
Vol 2 Chapter 1010: Nirvana Rebirth ?? Return


Gu Qingfeng instructed Fei Kui to take two more cups, and then poured wine for Xuanze and Tang Laoqi respectively, responding: "My surname is Gu, the name is Qingfeng, and the road number is Chiyan."

Ancient breeze?

Chiyan boy?

Neither Xuanze nor Mr. Tang had heard of the name, nor did they have any impression. Mr. Don was also very polite, raised his glass and drank it, saying, "Boy, do you recognize the wrong person, my husband is indeed I know a kid named Gu, but he's not called Gu Qingfeng, and the road number is not Chi Yan. "

"Don't worry, I haven't finished it yet. This is just my current name and Tao number." Gu Qingfeng drunk a cup of wine, and said, "When I met the two before, my name was Gu Tianlang. No. is Chixiao. "

Ancient Sirius?


I heard that the expressions of both Tang Weixuan and Xuan Ze were stunned. None of them had thought that this young man who looked rather mysterious and strange turned out to be the kid of the ancient Sirius.

"Oh, just now we were still talking about Gu Tianlang's kid. I didn't expect to jump out now, which really surprised my husband!"

Mr. Tang smirked, looked at Gu Qingfeng up and down, and scolded: "I said the little bunny, the guy who came out of the ancient Sirius, anyway, has a little real skill, your kid thinks that you can find a gnome and a fairy Posing as an ancient Sirius? Do you think the old man was blind or kicked by the donkey? "


Gu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing.

"Fuck! Little Bunny, you smiled, and dared to lie to the old man's head. The old man looked at you for a pump!"

Tang Laogua was full of resentment against the real ancient Sirius, and how could he have a good face towards the counterfeit, and he would draw it with his ears when he raised his hand. At this time, Xuanze next to him said, "Old man, I might as well listen to what the little brother said first. "

Although Xuanze had been in retreat for many years and never asked about the world, he also knew that there were many scammers posing as ancient Sirius in this world. He didn't expect that he was talking about ancient Sirius, and now a guy who calls himself Sirius is coming. If this person is ordinary, even if it is a creature, even if the destiny is in the body, Xuanze will not have this question, but the person beside him not only made him invisible, but also inaccessible, quite mysterious.

"Strange Don, weird Don, why have you been here for over 400 years, why are you still such a frizzy temper, look at the old senior Xuanze, you have more insight than you."

Tang Laogua was about to say something, and suddenly found something wrong. The liar knew that it was not surprising that he called Tang Laogua, why he even knew Xuanze's name.

You must know that Xuanze is the ancestor of the Taiji Sect. For many years, there were not many people who knew him in the Tai Chi Sect. How could this kid who knew where to jump out know?

Hearing Gu Qingfeng's own Taoist name, Xuanze was particularly surprised and asked, "Young man, do you know old?"

"Old senior, how can I not know you." Gu Qingfeng smiled slightly. He could be as big as Tang, but he was full of respect for Xuan Ze and said, "You taught me a thing What about magical arts, and if I remember correctly, in this green bamboo forest, I still teach Taijizong's thunderous and mysterious magical powers. "

The words came out.

Tang was stunned, and Xuanze looked in amazement.


When he and the strange man Tang used to perform Thunderous Nine Mysteries in the Bizhulin, he happened to be seen by the ancient Sirius. What shocked him was that the ancient Sirius had only seen it once, not even the magical method. However, it is possible to comprehend the quintessence of the thunderous thrilling nine mysterious supernatural powers.

Xuan Ze was instantly shocked to heaven and man, and he taught the thunderous Jiu Xuan Shentong of Taiji Sect to the ancient Sirius, and he also clearly remembered that the ancient Sirius used Jiuxuan Shentong in less than a few days. When they got through, and then swept through the six ancestral gates of the four major families, they used this thunderous power to defeat Nandou Zong.

There may be many people in the world who know that the ancient Sirius understands the thunderous and powerful nine mysterious magical powers, but it is absolutely impossible for anyone to know that the ancient nine wolf's nine magical magical powers were taught by the hidden ancestor Xuanze of the Taiji Sect. The two strange people of Tang Lao Wei were surprised that this person knew the exact location of the teaching at that time.

Except for the two of them, only the ancient Sirius knew about it.

Sorry to say ... The frail and mysterious guy in front of him is really the ancient Sirius?

"Your boy ... who the **** is it!"

Tang vaguely stared at Gu Qingfeng in an astonishment, trying to see through it, but it seemed that he could see nothing at all.

"Did I tell you, why? I don't believe it."

Gu Qingfeng was a little helpless and thought for himself. "The little bunnies don't believe it. Why don't you even the two old seniors with rich eyes and bad eyes."


Both Tang Weixuan and Xuan Ze are hermit masters, and they are old monsters who have not cultivated for many years ~ ~ A pair of eyes do not say that they have insight into everything, but they are almost the same, if they are other people , The two can see the true and false at a glance.

Just for the words of the ancient Sirius, neither of them can be sure, because the existence of the ancient Sirius is too mysterious and weird. Mysterious is like a mass of darkness, you can't see anything, and weird is like a mass. Chaos, a mess of porridge.

"Your kid has no cloud at all, and you are not a reincarnation."

"Yes, I did not have reincarnation, nor reincarnation, nor did I win homes. I just missed home, so I came back, and nothing more."

"Fart! When Gu Tianlang's kid was tried by Xiandao, the old man saw him fly away."

"It may not be true to see with your own eyes, such a simple truth, don't you understand it, don't you?" Gu Qingfeng smiled lightly: "For others, the death of the ash may be equal to death, but for me As far as the ancient Sirius is concerned, the ash and smoke are nothing but dust and dust, and heaven and earth, but they are only temporarily attributed to heaven and earth. As long as I want to, I can die and regenerate at any time.


Tang is weird and silent. He looked at Xuan Ze, and so was Xuan Ze.

Rebirth of silence? Nirvana Returns?

This is a legend and a taboo.

Both have heard it, only heard it, and have never seen it before.

If other people say that they know how to return to Nirvana from silence and rebirth, Mr. Tang must treat him as nonsense, but if this person is an ancient Sirius, then it is hard to say.

The ancient Sirius is a mysterious and anti-natural creature. Coupled with the understanding of Wushuang, the kid can even achieve such incredible things as the unparalleled throne of immortals and magic, which can violate the laws of heaven and earth. Who dares to say that he cannot understand? Come out of the legendary taboo silence rebirth.

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