
Vol 2 Chapter 1041: Wonderful sister

Elder Xu Mu of Taiji Sect, Li Yan of Nan Douzong and other elders learned that more than ten elders of Yuxuzong were beaten and injured, and the people who did it were Li Juncai and Qiao Yu of their own ancestors. They hurried to Yu Xu Zong apologized and reiterated that he would be responsible for more than a dozen elders who were seriously injured.

I'm not afraid that Yu Xuzong found the post account. After all, both sides knew that although Yu Xuzong's disciples uttered mad words first, but because of this, they hurt the elders, not to mention the reason, let alone Zongmen. Diplomatic relations with Zongmen are also extremely important. Today you hit someone from Yuxuzong in Yanluo. If you pass by Tianzhao Kingdom in the future, will they be able to spare you?

The young man's impulse to do things has no consequences, but Elder Xu Mu and Elder Li Yan knew very well that if this matter could not be handled well, they would not want to go to Tianzhao Kingdom in the future.

With the emergence of the elders of Taiji and Nandouzong, this matter was finally suppressed. Although Yuxuzong's people were still angry, they could only do so. After all, this is a place for others. Can bear it.

"Oh, hey, our Yunchuan Garden is really lively today."


A joking voice came, everyone looked around, and saw a group of more than ten people entering the venue. These were the deacon of Yunchuan Youyuan, and the woman who looked so enchanting and charming as the head of the show, was in charge of Yunchuan. Supervisor of the garden.

The surname is Mei, the single name is a wonderful character, and the person is called Miao Sister.

There are two exquisite women in Yanluo Kingdom, whether they are Yanluo Xianfu, Yanluo Royal Family, and women who can open the seven gates of the four major families.

One of them is the owner of Ningling Mountain Villa, Chu Jiaohong, known as the Red Sister.

And the other is the big steward of Yunchuan Touring Garden, who is wonderful and is called Miao Sister.

The identity of these two people is quite mysterious.

What exactly is Chu Jiaohong ’s identity and background is still unknown, but I only heard that she was a character of the ancient times.

And this wonderful sister, everyone also does not know her identity background, only she is a reincarnation person, as for the previous life, no one knows.

The two have one thing in common. Not only are their identities mysterious, but their strengths are unpredictable. No one knows the strength of their two, but the rumors are very powerful. In recent years, many foreign masters have been exquisite. After the trouble at the villa, the money was lost, and the compensation was ten times and one hundred times. Those who had no money were left in the villa as coolies, and some of them disappeared inexplicably.

This is the case for Linglong Villa, and the Yunchuan Garden is no exception. Almost all the troublemakers here have no good end. It will not leave you as a coolie, it will not make you disappear somehow, let alone you. Hundreds of times of money lost, because the masters who have been troubled in the garden in these years have been without exception, all of them are unconscious and crazy, just like what is stimulated by the spirit.

Why did this happen?

No one knows the same.

It's like no one knows why the troublemaker in Linglong Villa disappeared for some reason.

The only difference between the two is that Chu Jiaohong acted a little bit more aggressively, as long as the rules of Linglong Villa were broken, whether you were a fairy house or a royal family, or a big family gate, it would not work. You can pay for what you pay, penny. There is no shortage of penalties, no matter how much punishment is required, and no slap.

And Ms. Yunchuan ’s tour of the garden does n’t have a lot of messy rules. She does n’t care, she does n’t bother to manage it, but the premise is that the order of the tour ca n’t be disturbed, and the order is out of order.

How to say?

Not sure.

All I know is that the master said by Sister Miao, after going out of the garden, is inexplicably crazy.

A few years ago, an elder of Nan Douzong was making trouble in Yunchuan Garden. It has been more than thirty years. The elder is still crazy.

Everyone knows that this wonderful sister is not easy to mess with. Besides, there is a master who is even harder to mess with, such as Lord Black Buddha. Xu Mu and Elder Li Yan just want to calm things down and explain things quickly.

Miao sister ate melon seeds and smiled, and said, "Since you have made it clear, do what you want, but ..." Speaking, Miao sister looked at Zhou Ting, Lu Tianze and others, and said : "They just said something inappropriate, and you beat them like this. Is it too heavy? If they spread it out, everyone thought that our country would bully foreigners in our own country. Who will be in the future? How dare you come to our Yan Luo to play. "

"Huh! Their Yuxong said that the Tianjiao of our Yanluo Kingdom was a wave of fame, and then the prince shot to tell them whether the Tianjiao of our Yanluo country had a bad name."

Lu Tianze is extremely arrogant, and he doesn't seem to put Miao sister in his eyes. Bi Qiao also said scornfully, "Did we dare to live wild in Yanluo? Are we really vegetarian? thing."

"Oh, the tone of the imperial dynasty is not ordinary ~ ~ Miao Sister looks at the two, and the smile on the corner of her mouth grows stronger.

The two were trying to say something, but found that Wang Feiyu was staring at himself, and when they saw this, they both shut up.

"Sister, both parties have a responsibility in this matter, let it pass since it has passed."

Wang Feiyu is a fairy queen and a humane scripture. His identity background is not strong. When faced with beauty, he must also be called a wonderful sister. It is conceivable that this wonderful sister is really not simple, at least a little To be sure, Wang Feiyu didn't want to provoke Miu because of some trivial matters.

"Or Feiyu Yunjue can talk."

Sister Miao is holding the seeds in a leisurely manner, and a pair of charming and beautiful eyes are swept away on Li Juncai and others, and she laughs: "The young people nowadays are nostalgic for love, even fortune, it is really better than one. "

When she saw Zhou Tingshi, Miao Miao laughed, "You are the grandson of Zhou Ting, Master Heixin who got the little destiny?"

Because Master Black Buddha and Master Black Heart did not match each other, Yunchuan Youyuan is also Master Black Buddha, and as a grandson of Master Black Heart, Zhou Ting rarely visits Yunchuan to visit the park, and Miao Sister only knows his name. I've seen this person for the first time today.

"What about it?"

Zhou Ting looked more arrogant than Lu Tianze, holding his arms in the air, looking down at Miao Sister.

Although there have been rumors about how mysterious sister ’s identity is mysterious, and how strange her strength is, Zhou Ting has not heard of it, but he does n’t care about it. When he wants to come, this wonderful sister is nothing but a big steward of Lord Black Buddha. It's just that his identity background can be strong. Moreover, he now has a little destiny, naturally he doesn't fear anyone.

"Stupid, don't pretend."

The voice came, everyone looked, and another row of more than ten people walked into the venue. It was the man with a deficit head who was desperate.

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