
Vol 2 Chapter 873: Peach blossom and sun

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Taohua old way thoroughly served.

He did not dare to bet on whether the mysterious power sacrificed by the ancient Qingfeng could destroy the mysterious mysteries in the eyes of the peach blossom. Seeing that the mysterious power no longer emerged in the palm of the ancient Qingfeng, Taohua Old Road secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but was still nervous. He hesitated for a while before he said, "What the **** do you want to know?"

"Tell everything you know."

"How does the old man know where to start!"

"That being the case, let me ask, you answer." Gu Qingfeng was still sitting next to the peach blossom eyes, drinking the peach blossom wine unhurriedly, and the black and white gray power burned the peach blossom like an evil flame. Eyes, but this flame is a still flame, as if it was frozen.

"Is the lifeblood guarded by Canyang Mountain the lifeblood of the Wayless Age?"

"I heard, yes or no, the old man didn't know."

"Don't you know? As far as I know, you seem to be from Guro Dongfu, right?"

It seemed as if Gu Qingfeng would not know about it, Taohua Old Road was slightly surprised, and asked, "How do you know?"

"How do I know you don't need to understand and answer my question."

"Okay, yes, the old man was indeed a person from Taohuadong, one of Guro's caves, but that's it. The old man's lifeline is really unknown. This is like, we all It ’s a person from this world. Does your kid know anything about this world? The only thing the old man knows is that the lifeline of the Guardian of the Yangtze is related to the era of the Tao. never seen it."

"What is your relationship with her?" Gu Qingfeng glanced at the woman in the portrait.

"The old man is just a slave to his mother."


This really surprised Gu Qingfeng.

"Otherwise you think."

"So who is she?"

"That's a good question." Tao Tao also looked at the woman in the portrait and sighed: "If possible, the old man also wants to know who the mother is." He paused and said, "In the impression of the old man In the past, the maiden only said that she belonged to the era of infidelity. "

"What do you mean? She's from the era of infidelity?"

"Kid, listen clearly. The maiden only said that she belonged to the era of infidelity, and did not say that she was a person from the era of infidelity."

Gu Qingfeng groaned for a moment, as if pondering something. After a while, he asked, "So, the grandfather of Canyang Mountain belongs to the era of infidelity?"

"It should be, the mother-in-law said that she and the Master of the Yangtze River belong to the era of infidelity. As for the secret of the guardianship of the foothills of the Yangtze River, only the two of them know about it.

"Why do you kill the so-called lifeline people? Do n’t tell me that their existence threatens the lifeline. I do n’t believe in destiny. I believe in cause and effect only. Even if the lifeblood really threatens the lifeblood, it can't be all of them. "

Facing Gu Qingfeng's words, Taohua Old Road did not immediately respond. He leaned on the wall and sat down slowly. He also opened a jar of peach wine and murmured most of them, looking at the portrait on the wall, and said.

"Niangniang said that she and Shangyang are waiting for someone, waiting for someone who also belongs to the era of infidelity. As long as you kill this person, everything will end."

"Who is the person they're waiting for, and why are you killing them? What's the end?"

Taohua shook his head and whispered: "These questions you asked, the old man really didn't know, the mother never said it, the old man just guessed that it might be ..."

"Cause and effect?"

Gu Qingfeng returned two words.

Taohua Tao was surprised, and looked at Gu Qingfeng deeply. After a long moment, he nodded, which was the default, saying: "This is just the old man's guess."

"And is it **** causal ..."

Gu Qingfeng now has a headache when he hears the words causality.

"Did your kid just say that everything in the world has cause and effect reincarnation, love and hatred, life and death, all cause and effect."

Gu Qingfeng asked again: "Since they are waiting for someone who belongs to the era of infidelity, they also want to kill him, why did they kill everyone?"

"Niangniang said they don't know when this person will appear, nor can they determine who it is. The only certainty is that this person will definitely appear in the northwest, and when it appears, it will definitely affect that lifeline."

Gu Qingfeng continued his words: "So for so many years, anyone who appears to affect that lifeline has been killed by you. Rather than killing ten wrong people, you can't let one go, right?"

Peach blossom old nodded.

"How many so-called lifelines appear in total?"

"More than seventy."

"All dead?"

"One is unknown, one is unknown, and one is still alive."

"The person whose whereabouts are unknown, who is unknown, is a lifeline taken by Canyang Mountain."

"Does your kid know about this?" Taohua Laodao looked at Gu Qingfeng with a deep meaning, and said, "Since your kid knows this, then you should also know that the other lifeblood is you.

"At that time, the ancestor of Canyang Mountain appeared ~ ~ to wipe out all the people of your lifeline in Jiulao Dongfu. The life of that lifeline in Canyangshan is unknown. For the time being, why don't I live? You stopped the people of Canyang Mountain, but you may not be able to stop the Grandpa of Canyang Mountain. "

"Even if 10,000 old husbands make a shot, they can't stop Shangyang, the master. It is the mother who really stopped Shangyang."

This ancient breeze can be guessed more or less, but one thing he couldn't understand, asked: "You just said that the peach blossom maiden and the master Yang Can belong to the era of infidelity, and their purpose here is the same, Obliterate that person who belongs to the era of injustice with them, but why did the peach blossom maiden stop the Sun Master from killing me? "

"Hehehe ..."

Taohua Lao Da suddenly laughed, shook her head while laughing, and said, "Guy, you should ask your maid, not your husband, who also wanted to know why the dam was going to save you at all costs, did you know that? Boy, my mother-in-law, in order to save you, was hurt by the defeat of Shang Yang, and almost died. "


Gu Qingfeng thought for himself and drank, thinking about the words of Taohua Tao in his mind.

He also couldn't figure out why the Taohua Niangniang turned against each other for the superior of Canyang, and suffered both defeats.

It is hard to say that they are the ones in their mouth who belong to the era of injustice?

Forget about yes and no.

Even if it's true, it doesn't make sense.

The purpose of the peach blossoms is to obliterate people who belong to the era of infidelity. If she is the one they have to wait for, she should kill herself. How could she save herself instead?

Think of the scene when I met the peach blossom mother in the Great Wasteland.

She asked herself if she was that person, and remember if she ...

This can not help but make Gu Qingfeng doubt that he really belongs to the era of injustice?

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