
Vol 2 Chapter 1035: Good fortune

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The reason why Bi Qiao couldn't get used to Tang Manqing and aimed at everything, the fundamental reason was that he was dissatisfied with Tang Manqing and was enshrined by the Xian Dynasty as the distinguished Yun Jue. ??


Tang Manqing has not yet been enshrined by the immortal dynasty, but is only the Lord of Yanluo County. Bi Qiao has stated in the public that the so-called Yanluo County Lord has no qualifications to even raise shoes in the capacity of the Lord of Xian Dynasty .

But what she never expected was that after a few years, Tang Manqing was successful in protecting the ruins of Yueyue, and the Xian Dynasty registered her as Yun Jue.

What made her even more surprised was that Tang Manqing refused to accept the canon of the Xian Dynasty.

This made Biao Qiao, who had previously flaunted her identity as an **** in the imperial dynasty, how she could accept it, and she was always unconvinced.


Unconvinced is unconvinced.

This is a fact.

She couldn't help but be convinced.

The matter was a rock that weighed on her heart, and it also prevented her from raising her proud head to speak in front of Tang Manqing.

"Huh! Let's go and see, when the temple fair, the three of you will kneel on Miss Ben."

As Lin Xiang'er mentioned Tang Manqing's rejection of the fairy dynasty Yun Jue, Bi Qiao's face was dull, and she could no longer continue to stand up, leaving a word and leaving Xiao Zibai.

"What a nasty woman."

Looking at the figure where Bi Qiao left, Lin Xiang'er's mood also seemed to be affected, and said unhappy: "If you have the opportunity, you must hit this little meal again!"

It wasn't just Lin Xianger that was affected, but Tang Manqing was in a good mood, and it was quite bad at the moment, echoing: "If you want to fight, hit her half dead!"

Lian Liuyue nodded and said, "Why, why not just kill yourself!"

"Do you bother?"

Lin Xianger's voice came, and Tang Manqing and Liu Yue shook their heads, signalling that they were innocent, saying, "It doesn't matter what matters. The grudge between us and her is not a day or two."

"I'm not saying this." Lin Xiang'er worried, "I just listened to Bi Qiao's meaning, it seems that the Xian Dynasty ..."

Although Lin Xianger's words were not finished, Tang Manqing and Liu Yue knew what she wanted to say.

to be frank.

Regarding the situation facing the royal family and the deficit head now, if Tang Manqing and Liu Yue said that they were not worried, it was false, but they could only worry about it. These days, they are also running about this matter. What to do Do it all, and do everything you shouldn't.

Now Tang Manqing is waiting for news from Emperor Yunqi.

And Liuyue can only wait for the news from Master Black Buddha.

In addition, the two can do nothing, after all, the existence of the immortal dominates this world.

And they can only listen to fate.

If the immortal really wanted to kill them, they would have to fight hard.

Thinking of this, Tang Manqing had some headaches, and said, "It's going to rain, and my mother is going to marry. It's all up to the fate. Today I'm in a good mood. We won't talk about this, Xianger, should you turn to the show?

Lin Xiang'er looked up at the moonlight in the night sky and said, "It should be fast."

"Let's go, I haven't heard you play in a long time."

The three had just stepped out of the quiet garden, and now it was very chaotic outside. Many people were stunned to watch the excitement, as if someone was fighting at the gate of the park.

Liu Yue frowned, "Someone else is doing something in the garden?"

"This is Yunchuan Tour. Isn't it normal for someone to fight?"

There are not so many messy rules in the tour of Yunchuan. In addition, the dragons and snakes are mixed here, and most of them are young people. Therefore, when fighting and fighting are alive, they are constantly banned. From the voice of the argument, it seems that the people who are doing it are Yanluo Xianfu. Lord Lu Tianze.

Yanluo Xianfu is inhabited by many imperial elders, and it is said that there are hundreds of them.

Each of these fairy dynasties is the second generation of immortals. Their background identity is stronger than one, and there are horrible existences such as the big sun and bright law. No one dares to mess with them in the Roman and Roman states.

To say that of the hundreds of barons in Yanluo Xianfu, who has the highest cultivation and who has the strongest strength may not be known.

But to say that among the Yan Luoxian Mansion, which is the most arrogant and most arrogant.

Anyone who practices in the Yan and Luo Kingdoms knows that if one talks about arrogance and arrogance, Lu Tianze is the most prominent among Yan and Luo Xianfu.

In the past, although Lu Tianze was arrogant and arrogant due to the bright daylight, he was still not overbearing. After all, the seven major gates of the four major families of Yanluo Kingdom were also geniuses. For example, Lu Tianze was still in front of the famous eighteen Yanluo youth More or less bogey.


Nine years ago, destiny came and nature blossomed.

There are both big and small destiny, large and small books, and various fortunes.

Of course.

Whether it is big or small destiny, or big and small books, after all, they are all great creations, and they are not available to everyone. At least, for ordinary people, this stuff is really far away. Never seen it before.

Nevertheless, many people have benefited immensely.

Either repair it for a breakthrough, or make it bloom.

Lu Tianze is one of them.

His cultivation has achieved a breakthrough, and he has achieved Dixian at the same time.

His fortune is for Cailing ~ ~ He previously had more than 160 weights.

This heavy number is in the territory of Yan Luo, among the many spoiled gods, saying that high is not high and low is not low.

Since ancient times, innate awakening has focused on awakening, and acquired nature has focused on growth.

Congenital creation is innate. If you fail to awaken, it is no different from ordinary people. Once awakened, it can be said to be a dragon in a storm, and the future is unlimited.

Treasure-like body is a kind of innate creation. Although there are not many people in this world with innate aura, there are only a few people who can awaken. This thing depends on its own creation, and you can awaken when you are born. Some people can awaken when they sleep, and some people can also wake up with the guidance of a superior. There are also many people who have spent all their lives trying to awaken their treasures.

Nature's Cailing is not congenital, but acquired.

The acquired nature is particular about growth.

It's not easy to just want to grow up.

Like Cai Ling of nature, there is a ridge in Nine Heavy, a ridge in Eighteen, and a gully in 1981, and a gully in 188, the more difficult it becomes.

It's not easy for ordinary people to get Cailing fortune.

It is very difficult to break through this gully of 1981.

And the one that broke through the 180 is even more rare.

Some people say that the growth of Cailing fortune is a hundred times more difficult than the cultivation of immortals.

This is indeed the case.

Especially in the ancient times, as long as people are not stupid, stupid, or greedy, they can practice diligently, and one day they will be able to attain immortality.

Of course, this nature is different. This thing is not something you can break through, but it requires understanding and opportunity. It also requires the perception of nature. The deeper the understanding of nature, the more colorful the spirit is. Creativity can gradually grow.

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