"Senator, do you know who Frederick was looking for to spread the t-virus?"

When Leon saw that Frederick was dead, he was going to interrogate, but the clue was interrupted directly, and he turned to Davis.

"He did it all, how do I know? I didn't even know he found an outsider.

Davis looked bewildered.

He admitted that he did want to spread the virus and then provide a vaccine to revive Will Pharma's stock.

But it was all Frederick's doing, and he himself was put together and nearly died at the airport.

He really didn't know about this.

"That would be troublesome, if the spreader can't be found, there may be a second, third time... Unfortunately, Frederick is dead, otherwise we can know who the spreader is from his mouth.

Angela on the side sighed and said.

Originally, they could ask Frederick who he had dealt with and who spread the virus.

This can avoid a second zombie crisis.

But now that Frederick is dead, their lead is broken.

Everyone thought for a long time without a clue.

"Chu Feng, do you know who spread the t-virus?"

Claire on the side thought that Chu Feng had reminded her at the airport that there was a zombie crisis at the airport.

Claire guessed that Chu Feng should know who Frederick was dealing with to spread the t virus, so he asked.

"of course I know."

Chu Feng said truthfully.

"Uh! Know you don't say it?"

Angela raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, her beautiful eyes widened, and she said angrily to Chu Feng.

Didn't you see that they were all devastated for the next wave of attacks?

Now that you know, why are you standing there watching them anxiously? This is too much!

"You didn't ask.

Seeing Angela's anger, Chu Feng said calmly.

He knows a lot about the plot of this world.

You didn't even ask him!

I can't let him babble and tell the secrets of the future when he sees it!

Don't be considered crazy.


Angela was almost choked to death by Chu Feng's words.

What Chu Feng said was really okay. They analyzed and deduced by themselves, and they really didn't ask him.

"Officer Angela, don't be impulsive, calm down.

Seeing Angela's anger rising, Claire quickly grabbed her.

She could understand Angela's mood very well.

It turned out that she was almost killed by Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was obviously too powerful, he didn't say anything if she didn't ask, and kept watching her fight zombies with an umbrella.

Now Chu Feng knows who Frederick is dealing with and who the spreader is.

They discussed it by themselves over there, without asking him, and he didn't say anything.

She could understand Angela's mood.

"Chu Feng, who is the spreader this time? 35

Claire asked after seeing Angela calm down.


Chu Feng didn't hide it, and said.

"What!? It's impossible, what nonsense are you talking about!

Angela, who had calmed down originally, heard that she was going to rush towards Chu Feng again and spoke angrily.

"Angela, calm down!"

Leon didn't expect that Curtis Angela would be so restless, and pulled her back.

Just now, Chu Feng was able to find out the mastermind behind the whole incident, Frederick, so he shouldn't talk nonsense.

There must be some basis for Chu Feng to say so.

He didn't understand why Angela was so impulsive.

"Calm down? Curtis is my brother,

Seeing Leon pulling her, Angela said.

She felt that Chu Feng was deliberately making trouble with her family.

Just now they didn't ask, Chu Feng didn't say anything.

Now she said it, but she was talking about her brother. Isn't this nonsense?

Curtis is her brother, how could the murderer she is chasing after is her own brother?


"I bumped into him when the first wave of chaos broke out at the airport."

Claire on the side heard what Chu Feng said about Curtis, and immediately remembered that she had bumped into that Curtis during the first wave of chaos at the airport.

Curtis is one of the leading opponents, he made a deal with Frederick and got the t virus, which doesn't seem to be a problem.

And he was at the scene at the time, and the suspicion was undoubtedly very large.

In this way, Chu Feng's words are very credible.

"I knew, it must be him, and he was one of the diehards of the new research facility. 99

Davis, who was on the side, directly agreed with the words.

"My brother wouldn't do such a thing.""

Angela affirmed.

That was her own brother, and she didn't believe he would do such a thing.

“He was arrested for threatening Will Pharmaceuticals.39

"He simply demanded that the truth be made public.99

"Unfortunately, others don't see it that way.

If he's not a terrorist like you said, why don't you bring him here, let him say it himself, go now..0"

Angela and Senator Davis directly quarreled over whether Curtis was a spreader.

Angela is adamant that her brother did this because Curtis just wanted Will to reveal the truth.

And Davis insisted that Curtis did it, because he was the fiercest among the opponents. If Angela believed that his brother was all right, why not bring him in and ask?


Angela was annoyed, but could not prove her brother's innocence, she turned and walked towards the equipment car.

She doesn't believe that her brother is that kind of person, she will go to him now and ask to understand.

After all, she directly hung all kinds of pistols, rifles, and body armor on her body.

"Do you think it's appropriate to bring so much equipment to meet your brother?

Seeing Angela bringing so much equipment and preparing to leave, Leon was a little worried.


Angela didn't speak, she closed the car door forcefully, her eyes showing determination.

If it wasn't for her brother, she would give him his innocence.

If so, she will capture him with her own hands.

"Let's go! There's nothing wrong with us."

Chu Feng didn't want to get involved in Angela's family affairs. Seeing her leaving, he pulled Claire and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, you said my brother has a problem, you have to go with us. 35

"If you're right, it's really him, and I'll arrest him with my own hands.

"If I find out that you framed him, I will never let you go."

Just as Chu Feng was about to leave on 5.8, Angela stopped Chu Feng's path and spoke viciously.

Originally her brother was fine, but now you drag him in and you want to leave? No way.

"you sure?"

Chu Feng was stunned when he heard the words and looked at Angela.

Angela had no idea what it meant to let him go.

To be honest, Chu Feng is also quite sympathetic to Curtis.

A crisis broke out in Raccoon City, and his wife and children died.

After leaving alive, the truth of Raccoon City has been concealed.

Like Alice, Matt, and Jill, he just wants to reveal the truth about Raccoon City.

Instead, he was used by others and became a chess piece.

Chu Feng knew that he would inject the G virus and turn into a monster.

Chu Feng will definitely get a lot of points for killing him, but he admires people like Curtis and doesn't want to get this wave of points.

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