
Vol 2 Chapter 1063: Sanxian said

This side of the world.

When it comes to long-standing families, there are almost all so-called cabinets.

The ancestors worshipped in the cabinet.

And most of these ancestors are mostly Sanxian.

Practice is endless, it is even more difficult to get to the Tao, and it is even more difficult for Feathering and Ascension. It is no exaggeration to say that very few people are able to finally attain Fei Xian ascension and ascension.

In ancient times and even ancient times, if the robbery failed, it would be wiped out.

It ’s just that as the practice civilization becomes more and more prosperous, all kinds of formations, all kinds of magic, and all kinds of magical treasures emerge endlessly. Today, with these gadgets, plus the help of masters of the Zongmen side, even if the calamity fails , Can also protect the spirits and immortals, Yuanshen law condensed without dispersing.

Although there will never be a chance for Taoism to become immortal in the future, there is at least one way to go, and that is Sanxian.

The path to Sanxian is also the final destination of most practitioners.

Think about it.

Those who can get the Taoist immortal are nothing.

Except for bad luck, the catastrophe failed.

Almost all the rest can only embark on the road of Sanxian.



Because Sanxian this road is not easy to go.

It can be said that there are many calamities, not just thousands of calamities, but also countless calamities, but countless and endless. At least, since ancient times, no one has ever taken the road of Sanxian to an end. Many Sanxian have Died on the way to the robbery.

Sanxian Road, no return home, endless robbery, withered years.

Even though the years have withered, the calamity of Sanxian has no end.

Sanxian is immortal but not immortal.

Maybe you have a fairy, but that's all. If you fail to cross the robbery, its fairy will become more and more turbid. The immortal power contained in it will be scattered but not condensed. The strength naturally cannot be compared with the real fairy.

of course.

This is not absolute.

Ordinary Sanxian, its cultivation strength may not be on a par with real immortals.

But as you go through one after another, the fairy will become more and more pure, and the power of the fairy will become more powerful.

The road to Sanxian, Yixianxian robs a heavy mountain, Jiuzhongxian robs a heavy sky.

According to rumors, as long as it passes through the Nine Emperor Immortals, its strength can be compared with the true immortals.


Nine heavy immortals are easy to say. How many people can you really get through?

You must know that the fairy jealousy of Sanxian is more terrible than the horrible, and the horror of nine is more difficult than that of becoming immortal.

The reason why they are reduced to Sanxian is because they failed to cross the robbery, so they managed to get back a small life. How dare they go to cross the Nine Immortals?

Of all the immortals, there are no chances that they dare, and they dare not.

Like the Cangyun.

He failed in the calamity and has been reduced to Sanxian for more than 200 years.

Even if it was just a heavy robbery, he almost made him die, how dare he go to the second?

It's not just him.

Like the Taijizong hall today, there are twenty or thirty scattered immortals. Most of them are the same as Cangyun. One or two robbers, even a few Taishang elders of Taiji sect, are only three robbers. Cang Kong, the current ruler of Taiji Sect, is nothing more than four slayers.

Neither of them dare to continue to cultivate, and if they continue to cultivate and usher in the next great immortal calamity, no one dares to say whether they can survive it safely.

If you stop there, you can live alive and chic.

If they continue to cross the robbery, once they fail, they will be wiped out.

The cabinet ancestors enshrined in the Taiji Sect are all thousands of years old or thousands of years old. The lowest is also the Sixth Calamity Sanxian, the Seventh Calamity Sanxian is more, and the Eighth Calamity Sanxian is not without. There are only a few of the nine immortals who are truly immortals. In addition, there are also a few old ancestors who are ten or more, even more.

After all, the Taiji Sect has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. Even if the road of Sanxian is hard to go, even if many Sanxian ancestors died on the way to cross the calamity, in the end, some strong Sanxian will remain.

"Sovereign, my reputation for Taijizong is not as good as it is in recent years. This time, the talent of Juncai has been abolished, and he is not only my disciple, but also our personal disciple of Taijizong. If our Taijizong is here, If things remain silent, what will the disciples inside and outside see? Who will enter our Tai Chi School in the future? "

Cang Yun's words were endorsed by many elders.

Although they don't want to, they have to admit that today's Taiji Sect is no longer than it was then. In the past few years, there have been a lot of good fortunes and a little destiny, but there has not been a good fortune that caused a sensation in the world. In addition, after these years, after the support of Yanduoxianfu, Nandouzong's power increased day by day, and there was a tendency to overtake Taijizong.

The reputation of Taiji Sect has begun to decline in the Yan and Luo Kingdom. If the disciples were not beaten this time, the reputation of Tai Chi Sect will inevitably drop.


Some elders, like Xu Mu, disagree with Cang Yun's words.


The Taiji Sect had no grudges with the man posing as a king. Li Juncai was injured this time. He was completely arbitrary and could not blame others.

This is a loss, you go to someone's post account.

What if I win?

This is really a loss of stylistic style, and also runs counter to the Taiji Sect's purpose.

This is just one of them.


The man who pretended to be a king was obviously not a provocative master. They even dared to kill the princes of the imperial dynasty. He even beat the flying feather Fei Yunjue who said that he was a human being. If he did n’t have the real skill, he would dare to be so open The respect of the immortal?


The strength of the man posing as a king is unfathomable, and no one knows the depth. If the ancestor of the cabinet is informed about this, in case the ancestor of the cabinet is not his opponent, wouldn't the Taiji loss be greater?


And most importantly.

The professed king is unknown.

Who dares to say that he must be fake?

In case it is true.

Isn't this a catastrophic disaster for Tai Chi Sect?

not to mention.

The blood dragon dragon of the Qixiao people is in awe of it. For ten thousand steps, even if he is not the true king of Qixiao, it must be related to the king ~ ~ this world, no matter what anyone As long as it involves the king, who can provoke it?

No one can mess with it.

With so many people pretending to be kings in the world, why didn't the Xian Dynasty take action to eradicate them?

Do you think the immortal doesn't want to?

Do not!

The Xian Dynasty was also afraid.

I am afraid that there will be a true King of the Sky.

Even the immortal dynasty was so jealous of King Qixiao, how could the little Taiji Sect dare to provoke King Qixiao.

Xu Mu strived to persuade him to analyze the pros and cons from various aspects. He said, "Zongzhu, this time it was not only Juncai who was our Taijizong, but also Nandouzong, and the disciples of the other six major families of the four major families They all have disabilities, especially the deficit heads of Xianfu and Master Heixin. So far, they have not had any movements. They want to come and have the same fears as us. In this case, why should we take this risk? "

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