
Vol 2 Chapter 1062: Important

Because he was afraid.

Afraid that the Emperor Chixiao would find him his old account.

Also afraid to be pointed after going out.

The one or two hundred years staying in Taiji Sect was the most memorable and painful period of Cang Yun.

He didn't think of revenge.

But he didn't dare.

There is no such ability.

Not even this ability.

In particular, the King of Qixiao later claimed the unparalleled throne of immortals and demon kings, both immortal and demon kings. When the immortal demon and the demon saw it, they were afraid of three-pointers. At that time, he could not become a master of the law, and he took revenge.

Cang Yun wanted to die many times.

But they were persuaded by the elders of Taiji Sect.

Fortunately, he also persisted.

After hearing that the Emperor Chixiao was killed by the gray fly of the Xiandao trial, Cang Yun knew that he finally managed to come out, and it felt as if he had cleared the clouds to see the sky. He was at the Taiji Sect's banquet, and he could not wait to tell everyone in the world that he Whatever it is, it's not that Xiandao fears your ashes fly away, but I Cang Yun lost to the King of the Sky and was still alive.

I thought that after the Xiaoxiao King was judged by Xiandao, his good day would come.

But it turned out that it was just what he thought.

Although the King of Qixiao was judged, Yu Wei was still there. The deficit head of the Qixiao people is spread throughout every large area of ​​the world, and the legend of the King of Qixiao is well-known to everyone in the world. The half-death incident of the King of Xiaoxiao was naturally spread.

The events of that year were as firmly stuck on his head as a hoop curse, no matter how he shook it.

That was the biggest stain in his life, the biggest shame, and the shadow that could never be erased from his heart.

He hates!

Hate the Emperor Chixiao ruined his life.


As the year after year, King Chixiao was gradually forgotten by the world, and few people have mentioned it today.

It is just that Cang Yun is no longer the Cang Yun who was hailed as the first person of Yan Luo at that time. Although he can be said to be immortal today, but because of the failure of crossing the robbery, it is only a scattered fairy.

The Sanxian, as the name implies, the Sanxian fairy, although there is a fairy name, but there is no immortal, and he is not qualified to soar for nine days. In his poor life, he can only be a Sanxian. In other words, he can only do so in his life , There is no possibility of soaring.


Only then placed all hope on his disciple Li Juncai.

Li Juncai is talented and intelligent, and has a very high level of understanding. In addition to the awakening of Bai Yanbao's body, as long as he carefully teaches, there is absolutely no future.

The royal gate can be expensive for the mother.

In Dasongmen, teachers are expensive.

As long as Li Jun can become a Taoist immortal in the future, his master's status in Tai Chi Sect will also improve.


Now Li Juncai has been severely wounded, and the awakened Bai Yanbao's body has disappeared. It is still unknown whether he can continue to practice in the future.

This is undoubtedly a catastrophic disaster for Cang Yun, all hopes are shattered.

What made him intolerable was.

At that time, he was half-dead by the Red King.

Now his own baby apprentice turned out to be half-dead by a red king.

The only difference is.

He was beaten by the true King of the Sky that year.

But his baby apprentice was beaten by an unknown King Qixiao.


This is not important to Cangyun at all. What is important is the King of Qixiao. It is a shame to be a real King of Qixiao. It is even more a shame to be half-dead and beaten by a fake king. This makes him intolerable. A group of elders stopped him, and Cang Yun rushed into Yunchuan Amusement Park to find the man who claimed to be the King of the Xiaoxiao and shattered it.

"Now whether that man is a king or not, no one knows. There are many opinions, and everyone is guessing."

It was Elder Xu Mu who spoke. He looked pale, but was not badly injured by Gu Qingfeng's prestige last night. However, his mind has not been able to reunite so far, and the Yuanshen phase is quite confusing. Unable to recover.

"I heard that the professed king made the blood-sharp dragon of Chixiao people awe and kind, but is it true?"

Facing the inquisition of the lord, Xu Mu nodded and said, "Last night, I saw Shi Lingkai's blood-sharp dragon elephant shocked by his mighty power, and then circled around him, sending out a burst. The cheerful and joyful Long Yin Xiangming rang, and afterwards, I also consulted the old senior Yuheng, and they also said that they could clearly feel the awe of the dragon in the blood. "

He paused and said, "In my opinion, the person who claims to be a king, even if he is not a true king, must have a relationship with the king. Otherwise, the blood evil dragon cannot be as awesome as it is, plus him It ’s really unpredictable and weird. We do n’t want to take rash actions for the time being. ”

"Xu Mu! What do you mean!"

Cang Yun stood up and yelled, "It's all about stumbling? Do you know how much effort I have spent in order to wake up Jun Cai to Bai Yanbao? Do you know how important Jun Cai is to Tai Chi Sect? Lying in a coma, how can you say that you are a handsome elder? "

"I didn't say that it was forgotten, but just said that don't act lightly for the time being."

"What not to act lightly, I see you are afraid!" Cang Yun stood up, angrily reprimanded: "My dignified Taiji Zong is now half-dead in the hands of his disciples. If we just do it, then how will our Tai Chi Zong be in smoke? Luo Lizu? Huh! It's nothing more than a fake ancient Sirius. Mo said he was a fake, even if it was true, stumped me Taijizong, afraid he would not succeed? "

Seeing Cang Yun being so angry, Xu Mu didn't say anything, because he could fully understand why Cang Yun was so angry.

of course.

It's just understanding ~ ~ Understanding does not mean disagreement.

At that time, Cang Yun was half-dead, beaten by the real King of the Sky, and he was present.

Now Cang Yun's disciple, Li Juncai, was half-dead again by a true and false King Qixiao, and he was also present.

to be frank.

From Xu Mu's point of view, no matter what happened then or what happened last night, the wrong party was neither the true King of the Xiaoxiao nor the true king of the night.

When Cang Yun was beaten that year, he did not listen to persuasion at all, and he could be said to have arbitrarily acted arbitrarily. However, Li Jun was beaten last night. He also did not listen to persuasion.

It's just that Xu Mu only thought about it in his heart, knowing that it was the pain of Cang Yun, naturally he wouldn't say it in public.

Cang Yun snorted coldly and said, "Sovereign, this is a major matter, and it is also related to the reputation of our Tai Chi Sect. We must not forget it, especially at such a critical moment. I recommend that you immediately inform the Cabinet of this matter. Zu, please ancestors. "

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