The solution of the ice wheel pill!!

The strength of the solution is at least tens of times that of the original solution.

Even the four tails and five tails died under the original solution of the ice wheel pill, so how terrifying is the ice wheel pill?

This is another powerful hole card.

Suddenly, Shinichi Uchiha's consciousness felt an extreme tingling sensation.

Subsequently, the consciousness of the three of them moved away from this time and space and returned to the original point in time again.

Consciousness turned into flesh again, appearing out of thin air in the Qimu family.

Shinichi Uchiha, who had just returned, covered his eyes in pain!!

After all, this ability to travel through time and space is extremely draining, and his vision is now a little blurry.

This ability was used a few more times, and Shinichi Uchiha had no doubt that he would be blind directly!

What a horrible ability!!

"It seems that I must, as soon as possible, get the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan."

Kakashi and Kai were still in a trance.

Kakashi in particular, he was even more miserable after learning everything about Uchiha Obito.

But he understands Uchiha Shinichi's painstaking efforts, and he will eventually face all this.

Soon Kakashi took a deep breath, "It's my responsibility to take Obito like this."

"I will personally capture him and return to Konoha, and then be judged by Konoha."

Uchiha Shinichi had gradually recovered, and then he said to Kakashi, "That guy with Obito has regained his eyes, it's not so easy for you to catch him back!" "

Not to mention the current Kakashi, even if Uchiha Shinichi deals with Uchiha Obito, who now has dual divine power, he will feel trouble.

Of course, it's just a hassle!

Shinichi Uchiha's means are too many.

Whether it is the power of the kaleidoscope chakra eye, the combination of the tricolor domineering and magma fruit ability, and the power of the ice wheel pill and the power of the ghost path.

Any system taken out is enough to destroy the peak power of the ninja world.

What's more, he also possesses talent skills such as Ten Thousand Thunder Heavenly Prison, Psychic Contract Justice Colossus Gario, Dark Contract and so on.

All he fears now is the eye of reincarnation and the infinite moon reading!

However, he didn't think about killing Nagato or Uchiha Obito now.

He is a person with a hanging body, how can he be afraid of these natives in the ninja world?


A few days later, in a hidden corner of Konoha Village, the Uchiha garrison discovered several very unusual laboratories.

According to further investigation, live experiments were done in these laboratories.

The tissues and remains preserved inside are shocking.

And among them, there are Konoha ninjas!!

Through identity investigation, they are the same part of the ninjas who disappeared in Konoha Village for no apparent reason in a few months.

In other words, someone sneaked up on them, subsequently kidnapped them and brutally experimented on them in vivo!

The news came out, and it immediately shocked the entire Konoha.

"Who the hell is so vicious??"

"My eldest brother also disappeared in the village, could it be that he was also taken for experiments?"

Among them, some of Konoha's wealthy families are even more livid.

Because they found that most of the victims of these human experiments belong to their large families.

"Who did my oil lady clan offend?"

"This is to cut off the descendants of our Kurama clan!"

Everyone talked about it, hoping that the Uchiha Garrison could find the murderer as soon as possible.

And the Uchiha garrison found a dying experimental subject in a laboratory.

Uchiha Shinichi immediately ordered: "Save him, I want to be clear about the initiator behind it." "

At this moment, the initiator Orochimaru is staying with the three generations of Hokage and Shimura Danzo.

They stared at a man on the operating table in the dark, damp laboratory.

The man had a dull face, shaped like a child, and his eyes were closed.

"Three generations of teachers, as well as Elder Tuanzang, this is the gift I have prepared for you!"

The three generations of Hokage and Danzo frowned deeply.

And the big snake pill laughed slyly: "Don't underestimate him, he is a clone composed of primary cells!"

"I have a subordinate named Shin, and his body is extremely unique and can block the corrosion of primary cells."

"So I cultivated quite a few clones on him!"

This is equivalent to diluting the activity of the primary cells, which allows some people to withstand the primary cells and thus play the role of the primary cells.

There are even such peculiar people?

"Orochimaru, where is the true body of the letter?"

Tuanzo asked eagerly.

Orochimaru smiled: "Elder Tuanzo, don't think too much, the letter is not in Konoha Village for a long time, you don't have other thoughts." "

This excellent experimental material, how can the big snake pill be given to others?

He lifted his clothes, revealing tissues that were completely different from his own skin.

Those tissues are white in color, as if they can squirm.

"With these things, I feel that my body is extremely active, and the Chakra recovery and capacity have increased a lot!"

"Do you want to try, I can operate on you now!"

"But these tissues can't be transplanted too much, otherwise your body will be eaten back!"

It is also because of the installation of the primary cells, the injuries brought to the big snake pill by Tianyu Zhibo Fugaku's kaleidoscopic chakra eye a few days ago have long been healed.

The pupils of the three generations of Hokage and Danzo shrank sharply, and then looked at the clones on the experimental table.

Tuan Zang gritted his teeth and said directly: "Transplant the entire arm of that clone to me!" The

big snake pill's expression was a little strange, but he had only transplanted part of the tissue, and this group actually asked for an entire arm?

"Elder Tuanzang, I have already reminded you!"

"The whole arm is easily engulfed by primary cells."

Tuan Zang nodded firmly!

He was already preparing to put multiple chakra eyes on his arms, so that he could not only gain the power of the primary cells, but also balance the two.

Orochimaru didn't say anything more, and then looked at his teacher.

The three generations of Hokage's mood at this moment are very complicated.

He respected the original Hokage very much in his heart, but he didn't expect that he would be reduced to using the cells of the dead.

"First Lord, I'm sorry I offended!"

"I did all this for Konoha, as long as I get rid of the Uchiha clan, I will personally go down and make amends to you!"

Ape Flying Sun Chopper can only comfort himself in this way.

He looked at the clone who was a little stunned, and said to the big snake pill, "Give me his left arm!"

Orochimaru smiled at the moment, he had already guessed the method of the three generations of Hokage and Danzo.

It is nothing more than the mutual inhibition of the Sharingan and the primary cells, it seems that both of them have a lot of Sharingan in their hands!

Orochimaru didn't say much, and then performed surgery for Danzo and the third generation Hokage!

He deserves to be an expert in this area, and three times five divided by two is a good transplant for two people.

"You must install the Sharingan as soon as possible, otherwise this tissue mixed with letters and primary cells will soon recoil!"

Sandai and Danzo didn't say much, and then quickly left.

They didn't want Orochimaru to know how many chakra eyes they had.

In particular, the third generation of Hokage, who intends to install Uchiha's kaleidoscope Sharingan on his arm.

With the characteristics of the kaleidoscope chakra eye, he didn't even need to install other chakra eyes to balance the primary cells.

"And set up the sealing technique, don't let others see that their body is different."

After they left, Orochimaru thought for a moment.

The Uchiha garrison raided several of his labs, leaving him a little suspicious.

Will these people find out about themselves?

"I heard that Shinichi Uchiha has returned to the village, so I'd better leave Konoha as soon as possible."

He is now really afraid of these hanging feathers with kaleidoscopic writing wheel eyes.

Fortunately, most of his stuff in Konoha has been transferred.

You can run away at any time.

Orochimaru looked at the letter clone that was no longer in shape.

"After doing this experiment and collecting the data, I'll leave Konoha!"

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