
Vol 2 Chapter 1011: Don't bully young people

"Will your kid ... be it really an ancient Sirius?"

"if not."

Maybe it was so evil that Mr. Tang had already stood up and stared at Gu Qingfeng with a pair of eyes. It was full of suspicion and unbelievable. He seemed to remember something, and asked immediately: The boy knocked down the six major gates of the four major families, and was surrounded by the masters of the Xian Dynasty. Who saved your boy! "

"It's your old man, who else can be."


After the ancient Qingfeng swept through the six major gates of the four major families, he was seriously injured and exhausted, and was then surrounded by masters of the Xian Dynasty. He nearly lost his life, and it was Tang Laogua who shot him in the dark to rescue him.

Mr. Tang seemed a little uncertain, and asked, "What did you say to the old man when your boy left the country?"

"What is it?"

Gu Qingfeng thought about it, and responded, "I didn't say anything. In the past, your old guy kept my grandfather in the country of Yan and Luo to seal my imprisonment when I was not prepared. Fortunately, Lao Tzu broke open that year. After the seal, I know that you are an old guy. How dare I say anything to you? I can only say goodbye. "

This is indeed the case.

At that time, the old man in Tang knew that Tang Yan was passionate about the ancient Sirius. To this end, he waited for good wine and food every day. The purpose was to make the ancient Sirius stay and marry Tang Tang, but he was rejected. Strangely, Gu Qingfeng was sealed up, but what he didn't expect was that the boy finally broke the seal and escaped. Just as Gu Qingfeng said, he just said goodbye and said nothing.

Then Tang Weiqi asked a few more questions, and Gu Qingfeng also answered the questions.

The more he asked, the more complicated Tang's expression became.

The more he asked, the more certain he was that the guy in front of him was either someone else, or the rabbit of the ancient Sirius!

"You **** ... your kid ... **** it!"

The old man pointed at Gu Qingfeng, like a ghost and a god, shocked and horrified, and even his voice became sharp, saying, "You **** mother is the kid of the ancient Sirius!"

"Crap, if I weren't the ancient Sirius, who would be the world."

Tang is very excited. He is so. Xuanze is no exception. Although his expression is full of incredibleness, there is a lot of waves in his heart.

"Wow! Your little rabbit is finally back."

After confirming that this guy is an ancient Sirius, Mr. Tang was very excited first, and in exchange he was furious, staring, and screaming, "The old man in the account hasn't calculated with you yet!"

Talking, Tang Weiqi raised his hand and grabbed Gu Qingfeng's shoulder. The speed was very fast, and it was instantaneous, but he was fast, Gu Qingfeng was faster. I saw him sitting on the stone bench with Erlang's legs and holding a wine glass in one hand. , One hand has already clasped the wrist that Tang Laojiu stretched out, smiled slightly: "I said Tang Laoji, I haven't seen you for so many years, you do n’t have to put wine and dust on the grandpa, why not just come up Do it, is this your hospitality? "

"Oh! Bunny! I'm against you! Dare to fight back with my husband!"

Tang Laofang did not use any power at all in one move, and found that Gu Qingfeng was holding his wrist, and he wanted to pump his hands and beat again, but no matter how hard he could, he could not escape from the **** of Gu Qingfeng.

"Rabbit! You're so good!"

Don groaned with a rage and exerted his energy, but still did not break free.

This scene not only shocked Mr. Tang, but also made Xuanze feel incredible. He was very clear that it was impossible to see that Mr. Tang did not use any spiritual powers or perform any magical arts, but the physical power of Mr. Tang, A slap can take a picture of the fairy, but now he has exerted all his strength, and he has not been able to break free, and he has not shaken even the slightest.

Gu Qingfeng just sat there with ease, raised his arms, and clasped Tang's wrist with a few fingers in his left hand, and smiled, "Donald, there is an old saying that you haven't heard it. Thirty years. Thirty years in Hexi, he did not bully the young and poor. The fact that Grandpa couldn't beat you back then did not mean he couldn't beat you now. "

Let's just say that when Gu Qingfeng shook his hand, Tang Laoqi groaned suddenly, da da da, backed up four or five steps, and then stood firm.

"You are also old, and old arms and legs are not easy." Gu Qingfeng smiled lightly: "Don't say we bully the old, weak and sick. Here is a grandfather sitting here, if you can shake the grandfather, even if It's just a strand of hair, even if you don't win. "

"Well, you bunny! I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, your kid is still so rude! And his tone is bigger than that year, what else?

Sitting there beating my husband with one hand? Shake your hair even if the old man wins, mother! Do you think my husband eats dry rice? "

The old man in the Tang dynasty curled up his sleeves, and the glory of the whole body flashed by. Although the glory was fleeting, it was extremely dazzling. It is a kind of fairy power, and it is also a very thick immortal power.

When the strange man raised his hand, the power of the fairy in the palm broke out, and it turned into a water mirror. The mystery inside the water mirror is like thousands of winds, lightning and thunder, even more like the sky in the palm of the hand ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Tang strange came again in an instant, raised his hand and clasped it, Gu Qingfeng didn't look at it, holding a wine glass, drinking wine, slowly raising his hand, blocking Tang's strange move, saying: "Little Xiaoxianshu, he played with him in front of the grandfather. "

The voice dropped, but there was no action from the ancient Qingfeng. There was a crackling sound, and the fairy water mirror in the palm of Tang's weird shattered and disappeared.

"What about you bunny ..."

Don Laoguai continued to perform immortality without faith, and was stronger than once, and crazy every time.

Of course.

Useless at all.

No matter how mysterious and powerful his immortal arts are, they are scattered and disappeared by the gentle hand of the ancient Qingfeng.

One move, two moves, ten moves, fifteen moves ...

Until the end of the Tang Dynasty, all the tricks at the bottom of the box were exhibited, but they still failed to shake the ancient wind.

In the meantime, Gu Qingfeng has been sitting, and has not moved yet. Tang Laoqi showed a move, and he waved a move.

It's very relaxed and laid back, just like some mosquitoes, it's really effortless.

This scene stunned Xuan Ze who watched the battle next to him. He was very clear about Tang's strange strength, but he couldn't figure it out. The ancient Qing Feng clearly didn't seem to have any cultivation, no creation, and he looked weak and weak. Such a powerful, incredible power, Tang Laogua used all his powers, but he really failed to shake his hair.

At that time, Gu Qingfeng had a mysterious creation that made him see through, but now Gu Qingfeng has no creation, and he is even more see through.

Over here.

After half an hour passed, Tang Laogua finally stopped after performing more than thirty magical magical powers.

At this moment, he was choking there, panting, his face pale and bleached, his eyes glaring, and couldn't believe it was true.

He served.

Take it thoroughly.

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