
Vol 2 Chapter 872: Intimidate

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"Are you sure?"

Taohua Laodao pointed at Gu Qingfeng and shouted angrily: "Your boy's mother is okay to confirm what Laozi's peach eyes do!"

Taohua is really scared.

Because this well is indeed the eye of the mystery of the peach blossom. Despite its profound mystery, not only has many defenses arranged by him, but also the magical mystery arranged by the peach blossoms, but in the face of mysterious and unpredictable ancient wind, Taohua old way really does not know to what extent the boy's ability is so powerful.

Watching Gu Qingfeng leave from the side of Peach Blossom Eyes, a stone hanging in Taohua's heart gradually fell, and he could not help exhaling secretly, but soon, when the next sentence of Gu Qingfeng came, let him again My heart was beating again.

"I've met her."

"Who? Who have you met?"

Gu Qingfeng walked in front of the portrait and looked at the woman in the painting. This scene fell into the eyes of Taohua Old Road, which made her jumping heart suddenly excited, and asked quickly: "When and where did your boy see the maiden? ? "

"Mother-in-law?" Gu Qingfeng raised an eyebrow, turned around, looked at Taohua Old Road, and asked, "What mother-in-law?"

Taohua Lao Dao looked at him, for some reason, did not answer this question, but asked instead: "What is the matter with your boy to find the husband?"

Gu Qingfeng did not answer his question, but continued to look at the woman in the painting, closed his eyes, as if remembering something, and said, "Old man, I haven't lived long in my life, only 500 years, maybe I do n’t even have your odds, but in my life I have met many, many weird things, and I have met many inexplicable people. "

"I did n’t understand, I did n’t understand, and I did n’t have time to think about it. It was n’t until this chance that I survived the catastrophe and remembered my life that I realized that the so-called strange people and things I met, It is not inexplicable, but cause and effect. "

Tao Huadao didn't know why Gu Qingfeng said this suddenly, he didn't interrupt, just frowned and listened.

"I wo n’t talk about those weird things. Tell me about the people who somehow met. There are many, many, and ... strange to say, the people I met were not very clear in consciousness, and so were their consciousness. One is crazy. "

I heard that when the mind was unclear and the consciousness was fuzzy, Taohua Tao's pupils narrowed sharply. What he wanted to say was just talking to his mouth, but he didn't say anything.

"This lady in your mouth is one of them. Her consciousness is not very clear, and her consciousness is very vague. I have met her three times before and every time, she will ask me some weird questions."

"I met her for the first time and she asked me if it was that person. I asked who she was. She didn't know."

"The second time I met her, she asked me if I remembered her. I asked who she was and she still didn't know."

"When she met her for the third time, she said to me, no matter if I was that person or not, she had to wait for her, where to go, she didn't say, she just said that she was called peach blossom."


Taohua Laodao couldn't help shivering physically and mentally, his face also changed and changed, opened his mouth, hesitated, and hesitated again and again, he finally said, "Your boy ... I've really seen a peach blossom lady!"

Taohua Old Road looked very excited, ran to Gu Qingfeng, and asked, "Where is the mother now?"

"do not know."

"Isn't that my mother asking you to wait for her?"

"I said just now that she only told me to wait, but didn't say where to wait and when."


Taohua Laodao raised her head, stared at the portrait on the wall, and stared at it like this.

"Old man, you should know something that I didn't know, especially when I was a baby with unconsciousness, you still tell me."

Taohua asked, "What do you want to know?"

"Just tell me what you know."

Gu Qingfeng's voice came. Taohua Old Road didn't respond, and looked a little hesitant.

Gu Qingfeng walked to the well next to the Peach Blossom Eye and sat down, saying, "I'm here for you today, and I just want to ask you something. You have to say it, you have to say it. Otherwise, don't Blame me for being unemotional and ruining the original eye of the mysterious land of peach blossoms! "


Taohua Laodao stared at Gu Qingfeng and said angrily, "Your boy's dare to threaten the old man?"

"Otherwise what do you think I'm doing?"

Taohua blushed, her eyes glared, and shouted, "You bunny! I was wondering why you asked Lao Tzu's original eyes. The daring is to threaten the husband. I tell you, if you dare to move, In the eyes of the peach blossoms, I will definitely ... "

Before speaking, Gu Qingfeng raised a palm and hit the eyes of peach blossoms, and there was a crackling sound of crackling.

When it was a while, it was booming! There was a fierce tremor in the cave.

"You **** bunny!"

Taohua Laodao was furious. With a wave of his hand, the brilliance flashed, the space changed, and a black hole suddenly appeared. He wanted to swallow the ancient breeze.

But no matter how the black hole devours ~ ~ Gu Qingfeng still sits beside the eyes of the peach blossoms and does not move.

"The last time I dragged you into the mystery of peach blossoms was nothing more than amusement for you. Do you really think this **** can shake me?"

"You **** ... you ..."

Taohua Old Road kept trying to drag the ancient Qingfeng into the secret place of peach blossoms. However, no matter how he dragged, he could not shake the ancient Qingfeng at all.

"Your boy went to Heaven, and his mother is so good!"

Unable to drag the ancient breeze into the mystery of peach blossoms, Taohua Lao Dao wanted to flash over and rushed over, but he just stopped but suddenly stopped, because the palm of the ancient breeze on the opposite side flashed a black and white streaks of brilliance. It seems dark, evil and mighty, violent and ferocious. What's more terrible is that this glorious light completely covers the eyes of the peach blossom.

"Old man, you should n’t know what this power is, may I tell you, I do n’t know, I do n’t know it myself, and I do n’t only know what this power is, I ca n’t even control it, if you want Find it out, I don't mind, but I am afraid that you, the peach blossom eyes ... "

"you you you……"

The hate of Taohua Lao Dao! The root of the hate was itchy, and his face was pale and angrily staring at Gu Qingfeng, anxious to unload the boy.


Gu Qingfeng's palm placed on the wellhead of the Peach Blossom Eye bloomed again, the black and white staggered, like light and dark, like yin and yang, evil and mighty rolling spirits burst out, straight into the bottom of the well!

Another crackling sound.


The Taohuaguan shook more and more.

"Stop! Stop! Lao Tzu said! Lao Tzu said it was not possible, you **** fast stop!"

Finally, the old Taohua Road could not help but surrender and surrender.

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