
Vol 2 Chapter 1037: Fortune of terror

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Earth fairy.

It is roughly divided into two realms.

The first is the one-in-one realm of the 1989 unity.

The second is the three-yuan, the state of three-yuan.

The so-called 1989 unity refers to the integration of the physical body and the physical unity of the Yuanshen Law, and the attainment of unity is the great consummation.

It's just that this thing is easier said than done.

The Dixian Road is the most important test for one's spiritual practice. If the foundation is not stabilized, the Purple Mansion is not strong enough, and the elementary gods are not pure, most of them will be folded here, and they will never reach 98 in their lifetime If the 11th National University is in a successful state, if it is forcibly merged, it will not only fail, but will not even save its life.

Those who benefited from the fate of nature in this ancient age and bloomed in the natural world, and chances of clever integration into the local immortal, will probably stop here.

This is the case with pseudo-fairies.

Those who make good Tianjiao are no exception, and even more so.

The more you create, the more difficult it is to merge, and the more powerful your creation, the more dangerous it is when you merge.


When the 1981 Harmony Realm is reached, it is the so-called triple realm.

The first element is the spirit element.

After the complete integration of the physical form and the physical form of the Yuanshen method, its own power will have a qualitative ascension, and the spiritual power will not be the power of the aura, but will be transformed into the power of the spirit.

One is Qi and the other is Yuan.

The gap is like a divide.

It is no exaggeration to say that the power of a primordial earth fairy is not comparable to that of ordinary earth fairy.

The immortals of the unity realm, whether it is eighteenth, thirty-sixth, or even forty-five, the gap between them is not too large. If there is no good fortune, the strength of the two is almost the same. If you do not fight duel, I am afraid that no one can do nothing.


The Lingyuan Dixian is different. Because the Lingyuan power has a qualitative ascension after unity, even if the three or four, or even seven or eight, the Dixian realm is not the opponent of the Lingyuan Dixian.

And only when stepping into the realm of spirits, is the true bottom line of the immortal, and its own spiritual power can reach the true cycle, from beginning to end, with a steady stream of tricks, one can do everything, it is very powerful.

Lingyuan Dixian is so.

Chaoyuan Dixian is more powerful.

First, the heart hides the gods, the day after tomorrow is to know the gods, the innate is the ceremony, the sorrow is empty, then the **** is set, the red emperor of the south will be angry.

Second, the liver hides the soul, the day after tomorrow is the wandering soul, the innate is the benevolence, the empty is the joy, then the soul is set, and the oriental green wood is the qi.

Third, the spleen conceals meaning, the day after tomorrow is delusion, the congenital is faith, the emptiness is more than desire, then it is determined, the rustic dynasty of the Central Yellow Emperor.

Fourth, the lungs are hidden, the day after tomorrow is a ghost, the innate is righteousness, and the emptiness is angry, then the spirit is determined, the western white emperor's golden spirit.

Fifth, the kidney hides essence, the acquired is turbid essence, the innate is wisdom, and the air is happy, then it is determined, and the water and gas of the northern emperor are the dynasty.

When you step into the Chaoyuan, your heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys will sublimate, and your energy, qi, and spirit will be full, and you will no longer have any turbid qi. Ordinary ground fairy can shake.

Dixian at this stage is a truly powerful being.

As for the existence of Guiyuan Dixian, it is known as the existence of human immortal.

This is the last state and the last threshold for the practitioner to attain Taoism and immortality. Once entering the realm of Guiyuan, it means that the path of spiritual practice has reached its end. This is also the most powerful stage for the practitioner. Silk, a pore, a trick point, a meridian are full and full, and one foot has stepped into the gate of Xiandao. Once the crossing is successful, you can become a fairy, and the human fairy is not a fairy, but a fairy. .

Right now.

Intense fighting is taking place in the air.

Twelve Greatly Immortals from Tianzhao Guoyu Xuzong are encircling four young men.

The four young men are not others. They are the four most famous names since Yan Luoguo's fate came.

Li Juncai from Tai Chi Sect.

Qiao Yu from Nan Douzong.

Zhou Ting from the deficit head desperately divided.

There is also Lu Tianze from Yanluo Xianfu.

Rather than besiege, it was Li Juncai who was singled out by the ten consummate immortals of Yu Xuzong, and seemed to be at ease.


Li Juncai from Taiji Sect is singled out for two Yuxun Sects.

But seeing the white flames around him, the majestic power of the majesty, even the two of Yu Xuzong's two great successes in a row, losing streak!

The people watching this scene were really amazed.

As we all know, this Li Juncai is a disciple of Taiji Sect and a disciple of Cang Yun, deputy Sovereign. Many people have heard that when the destiny came, he awakened the white flame body. Li Juncai defeated the Ancient Dixian a few years ago.

This is just rumor.

Many people haven't seen it with their own eyes, and they are doubtful.

At this moment, I saw Li Juncai singled out two great saints. The people realized that the rumors were not false and did not exaggerate. However, Li Juncai's strength was much stronger than everyone thought, especially him. The white flame treasure body is really powerful and abnormal ~ ~ The two perfectly perfect immortals of Yuxuzong can't even get close to them.

at the same time.

Qiao Yu from Nan Douzong also singled out two Great Satisfactory Immortals. He looked like a wolf and a tiger, fierce and fierce. One of the two Great Satisfaction Emperors of Yuxuzong was sprayed by his mouth and nose. .

"When Qiao Yu's destiny came, he got a kind of alienation. It is said that he could be transformed into a tiger and a wolf. There is no way to fight back, really tight! "

"Li Juncai and Qiao Yu are both very powerful, but if you look at Lu Tianze, it is even more powerful. One person singled out three great consummates."

In the air, I saw Lu Tianze standing proudly, with a round of bright sun on top of his head, his body full of 340 full-colored natural spirits, a trick containing the thunderous nature of nature, a fist offering , The three great perfect immortals were spurted by his shock.

Nature's Cailing, created in 1981, is for transcendence, and contains the might of nature's storm.

One hundred and eighty is heavy, can be transformed into a cloud, into the wind, come without a shadow and disappear.

If it is two hundred and seventy heavy, it is the thunder of nature, with one trick and one force.


To say that the craziest, fiercest, most astounding, the amazing thing is Zhou Ting from the deficit head.

He singled out Jade Xuzong for five great saints.

Do not!

Not one-on-one.

Because he was just holding his arms, standing proudly in the air, without saying anything, he did n’t even open his eyes, he just stood there, with a proud and disdainful smile around his mouth, and his whole body looked like heaven. General Guanghua, Guanghua shrouded it, and allowed the five consummate immortals of Yuxuzong to encircle, but they could not break through the glorious Guanghua that day.

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