
Vol 2 Chapter 1040: Humane scriptures

There are more and more people joining the clan. Some melon-eating crowds who watch the battle really don't think it's too big to see the excitement, not only to cheer loudly, but also to yell and kill, and even more, to join the clan directly. The people who surrounded Yu Xuzong, even if they were afraid of things, would secretly perform a fairy art and sneak attack, anyway, the scene was so chaotic, even if the people who killed Yu Xuzong did not know who did it.

Although many people don't like Zhou Ting and Lu Tianze who are arrogant and arrogant masters, they do not allow the Yuxuzong from Tianzhao Kingdom to spread wild in their own country.

To say that Yu Xuzong is indeed the denomination of Tianzhao Kingdom. Faced with the siege of so many people, they are not afraid of danger. More than a hundred people have joined forces with their enemies, and more than a dozen Lingyuan Dixian and several Chaoyuan Dixian guard against it. The life of Yuxuzong's disciples was not threatened.

Tang Manqing, Lin Xianger and Liuyue have already come to the scene. They originally wanted to come here to see what happened. They did not expect it would be so serious. The three wanted to calm down and persuade the two sides to cease the war. Such a chaotic scene, the three were really helpless.


A loud shout came, and when the air exploded, the eardrum of the shocked person was painful, and the shocked person was dizzy and even more shocked.


Definitely a master.

This majestic applause was so loud that everyone on the floor knew that a master had appeared, all looking up.

I saw more than ten people in a row appearing in midair as if descending from the sky.

Seeing these people, everyone is a stunner. They all know these people. They are the immortal officers of Yanxian Luoxianfu, and they are also the distinguished nebula immortal officers.

Especially when they saw the young man headed by it, many fighting people stopped.

The man headed by him was a magnificent, handsome and upright person.

Few people in Yanluo's practice do not know him.

The surname is Wang, the first name is Fei Yu, and the person is Yu Yuzi.

It is the deacon of Yanluo Xianfu.

He is also a distinguished Yun Jue.

He practiced for only a few decades, but he has already become Lingyuan Dixian, and he has entered Lingyuan Dixian as early as a dozen years.

At this age, Lingyuan Dixian has been achieved, which is definitely a rare existence in the Yan and Luo Kingdom.

Even more frightening is that he is still an offspring of the Huwei family.

The Tiger King family is the famous and famous bloodline family in this world. The tiger blood is strong and no one knows it, not to mention that Wang Feiyu's Tiger Power is a rare earth-shaking Tiger Power.

As for the strength of Wang Feiyu's Dishahuwei, no one knows that when he just achieved Lingyuan Dixian more than ten years ago, seven or eight ancient Lingyuan Dixian who had cultivated for thousands of years were hit by him Fighting back, many people saw it with their own eyes.

Now more than ten years have passed, no one knows how Feiyu Yunjue's cultivation is geometric, and no one knows how strong his strength is.


After he appeared, he was in awe of many people.

Not just because of his distinguished status of Yun Jue.

It's not the practice of Lingyuan Dixian, but it's not just his terrible divine power.

It is because of his existence that he has a more terrifying identity.

This is the Daoshu Shu!

That's right.

He is a book-setter, and he is still a man.

No one knows how amazing the power of destiny is.

But to say how powerful, brilliant, and incredible the power of the Dadaoshu Shu, many people have heard of it.

As we all know, the scriptures of Dadao are one of the most noble and powerful creations in the world.

From ancient times to the present, only those who have great opportunities can achieve this creation, and those who have created this creation are, without exception, all the dragons and phoenixes who came into being.

This is because Da Dao's books are equal to Da Dao's handpicking. In other words, those who have Da Dao's books are also Da Dao's self-teachers. They will all be influential figures in the future.

It is both the main point of Da Dao and Da Dao. Therefore, Da Dao's scholars are all Da Dao disciples.

This Feiyu Yunjue got a humane scripture, a real dragon among human beings, and also a real hero, and his future achievements will be even more immeasurable.

His own identity as Yun Jue is extremely noble.

The immortal cultivation of himself, and the blood of the earth's mighty tiger, is invincible.

Now he has a humane scripture and possesses the terrible power of humane scriptures. Looking at the entire Yanluo Kingdom, I am afraid that few people dare to mess with him.

At this moment he prestigiously, many people stopped, and no one dared to rebel against the meaning of a humane scripture.

The chaotic situation finally quieted down.

Prior to being arrogant, the arrogant Qiao Yu, Li Juncai, Lu Tianze and others did not dare to arrogantly in front of Wang Feiyu. Even though Zhou Ting, who was a little destiny and a black-hearted grandson, met Wang Feiyu, he also shunned three points.

The low-key Yan Luo eighteen, Lan Xingyu and Xiao Zibai saw Wang Feiyu, their faces were slightly changed, and there was an awe in their eyes.

Even they are so, not to mention other people, even in the presence of Wang Feiyu, they dare not pant. ~ Yu Xuzong's elders are also knowledgeable people, Zhou Ting's young Destiny has surprised them a lot. I did not expect another humane manuscript to come now. The little destiny of Zhou Ting may not yet be integrated into themselves, but they all can see that this humane manuscript of Wang Feiyu has become a success. Climate.

"Brother Feiyu, this group of Yuxuzong people are arrogant in our Yan Luo, I must not use my talents to learn."

Lu Tianze walked over and explained carefully, looking very afraid of Wang Feiyu.

And Wang Feiyu ignored him, but stood with his hands in the air, his handsome face was expressionless, a little deep, and his eagle-like eyes swept away. No one dared to look at him, and then he looked at Yu Xu again. People from Zong.

"Master Yunjue, you Taoist friends, I ’m just passing through Yanluo this time. I will visit some of my old friends here. If there are disciples in my sect who are not bad, I also hope that you are all friends, Haihan. apologize."

This Rende is a divine immortal and a elder of Yuxuzong. He is very clear about the troubles in Yanluo Kingdom. For Yuxuzong, there is no harm in it. Once things get big, even Whether or not he can leave the country in alive is an unknown number. After learning about it, he rushed over the first time, thinking of peace of mind, never thinking that the situation would be in chaos, and he could only resist it.

At this time, the elders of Taiji and Nandouzong came to hear the news.

Taiji Sect is headed by Elder Xu Mu, and Nan Douzong is headed by Elder Li Yan. Both of them are prestigious seniors in the Yan and Luo dynasties. When they learned of this, they came immediately to stop the disciples in the sect. The second is also the most important. They also knew Yu Xizong's elder Rende. They also met a few days ago, and this time, a few Sanxian leaders led by Yu Xuzong were in Tai Xuzong. .

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