting down, and plopping three times.

"This is too much."

He looked at Cao Cheng provocatively. Cao Cheng opened his mouth and was about to speak. Chen Shaobai cracked again and again: "This is too much."

He threw the broken stinky shoes on Cao Bao's face: "This is very excessive."

After he had finished speaking, he turned around and left, and the fight left the emperor with no face.

An Zheng asked: "Do you still fight?"

The emperor hadn't had time to answer. Anzheng reached out and nodded the generals: "Don't trouble, you, you, you, you, you ... come together."

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