Uchiha garrison.

"The new big man, that man seems to have been brainwashed, even if he becomes an experimental subject, he is unwilling to say who is behind it."

Shinichi Uchiha looked through the window and saw a pale man on the hospital bed.

"Hehe, the big snake pill still has two strokes, and he was sold and helped him count the money!"

It was used by the big snake pill for in vivo experiments, but even so, he was still obsessed with the big snake pill.

Refused to say the identity of the big snake pill.

But it is a little difficult to keep a secret in front of the Uchiha family.

"Jiya, let's do it! I want to get his confession today.

Uchiha nodded as well, and then walked into the ward.

He has a kaleidoscope chakra eye, and although his ability is not specialized in illusion, it is enough to deal with such a mentally weak person.

Soon, Uchiha Ji also walked out with a dozen confessions.

"The person behind the scenes is indeed the Great Snake Pill!"

Uchiha Shinichi smiled: "Now, the first thing is to search the place where Orochimaru lives!!" Two

days later, a message circulated in Konoha.

The Uchiha garrison has obtained definitive evidence that the person who did the human experiment is none other than the Great Snake Pill, one of the three Shinobi!

As soon as the news came out, everyone felt extremely shocked!

"It's impossible, Lord Orochimaru was born and died for us Konoha, how could he do such a thing?"

"Yes, he is one of the three ninjas, Naruto-sama's apprentice!"

"Didn't you hear that he also solved the culprit of the Nine-Tails Rebellion?"

"Fart, I heard the head of the family say that the culprit of the Nine Tails Rebellion is not dead at all!"

"Why can't it be, you haven't seen the big snake pill, and that kind of look doesn't look like a good person at all."

All kinds of speculations were discussed, and they attracted the attention of the three generations of Hokage.

How is this big snake pill not serious in doing things, could it be that he was caught by the Uchiha clan?

As everyone knows, at this moment, the big snake pill has long thought of running.

He didn't bother to do the aftermath of some of the labs.

The third generation of Hokage hurriedly let out the wind: "This kind of thing is completely chasing the wind, and the Uchiha clan must come up with evidence!" However

, what slapped the face was that the Uchiha family really quickly released conclusive evidence.

It contains confessions from the subjects, as well as human tissues and other physical evidence collected from the home of the big snake pill!!

There is a large amount of evidence that Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, has been secretly doing human experiments.

And recently, he used Konoha Village's own ninja to do experiments, which is simply a great crime!

The news came out, and all the people of Konoha boiled again.

Some of the victims' families rushed directly to the Hokage building, and then asked the three generations of Hokage to give an explanation!

After all, the big snake pill is his apprentice, doesn't he know that the big snake pill does human experiments?

The three generations of Hokage in the Hokage Building were livid, and this was the first time he had been blocked at the door during his reign.

And the initiators of all this are the Uchiha family.

If there were no Uchiha family, who would go to great lengths to check those hidden laboratories.

Many of the missing people were ninjas from the Konoha family, hadn't they looked for them before?

Some family clans had long guessed that it was the handiwork of the Great Snake Pill, but they did not dare to say it.

Because the other party is one of the three Shinobi, the apprentice of the three generations of Hokage!

But the Uchiha family is different, this time it is iron-hearted to make the big snake pill ruined.

And at this moment, the people outside the Hokage Building gathered more and more, and they had to ask the three generations of Hokage for an explanation.

Three generations of Hokage had to come out to deal with it, and he is now supported by public opinion that has been in power for decades.

If he lost even this point, then there was no need for him to continue as a Hokage.

But Orochimaru is his right hand in Konoha Village, and the three generations of Hokage are unwilling to give up on him until the moment of crisis.

"Everyone, don't be impatient, this evidence is not enough..."

His voice did not fall, and the crowd parted a path.

The Uchiha family hugged Uchiha Shinichi and walked out.

And Uchiha Shinichi directly put all the evidence on the face of the three generations of Hokage.

These pieces of evidence are half a person high, and all of them are incriminating evidence against the Great Snake Pill!!

"Naruto-sama, with so much evidence of incrimination, do you still want to say that Orochimaru is not guilty?"

Uchiha Shinichi looked at the three generations of Hokage with a smile, and he was ready to take down the minions of the three generations of Hokage one by one.

Now it's Orochimaru, and next it's Shimura Danzo.

And the three generations of Hokage clenched their fists, so he didn't believe that Uchiha Shinichi could come up with so much conclusive evidence.

Many of them should have been invented by Shinichi Uchiha and others.

But true and false, false and real, ordinary Konoha people suddenly believed in Uchiha Shinichi.

After all, before this, the Uchiha clan had broken the stereotype of the people of Konoha with an iron-blooded war.

This caused the Uchiha clan to completely reverse their status in Konoha Village.

"Shin-sai is the hero of the Broken Rock Shinobi Village and has won great benefits for us Konoha, and he must be right!"

"Thanks to him, we can see the ugly face of the big snake pill."

"I heard that the daimyo of the Fire Nation is coming to Konoha to award honorary medals to the Uchiha clan, and the grapevine says that the daimyo is going to marry the princess to the new one!"

"Ah, I heard that the princess of the Fire Country is a national color..." The

smile on Uchiha's new face froze, I am pursuing world peace, what princess does the ghost want?

"Three generations, where is the big snake pill now??"

"I, the Uchiha Garrison, want to take him back for questioning!"

Uchiha Shinichi's face turned cold, and then stared oppressively at the three generations of Hokage.

And the latter felt a chill in his heart.

He has been equipped with the primary cells, and his strength has returned to the peak of his prime.

But under the gaze of Shinichi Uchiha, he still felt the gaze from the strong!!

How powerful is this Shinichi Uchiha?

At this moment, the three generations of Hokage tightened their bodies, afraid that the secret on their bodies would be found out by Uchiha Shinichi!

But he still reluctantly said: "I don't know the whereabouts of the big snake pill, but I always feel that it is a bit hasty to arrest the big snake pill in this way." "

The three generations of Hokage have understood Uchiha Shinichi's intentions, and this time they intend to strip off their Konoha high-level one by one.

Now it's the big snake pill, and the back may be Tuanzo, or even him, the Hokage!!

What a scary little ghost!

Uchiha Shinichi saw that the three generations of Hokage were still resisting, and then snorted coldly.

One hand towards the ground: "The heart of the south, the pupil of the north, the fingertips of the west, the toes of the east, gather with the wind, drive away the rain and disperse!" "

Fifty-eight of the Bound Way, Beat the Toes and Chase the Sparrow!"

Uchiha Shinichi did not sense the existence of the Great Snake Pill with his domineering and other perception abilities.

But at this moment, under the power of the God of Death, through the unique spirit body perception, the whereabouts of the Great Snake Pill are all under control!

"Third Generation, would you like us to go and see what your dear apprentice is doing?"


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