
Vol 2 Chapter 1036: lively

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Feelings about nature need to be gradual and gradual. This thing is anxious and can't rush. Maybe the opportunity comes, and Mao Sai will open up.

If you are lucky and have an epiphany to nature, it is not impossible for your own colored spirit to grow three or five, or seven or eight. If you grow a dozen or twenty, it is definitely luck, great opportunity, and great insight.

It's just that such a situation is too rare, and some people may not be able to come across it for a lifetime.


According to rumors, when Lu Tianze came to his destiny nine years ago, when nature bloomed, he encountered a rare opportunity for thousands of years, making his own spirits change overnight from a hundred and sixty. Suddenly grew to three hundred and forty.

Such epiphanies are absolutely rare through the ages.

At least, since the beginning of this ancient era, no one in Yan Luo has had such a good chance.

The three hundred and forty-weight Caicai of nature, looking at the entire Yan and Luo Kingdom, has few to match.

To know.

Nature's Cailing, which is 1989 heavy, has the extraordinary power of nature, which is like a storm of nature!

If it is one hundred and eighty, it has the power of nature to change, and it can become a cloud, a wind, and a thunderbolt!

And if it is two hundred and seventy, it is the power of nature. In the rumors, raising the hands and throwing your feet contains the terrible power of nature.

However, Lu Tianze only possessed more than one hundred natural colored spirits nine years ago, and he dared to arrogantly trespass in the territory of the Yan and Luo country. The power, coupled with its pride in the bright sun and the bright sun, the horror of strength is beyond reach.

This is indeed the case.

In these nine years, Lu Tianze is extremely arrogant. Relying on the thunder of nature and the bright light of the sun, he can be described as rampant in the territory of the Yan and Luo Kingdom. Not to mention the pseudo-earthen in ancient times, even in ancient times. Dixian, you can only walk around when you see him.

"It's Lu Tianze again."

Lu Tianze's name has been very loud in the Yan and Luo Kingdom in recent years. It is not too much to call it everyone. Tang Manqing naturally knows, not only knows, but also heard that Lu Tianze bullies people everywhere, and has encountered a few Times.

Such fighting and fighting often occur in Yunchuan Touring Gardens. The three of Tang Manqing did not bother to bother, but just walked for a while and found that everyone was talking about it, and it seemed that all the activities in the Touring Garden were coming together to watch the fun. All three felt that things might not be that simple.

"What happened at the gate of the garden?"

The three found a random person and wanted to ask about the situation.

No matter Tang Manqing, Liuyue, or Lin Xianger, they all have a good reputation in the Yan and Luo countries, and few people don't know them.

How excited the few young people who were stopped by them questioned, and now they did not dare to hesitate, and quickly said, "The Lord of Manqing County, Miss Xianger, Miss Liu Yue, this is the case, we heard that Some disciples named Zhao Xuzong from Zhaoguo played prestige in the garden, not only hurt people, but also said that what our Yanluo kingdom called the created heavenly pride are some out of existence, and they are not worth mentioning in front of them. . "

Regarding Tianzhao Kingdom, Tang Manqing and the three knew it. It was an adjacent country. As for Yuxu Zong, they all heard about it. It is said that Yuxu Zong was also the first-class gate in Tianzhao Kingdom.

"At that time, Lu Tianze, the prince of the Xian Dynasty, was visiting the garden. After hearing about this, he led someone to give Tian Zhaozong's disciples a severe blow."

A few young people seemed to want to double up in front of the three goddesses, and said afterwards: "I heard that the Yuxong people are going through our Yanluo country this time, and there are many masters accompanying them. This is not the case. Just now, after a large group of elders from Yuxuzong learned of this, they all rushed over. "

"Although there are many masters from Yuxuzong, what kind of character is Lu Tianze? He is the arrogant prince of the imperial dynasty. He has a bright daylight and a 340-day nature thunder, and I am afraid of it. What Yuxong of them? "

"That's it! The Jade Xuzong of Raushzi really doesn't know life or death, and doesn't see where it is. How dare he say that we can't live in the natural world of Yanluo in our Yanluo country? Is this true? After the matter spread, we The gods of Yan Luo Kingdom are rushing here. "

"Yes, I heard that Li Juncai of Taijizong awakened Bai Yanbao's body, Zhou Ting with a small destiny who has a deficient head and a rudder, and Qiao Yu, who has a tiger and a wolf alienation in Nandouzong, also arrived at the first time. It's over. "

"I also heard that it seems that they are fighting with Yu Xuzong's master.

Tang Manqing, Liu Yue, and Lin Xianger looked at each other. I thought it was just a normal fight. I didn't expect that it would be so big, and not only Lu Tianze, but also Li Juncai, Zhou Ting, and Qiao Yu. At the advent of man's destiny, people have received unparalleled great fortune. In recent years, the first name is louder than the other, and even covers the so-called smoke and eighteen, and they all have one thing in common, that is, one is better than one. Arrogant, one more arrogant.

"One Lu Tianze, one Li Juncai, one Qiao Yu, and one small destiny Zhou Ting. If these people get together to make trouble, they can't be too small, really damn, why not fight, why have to visit the park!"

This Yunchuan Tour Garden is the business of Lord Black Buddha ~ ~, and Lord Black Buddha is the most respected teacher in Liuyue.

If it ’s an ordinary fight, she wo n’t worry about it, because the master of the black Buddha arranged in Yunchuan Tour Garden is managing it, but now these people in Lu Tianze are fighting with people in Tianzhao Guoyu Xuzong in the park. Liu Yue can't stand idly by saying nothing.

"This is my teacher's garden tour, but I can't let them come here. I have to go and see."

"I go with you."

Obviously, Tang Manqing and Lin Xianger also wanted to check it out.

"Xiang, don't you want to perform?"

"No rush, there is still time."

"Let's go."

That night.

The moon is bright and the stars are bright.

Yunchuan Amusement Park is brightly lit. There are millions of formations in the entire amusement park. Each formation is faintly shimmering, colorful and brilliant. It looks gorgeous against the backdrop of the moonlit night. .

Yunchuan Garden is lively.

Especially at the entrance of the park, the crowd was already overcrowded. The water from the inner three layers and the outer three layers was crowded. These people were looking up, looking angry, and yelling in the mouth. Shout to kill.

"Hit! Kill these old guys who don't know how to live or die, see if they dare to be arrogant in our smoke!"

"Fuck! How many people have Yuxong come this time? Why are there so many masters? And it looks like they are all ancient gods!"

"Nonsense, there are not many masters who can go with Yu Xuzong when they go out to practice? Those who are mixed with others will not say. I heard that among the masters with Yu Xuzong, there are more than 100 Dixian alone, and Most of them are great consummate celestial beings, Lingyuan celestial beings, and even Chaoyuan celestial beings. Even Guiyuan celestial beings have a lot. It is said that there are several scattered celestial beings leading the team. "

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