Resident Evil: Activate The Magneto Gene At The Start

Chapter 88 The strongest security gate, you opened it in one sentence?

——Thanks to ***e123 for the monthly pass!


Angela nodded and affirmed.

"Then what are you still doing? Let's go!

When Chu Feng saw Angela as his sister, he didn't worry about his brother being killed by him. What should he worry about?

Get on the bus first, you're welcome, and sit directly in the driver's seat.

"You know where my brother is and you're leaving?

Angela was stunned when she heard the words, watching Chu Feng twitching.

What is the situation of this Chu Feng, he was not willing to leave just now, but now he is so active.

And, do you know where my brother lives? You're leaving?

"I don't know, but I know, he's definitely not where you think he is now."

Chu Feng affirmed.

According to the plot, Curtis should have burned down his cabin and went to the headquarters of Will Company to grab the G virus.

At this time, if they went to Curtis's residence, it basically didn't make any sense.

That being the case, don't waste your time and go directly to the headquarters of the Will Company.

"You know that? Then where do you think my brother is now?"

Angela was stunned, Diao.

Where is her brother and her sister doesn't know, do you know?

"You think, what would you do if you were the survivors of Raccoon City and wanted to uncover the truth about Raccoon City?

Chu Feng looked at Anjie 20 and Leon, rolled his eyes, and said.

"Will Pharmaceuticals!"

Angela and Leon are not stupid, but very smart people.

When Chu Feng reminded him, he immediately understood and spoke almost simultaneously.


Chu Feng said no more, and motioned for the two to get in the car quickly.

"I'll go as well."

Seeing that Chu Feng was leaving, Claire prepared to follow.

"Claire, it's dangerous there."

Seeing that Claire was going to follow, Chu Feng refused directly.


"No but, listen to me."

"All right!

Claire wanted to follow, but Chu Feng felt that it was too dangerous and didn't want Claire to follow him to take risks, so he decisively refused.

There is no room for negotiation on this matter. Although Chu Feng's attack power is strong, his defense power is weak.

In case of an explosion, it is very likely that he will not take care of Claire.

So it's best not to let her go.

Seeing this, Claire could only nod her head in agreement.

"Boom! Year!

The car started, carrying Chu Feng, Angela and Leon on the road.

Soon disappeared from the road.

"No, we can't let Chu Feng take risks alone."

Claire returned to the tent and thought about it, but she still couldn't worry about Chu Feng.

After hesitating for a while, in the end, he couldn't rest assured. He grabbed a car and chased after Chu Feng and the others.

Chu Feng was not familiar with Angela and Leon, and this incident also involved Angela's brother, so the three did not speak along the way.

The atmosphere at the scene was very depressing.

"Look there, there is fire. 39

Lyon was sharp-eyed, and soon saw a fire on the outskirts of the city.

"That direction, seems to be where my brother lives, quick, turn."

Angela looked at the firelight with anxiety in her eyes, and immediately wanted Chu Feng to turn around and head to Curtis' residence.

"No, keep going to Will Pharmaceuticals, there's a fire there that he's burning down his house.

Chu Feng was right, he must have gone to Will Pharma.

If we pass now, we will be behind him instead. "

Leon directly rejected Angela's proposal. If there is no fire there, they can still go and see.

But just because there is a fire over there, it means that Chu Feng's inference is correct.

Curtis must have gone to Will Pharma, or he would not have burned down his residence.

It seems that he is determined to capture the g virus.

While speaking, Leon glanced at Chu Feng and frowned.

Dread appeared in his eyes.

He found that this Chu Feng was definitely not as simple as Claire's boyfriend. This person easily solved the behind-the-scenes truth about the zombie crisis at the airport.

Pulled out that Frederick.

In just a few more words, Curtis's trace was closely guessed. If he didn't know in advance, then this person's reasoning ability would be terrifying.

Such people are fine if they are friends, but if they are enemies, they are in danger.

"Squeak! 99

Not long after, the car came to the front of Will Pharmaceuticals.

A roadblock stopped the car directly.

"Bump over."

Angela cared about her brother and said directly.

"Bang! 99

As soon as Chu Feng stepped on the accelerator, the car hit the railing directly.

"Beep beep!"

A large number of sirens sounded directly throughout the gate.

A heavy metal gate fell directly, and the entire entrance was about to be sealed.

"Not good, this is what happened.

Leon didn't expect that the door of this company looked very ordinary, and there were hidden secrets inside.

As soon as the alarm is triggered, it will be locked immediately.

As far as this heavy metal door is concerned, it is estimated that even the explosives may not be able to break open, this wave is careless.

"Then what?"

Angela was also in a hurry. If the door was closed, they would be trapped at the door, and it was not certain whether they could leave the door, let alone enter the interior.

"Let me do it!"

Seeing this, Chu Feng said lightly.

"You come?"

Leon and Angela looked at each other with a puzzled look on their faces.

The alarm has been triggered and the explosion-proof door has fallen. Could it be that Chu Feng can't be forced to open it?

"Open the door."

Chu Feng waved his hand at the huge explosion-proof metal door, and the electromagnetic force field unfolded, directly forcing the movement of the internal organs.


Although the siren was still blaring, the door that had been closed was slowly closed.

"What's the matter? The siren is still ringing, but the gate is really open?"

Seeing that the door that was locked was opened immediately after Chu Feng's words, Angela's eyes widened with shock and disbelief.

For a large company like Weir Pharmaceuticals, or a company that develops t-virus vaccines, security is not weak.

Ordinary people simply cannot force it.

However, Chu Feng opened the door with such a light sentence, and the door of the strongest security opened by himself?

This is too much fun!

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, An 387 Jiera would not have believed it was true.

"Chu Feng, who the hell are you?"

Leon looked at Chu Feng with a solemn expression.

It would be understandable if Chu Feng used some hacking techniques to get in.

But Chu Feng just said to open the door, and the door of the strongest security of Will Pharmaceuticals will automatically open, which is an exaggeration.

Who is this Chu Feng?

"An ordinary college student."

Chu Feng has become accustomed to the shock his ability brings to others, and he doesn't care, he said casually.

"Big, college student? Or ordinary?

"Damn it! If you don't want to say it, don't say it! Why make excuses like this?"

Leon and Angela twitched at the corners of their mouths.

In the face of Chu Feng's light-hearted answer, it was obvious that they could not satisfy their conjecture.

Angela is the captain of the special response team, and Lyon is the direct agent of the lighthouse president.

What they couldn't do, Chu Feng did it with just a few words.

A person like you is an ordinary college student? How about a liar!

Liars do not believe.

"Come on! Hopefully we'll be there first.

Chu Feng saw that the two did not believe and did not explain.

Facts are often the most incredible.

Believe it or not, he was telling the truth.

The car roared on the accelerator and kept going.


However, just as their car passed through the gate, a huge explosion sounded from the building of Will Pharmaceutical in front.

A huge shock wave swept in directly.

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