Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 965: eat human

Anzheng's eyes swept across the faces of those people, and those eyes were like swords. If the strong are like this, Zhang Ge can't help but be taken aback by the eyes of An Zheng. Several invincible generals on the battlefield were shocked by this look.

Cao Cheng knows that if he fights again, his momentum will be swept away. The young man's eyes carried not only murderousness, but also a decisive sternness and an unquestionable attitude.

Non-superiors cannot have such eyes.

Cao Cheng coughed and said, "Cough ... There is not much time, and things are urgent. The reason why I did this is also related to the father and emperor, and I have to be cautious. The dragon is very dangerous. The Father and Emperor are responsible, but also for yourself. "

An Zheng oh said: "That is to say, what we do is just for His Majesty, for the purpose of the Great Wei, what does it have to do with us?"

Cao Cheng was slightly surprised: "I want you to do something, what relationship do you need and why?"

Du Shoushou: "Ha ha ha ha, we are not your son, nor your courtiers. Why do you say we are allowed to do what we do? You can blame your courtiers, don't treat us like this."

Xiahou Gang said angrily: "Your Majesty told you to do things, which is worth your respect. The words of His Majesty the Emperor are the decree, how dare you resist the decree?"

Du Shoushou: "Anti-you paralysis, your family matters to us. I still say that, we are not your son, I think your son will not listen to you. We are not your father, if your father If you do, you may love your son unconditionally. "

Xiahou just went up to start, and Du Shoushen took a step forward: "Come on."

Xia Hougang stood subconsciously and looked back at Cao Cheng.

Cao Cheng said somberly: "What do you want?"

An Zheng said: "It's not what we want, it's what you want. Tell us about the real situation of Longtengtai, otherwise we won't go in. With these wine bags and rice bags under your hands, you can only die if you go in."

"I said, all I want is the news of the father and emperor."

An Zheng shrugged his shoulders: "So all the things in the Dragon Tower belong to me. As long as you have the news of your father and emperor, we take away the rest of the things we like."

Cao Cheng's face changed: "Are you talking to me?"

Du Shoushou: "Are you deaf? Do you need to tell you again?"

Cao Cheng: "No one has ever dared to speak in front of me. Have you considered the consequences of saying these words yourself?"

An Zheng's body suddenly moved. Although Xiu Wei's state had fallen to a very low level, An Zheng's physique was still strong. He was in front of Cao Cheng in a teleport, and Xu Zhe and Zhang Ge, who were not far away from Cao Cheng, shot at the same time. Their arms had been stretched out, but Anzheng ’s hand had caught Cao Cheng ’s neck. .

Xu Zhe and Zhang Ge are only two meters away from Cao Cheng, while An Zheng is at least 15 meters away. An Zheng's hand had pinched Cao Cheng's neck, and the hands of those two people were at least two feet away from Cao Cheng.

"Don't pose in front of us."

An Zheng slowly raised Cao Cheng with one arm: "This is your world, but we are not yours. We still need to know ourselves, we will help you find your father's whereabouts, and we will not do anything for you. . Still in that sentence, if the things in the Dragon Tower are related to my ancestors, we must take them away. "

Cao Cheng coughed a few times: "I ... I promise you."

An Zheng put Cao Cheng down and turned back: "You are not an emperor in front of us, but in front of your courtiers. We are not a vassal relationship, we are a cooperative relationship. We can only take what we want To what you want. Also, do n’t be so loyal and filial as you said ... You want to find your father, not to make sure he is alive, but to make sure he is dead, right? "

Cao Cheng's complexion turned white, and he snorted and walked away.

After an hour, the team reorganized. No matter how unacceptable their humiliation against Cao Cheng is for the empire, but the Longtengtai matter must be secured by their participation. With the last words of Sima of the Great Wei State and the weakness of their own strength, it is impossible for them to enter without anxiety.

The team of almost 1,800 people was assembled, and 1,500 of them were the most elite soldiers of the Wei Dynasty. These people are veterans who have stood the battlefield, each carrying more than one life.

The remaining three hundred people, including Xu Zhe, Zhang Ge and other generals, and some masters of Tingwei Mansion. Surprisingly, even Emperor Cao Cheng came in person.

The team began to head out of the city, Cao Cheng changed into an ordinary Jinyi, mixed in the bodyguard. Cold eyes flashed inadvertently towards An Zheng, and after seeing it, Chen Shaobai pulled An Zheng: "Be careful, we have offended the emperor, he will not give up."

An Zheng smiled and said: "It seems like a cruel, scheming exposed, it's nothing."

The team left the Imperial City and headed towards the mountains in the west. They argued that they deliberately walked to the end. The teams in front were very alert when they started, and I didn't know what was worrying about being so close to Yecheng. After leaving Yecheng, An Zheng noticed that there was no village on both sides of the official road. The fields looked very fertile, but no one was farming.

Chen Shaobai said in a low voice: "These people may be planning a big event, and the entire Yecheng people are kept in the dark. They think this is the safest place, but I always feel that this place is very horrible."

An Zheng snorted: "When I arrive at the Dragon Tower, don't go first, walk behind."

In this way, the guards moved forward, and the more they went forward, they noticed that the team around them began to consciously approach them. Everyone's face became more solemn, and there was a kind of fear that could not be said in his eyes.

After entering the mountain, the road is still wide and extremely compact. An Zheng kicked the road with his foot and found a layer of white ash and stones underneath. The road constructed in this way will not cause any major problems for hundreds of years, so it is clear that this Dragon Tower is to be used for a long time.

But why has it been deprecated?

In the distance, huge buildings gradually appeared, and the dragon tower was so shocking. Amidst the verdant greens of the mountains, a high platform rises on the ground. The high platform is made of red brick, and the golden railing is dazzling. But when you get close, you will see the mottled paint on the walls. Obviously no one has been here for a long time.

"You go first!"

Xia Hou just came over and said coldly: "Since you want to get paid, you must have the consciousness of death."

An Zheng grabbed Xia Hougang's arm: "Okay, we go ahead, but we need a leader."

Xia Hougang's complexion instantly turned pale, and he lost his blood for an instant, so that his shoulders were shaking. An Zheng sneered: "We don't know the road, and naturally need a guide. Since General Xiahou came to inform us, presumably the emperor's majesty also plans to do the same, let's take a step first?"

He grabbed Xiahou Gang and walked forward. Xiahougang was so scared that his legs were soft: "If I don't go, I won't go!"

An Zheng: "You don't want to go if you don't want to go? We don't want to go either, don't we have no choice?"

Xia Hougang just refused to leave, An Zheng grabbed his pulse and dragged forward, Xia Hougang howled like a pig. A big general who was rushing to and fro on the battlefield was actually scared like this, and he didn't know how big the secret was in the Dragon Tower.

No matter An's contention, he pulled Xiahou Gang up. Behind the high platform of Longtengtai is a palace with 999 steps, and afterwards Xia Hougang was already scared and paralyzed, and was completely dragged up. When I arrived on the high platform, I found that the dust was like snow, and it was flat like a mirror. There was no shallow trace.

Xia Hougang had passed out, and An Zheng dragged him all the way to the palace gate.

Under the high platform, a group of people looked up at An Zheng, and Cao Cheng shouted loudly: "Although you go in, I personally bring you the Guards to support you."

Hearing Cao Cheng's shout, Xia Hougang suddenly woke up again and wailed vigorously: "Your Majesty saves me, and the minister is not afraid of death, but the minister does not want to be like that. Right. "

Cao Cheng shouted: "I will take care of your wife, children and children, you can rest assured."

An Zheng glanced at Du Shoujian: "You and Yakuo are behind, I am in front, and Chen Shaobai is in the middle to support."

Du Shou said: "Don't we say that we came in last, why come first?"

An Zheng said: "Chen Shaobai's things cannot be taken by others."

The four men escorted Xiahou Gang into the palace gate, and the wooden door creaked open, and a smell of dust came across. The spider's web had sealed the wooden door, and it seemed to open the door of **** when the door was pushed in. However, the real **** struggles have gone in more than once, not to mention here.

There seemed to be a slight voice inside, like a viper's letter.

Xia Hougang was really scared out this time, and the dead dog was dragged in by An Zheng, leaving deep marks on the ground. An Zheng walked a few steps forward and looked around, as if there were a pair of fierce eyes staring at them in the darkness.

"Everyone be more careful."

An Zhenggang said a word, and suddenly he didn't know where a shadow came from. Their response has been extremely fast, and the speed is extremely fast, but still a little slower. The black shadow snatched Xiahou Gang from Anzheng and quickly squatted down to the corner. With his head down, he bit Xia Hougang's arm as if he had bitten off the lotus root, and snapped his arm with a click.

The weird man put half of his arm into his mouth, and there was a clicking sound in his ears. After a while, he ate his arm clean. Then the twisted claws of the nails scratched Xia Hougang's stomach, pulled the **** intestines out, and swallowed down bit by bit.

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