
Vol 2 Chapter 1017: Trembling cyanosis

A few days passed, Xuanze's senior had to leave because he had something to do.

In these days, Gu Qingfeng and Tang Laogua did almost nothing. Except for eating and drinking Lazar, all other times were drinking.

Gu Qingfeng itself is good for wine, and Tang Laoguai is known to have no wine and dislike. The two are regarded as smelly and naturally have conversations. The only thing that makes him feel uncomfortable is that Tang Laoguai has been shouting to let him come out and settle down The calamity of Luo royal family, and endless, Luo Yan kept on, and in the end the ancient Qingfeng was really impatient and he simply responded.

When the ancient breeze came down, Tang's strange attitude toward the ancient breeze was a 180-degree turn. To this end, he also deliberately brought up his own fine wines, waiting for good wine and dishes every day.

And Gu Qingfeng is also happy and leisurely. As for the matter of the Yanluo royal family, even if Tang did not say it, he would not stand by.

This day.

The two were chatting in the green bamboo forest while drinking.

"What's wrong? It seems something is wrong today."

Gu Qingfeng looked at Mr. Tang, and found that this old boy seemed to be getting serious.

"Guy, to be honest, you are willing to help, my husband is really happy, and I don't like you so much."

"I said Tang, weird, what do you say about these things? Which one is this?"

"I'm not kidding you."

Today's Tang idiot is not as grinning as he is. He is serious and serious, but he looks like a master. He sits upright and says seriously: "Although the old man has been trying to help you out, but It ’s just a slapstick. It ’s not that I really want you to help. Your kid managed to pick up a little life from God. The old man did n’t want you to fold in, and the old man really did n’t want you to go back to the old way. ”

"You don't want to let me go the same way as before, why can't I just follow your old boy's routine?"

"My husband is very serious now, how about you guys?"


Don is weird at this moment, he can't be serious anymore.

The fact is, as he said, he did n’t really want Gu Qingfeng to come out to help. The reason why he kept talking, just wanted to know that Gu Qingfeng was unwilling to do so, and that ’s it. As long as he knew that Gu Qingfeng was willing to help, then he was done. Wish, at least to prove that Gu Qingfeng has not forgotten him, so, it is enough for Tang Laoguai.

"Although the ancient imperial dynasty is as strong as the heavens and earth, it cannot be shaken, but the royal family of Yanluo is not vegetarian. The real purpose of this fairy dynasty is just to test our royal family of Yanluo. Now that they want to watch, the old man is ready to show them his hole cards. "

The Yanluo royal family has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and there have been so many extraordinary emperors. In addition, the founding fathers of the Yanluo royal family are not ordinary people. If there is no hole card, it is false. Although the hole card is not enough, Shaking the Xian Dynasty, but at least it can make the Xian Dynasty dare not act lightly.

And Gu Qingfeng knows better that in this world, whoever has a long tradition, whether it is the country or the ancestral gate and even the big family, has an inextricable relationship with the immortal gate over the nine days, which is also the immortal dynasty no matter in ancient or modern times. The ancients did not dare to take action on the world ’s major powers. The place where the nine days was said to be big or small was not small. Many immortals looked up and did not see their heads down. not excluded.

"So I don't need my help?"

"It's enough to have a word from your kid. If your kid is to help us with the Yan Luo royal family to go back to the old way, the old man can't afford this responsibility, and ..."

The old man Tang also said: "The old man also wants to persuade you, don't cause any more trouble, how safe and easy it is to live a happy life. As for the matter of the Taishi Zhou Taihe, the old man has done it for you."

"No need to."

"What's wrong, do you look down on the old man?"

"How dare, how can it, but it's my own business and I'll take care of it myself."

"Ancient boy, the immortal dynasty today is no better than the ancient times, and in this ancient era, in addition to the immortal dynasty, there is a cloud of immortals called the Nine Heavens, where there are nine heaven gods. You know why Did you create a fairy cloud outside the Xian Dynasty? "


"Just to prevent another master like you from appearing in this world."

Gu Qingfeng smiled and did not speak.

He also heard about Xianzhiyun, but he only heard about it. He did n’t know much about it. He was not interested. He said that what Xianzhiyun said was that nine days came in this world, and he was too lazy to look at it.

"In ancient times, our world has such a lack of aura, and there is also a master like you who is created against the sky. In ancient times, it is all things recovering. The ghost knows how many old guys have recovered, and there is a reincarnation storm ~ www. ~ No one knows how much power can be reincarnated in this world, and there is destiny, and no one knows whether a terrible existence will appear among these destinies. "

"The old man said these just to tell you that the immortals of the ancient times are absolutely beyond imagination, and the immortal clouds above the immortals exist to suppress the old guys who are recovering from all things and to suppress the storm of reincarnation. The power of reincarnation has further suppressed the destiny that came into being. Think about it with your toes and know how terrible people are in the cloud of immortality. "

"So, your boy, don't toss anymore, the old husband really can't bear to see your boy go the same way as before, if the uncle is still there, she won't want you to go the same way."

Gu Qingfeng could see it and hear it. Tang Laogua was really worried about himself. He took up the wine glass, drank it up, and smiled lightly, "Boss, believe me, if I can, I also I want to live in An Ansheng for a lifetime, drinking and drinking every day, listening to Xiao Quer, this is my dream day, do you think I don't want to live? Or do I feel that the egg is really painful, nothing to do? "

"Why is that!"

"A lot of things that you do n’t understand. This involves too much, is too complicated, and one or two sentences are not clear. Let me tell you this. Now it is not the trouble that I am looking for others, it is the trouble that they are looking for me. And I can't hide this trouble. "

"Xianchao knows your kid is alive? And is he back?"

"Xian Chao knew or did n’t know, I did n’t know, I did n’t bother to ask about it, and I did n’t even take it to heart. I just said that someone was asking me for trouble, but it ’s not a fairy tale or a fairy cloud, but Jiutian Xiandao It ’s not just Immortal Road, Magic Road, even Heaven Road, Buddha Road, I am afraid that Three Thousand Avenue is staring at me in secret, as long as they seize the opportunity, they will definitely make a shot. "

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