
Vol 2 Chapter 1018: Grandpa's ability is so scary you

The understatement that Gu Qingfeng said was just that the words passed into Tang's weird ears, but it was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, shaking his ears and making him feel like he was turning around.


Magic road?


Even Tiandao, and Sanqian Avenue are looking for this kid?

God! !! !!

Don Laogua resisted the numbness of his scalp and asked, "How big a basket do you ... have carried on the road, how can you mess with the avenue, and ... or his mother's three thousand avenues? My mother-in-law ,This this……"

Although Tang Laoguai is also regarded as a hermit who has practiced for thousands of years, the world she has seen is definitely not small, but to say that the existence of such roads absolutely leaves him in the dust, and he ca n’t touch the so-called strength in his current status. He couldn't imagine the road that Gu Qingfeng did, and how could he get on Sanqian Avenue.

As a result, he also knew that Gu Qingfeng previously said that he had only scammed in the heavens in the past, and now the old man in Tang realized that this kid is definitely more than just a trip in the heavens. This kid was born without fear The earth is not afraid, how can it be idle when it reaches heaven.

As for what Gu Qingfeng did in the heavens, Tang did not ask, but he knew it must be terrible and terrible. If not, it would not be possible to mess up the Three Thousand Avenues, and he really couldn't imagine what it could do. I have offended Sanqian Dadao, and it's hard to say that when the boy was in Tianjie, did he kill Sanqian Dadao?

Thinking of Gu Qingfeng's temperament, Mr. Tang feels that this is not impossible.

When the boy was in this world, he dared to overthrow the Xian Dynasty, confronted Jiutian, and reached Tianjie, confronted with Sanqian Avenue. This kid was absolutely capable.

"I said that my affairs are complicated and involve too much. I don't understand it myself, how can I tell you."

"Don't say the best, don't say the best." The old man Tang took a sip of wine and was shocked. "If your son speaks, the old man will not be able to bear it."

"So, it doesn't matter if I don't follow the old road now. Even if I don't want to go, they won't let me go. Instead, I might as well take the road as soon as I haven't restored my vitality. I have done all the things, and paid back all the human feelings that should have been paid, and I haven't considered them in the world for nothing. "

Mr. Tang wanted to say something to persuade, but he swallowed it again.


What to advise?

What can I advise?

Advise him not to be enemies with the Xian Dynasty?

Does this boy have his mother and Sanqian Avenue facing each other, is it important not to be an enemy of the Xian Dynasty?


Tang Laoguai also knows that the current Gu Qingfeng, its existence may be more complicated than imagined. The two are not an equal-weight existence at all, and Tang Laoguai naturally does not know how to persuade.


He realized a serious question again, and asked, "Guy, there is something, the old man always wanted to ask you."

"what's up?"

"What kind of existence is your kid now?"

"I'm a human being, what else can exist."

"Human?" Tang Laogua frowned deeply and stared at Gu Qingfeng. He could also see Gu Qingfeng's person, and he was still an ordinary flesh and blood body, but would an ordinary flesh and blood body be so powerful?

Thinking of this, Mr. Tang asked: "Then you tell the old man what is your current ability?"

"How big is my skill? This is really unclear."

Gu Qingfeng thought about it carefully, and really didn't know how much skill he had. His physical body had not been fully recovered for the time being. If he had recovered completely, how powerful he was, and there was no specific concept in his heart. In addition, Zi There is also a seed that nature has tucked into him, and a lonely star tear that appeared somehow, plus his nine ancestral fires.

Although these sources of power have not been refined or integrated, he can use their power.

In addition to these, there are the pilgrimages of Vientiane, which were bred during the dry crosses of the northwest and the Three Thousand Avenues, as well as the eyes of the abyss and the void body.

These are terrible beings, and even more terrible is the blood of original sin.

Gu Qingfeng didn't know what kind of terrible power that stuff contained.


Don't blame him, and didn't ask again.

If other people say they don't know how big their talents are, Tang will scorn them.

But if this sentence is spoken from Gu Qingfeng's mouth, it is another matter.

At that time, the boy was a mysterious creature, and did not know how powerful he was.

Although it doesn't seem to have any good fortune now, but I'm afraid it just looks. The ghost knows how many terrible secrets are hidden in this kid. The others don't say, just this ordinary physical body, I am afraid ...

Tang Laoguai still remember clearly that the other day, he did not use all his powers to shake the ancient Qingfeng, and remembering this, Tang Laogua couldn't help the curiosity in his heart, and asked, "Guy, your physical body to the end How powerful you are to tell your husband that you do n’t know, you can say that you can kill the husband with a few tricks. "

"Just you? Some tricks?"

Gu Qingfeng glanced at Mr. Tang, raised Erlang's legs, and smiled, "Donald Wei ~ ~ It's not the grandfather who looks down on you. If the grandfather wants to kill you, he won't have to do anything. The ashes of the earthquake are gone! "

A prestige?

The ash fly away from the earthquake?

Mr. Tang was so stupid, wondering whether he was scared or stupid, or suspected to have heard it wrong. After a long while, when he returned to God, he stared at Gu Qingfeng with a very skeptical look and said, "Your boy is scared. Is n’t it right? The old man shook the ashes of the old man with a prestige? I said the old Sirius, you look down on the old man too, do n’t you think the old man can't do it with glass? You can shatter Lao Tzu with a sound?

"What's wrong?" Gu Qingfeng smiled and said, "I don't believe it?"

"Do not believe!"

Mr. Tang shook his head fiercely and said, "No matter how strong your child's physical body is, it's impossible to shock him with a single prestige."

"If you don't believe me, let's try it?"

As the words fell, Tang's strange face changed and changed instantly, as if startled, his mouth opened, his words stopped, as if he wanted to try, but did not dare to try.

"Dare you?"


Mrs. Tang gnashed his teeth and stomped his feet, suddenly stood up, pointed at Gu Qingfeng, and drank, "You don't look down on people, you should try it, old man is afraid you won't succeed?"

"OK, then try."

"and many more!"

"So what?"

"You have a mighty power! And you can't use any good fortune, any other power can only be a pure power."

"no problem!"

"and many more!"

"what happened again?"

"You let the old man get ready first!"

There is really no bottom in Tang ’s weird heart. He stepped back and sacrificed the fairy spirit. The inner three layers and the outer three layers covered himself tightly, and then he felt that it was inappropriate. The fairy babies who pressed themselves to the bottom of the box were also sacrificed.

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