
Vol 2 Chapter 1012: Wind and dust

Tang Laoqi has been practicing for more than ten thousand years. He has n’t seen any Tianjiao Wonder. He has n’t met all kinds of powers, but he has never been so embarrassed as this time. He hasn't shaken a little bit, not even hair.

The ancient Sirius was mysterious and weird in that year. Don Lao admits that he is not his opponent. Now why is there no creature in the whole body and there is no cultivation, how can it become more mysterious, more weird, and Even more terrible.

"Why, did you take it?"

Gu Qingfeng smiled and said, "If you don't agree, rest for a while, let's continue."

"You bunny!"

Although Tang didn't want to, he had to admit that he was really not the kid's opponent. He didn't seem to be embarrassed or shameful, and asked in shock: "Why is your kid so strong physically, you are still not human! "

Both of them can see that Gu Qingfeng's body is just ordinary flesh and blood, and even the body of immortal and demon is not considered. Without any goodness, they can't figure out why it is so powerful.

"Without telling you, Grandpa is already a god."

"Become a god?"

Hearing that, Mr. Tang couldn't help but be there, immediately realized that it was impossible, and scolded: "God fart! Your child's mother-in-law's husband is a three-year-old child."

"Hahaha! Just kidding." Gu Qingfeng held the jug and poured wine for the two, and said, "My situation is a bit complicated, and you also asked me, once I can't figure it out myself, second you May not believe much. "

Even if Gu Qingfeng didn't say this, Tang Laogua guessed it too. At that time, the ancient Sirius was a mysterious creature. Mo said that they didn't know, not even himself.

But Tang Weiqi still couldn't help but ask curiously: "What the **** is going on with your boy now? The old man obviously saw you assaulted by the ashes of the trial of Xiandao, why are you ..."

Gu Qingfeng knew that Tang was weird and curious. If he didn't explain these things clearly, the old boy was afraid he wouldn't give up. He didn't hide it, just responded lightly.

"The situation at that time was also clear to you two. Only I died, and I would not give up for nine days, and only when I died, the world would be peaceful. So, I lied to death once."

"and then?"

"Then? Then I wandered around the Great Wasteland."

"that's it?"


"Non-sense, the old man doesn't believe that your kid is just going to Tianjie to go around in a circle. It ’s easy for your kid to go to Tianjie to get a good life? Your kid always has revenge, and Tianjie is a place of nine days. Your kid means There may be some big baskets in heaven. "

Gu Qingfeng shrugged, not commenting.

"Also, what about your kid's Immortal Warrior Throne? Why is he all gone?"

"Destroyed by God."


Still by God, stumped to say ...

Mr. Don immediately realized that it must be an ancient catastrophe.

At the time of the catastrophe, heaven and earth judged all evil. This boy's creation was a sin, especially the Immortal Warrior's Throne, which combines the Immortal Devil's Throne in one body, as it is compatible with water and fire, which violates the law. It is a major sin. Can spare him.

"The old man already knew that this would be such a consequence. I have been persuading you to converge a bit. Don't die with God, let alone go against the sky. It must be you who suffers in the end. How about the folds now? Is that right? I think your kid will be honest in the future. "

"Dare to be honest."

I wanted to continue to damage the boy, but just thought that Gu Qingfeng was abolished, and Tang Laogua was quite uncomfortable in his heart. He was even more sorry, and sighed: "God has given you a little boy. Fate, your kid can have a snack in the future, and go against God, there is no good fruit to eat. "

"I see, come and drink."

Gu Qingfeng pours wine for the two again. Tang Weiqi raises a glass of wine to drink. Xuan Ze is no exception. He rarely drinks, but this wine is ancient Qingfeng, but he naturally drinks it.

Old people want to meet, there are always endless topics.

After all, I haven't seen each other for hundreds of years. Tiannanhaibei, heaven and earth, is also a mess, especially the memory of the scandal of the year, it is also a tribute to the passing of time.

There is no time to practice. Open your eyes and close your eyes. Maybe a hundred years have passed. This ancient Qingfeng is deeply touched. This is especially true of Tang Lao and Xuan Ze who have practiced for more than 10,000 years. Their concept of time has long been vague. Some people and things in their quiet years are still fresh in their memory.

In order to catch the wind of the ancient Qingfeng, the old man Tang also deliberately took out the good wine that had been collected for many years, accompanied by Xuanze, and the three toasted and drank quickly.

"Sirius, what are your plans for this return?"

Xuanze inquired.

Don's weird wine is not ordinary wine, but made with all kinds of weird things. Extremely strong wine is also very strong.

I mean ordinary people, even if the immortals drink a glass, they will be dizzy. This is not ~ ~ Fei Kui just drank a glass and fell asleep on the ground on the spot. After drinking three times, Xuanze She was a little drunk, her face flushed.

"Plan? There is no plan for the time being." Gu Qingfeng has good wine and has drank all kinds of wine. Tang's strange wine may make Xuan Ze up, but shook his head like boiling water, and responded: "This time I come back I just want to see the old friends, and by the way make up for the regrets left. "

"Sorry? What regrets? What happened, did your kid feel that he did not completely obliterate the Xian Dynasty then, and now the Xian Dynasty is back, and your boy wants to make a comeback and come back up again?"

"Where do you want to go? It used to be that we were young and ignorant, but now we are old and have experienced a lot. Many things have been taken lightly and tired. I don't want to toss any more."

"Oh, boy, I didn't see it. I grew up and matured a lot."


"But boy, you just said that you would make up for the regrets left that year. The old man would like to hear what regrets are?"

"Some human debt."

"Personal debt? What kind of debt?" After asking, Tang seemed to realize what the ancient Qingfeng called the "personal debt". He couldn't help humming, and said, "What are you talking about?" ? "

There are many good things about ancient Qingfeng.

At least, Mr. Tang knew that there were several, the first female ancestors in ancient times, the princess of the fairy dynasty, the queen of the wasteland, and so on. Even the mother-in-law of the world respected this boy.

Although Tang Laoguai doesn't like the popularity of the ancient Qingfeng, but he is convinced that this kid's woman is really good, almost all the peerless beauties of ancient times in this world are related to this kid. There are twenty-four rumors in the rumors, and each of them is the world's unparalleled daughter of heavenly pride. They were all born at different times.

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